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Before and After


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-often depressed, sometimes hating my life

-got angry when things didn't work out the way I wanted

-didn't know the name of any singer and band lol

-way too shy

-I saved almost all my money

-wore a lot of black



-much more happy, actually loving my life

-I don't care if sth doesn't work out :mf_rosetinted:

-I have a bit more musical culture I'd say

-more outgoing

-I spend all my money for gigs lol

-hanging around on mfc all the time and doing practically nothing for uni :fisch:

-well, I'd say I wear even more black :roftl:

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Before - reality

After - life.


I love that, that's how it feels for me too, but I'll explain a bit more hihi:naughty:




-quite depressed, every day was a rainy day

-not passionate about anything

-no motivation for anything, even life

-blonde hair

-no driving license :naughty:

-routine life, no adventure




-more optimistic

-passionate about mika and what this whole little world stands for

-finally loving a pop artist and not some hard rock metal band :roftl:

-red hair

-driving license :cool:

-I never felt more alive than during those concert adventures

-playing piano again

-first time I signed up with a fanclub!

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  1. sad
  2. lonely

  3. spent a lot of time writing poetry
  4. spent a lot of time on poetry sites
  5. Had never driven on a motorway
  6. had never been to London alone
  7. had never met strangers and shared the same room with them
  8. had never walked through London dressed as teh weirdest nun ever
  9. listened to other music
  10. didnt hanker after young men
  11. quite shy till you get to know me then mad and crazy
  12. hate me


  1. happier
  2. have more friends (online) but less in real life
  3. spend all my spare time on MFC
  4. Hardly write any poetry now cos I am happier
  5. Drove down a motorway to see Mika :mf_lustslow:
  6. went at the drop of a hat to London to see Mika :mf_lustslow:
  7. shared a room/hostel with strangers I had only spoken to a little bit online
  8. walked through London and didnt care at the stares at my crazy gear
  9. found a man who makes me interested in every word he says

  10. rarely lilsten to anything other than Mika now, it's not that I don't like other stuff I just can't stop listening to Mika:mf_lustslow:
  11. hanker after one young man only (but not really really seriously).
  12. quite shy till you get to know me then mad and crazy
  13. have a pang to want to know this person well and have no right to want that
  14. still hate me though :blink:

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-afraid to be myself

-only wore what was in style

-very un-optimistic

-never dream of speaking my mind

-stuck up

-not creative



-I am myself

-I wear and do whatever I want

-I don't care what anyone thinks of me

-More creative


-Don't get mad easily

-Friends with everyone

-Speak my mind


I really changed alot. That's a good thing, and it's sad so many people out there are like my old self and are afraid to do anything others might find 'weird'.

THANKS EVERYONE:mf_lustslow:

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I never posted on a forum before, or even joined a fanclub before.

I never met a musician I looked up to.

I never won a contest.

I never made so many new friends in such short amount of time.

I've never seen anything like Mika, or any of his fans before discovering Mika.

I never watched a musician grow in popularity, character, or musically at all before Mika. I only listened to Classic Rock.

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- Bored and sick of life

-Seemed like I had a bleak and boring few years ahead of me

- was getting sick and tired of all the stupid music being released these days!!

- felt lonely

-didnt belong anywhere




- I am a lot more positive about life in general

- I am always on MFC and feel I really belong here

- Found recent music which I LOVE (Mika!)

- Have a fantasic 2008 ahead of me

- have done many things (like go to London on my own for a mika gig) which I would not have done before!

- I feel a lot more confident in myself

-Made loads of friends of which many I will be meeting in Feb

- Have made one great friend in particular who i will hopefully be meeting up with in summer as well as at the gigs in Feb!

- Have a better awareness of life and feel like I am really living life now!



So, in general, finding out about MFC and Mika was one of the highlights of 2008 and I am a much better person who is happier and more content in life! So thanks to mfc and Mika for making me see things in a better light!!!


Liz x x x


p.s This is my 500th post, woo!!!

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- Bored and sick of life

-Seemed like I had a bleak and boring few years ahead of me

- was getting sick and tired of all the stupid music being released these days!!

