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Chicken or Ticket? Solve the arguement once and for all - Please!


Does he say 'Aint got no chicken' or 'Aint got no ticket'?  

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  1. 1. Does he say 'Aint got no chicken' or 'Aint got no ticket'?

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We have all been arguing for weeks since the broadcast in the UK of Mika's cover 'I got life' on Jools' Hootenanny 2007/08.

For those of you who havent yet seen it or would like to relisten, here is the link, provided by our very own babs:


The video has drawn 123 comments alone, not to mention the constant mentioning on the mfc.

So, at 1:02 - Does he, or does he not say 'aint got no chicken'?

The correct lyric would be 'aint got no ticket', and with off pronounciation, it would easily be that also - make your votes.

Lets settle it.

For the sake of man kind and mfc post counts.


Its been a week and one day since it was broadcast.


It's definately chicken; yet whether he said it as an inside joke 'for us' is another matter.

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BUT , does he get chicken??:sneaky2:


If he says he aint got none, and he DID say that :wink2: then we have to assume not. He was reaching out to us, it was a plea from the heart *or somewhere else*.


Whatever he tried to say (and I think he tried to say Chicken), it came out as Chicken. ^^


Exactly!!!! At worst, a Freudian slip, I think.:roftl:


Who mentioned turkey?? Turkey sounds much dirtier, somehow. Turkey could be the word for dirty chicken. I'm having turkey for me tea (really).


Please close this thread someone before the men in white coats come for us all!!!! :naughty:

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If he says he aint got none, and he DID say that :wink2: then we have to assume not. He was reaching out to us, it was a plea from the heart *or somewhere else*.




Exactly!!!! At worst, a Freudian slip, I think.:roftl:


Who mentioned turkey?? Turkey sounds much dirtier, somehow. Turkey could be the word for dirty chicken. I'm having turkey for me tea (really).


Please close this thread someone before the men in white coats come for us all!!!! :naughty:


I think the line between sanity and going completely mental has long been crossed. :naughty:


I mean, we're having a discussion about Chicken. :roftl:

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I think the line between sanity and going completely mental has long been crossed. :naughty:


I mean, we're having a discussion about Chicken. :roftl:


Nielo, I notice you are a newbie; I'm impressed that you are still with us and haven't run screaming for the hills already.


Some of us on MFC are still sane - but not many.

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Nielo, I notice you are a newbie; I'm impressed that you are still with us and haven't run screaming for the hills already.


Some of us on MFC are still sane - but not many.


Hehehe... I'm used to some insanity, I've been on other message boards before, although I have to admit, this one beats everything! :roftl::punk:

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Hiya huniieeeeeeeeeeee


Me and chicken they go hand in hand .. Ive missed ya!!! :wub2:


Please say hello to your family for me and wish them a great 2008 x


Yes admin .. thats proving a challenge with his managers already .. we will get there :thumb_yello:


LOL! Do you mean the last chicken at Sainsbury's FD?

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Yeh we have to keep sane somehow .. soon we wil be busy with real Mika things , now its a whole thread on did he say one word!!


i know! i'm happy to be in the first group of people able to report on coming up gigs too. by the way, i had read somewhere at some time in some thread (unless i was having a dream), that there was a chance that you may come to montreal concert, depending on work or something... is there still that chance?

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