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Anybody else doing A Levels/AS Levels?


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I can't wait to get doing a levels - you get so much more choice........ bye bye Maths.....! bye bye Science.............! :naughty:


depends how well you do in your GCSE's. If you get lower than a C in english or maths you have to take a course until you get the right grade.


(it sorta happened to me...I did maths for the first year but was allowed to drop it in my second year, and did so because I knew it would be too much...so..er...dunno what happened there! :roftl:)

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i did as/a-levels one and two years ago (obviously as levels come before a-levels..)


I did: Drama and Theatre Studies, Media Studies, English Literature and Language Combined and Art and Design: Fine Art.


my sister made me take english even though i didn't want to, because she said it would come in handy.


i liked all my other subjects, apart from english, as i never did the homework, never really listened, mucked around and gossiped...

As the year went on I found that Art was increasingly becoming more difficult. I've never been trained in Art and always stuck to pencils....drawing pencils and colouring pencils, while everyone else around me were brilliant at paint, chalk, charcoal...you name it.

Exam time was coming round, and my final piece turned out to be this:




my teacher practically slated it and said that it wasn't art, to which i responded "you're an ART teacher, isn't everything supposed to be art?"

he was biased and favoured abstract art like Picasso, and therefore didn't think pretty, fantastical things such as Fairies were considered art. He also said that if I used a different range of media (that's paint, chalk, charcoal...) instead of pencils, I'd get more marks which I thought was ridiculous, because surely it's quality over quantity?

I stuck to my guns and in my exam I did the same thing, but got an E. I discovered that art itself is all about self discovery and isn't really something that could be taught.


In my first year I got:


Art: E

Drama: D (it's alot harder than what i originally thought...)

Media: C

English: B


I was really surprised at English, because I never even tried. I worked hard on the others but English came out on top.


I decided to drop art and carry on with English. I thought I might as well study something that's gonna give me good marks, something I'm good at. *not saying i'm a bad artist, i don't think i am, just what the college considered good and bad...*


in my second year, I got:

Drama: D

Media: C

English: B


Same story with english again...didn't do anything, but gained the top mark. Heck, two of my exam papers were A's!! :shocked:


but i never found it stressful. I don't stress about it, i dont know why...

i study childcare now and have an exam tomorrow, but im not worried...


AWWW ... i understand your stress hun , but you did amazing in your other papers no reason why you wont in this one :wink2: ... Your art teacher sounds an ass btw :thumbdown::naughty:

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For example ... me , myself and irene - where he tells him he has multiple personality disorder , and then calls him a schizo ... 2 totally different disorders :wink2::naughty:


Wow i admire you for doing languages , i would love to but just cnt get the hang of it :boxed:


:bleh: I want to be an interpreter if anything apart from somewhere in the music business (which is why i took business studies).


My cousin is an interpreter for the, im not sure which one it is, might be the Air force, and she speaks 8 languages including Arabic, Japanese, and some really odd ones..... :blink: Shes mega talented!


But the psychology course at my college looks really good, in the 2nd year you get to choose 2 from psychology and sport, psych. and health, psych and crime.

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once ive finished my childcare course i'm going to study counselling. i think it's a very interesting subject and comes under psychology...i've always found it intriguing and love knowing how people's brains work.


your right it does ... im doing addictions counselling module at the minute and it fascinates me ... definatley a path i may want to explore in my career ! :thumb_yello:

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HAHA! im the same Caz like i just posted ! I do it ALL the time with films and i even noticed an error in the Brantano shoe advert !! :roftl:


You just can't enjoy things anymore!! I can't just think "ooohhh that poster's reeeaaaallly puurrrrdy..." like everyone else. All my friends would be staring at it in admiration and i'd just stand there with my brows furrowed as if I'm trying to work out an equation. My mind just DOES NOT SWITCH OFF. We even deconstructed music videos in our second year and now...well you know what that means. Goodbye entertainment!


(and i notice mistakes in adverts too! like sometimes when they say how good something is but "accidentally" leave out the price :roftl:)

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depends how well you do in your GCSE's. If you get lower than a C in english or maths you have to take a course until you get the right grade.


