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The Australian Thread: Part Eight

Rainbow Sky

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Hi FD and everyone else!




Haha, that sounds funny- here in Perth we are currently enduring the longest heatwave in 45 yrs- it was 36 degrees here at 5pm. I have sort of gotten used to it, having said which heading off to the snow would be awesome!!


Hiya ...


Yeh we only get a handful of Sunny days here :boxed:


Everyone heads off to Greece to get sun or Spain :thumb_yello:

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Hiya ...


Yeh we only get a handful of Sunny days here :boxed:


Everyone heads off to Greece to get sun or Spain :thumb_yello:


Gee, that sounds tough :naughty:


Here in Perth everyone (well, they used to before the bombings anyway) used to go to Bali in winter for hols. I know people who aren't rich or anything who go there 2 times a year, and that have been there 15 odd times. I've been twice, in 2001 & 2002, but a lot of people don't take there families there anymore for fear of further bombings. A lot of hotels now have armed guards on the door, I personally would rather avoid situations like that go somewhere yet to be bombed, Singapore is awesome, I lived there for a while when I was 18 and have been back a few times, its clean, cheap and lovely :wub2:

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House was REALLY good tonight!


I won't say anything about what happens because it probably hasn't started in Perth yet, Jolene!


Still have another 45mins to go!


Prob should do something with kids, but it is more fun to be on here :naughty:

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It is indeed!! The whole forum is quiet :blink:



But you never sleep :naughty:


Hello Honorary Aussie :cool:



I'm not surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roftl:


Ya know what... if I had the MSN slap I'd totally would do it right now. : P

Btw.. I found you all a new FY&GN smiley, but I don't know if I'm allowed to post it hahaha.

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Ya know what... if I had the MSN slap I'd totally would do it right now. : P

Btw.. I found you all a new FY&GN smiley, but I don't know if I'm allowed to post it hahaha.

Quick- do it while there are no mods around :naughty: :naughty:

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We DO use ice cream!! Silly website!


This is what bailey had for his birthday last year after school- he ate about 2 mouthfuls of it and the rest was pretty much wasted, but hey it was his birthday and they are all about spending money on stupid things




Haha! Yay! I should have gotten a banana split for my birthday :crybaby:


*looking shiffty and dodgy* Hey, you Ozies want have a look in my trunk (boot I think is your term) I've got marshmallow creme you can't get anywhere else. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.


I am such a coniseur of marshmallow creme I can tell what brand is which just by looking at it (not using the labels either)

Here is another American classic.


Fluff n' Nutter http://www.marshmallowfluff.com/media/stills/sandwich_375.jpg


I will now be quite and move to the corner of the room.


That is so weird! I can't imagine it would have a nice texture to eat at all ... kind of looks gag-inducing. ... and with peanut butter? That is worse than peanut butter with jam :blink:


Awwww... I saved him too...

lol!! You are having a good time.. and I love this one!


Yay! :bleh:


Your dog sounds like my little brother.


Then your little brother sounds craazy :naughty:


The first sign of sun , and remember the North of England we dont get much , people run to buy the bbqs , corked hats , the aussie bars are packed , fosters sales go through the roof . yous would find it soo funny




Thanks for reminding me!!! Sometimes being 2 hrs behind everyone else has its advantages!


Haha, true. Thank you from me also :naughty:


Haha, that sounds funny- here in Perth we are currently enduring the longest heatwave in 45 yrs- it was 36 degrees here at 5pm. I have sort of gotten used to it, having said which heading off to the snow would be awesome!!


Eurghhhhh I know, my mum told me that today. I am going to Penguin Island tomorrow, hope it's not going to be too hot :thumbdown:


House was REALLY good tonight!


I won't say anything about what happens because it probably hasn't started in Perth yet, Jolene!


Yay! What time does it start? 8.30?

*wonders where the tv guide is*

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Haha! Yay! I should have gotten a banana split for my birthday :crybaby:


Eurghhhhh I know, my mum told me that today. I am going to Penguin Island tomorrow, hope it's not going to be too hot :thumbdown:


Yay! What time does it start? 8.30?

