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The Australian Thread: Part Eight

Rainbow Sky

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Hahaha, you just might be wearing that uniform. :wink2:




Ah okay at least you're not just stuck with dial up all the time!


Yep.... good chance of that... but, it'll be a bit fun to wear a kilt... I said I might wear something a bit aussie.. which means thongs, a pair of stubbies and a wife beater!



Yeah, it's only when I'm a nightowl that I get dial up... or I'm watching tv...

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Yep.... good chance of that... but, it'll be a bit fun to wear a kilt... I said I might wear something a bit aussie.. which means thongs, a pair of stubbies and a wife beater!



Yeah, it's only when I'm a nightowl that I get dial up... or I'm watching tv...


What about that cork hat thingy? :naughty:


Well you can be a night owl with me... although I'm a nightowl turned morning bird right now haha.

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Guess what I see that needs to be accepted as a gig...


Amsterdam... on the 8th of July... *glares at Amsterdam*


Well if he's in Amsterdam in July then he most likely wont be here then, which is good for those who may not be here in July :wink2:


And the cancelled V Festival gigs are the only things showing up in March and April... *glares at cancelled V Festival*



Oooooh! Good news!! I sold my Sydney one! Yay!!! :yay:




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Have I mentioned how much I love D*A*A*S???


I just found this, and immediately thought of Freddie..




You tried your hardest,

You did your best.

You put in a good bid,

But failed the test.

You lost at football,

At cricket too.

The British Lion's been beaten,

By a kangaroo.


Bad luck Manchester,

Bad luck son.

You put in a good bid,

But Sydney won.


Bad luck Manchester,

Bad luck son.

You put in a good bid,

But Sydney won.


You know Britain's been upset,

Since their bid went down.

But they're glad Paul Keating,

Didn't hang around.

Some things have gone missing,

From the palace grounds.

When Keating left at Heathrow,

He was wearing a crown.


Ahh the Poms, they can't say G'day,

Or ridgy didge.

They haven't got an Oprah House,

Or a Harbour Bridge.

They haven't got no Bondi's,

They've got no Botany Bays.

They haven't got no Monty,

With his filthy ways (disgusting man),

Or little Liz Hayes.


They haven't got Normie Rowe,

Barry Crocker or Smilie.

The only thing they've got over here,

Are Jason and Kylie (yeah and they belong to us, true enough).

Sure they've got Dame Edna,

And they've got Clive James.

But one thing's for certain,

They haven't got the Games.


But we're good winners,

We won't rub it in.

Well, ooh, go on,

You lost, lost, lost.

Let's sing it again!


Bad luck Manchester,

Bad luck son.

You put in a good bid,

But Sydney won.


Bad luck Manchester,

Bad luck son.

You put in a good bid,

But Sydney won.



(Yeah okay, it's old, but quite amusing... I just might be quoting this if England lose again Australia again :naughty:)

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We have broadband on here... but seeing as it's after 10:30, my parents won't let me on the other computer cause it's near their room... and I can't be bothered setting up a network...


I really need to sort outwireless broadband... then I can use my own broadband whenever I like!

:thumb_yello: YES TEEGS !!!! DO IT !!!! .... you'll feel sooo much freer .... :wink2:

And the cancelled V Festival gigs are the only things showing up in March and April... *glares at cancelled V Festival*



Oooooh! Good news!! I sold my Sydney one! Yay!!! :yay:

:shocked: YAY !!! *must post mine ..... :blink: *

What about that cork hat thingy?


Well you can be a night owl with me... although I'm a nightowl turned morning bird right now haha.

:roftl: Like me ??!!! :blush-anim-cl:

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What about that cork hat thingy? :naughty:


Well you can be a night owl with me... although I'm a nightowl turned morning bird right now haha.


Well... I don't own a cork hat... I'd look like an idiot...


I don't know any Aussies that wear cork hats... except maybe him... *points at Freddie*


Well if he's in Amsterdam in July then he most likely wont be here then, which is good for those who may not be here in July :wink2:







Well, if he comes in July (as incredibly unlikely as it is) it wouldn't bother me, cause I'm not going to England... sorta lost interest...

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Well... I don't own a cork hat... I'd look like an idiot...


I don't know any Aussies that wear cork hats... except maybe him... *points at Freddie*




Well, if he comes in July (as incredibly unlikely as it is) it wouldn't bother me, cause I'm not going to England... sorta lost interest...

:shocked: :shocked: ... but .... but .... Unknown-1-1.png... what about work .... & all those other :das: poms & scots ... ???!!! Unknown-1-1.png

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But... but... I can make things trendy... like FY & GN...






