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The Australian Thread: Part Eight

Rainbow Sky

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Hey everyone!!!.. Great pics!

nice chockies.. I stole some..

umm.. oh.. HK we are talking about general hellos.. rather than quoting everybody who's posted in the last 24 hours.. Bec, Teegs and I pretty much always general hello..


More importantly now,... Artsy? :blink: Trouble in Paradise?

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Hey everyone!!!.. Great pics!

nice chockies.. I stole some..

umm.. oh.. HK we are talking about general hellos.. rather than quoting everybody who's posted in the last 24 hours.. Bec, Teegs and I pretty much always general hello..


More importantly now,... Artsy? :blink: Trouble in Paradise?


Only the usual, Mum.:naughty:

Jack's one of the few guys in the world that's romantic to the point of nausea.


And I'm one of the girls who shouldn't be with that kind of guy.:naughty:

I'm so unromantic. I swear, it's like a bad comedy listening to us talk sometimes.


Jack: *huge, deep, insightful romantic declaration that would bring any normal girl to tears thinking how lucky she is*

Me: Erm....thanks, mate.:boxed:

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Only the usual, Mum.:naughty:

Jack's one of the few guys in the world that's romantic to the point of nausea.


And I'm one of the girls who shouldn't be with that kind of guy.:naughty:

I'm so unromantic. I swear, it's like a bad comedy listening to us talk sometimes.


Jack: *huge, deep, insightful romantic declaration that would bring any normal girl to tears thinking how lucky she is*

Me: Erm....thanks, mate.:boxed:


You get that from me :wink2:

I'm the same.. I was just telling a friend how one day my ex decided he would tell me he loved me hourly.. and it got annoying.. so I started replying "I know" and then kept saying it for months..


Good you two aren't fighting.. but I can't wait to hear how much gushy dribbling you get from him.. :naughty:

How are you surviving Post Mika Trauma?

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*runs in*

Heya hunnies


Happy *shudders* valentines day :wub2:




*runs out*



Heya! Happy V day.. *shudders with you* Not that it wouldn't be nice to get something.. I'm just worried about whom it is I might receive something off.. :lmfao:

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You get that from me :wink2:

I'm the same.. I was just telling a friend how one day my ex decided he would tell me he loved me hourly.. and it got annoying.. so I started replying "I know" and then kept saying it for months..


Good you two aren't fighting.. but I can't wait to hear how much gushy dribbling you get from him.. :naughty:

How are you surviving Post Mika Trauma?


Grrr.....I've had guys who did that too; now I've started telling them that if they do it, they get dumped.


Post Mika Trauma doesn't affect me. That twat isn't all that and I've moved on from the Almighty Big M's presence already. It's the Post MFCer Trauma that's getting to me. I got so attached to them all during those hours together.:wub2:

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*sniffles* Artsyyyyyyy....I miss you...

I showed my friends my pics and Missy said, "Ooh I like that one. It's so artsy." and I remembered you. So I told her about you, then she said, "Awesome," which reminded me EVEN MORE of you...:tears:


Isn't that like the third time that's happened to you? I need a new name.:naughty:


And a new catchphrase, if people are starting to remember me by it.:blink::roftl:

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Grrr.....I've had guys who did that too; now I've started telling them that if they do it, they get dumped.


Post Mika Trauma doesn't affect me. That twat isn't all that and I've moved on from the Almighty Big M's presence already. It's the Post MFCer Trauma that's getting to me. I got so attached to them all during those hours together.:wub2:

Yeah, I can't handle the obsessive declarations.. I prefer actions to words.


Twat :lmfao:

Yes, that twat didn't respond to your statement.. *slaps him kindly*

(although a giggle smirk is pretty good in my opinion)


*sniffles* Artsyyyyyyy....I miss you...

I showed my friends my pics and Missy said, "Ooh I like that one. It's so artsy." and I remembered you. So I told her about you, then she said, "Awesome," which reminded me EVEN MORE of you...:tears:



I love the pics of both of you!! :blush-anim-cl:

I just want to squeeze your cheeky cheeks!!

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New words to say instead of awesome: splendid, terrific, neat, wonderful, scrumptious(:blink: ), spectacular.


Taylor: We're going to see Mika, can you believe it?

Me: Yeah, it's going to be scrumptious!




*Copyrights 'Fan-floopaloopin-tastic' *

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New words to say instead of awesome: splendid, terrific, neat, wonderful, scrumptious(:blink: ), spectacular.


Taylor: We're going to see Mika, can you believe it?

Me: Yeah, it's going to be scrumptious!




*rubs tummy*

It will be delicious and delectable!


Yeah, I can't handle the obsessive declarations.. I prefer actions to words.


