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Mika's *SORRY* - Hammersmith cancellation - Phone Call


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well that's part of the issue with me :naughty: I'm usually on going-to-work mode. Bumping into Mika in the street wouldn't phase me that much, queuing with a huge crowd of people after a gig just to meet him for a split second would more so.


You can't exactly ask him to autograph your DVD if you spot him outside his house can you? :naughty:

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Yeah, I know I live in London but I'm not right in the centre. I can go a week or more without stepping foot into central and not feel like you're even in London. But I want to, I can be in Charing Cross 15 minutes from leaving the house. Best of both worlds! (It's rare I go 3 days without going into central though...I miss it too much!)


Greenwich feels like part of the core of London to me even if it's not technically central. I would love to live there, whereas I wouldn't want to live far off in the suburbs.


Although I'd rather live just about anywhere in England than Canada at the moment.

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Greenwich feels like part of the core of London to me even if it's not technically central. I would love to live there, whereas I wouldn't want to live far off in the suburbs.


Although I'd rather live just about anywhere in England than Canada at the moment.


Be nice for us if you lived nearer. :huglove:


Can't you talk your boss into posting you here? You could bring your cats.....

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Greenwich feels like part of the core of London to me even if it's not technically central. I would love to live there, whereas I wouldn't want to live far off in the suburbs.


Although I'd rather live just about anywhere in England than Canada at the moment.


I used to think that about Greenwich before I moved here. Once you live here for a couple of months though, you get used to seeing the same people in the streets and in the shops etc. and it has much more of a village feel to it. Being able to see Canary Wharf and the London Eye in the background seems more like a painted backdrop than actual central London.


Wanna do a house swap? I love Canada! (although I think I might love London a teeny bit more)





(I think we can safely say we may have gotten slightly off topic from the phone call.....)

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Personally I would prefer it if there wasn't any talk about where he lives, not even in a vague and jokingly matter.. To me it is a huge invasion of privacy.


I don't disagree with that. I think the dam broke when Mika publicly spoke about fans coming by his house in an approving manner. I still don't think that makes it appropriate to leave gifts at his house, but there's a sense that the cat's out of the bag now.


Fans know where he lives. Mika knows that fans know where he lives. Fans know that Mika knows that fans know where he lives. That doesn't necessarily mean it needs to be talked about on the forum but it's not exactly a secret anymore either.

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*confused* i think it was nice of him to call you and everything but did he canceled a concert or sthg??:mf_rosetinted:


He cancelled his last 2 London concerts. He phoned because he didn't cancel until about 4pm and lots of us had been queuing for about 6 hours by then and traveled from different countries etc.

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Fans know where he lives. Mika knows that fans know where he lives. Fans know that Mika knows that fans know where he lives. That doesn't necessarily mean it needs to be talked about on the forum but it's not exactly a secret anymore either.


A lot of earlier interviews gave nearby road names, house descriptions etc. And another thing which I won't mention, but let's say it's not hard to know where his house is and he doesn't try and hide it. I think he trusts people to be sensible. Without moving though he doesn't have much choice, it's just something to live with.

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I don't disagree with that. I think the dam broke when Mika publicly spoke about fans coming by his house in an approving manner. I still don't think that makes it appropriate to leave gifts at his house, but there's a sense that the cat's out of the bag now.


Fans know where he lives. Mika knows that fans know where he lives. Fans know that Mika knows that fans know where he lives. That doesn't necessarily mean it needs to be talked about on the forum but it's not exactly a secret anymore either.


You're completely right having the sense the cat's out the bag.


On the radio show it was Jo who mentioned it in an approving manner like "ooh how nice they left gifts on your doorstep" and Mika went along with that. He would've looked like a bit of an asshole if he went "ah yeah but I don't really like that, they should leave me alone" so that's why I feel he went along with it.


Just because people know, doesn't make it right in my opinion.

I see a huge double standard when it comes to Mika's privacy. On the one hand we respect him enough to not discuss his sexuality but on the other hand it's not considered intrusive to share personal information like his address and such.

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Be nice for us if you lived nearer. :huglove:


Can't you talk your boss into posting you here? You could bring your cats.....


Aw thanks. :wub2:


I don't think my company could get me into the UK but I might be able to look into it more since I'm working for a large corporation now. Their headquarters are in Australia and they also have offices in South Africa so I'd like to know what the options are.


Once you live here for a couple of months though, you get used to seeing the same people in the streets and in the shops etc. and it has much more of a village feel to it.


South Kensington is like that though too. Especially for me as I was working with an American university study abroad program at Imperial College. My flat, my office and the student residences were all in the same neighbourhood and it feels far removed from Big Ben and Soho and all that.

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He cancelled his last 2 London concerts. He phoned because he didn't cancel until about 4pm and lots of us had been queuing for about 6 hours by then and traveled from different countries etc.


oh so are they the ones that he changed for the 26 and 27 of January?


and about his house maybe he pretends not to know because he doesn't want fans to bother him...

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South Kensington is like that though too. Especially for me as I was working with an American university study abroad program at Imperial College. My flat, my office and the student residences were all in the same neighbourhood and it feels far removed from Big Ben and Soho and all that.


