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It isn't my ankle though, that jus adds to my problems, it isn't the thing that made me down but jus didnt help to make things better! It is things that happened in the past which have either popped up again or I have been reminded of and things that will never go away! I jus wanna get everything off my chest but I can't talk to my friends or family as they dont know half of the stuff that has been going on, it has just been building up inside, and I havent had a chance to let it out! I guess I am jus scared of people's reactions to it all! Some of it is stuff which I will NEVER tell my parents! But once I start getting it all out I am scared ppl will judge me for the things I have done!


I cannot speak for anyone else, but I would never judge you. I have done thngs in my life there is NO way that I would ever tell my parents... something I have never told ANYONE at all. It is hard having to keep things inside of you.... at some point or another it seems that they are going to break out.

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I cannot speak for anyone else, but I would never judge you. I have done thngs in my life there is NO way that I would ever tell my parents... something I have never told ANYONE at all. It is hard having to keep things inside of you.... at some point or another it seems that they are going to break out.


Yeah I know I jus dont know where to start, there isnt really a beginning and everything is jus building up inside! I do want to tell ppl and I feel that mfc or at least one or some mfcers would be ppl to tell as everyone seems so supportive, and I kinda knew u guys wouldnt judge me, even after finding out the worst of it (hopefully)! :wub2:

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Yeah I know I jus dont know where to start, there isnt really a beginning and everything is jus building up inside! I do want to tell ppl and I feel that mfc or at least one or some mfcers would be ppl to tell as everyone seems so supportive, and I kinda knew u guys wouldnt judge me, even after finding out the worst of it (hopefully)! :wub2:


NO way..... EVERY single person in the MFC has things.... issues in their lives. And just as we would never want anyone to judge us for the things that we have done, think, feel or go through.... we would never do it to a fellow MFCer. Maybe you should find someone that you trust that you can just spill your guts to, maybe you would feel SO much better! I know I feel so much better when I am able to get it all out!

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NO way..... EVERY single person in the MFC has things.... issues in their lives. And just as we would never want anyone to judge us for the things that we have done, think, feel or go through.... we would never do it to a fellow MFCer. Maybe you should find someone that you trust that you can just spill your guts to, maybe you would feel SO much better! I know I feel so much better when I am able to get it all out!


Thing is, everyone I know in person I couldn't tell, because my friends and family I trust but they dont know what I have been through and I could never tell them so that's why it is so difficult! I jus need to talk to anyone but not necessarily spill it all on a public forum! Jus someone that doesnt know me that well but would be understanding and non-judgemental!

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That is SO true! My family *except for my children* are SO judgemental....


Mika has the greatest fans in the WORLD.....

we are the most loving, accepting, OPEN MINDED people on Earth.....

that is what makes us unique. We understand.... people are people - people make mistakes.... ALL of us are human, therefore ALL of us have made mistakes.....WHO are we to JUDGE!

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That is SO true! My family *except for my children* are SO judgemental....


Mika has the greatest fans in the WORLD.....

we are the most loving, accepting, OPEN MINDED people on Earth.....

that is what makes us unique. We understand.... people are people - people make mistakes.... ALL of us are human, therefore ALL of us have made mistakes.....WHO are we to JUDGE!


i think to like mika u have to be open minded and not judgemental and accepting to some extent you know?:wub2:

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i no:wub2: i am in a very therapist type of mood today hehehe but its true u here people say "y do u like mika he is so gay" "hoo likes fat girls" or "what the hell are his songs about" and all i can say is first of all no one knows any thing about his sexual orientation so u can definately not say any thing about him being gay (especially since u r not a fan of his) second of all what is wrong with gays??? third of all fat girls are beautiful like everyone else in the world! and fourthly his songs are about ordinary people ordinary lives and everyday moments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I suppose you are right, because no one i have met on mfc have been judgemental in anyway and you all seem like lovely people, I think that is why I am attracted to this forum so much, because there is hardly any bitchiness and it is jus nice to get away from things and talk to genuinely nice ppl who are willing to help others out! I am on here every night and never once met someone i thought was bad news or nasty!:wub2:

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I suppose you are right, because no one i have met on mfc have been judgemental in anyway and you all seem like lovely people, I think that is why I am attracted to this forum so much, because there is hardly any bitchiness and it is jus nice to get away from things and talk to genuinely nice ppl who are willing to help others out! I am on here every night and never once met someone i thought was bad news or nasty!:wub2:


i no!!!!! its like a sanctuary! i am not afraid to be me!:wink2:

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exactly i can only show lke 10% of my addiction to my friends and they already think i am crazy i dont know how it wil be when i bring my friend to the concer! i will be crazy a side o fme she has yet to see!


omg i cant believe what my friend just texted me here is the convo.

friend: i feel so fat right now o god i am fat!

me: u r not fat and fat is beautiful! u should listen to mikas big girl song!

friend o god i dont want to get the mika fever!

me: no but u should really listen to his album its amazing!

friend:i'll try but hopefully his gayness wont get to me!

me: r u kiddng me!:shocked:

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i no:wub2: i am in a very therapist type of mood today hehehe but its true u here people say "y do u like mika he is so gay" "hoo likes fat girls" or "what the hell are his songs about" and all i can say is first of all no one knows any thing about his sexual orientation so u can definately not say any thing about him being gay (especially since u r not a fan of his) second of all what is wrong with gays??? third of all fat girls are beautiful like everyone else in the world! and fourthly his songs are about ordinary people ordinary lives and everyday moments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who you calling fat :mean:

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exactly i can only show lke 10% of my addiction to my friends and they already think i am crazy i dont know how it wil be when i bring my friend to the concer! i will be crazy a side o fme she has yet to see!


omg i cant believe what my friend just texted me here is the convo.

friend: i feel so fat right now o god i am fat!

me: u r not fat and fat is beautiful! u should listen to mikas big girl song!

friend o god i dont want to get the mika fever!

me: no but u should really listen to his album its amazing!

friend:i'll try but hopefully his gayness wont get to me!

me: r u kiddng me!:shocked:



Sorry I am here was jus busy but back now!!! OMG your friend sounds a lot like some of mine, most of friends dislike Mika so I cannot mention him at all unless I wanna hear my friends moaning! SO at least your friends are willing to listen to Mika's album???

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13 PAGES?!!?!



i am not catching up. someone tell me what i missed :sneaky2:


Not much, really!!! Just on about how nice and genuine ppl on mfc seem to be and that to some extent to be a mika fan u have to be open minded and non-judgemental!!!

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no not at all i am not calling any one fat! i am saying that is wat people at my school (those hoo no him at least) say about him:thumbdown:


LOL... I KNOW.... that 'word' just sounds so disgusting...FAT..eeww

I so WOULD rather be called: Big Girl! :mf_rosetinted:


Can you imagine Mika singing: FAT GIRL, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL....

NO! :roftl:

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Not much, really!!! Just on about how nice and genuine ppl on mfc seem to be and that to some extent to be a mika fan u have to be open minded and non-judgemental!!!


Something Revica knows NOTHING about :mf_rosetinted:

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