- felt lonely

-didnt belong anywhere




- I am a lot more positive about life in general

- I am always on MFC and feel I really belong here

- Found recent music which I LOVE (Mika!)

- Have a fantasic 2008 ahead of me

- have done many things (like go to London on my own for a mika gig) which I would not have done before!

- I feel a lot more confident in myself

-Made loads of friends of which many I will be meeting in Feb

- Have made one great friend in particular who i will hopefully be meeting up with in summer as well as at the gigs in Feb!

- Have a better awareness of life and feel like I am really living life now!



So, in general, finding out about MFC and Mika was one of the highlights of 2008 and I am a much better person who is happier and more content in life! So thanks to mfc and Mika for making me see things in a better light!!!


Liz x x x


p.s This is my 500th post, woo!!!


congrats on your 500th post :punk: lol and your story sounds similar to mine doesn't it.

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congrats on your 500th post :punk: lol and your story sounds similar to mine doesn't it.


Actually, yes after readin your post it is true, even to the points like had never shared a room with a stranger which I will be doing in Feb! and I used to write a lot of quite depressing poetry! It is freakily similar as u put down things that are also the same which I jus didnt mention on mine!!! wow, thats quite cool!


And thanks, here is to reaching 1000 before the end of next week,hopefully! :thumb_yello:

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  • 4 months later...

Before -


* I was lonely and listened to nothing BUT Queen pretty much.

* I missed Freddie to a point that was almost unbareable.

* I was searching for something that could never be found.

* I wasn't LIVING but rather simply existing.

* My wardrobe was as dull as my outlook on life.

* I was in a slump - the daily grind of work, home, work, home.

* I was generally melancholy.




* I am NEVER lonely. I have made SO many life-long friends.

* I still miss Freddie dearly - but my heart is not so empty any longer.

* I found something more precious then gold.

* I am LIVING life to the FULLEST.

* I love to explore my fashion sense now, which just so happens to be quite colorful.

* I listen to Mika all the way to work and it brightens up my day - great start.

* I am ALWAYS happy, smiling, cheerful, and friendly!!!!


...and also the day that I met Mika - REALLY my whole life did change! I also met my BEST FRIEND and soul sister that day! Mika makes me happy in ways that cannot even be expressed! He is beyond the most amazing miracle that has ever occured!

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I have had two very difficult years but my life changed a lot last year! and it was at that moment that I heard for the first time of Mika, so Mika means a lot to me, it's like I had a life before Mika and I have my new life!


Before: :tears:


  • lonely
  • insecure and shy
  • I HATED school
  • no driving license
  • No musician I looked up to
  • I wore boring clothes
  • had not really a best friend
  • never signed up in a fanclub/forum
  • I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of my problems
  • very unhappy



After: :biggrin2:


  • I have a lot of new friends!
  • I’m not shy anymore, I don’t care what other people say about me and I’m much more optimistic
  • I went to college and now I like going to school :D
  • I have my driving license
  • I'm fan of a musician I look up to :wub2:
  • My clothes are changed a lot: more color and more me :mf_rosetinted:
  • I have a best friend
  • Signed up in a fantastic fanclub/forum :biggrin2:
  • Don't sleep a lot because I'm too much on MFC
  • Redecorated my room like I want
  • HAPPY!!! :woot_jump:
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Good idea for a thread:thumb_yello:


Okay here's me:


Before Mika:

- a was probably a bit more self concious

- didn't get into music as much (even though I love music, I didn't venture out and check out new artists a lot)

- got a good nights sleep


After Mika:

- have become a bit more self confident

- love to check out new music/artists now

- don't get enough sleep *cough MFC cough*

- relate as many school projects to him as I can

- have a new obsession...hehe

- 2 words...LOLLIPOP GIRL!!!

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before i found out about mika:thumbdown:...

- i judged people WAYYYY to much

- i wasnt myself, i always tried to be like everyone else

- i would only listen to music that was popular at the moment (ex: anything on z100, even if i didnt like it i would force myself to listen to it to fit in)

- i wasnt creative

- self conscience

- less open, and didnt express myself


after i found out about mika:thumb_yello:...