Yep. I work right next to Imperial and although its a pretty big area, it feels like a little close knit community. Seeing people you know pass you on the streets and stuff everyday... you definitely don't get that in central! (I know it IS in central but...you know what I mean)

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On the radio show it was Jo who mentioned it in an approving manner like "ooh how nice they left gifts on your doorstep" and Mika went along with that.


That's not true. He brought it up totally unsolicited in the context of how he felt about having to disappoint people who had gone to such great lengths to see the concerts that were cancelled.


I've thought about this a lot because no matter what he said I can't believe he would really be okay if people were constantly dropping things at his house and am really surprised he said it.


I think his amazement was due to the fact that he felt like sh*t about the cancellations and expected people to be disappointed and even angry and instead they were dropping off gifts for him. I think he actually was pleased about it in that respect although I'm sure he'd prefer it if no one made a habit of showing up on his doorstep for any reason.


Just because people know, doesn't make it right in my opinion.I see a huge double standard when it comes to Mika's privacy. On the one hand we respect him enough to not discuss his sexuality but on the other hand it's not considered intrusive to share personal information like his address and such.


No one is sharing Mika's address publicly. And there's no double standard with regards to his sexuality because people are discussing that privately as well whether anyone wants to admit it or not.


The criteria for "invasion of privacy" is much different when we're talking about discussing it on MFC compared to whether it should ever be discussed by fans at all.

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That's not true. He brought it up totally unsolicited in the context of how he felt about having to disappoint people who had gone to such great lengths to see the concerts that were cancelled.


I've thought about this a lot because no matter what he said I can't believe he would really be okay if people were constantly dropping things at his house and am really surprised he said it.


I think his amazement was due to the fact that he felt like sh*t about the cancellations and expected people to be disappointed and even angry and instead they were dropping off gifts for him. I think he actually was pleased about it in that respect although I'm sure he'd prefer it if no one made a habit of showing up on his doorstep for any reason..


I agree about this. that's why i think he was talking so extensively about it. and he can be also rather relaxed about givng out personal details at times. depends on which details.




No one is sharing Mika's address publicly. And there's no double standard with regards to his sexuality because people are discussing that privately as well whether anyone wants to admit it or not.


The criteria for "invasion of privacy" is much different when we're talking about discussing it on MFC compared to whether it should ever be discussed by fans at all.



oh indeed, no one posts his address (hopefully :naughty: ). i think diana spoke about it generally. the way the discussion leads or may lead specifically. and as far as about me, it's not MIKA's judgement I'm worrying about, it's how I feel about giving away too much. the what we know but choose not to post boundaries.

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as far as about me, it's not MIKA's judgement I'm worrying about, it's how I feel about giving away too much. the what we know but choose not to post boundaries.


Yes it's a judgement call and everyone draws the line in different places. The boundaries also move depending on where and with whom you discuss it.


I've had some contact and heard some things this week that have made me stop and think about how much I want to share with other fans, publicly or privately. It's fine to speculate and gossip when you know that you don't actually know anything but if you happen to come across some more concrete information then it becomes your responsibility to contain it and make sure that it doesn't lead to any harm.


On the subject of some of Mika's fans knowing where he lives...he admitted it publicly so it's probably no shock to anyone that some of them happen to be MFCers. We can choose not talk about it, but I don't really see that it presents a problem. It's not private information, it's not news to us and it's not news to Mika.


Details of his address, the specifics of the house, etc. are a whole different matter and shouldn't be brought up on the forum and people would be wise to keep this information to themselves privately as well.

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Yes it's a judgement call and everyone draws the line in different places. The boundaries also move depending on where and with whom you discuss it.


I've had some contact and heard some things this week that have made me stop and think how much I want to share with other fans, publicly or privately. It's fine to speculate and gossip when you know that you don't actually know anything but if you happen to come across some more concrete information then it becomes your responsibility to contain it and make sure that it doesn't lead to any harm.


On the subject of some of Mika's fans knowing where he lives...he admitted it publicly so it's probably no shock to anyone that some of them happen to be MFCers. We can choose not talk about it, but I don't really see that it presents a problem. It's not private information, it's not news to us and it's not news to Mika.


Details of his address, the specifics of the house, etc. are a whole different matter and shouldn't be brought up on the forum and people would be wise to keep this information to themselves privately as well.


You mean the fact that's we're all over google?

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Yes it's a judgement call and everyone draws the line in different places. The boundaries also move depending on where and with whom you discuss it.


I've had some contact and heard some things this week that have made me stop and think about how much I want to share with other fans, publicly or privately. It's fine to speculate and gossip when you know that you don't actually know anything but if you happen to come across some more concrete information then it becomes your responsibility to contain it and make sure that it doesn't lead to any harm.


On the subject of some of Mika's fans knowing where he lives...he admitted it publicly so it's probably no shock to anyone that some of them happen to be MFCers. We can choose not talk about it, but I don't really see that it presents a problem. It's not private information, it's not news to us and it's not news to Mika.


Details of his address, the specifics of the house, etc. are a whole different matter and shouldn't be brought up on the forum and people would be wise to keep this information to themselves privately as well.


that's exactly what we are saying.

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