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The Oldlings Thread (Part 8)!!!


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I am (trying to) translate a dutch article about dyslexia. See Dyslectic Pride thread.


Where shopping for groceries of clothes or something?


Groceries. We have been putting them away.

And my cat has been playing with the shopping bags!!!


A Dutch article about dyslexia?

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Groceries. We have been putting them away.

And my cat has been playing with the shopping bags!!!


A Dutch article about dyslexia?


Yes, from a dutch professor. At least guess he is a professor because he has a degree from university.


I have to go to pick up the kids from school now. Talk to you later. Bye bye:punk:

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Yes, from a dutch professor. At least guess he is a professor because he has a degree from university.


I have to go to pick up the kids from school now. Talk to you later. Bye bye:punk:


Bye. See you later.

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good morning!


just popping in to say hello!

have been very busy this last week!

training a new employee....

and then just beat down and tired after all the regular housedrudgely things have been taken care of!


off to another busy day!

one more store to work today

and then off to the commissary for groceries

the fabric store for some zippers

and then creating some cute little doll sleeping bags for dylan and her friend -dylan has a sleepover birthday party tomorrow after school...

need i say more?


talk to you all soon!:wub2:





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Hello there Oldlings!


Have had a harrowing day already! Major

rant to follow:


I left the house around 10 a.m. and it was

*just* starting to flurry a little. So I go to the store

for a few essentials, and as I'm checking out I

see that it is a BLIZZARD outside. Seriously,

in that short time nearly 2 inches has accumulated.

And people around here don't know how to drive in

the snow. They just don't. SUVs are going 20 mph.

It's a freakin' TRUCK for cryin' out loud! And

I'm seeing that the longer they take to creep

along the worse it's getting.




So, I wind my way home, decide to take a main road

instead of the back roads because I assume it'll

be clearer. End up following a police car. OK, fine.

Get to within a 1/2 mile of my house -- cars

all over the road. The cop puts on his lights

and won't let me pass. But... but... I live just

over the hill, I can leave my car at the bottom

and walk home! No way, Jose. :sneaky2:


So I turn around.


And I go back on the main road the long way

around and eventually make it back to my neighborhood

again coming from the other direction.

Decide not to go down the *really* big hill, because I know

I'll never get back up the other side, decide instead to go the

longer way around, which would put me at the bottom of the hill

that I was trying to get to before.


As I crawl along this winding downhill, I realize maybe this

wasn't the best idea, as I see one car after another has slid off the

road, one with its back wheels spinning in the air,

another crashed into a mailbox. Two

teenage boys in a really bad collision -- both cars really

banged up. :(


But I keep my cool and get to the bottom of the hill, where there

are about a half dozen cars blocking

my way to the turn I want to make, so that I can pull over to the

space I've been aiming for.


Finally, finally, one woman, again in an SUV (and I have to ask, what

is the use of these things if you can't drive them in a little snow???)

moves over so I can get by. I pull over into the spot I've been

thinking of, park the car, grab a few bags out of the trunk, and

trudge up the hill to my house. Along the way, I pass more cars spun

off the road, and other crashed into a mailbox.


It's now noon. I left at 10 a.m.


At least I know the car is safe -- unless someone crashes into it. And

I'm safe at home. Whew.


To top it all off, my hubby's been in California

all week -- he's due to come home tonight. His

flight is supposed to get in at midnight -- maybe by then, things will be cleared up and the

snow will have stopped.


But as of right now, it's still coming down

pretty good. Have about 3 inches so far, we

may get as much as 6. I figure when Alex (my son) gets

home, we'll both walk down to the car and get

whatever else is in there that I should

bring home. And then we'll see...




I think I'll light a fire and have a cup of hot chocolate! :thumb_yello:


OK, thanks for listening -- I feel a little better now :)



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oh no deb!:shocked: my phone card does not work!

maybe the lines are just busy....maybe i'll try later....sigh


i'll tell you about my day later....just a hint: it started at 6.30 am with a flooded kitchen! my dish washer leaked water during th enight (yes yes...i should not start it and then go to sleep....:sneaky2: )

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