(it sorta happened to me...I did maths for the first year but was allowed to drop it in my second year, and did so because I knew it would be too much...so..er...dunno what happened there! :roftl:)




I hate telling people it but i'm only predicted one B....... the rest are all As and A*s............ :boxed: People call me a geek when i say that....

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:bleh: I want to be an interpreter if anything apart from somewhere in the music business (which is why i took business studies).


My cousin is an interpreter for the, im not sure which one it is, might be the Air force, and she speaks 8 languages including Arabic, Japanese, and some really odd ones..... :blink: Shes mega talented!


But the psychology course at my college looks really good, in the 2nd year you get to choose 2 from psychology and sport, psych. and health, psych and crime.


Oooh ! the crime one sounds awesome ! forensic psychology i would love :wub2: but i really cnt do anymore years of study then i am :naughty: im already doing an extra year after my 3 is up , but maybe in the future i would like to go and do something else ! :)

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I've applied to do Psychology when i go in September too.


The course looks so interesting. Im also doing business studies and 2 langauges


i'm doing two languages as well! (english lit and french):naughty:


i did as/a-levels one and two years ago (obviously as levels come before a-levels..)


I did: Drama and Theatre Studies, Media Studies, English Literature and Language Combined and Art and Design: Fine Art.


my sister made me take english even though i didn't want to, because she said it would come in handy.


i liked all my other subjects, apart from english, as i never did the homework, never really listened, mucked around and gossiped...

As the year went on I found that Art was increasingly becoming more difficult. I've never been trained in Art and always stuck to pencils....drawing pencils and colouring pencils, while everyone else around me were brilliant at paint, chalk, charcoal...you name it.

Exam time was coming round, and my final piece turned out to be this:




my teacher practically slated it and said that it wasn't art, to which i responded "you're an ART teacher, isn't everything supposed to be art?"

he was biased and favoured abstract art like Picasso, and therefore didn't think pretty, fantastical things such as Fairies were considered art. He also said that if I used a different range of media (that's paint, chalk, charcoal...) instead of pencils, I'd get more marks which I thought was ridiculous, because surely it's quality over quantity?

I stuck to my guns and in my exam I did the same thing, but got an E. I discovered that art itself is all about self discovery and isn't really something that could be taught.


In my first year I got:


Art: E

Drama: D (it's alot harder than what i originally thought...)

Media: C

English: B


I was really surprised at English, because I never even tried. I worked hard on the others but English came out on top.


I decided to drop art and carry on with English. I thought I might as well study something that's gonna give me good marks, something I'm good at. *not saying i'm a bad artist, i don't think i am, just what the college considered good and bad...*


in my second year, I got:

Drama: D

Media: C

English: B


Same story with english again...didn't do anything, but gained the top mark. Heck, two of my exam papers were A's!!


but i never found it stressful. I don't stress about it, i dont know why...

i study childcare now and have an exam tomorrow, but im not worried...


wow that's very interesting! i'm also doing art but i think i'm doing okay! although i started out wanting to do fairies and such at gcse but my teacher didn'ttry to talk me out of it.. but eventually i kind of lost interest!:bleh: i rerally do think it's a tough subjet tho.. and i noe drama's hard as well because i did it in gcse and got a C although my coursework grade was an A:mf_rosetinted:

ahh i know what you mean about english! our results just ame out n the one person who studied the least was the only one with an A.. and i studied and got a D.. it's very frustrating but oh well i can always resit:wink2: (this time no studying tho..


ohh and i think your final piece is very good!


Yeah i understand alot about people and why they think irrational etc , but alot of the time i keep it to myself ... the worst is when your on a night out and people ask what your doing on your course and you tell them psychology , and they think your analysing them all night ! ... Goodness sake , i wanna good time and to leave my course at home not to analyse people !!