Twat :lmfao:

Yes, that twat didn't respond to your statement.. *slaps him kindly*

(although a giggle smirk is pretty good in my opinion)





I love the pics of both of you!! :blush-anim-cl:

I just want to squeeze your cheeky cheeks!!


Hee hee...

*holds out face*

Squeeze away...just not too hard!:wink2:


*Copyrights 'Fan-floopaloopin-tastic' *



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Hee hee...

*holds out face*

Squeeze away...just not too hard!:wink2:






*squeezes again*


*goes to squeeze again and hands gets slapped:blink:*

*waits for opportune moment :das:*


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Yeah, I can't handle the obsessive declarations.. I prefer actions to words.


Twat :lmfao:

Yes, that twat didn't respond to your statement.. *slaps him kindly*

(although a giggle smirk is pretty good in my opinion)


It was pretty good, especially with both security and John yelling at him and I to move along. I'm rather surprised he acknowledged it at all.



I love the pics of both of you!! :blush-anim-cl:

I just want to squeeze your cheeky cheeks!!

*covers cheeks*

No, not my cheeky cheeks!

*Copyrights 'Fan-floopaloopin-tastic' *

Damn...guess I'll have to go with neato-riffic.:naughty:



*squeezes again*


*goes to squeeze again and hands gets slapped:blink:*

*waits for opportune moment :das:*



*squeezes back*

Just get it over with, Lolls. She'll adopt you, be mushy for a while, then move on and forget you just like the rest of her daughtahs.:sneaky2::naughty:

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*rubs cheek*

Ah Kelz, you know I wuvs you...

:wub2:*feels the connecshun*





Too big still?

It was pretty good, especially with both security and John yelling at him and I to move along. I'm rather surprised he acknowledged it at all.

You did well to even remember to say it!! *Hi 5's*

(Lol, I gave M'zee a *Hi %'s* the other day :naughty:)

*covers cheeks*

No, not my cheeky cheeks!

Let me... or else your fatherrghh will do it..


Damn...guess I'll have to go with neato-riffic.:naughty:

Mine's still cooler


*squeezes back*

Just get it over with, Lolls. She'll adopt you, be mushy for a while, then move on and forget you just like the rest of her daughtahs.:sneaky2:


:shocked:I don't do that you weird strange girl.. btw,,, Who are you??!!

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You did well to even remember to say it!! *Hi 5's*

(Lol, I gave M'zee a *Hi %'s* the other day :naughty:)

High %, noice.:naughty:

Let me... or else your fatherrghh will do it..

Grrr....his nails are so long though, it hurts. Fine, get it over with.

Mine's still cooler

I can't disagree.:naughty:

:shocked:I don't do that you weird strange girl.. btw,,, Who are you??!!

That hurts, Mothah. That hurts real bad. *runs off to cry into her pillow*

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High %, noice.:naughty:


She thought it was too! High5.gif

Grrr....his nails are so long though, it hurts. Fine, get it over with.



*squeezes again*


*gets photos taken*

*shows friends*

*invites friends over for cheek squeezing*

I can't disagree.:naughty:

I also like super-doopa-loopa :punk:


That hurts, Mothah. That hurts real bad. *runs off to cry into her pillow*


Ahh.. that's my Daughtah Lolly's bed you're crying on.. Get off!:sneaky2:

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*squeezes again*


*gets photos taken*

*shows friends*

*invites friends over for cheek squeezing*

NO, ONLY YOU. *begins to get red marks on sensitive cheeks*

Ahh.. that's my Daughtah Lolly's bed you're crying on.. Get off!:sneaky2:

*gets Lolly to adopt her in an attempt to regain Kelzy's affection as a granddaughtah*

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General hi to everyone.


No work today, shift got canceled (how I hate that). Hopefully I'll work tomorrow, though how I'll get up at 8am I never know.



Cats are being their usual stalking me selfs... I swear I can't escape them. Gun is in fact watching what I'm typing while Roger is asleep on my book... silly cats.

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NO, ONLY YOU. *begins to get red marks on sensitive cheeks*

Too late.. you've got a fan club.



*gets Lolly to adopt her in an attempt to regain Kelzy's affection as a granddaughtah*

awwww... I've always wanted a granddaughtah to take everywhere for some cheek squeezing.. How considerate of you to volunteer lovey.. But you're not suitable.. go away and come back when you can be a real daughtah and give me real granddaughtahs.... :mf_boff:


General hi to everyone.


No work today, shift got canceled (how I hate that). Hopefully I'll work tomorrow, though how I'll get up at 8am I never know.



Cats are being their usual stalking me selfs... I swear I can't escape them. Gun is in fact watching what I'm typing while Roger is asleep on my book... silly cats.


General Hi back in your direction :naughty:

My cats are in a mood aswell today.. I just cooked up some egg for them and they're being overly affectionate..

And yay for not working.. but :thumbdown: to no money..

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