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hej from sweden ; )


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Hello ! I'm a swedish one who have found the Mika-magic, and this is how I first started to take interest in the long legged awesome man ; ).


In november 2007 some friends of mine said they had an extra ticket to a concert in Stockholm, and my first thought was "hey, a reason to get out from the math test at school". I had no idea who Mika was. Sure, i had singed along with sings like Grace Kelly and Relax the past months, but i didn't even know the same man was behind them ^^.


Anyway, we took the buss to Stockholm and in the evening we went to Annexet, the place for the gig. When they had checked our tickets and we started to walk through the doors, i found the hall being full of t-shirst and stuff with (what i thought then) some kids-serie-drawnings on it. I actually asked my frinds if we were at the right place, since there weren't any picture anywere of a singer (at least not as far my eyes could reach, i'm short and there were a lot of two meters people around me ; P)


Then we walked in to the room for the show, and there were a very colorful stage. Glitter, the "serie" drawings, giant letters, and again i was asking myself "WTF" . But then, the light shutted out, the crowd began to move forwards, and everyone were pressed together (i remember having a guy with a big BIG lillopop in his hands, waving it wildly). But then, i heard the first tones of Relax. And a shadow of a man. Then BAM

The georgeus man jumps out close to the crowd and starts singing pure like an angel.


And as the show moved on , i can promise i was dancing just as wild as the lillipop guy next to me in the ending : D.


I only new two songs the whole show through, but that was honestly the most capturing show i have ever been to !




Anyway since this is a introucing thread:

I'm Emelie, 17 year old and studying hairdressing first year at college(or gymnasium as it's called here). I am a creative girl, who loves to do everything from writing music (i don't sing though. or of course i do, but it's not any Christina Aguilera sound coming out of this mouth), to paint. I am a horrible cook, really sucks at physics and finds oceans terrifying ( i prefer the lakes ; P).

I love to hang out with my friends but also love my relatives. I'm a real grandfathers girl who actually still likes to go fishing with my grandpa, haha : ) .


Haha, that story ended up a bit longer that i had expected, most things i write does^^ . But i have a fever and nothing to do, and this come as an result of that ; ). Anyway sorry about my english, but i guess it's better than writing everything in swedish right ?

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