How long do you have left ?


haha maybe you could just play along:naughty: if i were you i'd be analysed everyone tho!

i shoould be going to uni next year because over here you don't need A levels.. but i'm considering staying for another year anyway:mf_rosetinted:

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You just can't enjoy things anymore!! I can't just think "ooohhh that poster's reeeaaaallly puurrrrdy..." like everyone else. All my friends would be staring at it in admiration and i'd just stand there with my brows furrowed as if I'm trying to work out an equation. My mind just DOES NOT SWITCH OFF. We even deconstructed music videos in our second year and now...well you know what that means. Goodbye entertainment!


(and i notice mistakes in adverts too! like sometimes when they say how good something is but "accidentally" leave out the price :roftl:)


Haha!! thats a good thing Caz !! you have to analyse and evaluate everything in psychology/counselling so your gonna be a pro !! :thumb_yello::roftl:



yes i notice they leave the prices out too , again its all psychology !! :sneaky2::naughty:

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My cousin is an interpreter for the, im not sure which one it is, might be the Air force, and she speaks 8 languages including Arabic, Japanese, and some really odd ones..... :blink: Shes mega talented!


But the psychology course at my college looks really good, in the 2nd year you get to choose 2 from psychology and sport, psych. and health, psych and crime.


EIGHT LANGUAGES?!?! Bloody hell :shocked: ohhh I'd love to learn italian and japanese, it's just trying to fit it all in :sneaky2:

i remember some people studying psychology in my old college got to ask MURDERERS some questions :shocked: AND THEY WERE IN OUR COLLEGE!!!! They weren't like psycopaths or anything, they did it for self defense and stuff.


your right it does ... im doing addictions counselling module at the minute and it fascinates me ... definatley a path i may want to explore in my career ! :thumb_yello:


most uni's won't accept you unless you have some learning and understanding in counselling before hand, so i'm gonna do a course. my teacher (whom i love to bits) studied counselling at my very college and did the exact same course(and now she's teaching it lol) and that lasts five years, but i have no idea what the difference is between the course and uni...i mean, what's different about it? will i get a different qualification at the end?




I hate telling people it but i'm only predicted one B....... the rest are all As and A*s............ :boxed: People call me a geek when i say that....


don't be embarrassed, wear it loud and proud girl! smart people rule!

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You just can't enjoy things anymore!! I can't just think "ooohhh that poster's reeeaaaallly puurrrrdy..." like everyone else. All my friends would be staring at it in admiration and i'd just stand there with my brows furrowed as if I'm trying to work out an equation. My mind just DOES NOT SWITCH OFF. We even deconstructed music videos in our second year and now...well you know what that means. Goodbye entertainment!


(and i notice mistakes in adverts too! like sometimes when they say how good something is but "accidentally" leave out the price :roftl:)


hahaha i think it's the same if you do business studies as well

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I hate telling people it but i'm only predicted one B....... the rest are all As and A*s............ :boxed: People call me a geek when i say that....


haha that's so annoying! i got 6 A*s and 2 As in my GCSEs and i'm very proud! screw what people say

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Haha!! thats a good thing Caz !! you have to analyse and evaluate everything in psychology/counselling so your gonna be a pro !! :thumb_yello::roftl:



yes i notice they leave the prices out too , again its all psychology !! :sneaky2::naughty:


you know what REALLY grates me? THOSE BLOODY SOFA ADVERTS!!!!



"Buy this amazing leather sofa for only £499! YES £499!!"


"Buy this amazing leather sofa for under five hundred pounds!!"




but you know what grates me more?


The fact that is REALLY IS ACTUALLY UNDER £500!!! I mean, only be 1p, but it's still under £500!!! So they're right...BUT IT'S ONLY ONE PENCE DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!

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Oooh ! the crime one sounds awesome ! forensic psychology i would love :wub2: but i really cnt do anymore years of study then i am :naughty: im already doing an extra year after my 3 is up , but maybe in the future i would like to go and do something else ! :)




And of course, i'll choose Sport as well...... :bleh: big obsession of mine, it would be interesting to find out what Wilko is thinking just as he's about to kick the ball.... although not... because hes been axed...... :tears:



I loved the college i went to look around though, i thought it would be better to go to a 6th form college rather than a school 6th form because i want to make new friends. i dont just want to be with the people ive been with for the last 5 years.