- i am much more excepting of people and I DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE YAY!

- i am completely myself whether people like it or not, i am who i am

- i am much more open to new music and finally listen to music i actually like even if no one else at my school likes it

- i am much more creative, i LOOOVE to draw now

- i am no longer self conscience of what i look like and i am not worried of what other people think or say about me

- WAY more outgoing! i was really outgoing before but not in the same sense, then i was more outgoing as stupid outgoing and being fake happy to draw attention and crap like that now its full on outgoing, dancing in the middle of the cafeteria, letting my hair go crazy:punk: singing at the top of my lungs in the hall:bleh:



this last one i am not proud of AT ALL! this has really just hit me this past week and this was part of the reason i havent been on as much, for the past few weeks i have realized how little i have been spending with my friends, and i felt that i was drifting away from them and that i wasnt connected with them any more, yesterday i got a call from my bestfriend and she told me how i am becoming totally isolated with all of this mfc stuff and how i am spending way to much time on here and not with any of them... i didnt know how to respond, cuz i know i cant leave the mfc! this place really brought me out of me and made me sooo much happier in the sence of excepting who i am as a person and being who i am and not giving a s**t, and i didnt want to tell her that it is hard for me to hang out with them any more because i cant relate to them any more... its like when i changed they stayed behind, i dont watch the same shows as them, i dont listen to the same music, i dont think the same guys are hot, i dont like the same movies, and they are all clickish and talk behind peoples back!


so for those who havent figured out what the before is it is:

-had lots of close friends


and the after is:

-is slowly becoming disconnected from friends because of the mfc:tears:

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Before: this happy girl with nothing to look up to, no pasion, no love, just watching tv...


After: this happy girl who cant wait to listen to the most amazing man in the whole wide world, spendonc aall the tim in mfc and just looking a pictures of the music's world most perfect creation... MIKA MIKA MIKA MIKA

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I simply.... can't remember life before MIKA. As obsessive and insane as that seems, it's true! What did I do when I didn't have Mika? There was no MFC, and no MIKA, no LICM, no concert videos to reminisce on, no Live in Cartoon Motion...

What did I do after school? Do... homework??? Sit??? Be Dead???!! But seriously, I really can't remember what I did before I knew about him...


Now, Mika has put inumerable amounts of life in me, and I'm just scarily and hauntingly happy all of the time...

I have amazing day dreams about MIKA and all of you guys coming and picking me up at school and going on an adventure on a bus and hanging out with him. I have something to talk about when the conversation gets sketchy and boring, and I feel full..

And my self esteem and confidence has gone up tons, I'm more outgoing, and now I wear what ever I want and don't care what others think. He has influenced me tons..

Now I just spontaneously combust with random smiles and jitters and stuff, when I replay an interview over my head. I can't imagine what it would be like if I wasn't a MIKA fan. Seriously, what would I have now? My family and friends always, but nothing in the middle that I can love. But I have that now. :wub2:

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yayy this looks like fun.


ok so


before mika

-I felt very alone. I knew what i believed in but i seemed to be the only one...

-I was very ignorant. I didn't really know much about other cultures or other places.

-I wore all black and i wanted to paint my room black

-when people were rude to me, i was rude back

-I was very rude to my mom. despite all the nice things she did for me. :thumbdown:

-I was VERY angry.

-I'd never really travelled much and I felt very stuck. Like i was going to be in utah my whole life without any other options.


-I found a sense of inner peace.

-My eyes were opened to the world and I saw all the different places I could live and all the different people i could meet.

-I started learning french!

-I went to san francisco:mf_lustslow: and learned that i didn't know how to read a map...

-I met many new friends.

-I introduced other people to mika and watched him change their lives.

-Basically, I just became more comfortable with myself and my surroundings

-I also got closer to my mom.

- I watched the "impossible" become possible. 2.08.08





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And my self esteem and confidence has gone up tons, I'm more outgoing, and now I wear what ever I want and don't care what others think. He has influenced me tons..

Yeah, me too. I care way less about what people think of me now.

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