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The Australian Thread: Part Eight

Rainbow Sky

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:lmfao: and then shovelling a bowlful of Raffachips in your mouth...




Thankye! :biggrin2:


Well, what can I say...you Aussies are just so enthralling...:roftl:


You're Honourary Aussie #10. :thumb_yello:


Hahaha thanks! My mom wore a pair to the gig too. I've gotten comments on how my hand is touching Lukes head. :roftl:


You are SO copping a feel. Don't even deny it.

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You're Honourary Aussie #10. :thumb_yello:




You are SO copping a feel. Don't even deny it.


:blush-anim-cl: That hand just has a mind of it's own. I swear. One hand in front of me, one on his back/or back arm... one on his head.

Or maybe that's just talent. :naughty:


Do ya think Mika would get mad if that hand touched his hair? :roftl:

(joking of course, would never really touch his hair because that would be really awkward and not nice.)

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I remember lamb chop :shocked:




Haha very funny :sneaky2::naughty:


I hadn't posten anything since to be acknowledged

*strips your quote of its colour* :mf_rosetinted:


*beautifies your post*


K guys...much as I hate to tear myself away, I really must be off to bed...:crybaby: Damned sleep. Whose idea was it to make it necessary anyways?


awwwww..And Artsy's phone's gone flat now.. I just tried calling her


Do ya think Mika would get mad if that hand touched his hair? :roftl:

(joking of course, would never really touch his hair because that would be really awkward and not nice.)

I'm going to run my fingers through his hair and get some clone DNA :thumb_yello:

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Why must you guys post 13 pages while I was at school? I'm too lazy to catch up again tomorrow! :naughty:


I had a sort of mini assessment in English today. I really don't think that I did very well. :thumbdown:


Okay. I won't complain anymore! :wink2:


Oooh it's morning for you guys. :naughty:


I gave blood today. I'm so happy because the first and last time I had given blood like two years ago it didn't go the greatest haha.


My Mum works at the blood bank.

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Hellogoodbye OD! Have fun getting the present, lol


Why of course I had brilliant fun. Ended up with a Steve Irwin DVD and a book that's a dog's day by day diary :naughty:


I saw like 10 people I haven't seen in a few years (one person who I still haven't a clue who they were, but we mutually recognised each other and exchanged greetings all the same)


And I saw the future location for the Rockingham Coffee Club! Near Target :thumb_yello:

*really hopes that is the name of Jolene's company-thing, and that she didn't get excited over nothing*


My mother received the starter package of some dodgy history DVD collection club thing today. Lol, I can't believe she signed up for it :no:


Hmm. Not sure about geese and sheep, but I definitely think moose should become meese when they're plurified. (?)


LOL LOL, I am going to now call multiple mooses meese. I know the whole "ending in 'i'" thing is correct for a lot of words, but it just sound stupid to me, and I ham perfectly happy with my [incorrect] '-us-es'.

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Why must you guys post 13 pages while I was at school? I'm too lazy to catch up again tomorrow! :naughty:


I had a sort of mini assessment in English today. I really don't think that I did very well. :thumbdown:


Okay. I won't complain anymore! :wink2:




My Mum works at the blood bank.


I don't think I'd be able too... I don't like to see blood haha.

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Why must you guys post 13 pages while I was at school? I'm too lazy to catch up again tomorrow! :naughty:


I had a sort of mini assessment in English today. I really don't think that I did very well. :thumbdown:


Okay. I won't complain anymore! :wink2:


My Mum works at the blood bank.


Tell me about it, they did like 10 while I went to the shops :blink:


I don't think I'd be able too... I don't like to see blood haha.


It is pretty revolting the way they just have those bags full of it ... ekk. But I think you'd get used to it / stop thinking of it in the same way.

*severely hopes this is the case* :naughty:

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I know. :naughty: I would have rainbows coming out of my ears if I could go to two gigs. :naughty:

I'd have constant blood noses from the excitement..

And drunk.. I'd be drunk.. alot.. leading up to it.. yes.. ALOT.. and then I'd pass out on the day in the queue and miss the whole thing..

yep .. that sums up my luck.. :naughty:

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You're going to two?!?!! :shocked:


OMG.. that's just not something I could ever imagine..


its easy! its 50$ on the train from Vancouver to Seattle and Back! ITS HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS LESS TO GO TO SEATTLE THAN VANCOUVER....HOWEVER, Vancouver is my second home ...so I had to go to BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two countries in under two days!


I will be SOOOO HYPER!





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Tell me about it, they did like 10 while I went to the shops :blink:




It is pretty revolting the way they just have those bags full of it ... ekk. But I think you'd get used to it / stop thinking of it in the same way.

*severely hopes this is the case* :naughty:


Well, I'm not going to go find out, no thanks hahaha.

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I'd have constant blood noses from the excitement..

And drunk.. I'd be drunk.. alot.. leading up to it.. yes.. ALOT.. and then I'd pass out on the day in the queue and miss the whole thing..

yep .. that sums up my luck.. :naughty:


I'm getting the squeals!


somebody mentions MIKA and I go EEEPPPPPP! There are only three of the MFCers that are going to both the Seattle and Vancouver Gig:) and only two Canadians (from the MFC) who are going to both!

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its easy! its 50$ on the train from Vancouver to Seattle and Back! ITS HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS LESS TO GO TO SEATTLE THAN VANCOUVER....HOWEVER, Vancouver is my second home ...so I had to go to BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two countries in under two days!


It'd cost something like $500 for me to catch a train to the nearest city :crybaby:

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