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most uni's won't accept you unless you have some learning and understanding in counselling before hand, so i'm gonna do a course. my teacher (whom i love to bits) studied counselling at my very college and did the exact same course(and now she's teaching it lol) and that lasts five years, but i have no idea what the difference is between the course and uni...i mean, what's different about it? will i get a different qualification at the end



Yeah at college the counselling course wont be as in depth as a university degree course ... but at college you will touch on the basics of counselling which then equips you to go into the hardcore counselling at university ... at university you will go through all the psychological models , social models and maybe medical models as to why the disorder has occurred and how and in which way that needs to be counselled etc ... plus university degree = big word counts on essays , alot of evaluation and analysis compared to the college course ... But getting in deeper is SOOO interesting Caz and you learn things about yourself aswell as other people ... my tutors are great and have been great support through it :thumb_yello:

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I loved the college i went to look around though, i thought it would be better to go to a 6th form college rather than a school 6th form because i want to make new friends. i dont just want to be with the people ive been with for the last 5 years.


i went to a sixth form college and i loved it! a lot of people said they'd rather choose an actual college over a sixth form one because it's "just like school..." but it was much better. I prefer the sixth form college than the college I'm in now, because it seems more grounded and down-to-earth. but then again the college i'm now IS all dressed up in a fancy futuristic way so maybe thats why :bleh:

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Yeah at college the counselling course wont be as in depth as a university degree course ... but at college you will touch on the basics of counselling which then equips you to go into the hardcore counselling at university ... at university you will go through all the psychological models , social models and maybe medical models as to why the disorder has occurred and how and in which way that needs to be counselled etc ... plus university degree = big word counts on essays , alot of evaluation and analysis compared to the college course ... But getting in deeper is SOOO interesting Caz and you learn things about yourself aswell as other people ... my tutors are great and have been great support through it :thumb_yello:


yeah my sister studied media performance for three years and her dissitation was like, more than 30 pages :shocked: your 5000 word essay sounds like a dream compared to hers LOL :roftl:

well in childcare we did scratch the surface of it, but it was really interesting, and i could tell the difference in mine and other students' work. I'm naturally deep and constantly in thought and so mine was more...advanced than everyone else's. That's what made me want to do counselling in the first place. we had to do this thing called "who am i?" and everyone was like "hi, I'm "_________" and im "___" years old and i do "________" for a living. I like to do activities like...." whereas mine was just so different (i'll go and find it in a sec)


what i like about counselling is that, yes, you DO learn about yourself. I mean, of course it's all facts and whatever, but it's different facts, you know? It's about yourself as well as other people, and a lot of it is about growth and development...how you change...and why...and shizz...

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Who am I?


That's an interesting question. Who am I?


You tell me. Everyone has a different opinion. Some may see me as an outgoing nutcase, some may see me as a "defensive Good Girl", an innocent daydreamer or a shy girl with emotional wounds, etc...


I act differently around different people, because everyone is unique and individual. I suppose I give the impression that I have some sort of "multiple personality disorder", but doesn't everyone have different sides to them? Some people just haven't explored that, or have had events to trigger those hidden emotions. There are only a few people I can be myself with, but with all these different sides to me, who's to say what "myself" is? Just who the heck am I?


I don't know. Should I know? A lot of people would probably ask "are you a dancer?", "are you an artist?", "are you a loner?", "are you a party animal?" In respect to those questions, I am an amateur singer, dancer, actress, writer, comic/real life artist...but just who am I inside? What is my soul?


People would probably raise their eyebrows at that, thinking the question was weird, or possibly thought provoking.


How can you expect to know who you are at this point in life? Or in any point? Everyone changes and evolves after all.


Case #1: Outgoing nutcase.

It's true. I'm bonkers.

When I'm with my three closest friends, I'm loud, excitable, constantly laughing, confident, loves fun, childish...whether it be out having lunch, round their house or clubbing. I feel comfortable doing this with them because I know they don't judge me. I love this side of myself because it's when I'm most happy.


Case #2: Defensive "Good Girl".

I've had a lot of bad things happen to me. I've heard and seen a few terrible things. My best friend and I got bullied all the way from primary to senior school and I got groped a lot. I've had heartache and heartbreak...