*wonders where the tv guide is*


I'll make you a banana split in the store one day :thumb_yello: as a late birthday present


Oh, penguin island, have never been there, let me know how it goes.


And yes, 830

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Hoopla Aussies!



lol!! You are having a good time.. and I love this one!



Hello!!! *waves* Fluff n' Nutter... that's a crazy combo..




You've gone Mad Mah Bahh Mahhh.. *waves at you*




Ohhh.. Thanks for that *waves*



SHE is weird... Heya Bec!!!!!! *waves in your general direction*



heya Defuncto



And HELLO to anyone else who just so happens to be around at approximately 3pm on Wednesday Afternoon..


Hoopla Kelz!


Congratulations on starting a trend then...




Now that I have your attention... :naughty:


I started saying that in here... therefore I started the trend...


Hello Aussies :punk:


Hoopla Freds!


Hoya .. ohh Im an aussie


Ive said this before but the UK has a huge desire to be aussie like ..


The first sign of sun , and remember the North of England we dont get much :boxed: , people run to buy the bbqs , corked hats , the aussie bars are packed , fosters sales go through the roof . yous would find it soo funny


People sunbathe where I live (next to the frezzing cold North Sea) , in weather where you would have several coats on


*pats Freddie*


Yes sweetie... course you're an Aussie...

Might need to work on some of the slang though...


Yes... for more than one reason (the fact that people actually drink Fosters... honestly, try something like Tooheys, or *regrets saying it cause it tastes like s**t* VB)...


Oh yes... corked hats... I hope you're treating your corked hat well... otherwise I'll confiscate it...


Like I said in the British and Proud thread... weird..


Hiya ...


Yeh we only get a handful of Sunny days here :boxed:


Everyone heads off to Greece to get sun or Spain :thumb_yello:


Hmmmmm... Greece might not be too bad...


Ya know what... if I had the MSN slap I'd totally would do it right now. : P

Btw.. I found you all a new FY&GN smiley, but I don't know if I'm allowed to post it hahaha.


DO IT!!! DO IT!!!


Quick- do it while there are no mods around :naughty: :naughty:


*glares at Jolene*




I say do it cause I'm the one who came up with it...

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:o No way! I was just debating about going to bed.




I wonder how long he'll be on for and what he's going to play.


Apparently new interview, old songs. The interview was recorded last week in Canada

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Apparently new interview, old songs. The interview was recorded last week in Canada


I had just had a thought going through my head wondering how he was going to pull that off by not being there haha. Silly me.


Hmm well maybe I'll paint my nails in the meantime. That should take up a good 40 minutes. :roftl:

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Yuck. I don't miss dial up at all. It's torture. :no:

We have broadband on here... but seeing as it's after 10:30, my parents won't let me on the other computer cause it's near their room... and I can't be bothered setting up a network...


I really need to sort outwireless broadband... then I can use my own broadband whenever I like!

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I'll make you a banana split in the store one day as a late birthday present


Oh, penguin island, have never been there, let me know how it goes.


And yes, 830




I have been to penguin island 10 billion times, but haven't in a year or so, I like it there :thumb_yello:

And we always walk despite the signs warning you against it, as we are not stupid :original:


Yay - house is on :thumb_yello:





Okay, Mika is on live lounge in 40mins (thanks FD!) this is the link



Dammit! The Windows Mmedia is only for UK (Why?) and I don't have Real Player :crybaby:


Yay! I just finished my science practical report that I've been working on all night!



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But... but... I can make things trendy... like FY & GN...






I said in the dress up thread that I'd wear the full pipe band uniform to a concert if Mika comes to Australia this year...


OG... what have I gotten myself into???


Hahaha, you just might be wearing that uniform. :wink2:


We have broadband on here... but seeing as it's after 10:30, my parents won't let me on the other computer cause it's near their room... and I can't be bothered setting up a network...


I really need to sort outwireless broadband... then I can use my own broadband whenever I like!


Ah okay at least you're not just stuck with dial up all the time!

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