I said in the dress up thread that I'd wear the full pipe band uniform to a concert if Mika comes to Australia this year...


OG... what have I gotten myself into???


You can and fy&gn was legendary *worships*.and you in full pipe band uniform I have to see :naughty:





Well, if he comes in July (as incredibly unlikely as it is) it wouldn't bother me, cause I'm not going to England... sorta lost interest...


Now we have more time to save and plot *insert plotting smilie* :naughty::mf_rosetinted:





And a general hi to everyone who happens to be round

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:shocked: :shocked: ... but .... but .... Unknown-1-1.png... what about work .... & all those other :das: poms & scots ... ???!!! Unknown-1-1.png




I read that as porns not poms :shocked::naughty:


So, perhaps we may get lucky in April, May or June, seeing as there is nothing scheduled then


*crosses and double crosses all fingers & toes*

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:thumb_yello: YES TEEGS !!!! DO IT !!!! .... you'll feel sooo much freer .... :wink2:


:shocked: YAY !!! *must post mine ..... :blink: *


:roftl: Like me ??!!! :blush-anim-cl:


Yes... Optus has a thing where you plug the modem into the laptop, and you can go anywhere where and get internet... SO I'll have my own broadband connection...




Yes... sold it for almost as much as I bought it... and sold it to the paralympian who comes from Blayney!


You know, Blayney's claim to fame is that it almost was the capital of Oz???

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You can and fy&gn was legendary *worships*.and you in full pipe band uniform I have to see






Now we have more time to save and plot *insert plotting smilie*





And a general hi to everyone who happens to be round


Oh yes... looking like a tool wearing a kilt... lovely...


I'm up for it... and while I'm wearing it, I'll have to get a pic with the exalted one... :wub2:


:shocked: ... but .... but .... Unknown-1-1.png... what about work .... & all those other poms & scots ... ???!!! Unknown-1-1.png


Meh... f**k the poms... the Scots however :das:



Actually... Sarah said she'd send Freddie over on a catapault... :blink: I personally would have preferred Jonny.. .but Freddie will do... I guess..





Oh... I found this pic of Mika... tis verra old... but I've never seen it..



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She won't send Jonny... can't bear to be away from him... bugger...



And yes... tis a nice pic... My jaw dropped when I saw it... I love how I manage to find the occasional pic I haven't seen... tempted to get it printed out somewhere...

:shocked: Won't she ??!!! :thumbdown: Tho' maybe you could meet him there .... ??? :wink2::naughty: :naughty:


I met a few members of the Scottish Soccer team ........ many , many years ago ...... in Melbourne ........ :thumb_yello:

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Fine then.. March he can record.. April he can relax and remix his "thpethial" album.. and in June he can come here and give us a taste of it *zhhz*


General Hello to everyone :thumb_yello: (and if Teegs says she started it then I ain't arguing.. )

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So I'm in a bit of a "find pics of Serenity and post them" mood...


For those who don't know, Serenity is the movie, which was based on the series Firefly... Nathan Fillion was in it...




Here is River (Summer Glau)...




And the cast... Jayne, Kaylee, Wash, Zoe, (for some reason I can only think of him as Nathan Fillion) the captain, Simon, and River...




And Jewel Staite.. she plays Kaylee...



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:shocked: Won't she ??!!! :thumbdown: Tho' maybe you could meet him there .... ??? :naughty:


I met a few members of the Scottish Soccer team ........ many , many years ago ...... in Melbourne ........ :thumb_yello:


Well, you never know...


But honestly... I've lost interest in going...


Have done since just before Aussie day I think it was...


Planning on going to Melb during school hols... Zoe might be coming with me...


And hopefully Scut will be able to come too! :wub2:


Fine then.. March he can record.. April he can relax and remix his "thpethial" album.. and in June he can come here and give us a taste of it *zhhz*


General Hello to everyone :thumb_yello: (and if Teegs says she started it then I ain't arguing.. )


Sounds fair to me... as long as he does the Sydney concert on the Mikaversary...



Oh, and here's one more pic... with... damn... I can't remember her name! She's the companion (ie, prostitute)..




Kaylee, River, the companion, and Zoe...




Anyways... I'm going to bed... night all!


FY & GN!!!

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Fine then.. March he can record.. April he can relax and remix his "thpethial" album.. and in June he can come here and give us a taste of it *zhhz*


General Hello to everyone :thumb_yello: (and if Teegs says she started it then I ain't arguing.. )

Hello KZ ..... ^^^^^ started what ..... ??? :blink: do you mean saying a general hello .... ??? :blink:Unknown-2.gif

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