This is why I'm defensive and opinionated, but also why I can give balanced views; from the bullying I learned about stereotyping, from the groping I learned self respect, from the heartache I learned not to trust easily. Whenever someone honks/whistles at me I find it the most repulsive thing, it makkes me feel dirty and leads me to believe they only want me for one thing, and not the whole package with flaws included.


Case #3: Innocent daydreamer.

I daydream all the time, from the moment I wake up, to the moment I stop talking, to the moment I go to sleep. I daydream about anything; personal enjoyment or trying to solve a problem. I have vivid daydreams to the point where I'm on autopilot and all I see are images, and it's always from someone else's point of view. It's something I've done since I were little. My sisters are quite older than me so I was often by myself, with only my imagination for company.

Not that I'm complaining. I love my brain, but it's a pain in the arse sometimes!


Case #4: Shy girl with emotional wounds.

This is to do with men, mostly. I'm very defensive when I'm with someone I'm attracted to because of the past. I fear getting hurt again. I've learnt my lesson but how do I know when life is just testing me again or if it's the real deal? I don't.

It's like jumping from a hugh dive board into water; some may jump and belly flop which hurts. Some may drown. Some may jump off beautifully, dive peacefully and happily and come out highly exhilirated. Me, on the other hand, get on that board, look down below, hesitate, then get straight off.

I just need to learn to jump and to take a risk.


Our bodies change as we get older, likewise with our personalities because we never stop learning. Our opinions will change. Our lifestyle will change. Our viewpoint will change.


From the moment we're born to the moment we pass over, we are always evolving.


Just who am I? I can't tell you. Get to know me and figure out for yourself.

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i went to a sixth form college and i loved it! a lot of people said they'd rather choose an actual college over a sixth form one because it's "just like school..." but it was much better. I prefer the sixth form college than the college I'm in now, because it seems more grounded and down-to-earth. but then again the college i'm now IS all dressed up in a fancy futuristic way so maybe thats why :bleh:


Yeah! I looked into going to Hull college, but the A levels there are limited. They do more BTECs and NVQs and things like that - its great if you wanted to do hairdressing, childcare etc. but the languages there are limited.


I dont know whats gotten into my friend's head though.... well i do actually, her boyfriend. She wants to be a nurse, but shes going to music college because he is and her other friend is...... :boxed: ...... i feel like telling her to wake up!! she might not be with him forever, she should do what she wants to do.

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Media ruined me like that too.. only mainly with movies. I can't sit and watch a DVD with anyone because they end up screaming at me for over analysing it and stopping to rewind a part about 6 times because I couldn't work out which type of cut they used or something.

Saying that though I miss media so much this year, I might even do it next year at uni instead of the course I'm doing at the moment...which would effectively mean a wasted first year of uni and about £9000 down the drain. But there's no way I can do another 2 years of this course at this uni :thumbdown: Help? Someone? :blink:

Saying that though, this year hasn't been a waste if I do that. I've got used to living away from home, got used to living in London, got sed to uni life in general and the structure etc. If/when I do it again next year I'll already be accustomed to those things. Plus this last 7 months has been the best 7 of my life so far so it can't be that much of a waste right?

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you know what REALLY grates me? THOSE BLOODY SOFA ADVERTS!!!!



"Buy this amazing leather sofa for only £499! YES £499!!"


"Buy this amazing leather sofa for under five hundred pounds!!"




but you know what grates me more?


The fact that is REALLY IS ACTUALLY UNDER £500!!! I mean, only be 1p, but it's still under £500!!! So they're right...BUT IT'S ONLY ONE PENCE DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!


:roftl: I know what you mean ! :thumb_yello: ... 499 looks psychologically more appealing though than 500 and thats what theyre trying to do ... I just cant believe some dumb asses fall for it :roftl: Sorry im not always politically correct :naughty:


Its like in the supermarkets and my friend says look ! why dont you get 2 for 2.50 ?? :blink: because i dont wanna spend 2.50 i wanna spend 1.70 !! :roftl:

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I dont know whats gotten into my friend's head though.... well i do actually, her boyfriend. She wants to be a nurse, but shes going to music college because he is and her other friend is...... :boxed: ...... i feel like telling her to wake up!! she might not be with him forever, she should do what she wants to do.


