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You May Not See Me For Awhile.....


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Okay, both my computers are having issues, and my parents are deciding to blame me and my MFC obsession(as usual, they are never wrong:mf_rosetinted: ) so, you might not see me as much as you usually do, (i know, no more cat fights, how sad!) except for when i can get to a computer that works (every tuesday) so, i just wanted to say goodbye....i will miss not seeing you every day....but i will be on for a little while here and there to check up on my home gurls/boys!

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Okay, both my computers are having issues, and my parents are deciding to blame me and my MFC obsession(as usual, they are never wrong:mf_rosetinted: ) so, you might not see me as much as you usually do, (i know, no more cat fights, how sad!) except for when i can get to a computer that works (every tuesday) so, i just wanted to say goodbye....i will miss not seeing you every day....but i will be on for a little while here and there to check up on my home gurls/boys!



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I'm sure your parents will let you back on here when they see the withdrawal you will go through!


trust me, they wont, i heard them talking yesterday about how they think someone on the MFC is transmitting a virus to my comp.....and they were rlly pissed cuz it happened to both of my computers!

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yep, and everyone is like "omg! i thought dutch ppl wore clogs and poofy dresses":roftl:


We do.

We're stoned all the time too.. and if you look at that picture closely, you can see our prostitutes standing in the back. :mf_rosetinted:

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awww. Phunkygal you cannot give up! You must fight the fight! I hope your parents eventually see that mfc is great and that it has a positive influence on a lot of ppl. I have made so many good mates on here and this place always cheers me up! I hope your parents eventually see your side!


We will miss u, come back soon ok?




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