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The Australian Thread: Part Eight

Rainbow Sky

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Too late.. you've got a fan club.




awwww... I've always wanted a granddaughtah to take everywhere for some cheek squeezing.. How considerate of you to volunteer lovey.. But you're not suitable.. go away and come back when you can be a real daughtah and give me real granddaughtahs.... :mf_boff:


NO!!!!!!!!!! *runs away holding her sore cheeks but is soon tackled by crazy fans*


Good luck trying to get me to reproduce...I can barely take care of myself.:naughty:

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General Hi back in your direction :naughty:

My cats are in a mood aswell today.. I just cooked up some egg for them and they're being overly affectionate..

And yay for not working.. but :thumbdown: to no money..


These cats seem to always follow me around. They've 'loved' me since the time the family went away for a week and I fed them. So many times they climb into my lap and try to shove the laptop away.


I wish they would go love someone else :blink:

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NO!!!!!!!!!! *runs away holding her sore cheeks but is soon tackled by crazy fans*


Good luck trying to get me to reproduce...I can barely take care of myself.:naughty:

*leads the chase with tongs for maximum squeezing powers*


I'm doubtful I'll reproduce.. babies :blink: pooey nappies :boxed:.. responsibility!:shocked:


I'll just keep adopting cats for now.. :thumb_yello:


EDIT: ahh, but not Bec's :naughty:

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Hello Aussies and Honorary Aussies!


How are you all?


I have to work tonight. :thumbdown: But it's only a three and a half hour shift so it's not too bad.

Heya SD..I'm good.. How are you? EDIT: what would you have done instead of work? (OOOPS)

Glad we're on the same page.

I don't think I'll be taking any pets off Bec's hands anytime soon...:fisch:

Becs cats are a little bit on the "thpethial" side..

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Intelligent Cat..


And now I'd like to tell EVERY Aussie.......


It's SORRY Day!!


(all I've been able to find so far)

Australian PM to say "sorry" to stolen generation

In what will be a very emotional and historical day for many Australians and a step toward true ‘reconciliation’, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will formally apologize to the country’s ‘stolen generation’ of Indigenous Australians today.


Over a period of 100 years up until 1969, at least 100,000 Aboriginal children were taken from their families and sent to internment camps, orphanages or foster families under a policy of assimilation.


The apology comes a little over two months into the Labour Prime Minister’s leadership, following more than a decade under former Liberal Prime Minister John Howard, who steadfastly opposed the widely called for apology. On May 26, 2000 - a day known as Sorry Day - more than one million Australians nationwide marched in support of reconciliation and a national apology.


The Prime Minister will say the long awaited words at 5:00 PM ET today (Wednesday, 9:00 AM AEST), however, the text of the speech has already been made public.


“For the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry,” Mr. Rudd will say.

“To the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry. And for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture, we say sorry.”


A Live Webcast of the national apology will be available from the Parliament of Australia website.


The majority of Australians support the apology, but the issue remains controversial, with some disapproving of the term ‘stolen generation’. A significant number of Australians believe an apology is not needed because the children were removed as a result of abuse or neglect. While this was true in some cases, a 1997 report found that many children, particularly those with white fathers, were unnecessarily removed by the government.


By Alia McMullen. link


Oh, I heard about that from my friend the abductee. I'm glad he made the speech, good for him...

It's very quiet in here tonight.




House sucks this season. No more Chase or Cameron.


Uggh.....V-day tomorrow....actually, today for all of you. Enjoy that, mates; I don't think I shall.


Whoever invented V-Day was either sadistic or had never been single.

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Oh, I heard about that from my friend the abductee. I'm glad he made the speech, good for him...



House sucks this season. No more Chase or Cameron.




Whoever invented V-Day was either sadistic or had never been single.


Danielle, my darling!:wub2:


Lovely to talk with you the other night. SOOOOO sorry my phone was dying.:thumbdown:

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That is, of course, if you want them off. You could be a fan of kittens for all I know.


But considering your allergies, I'm surprised your brother brought them in the house at all.:blink:

The sad thing is I am a cat person.... it just requires medication for me to put up with them.


The brother got away with it by bringing them home at a time when I was having little allergy problems, the allergies of course got worse once they had come


I don't mind it when they curl up and sleep, its when they follow me everywhere, or interfere with what I'm doing that they irritate me :naughty:

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The sad thing is I am a cat person.... it just requires medication for me to put up with them.


The brother got away with it by bringing them home at a time when I was having little allergy problems, the allergies of course got worse once they had come


I don't mind it when they curl up and sleep, its when they follow me everywhere, or interfere with what I'm doing that they irritate me :naughty:


My cats hate everyone except for me, lol. One of them is permanently attached to my leg.

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