YOU SHOULD TELL HER!!! Omg!!! she better do nursing now while she can because correct me if im wrong, that takes several years to learn, right?


Media ruined me like that too.. only mainly with movies. I can't sit and watch a DVD with anyone because they end up screaming at me for over analysing it and stopping to rewind a part about 6 times because I couldn't work out which type of cut they used or something.

Saying that though I miss media so much this year, I might even do it next year at uni instead of the course I'm doing at the moment...which would effectively mean a wasted first year of uni and about £9000 down the drain. But there's no way I can do another 2 years of this course at this uni :thumbdown: Help? Someone? :blink:

Saying that though, this year hasn't been a waste if I do that. I've got used to living away from home, got used to living in London, got sed to uni life in general and the structure etc. If/when I do it again next year I'll already be accustomed to those things. Plus this last 7 months has been the best 7 of my life so far so it can't be that much of a waste right?


ohhh the cuts haha. straight cut, wipe cut, fades, dissolves...

i really liked media, BUT I HATED LEARNING ABOUT NEWSPAPERS. They bored me to tears :tears:

and holy hell NINE THOUSAND POUNDS?! What are you studying now?

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yeah my sister studied media performance for three years and her dissitation was like, more than 30 pages :shocked: your 5000 word essay sounds like a dream compared to hers LOL :roftl:

well in childcare we did scratch the surface of it, but it was really interesting, and i could tell the difference in mine and other students' work. I'm naturally deep and constantly in thought and so mine was more...advanced than everyone else's. That's what made me want to do counselling in the first place. we had to do this thing called "who am i?" and everyone was like "hi, I'm "_________" and im "___" years old and i do "________" for a living. I like to do activities like...." whereas mine was just so different (i'll go and find it in a sec)


what i like about counselling is that, yes, you DO learn about yourself. I mean, of course it's all facts and whatever, but it's different facts, you know? It's about yourself as well as other people, and a lot of it is about growth and development...how you change...and why...and shizz...


Yeah exactly ! :thumb_yello: and yes my 30 pages comes in september :boxed::naughty: Cant say im looking forward to it !

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ohhh the cuts haha. straight cut, wipe cut, fades, dissolves...

i really liked media, BUT I HATED LEARNING ABOUT NEWSPAPERS. They bored me to tears :tears:

and holy hell NINE THOUSAND POUNDS?! What are you studying now?


Yeah I hated newspapers too. Our teacher chose our A2 modules and he chose news and politics over radio production. Pfft


Well the £9000 is fees and accommodation.....a lot of money to waste though. I'm doing tourism management and events planning at the moment. I like the tourism part....just not the tourism MANAGEMENT. It's too business oriented and I really can't get into it and I HATE the Events planning bit. I think I've been to 3 lessons of it since September because I hate my teacher so much. He really has a problem with me for some reason :blink:


So do I do another 2 years of something I hate just to get it over with orrrr change course and change university to something I think(but can't be certain) I'll enjoy more which will mean another year and an extra years worth of student debts?

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Its like in the supermarkets and my friend says look ! why dont you get 2 for 2.50 ?? :blink: because i dont wanna spend 2.50 i wanna spend 1.70 !! :roftl:


oh yeah thats another one :roftl:


oh! and my mate bought this magazine (i think it was glamour, and thats like £2 something..) only because it had a free bag, she doesnt read glamour at all. and i was like "Joanne, you have effectively paid for the bag and not the magazine. Regular Glamour readers buy glamour for the MAGAZINE, not the freebies. You, on the other hand, are the other way round. Instead of getting a paid magazine and a free bag, you got a free magazine and a paid bag. And not just any free magazine, a magazine you don't even read. You've pretty much just wasted nearly three pounds on a magazine you don't want....*jo buys it, rips open the package, her face falls as she sees the bag...* and a new bag that you new foundedly hate."



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