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The Australian Thread: Part Eight

Rainbow Sky

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Ok, so on Monday night, I told Mika to go to Australia...I thought you all knew that, but I guess not. He signed my songbook and I said "Mika, seriously...go to Australia. They're losing hope." He wasn't able to answer, but did give me a brief smile.


Just so it's officially out there. *nods*

woohoo!!!!!! you rock :punk: Now we wait and see if Elanorelle and ER say anything:naughty:

And thanks for the hug :blush-anim-cl:

Anyway, I must be off and prepare for the PJ Harvey concert tonight! Woo! :punk:

Have a great time!!!! I want some sms live feed!!!!! :punk:


CD.. i have no idea about the order of those things you asked.. But I love watching it too

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*hugs Mothah so that she's officially hugged Saranayde by transitive property*


And now I'm off, because my class just got out and I was promised a V-Day surprise by Jackers.

*hugs Daughtah cos she has hugged lotsa people I want to hug too*

Try to enjoy your V-Day :naughty::huglove:

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Hi everyone!


I am officially in a band with perhaps the most talented guitarist, drummer and singer at school. How exciting!




Woohoo! So that would make you the incredibly talented keyboard player? Does your band have a name? Or a style of music you play?

*couldn't find anything good to eat* *has glass of water instead*

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Woohoo! So that would make you the incredibly talented keyboard player? Does your band have a name? Or a style of music you play?


Well the guitarist, drummer and singer were already a band last year but they asked me if I would play piano for them. I don't think they really have a name.


I'm not incredibly talented :naughty:. The singer is actually a better pianist than me but she prefers to sing.


And at the moment we're working on one of the guitarist's orginal compositions which is rock. I think we'll be doing mostly rock music. Last year they did 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' and it was amazing.

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Well the guitarist, drummer and singer were already a band last year but they asked me if I would play piano for them. I don't think they really have a name.


I'm not incredibly talented :naughty:. The singer is actually a better pianist than me but she prefers to sing.


And at the moment we're working on one of the guitarist's orginal compositions which is rock. I think we'll be doing mostly rock music. Last year they did 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' and it was amazing.


Are you all girls? Cos you could be called "Out of the Mouths of Babes"... haha. Sorry, I suggested this to someone else as a band name (they didn't take me up on it) and for some reason I love it and it keeps sticking in my head!


Would you prefer to do covers or original material? Crazy Little Thing Called Love is such a cool song... A friend of mine gave me the CD of "A Night At the Opera" before Christmas and I was disappointed that I didn't instantly love every song on it. There's a few I don't think I'll ever like:thumbdown:

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Are you all girls? Cos you could be called "Out of the Mouths of Babes"... haha. Sorry, I suggested this to someone else as a band name (they didn't take me up on it) and for some reason I love it and it keeps sticking in my head!


Would you prefer to do covers or original material? Crazy Little Thing Called Love is such a cool song... A friend of mine gave me the CD of "A Night At the Opera" before Christmas and I was disappointed that I didn't instantly love every song on it. There's a few I don't think I'll ever like:thumbdown:


Hehe, no. The guitarist and drummer are guys and the singer and I are girls. I think we may also be having another guy who will play bass. Cool name though! :thumb_yello:


You didn't love every song on 'A Night At The Opera'?! Blasphemy! :shocked:


:naughty: Just kidding. But that album is possibly the greatest of all time, in my opinion. Seeing as I've got 'A Day At The Races' on vinyl my next goal is to get that one!

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Admittedly, I found it hard to sleep before the Mika gig... from the time I found out about the gig till about Aug/Sept I couldn't sleep properly...


Though the night before I did reasonably well... soangel and I crashed on bean bags at my brother's house... then went to bed at 9:30...


We did crash didn't we. I remember watching tv at one stage, and then waking up on the bean bag an hour or so later. Comfy bean bag though


Here we go... basically, all you need to do is look for Michael... there's only one on this page...


but feel free to point out my brother if you feel inspired... (Bec, you already know who he is!)


And I'm sorry cause the pic is big...



*giggles at teegs brother*


I just got off work. We had 3 school classes come in.... so busy, and then around 2 so quiet.


And now I plan to sit and do nothing

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And the fact that inside Mika then repeated all the places you were from and giggled about it being a geography lesson for the cities of Australia (or whatever it was he said). I'm just curious as to the order that those things happened in... Your queue interviews would have been before the gig, but later than in the arvo when you all met him. Did you all tell him in the arvo where you were from or would he have seen the footage from the queue and if so, when did he see it, or did someone just give him a rundown of the places....


I think people may have told him where they were from when they met him. I know pamram defo said she was from Melb, and Jols said she was from Perth. I can't quite remember everything. It's a bit of a blur.


Ok, so on Monday night, I told Mika to go to Australia...I thought you all knew that, but I guess not. He signed my songbook and I said "Mika, seriously...go to Australia. They're losing hope." He wasn't able to answer, but did give me a brief smile.


Just so it's officially out there. *nods*


Hmmm... interesting... Thanks artsy.

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Hello again everyone!



Ok, so on Monday night, I told Mika to go to Australia...I thought you all knew that, but I guess not. He signed my songbook and I said "Mika, seriously...go to Australia. They're losing hope." He wasn't able to answer, but did give me a brief smile.


Just so it's officially out there. *nods*


Good work! If everyone keeps hassling him we might get somewhere (or scare him off forever!!)


Hi everyone!


I am officially in a band with perhaps the most talented guitarist, drummer and singer at school. How exciting!




How cool- keep us updated on how it all goes!


*is craving garlic bread* *wanders away to find something interesting to eat*


Oh, garlic bread- yum!


We wanted to go out for dinner tonight (just the 2 of us, it's been ages!) but couldn't get a babysitter. Bugger. Now we are all hungry with plans and no food...........

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When I watched it last night, the first time on TV, this part where Mika and Saranayde were in sync with their hand actions.. I focused solely on Saranayde the whole time!!!!!!!!! Then realised I'd have to rewind after it finished and watch Mika... But she still got stolen glances


I was pretty well focused on her too...


Yeah, she looked great didn't she! I walked into the bedroom just after it started and almost woke Michael up from my excitement

It was a brilliant performance, shame he didn't get to do an interview though


Twas a shame... but still, he's getting airtime...


Sara was smokin'......and Leno never interviews his music guests.:thumbdown:


That sucks! *slaps Leno*


OMG, she was too! :naughty:






Whoa... that totally suits her!


Not that I'm encouraging smoking or anything...


*takes a drag of her fag* the one in her mouth, you fools..


Nice save Kelz!


And the rasta is smoking a joint...


Well, I've just read back enough pages to get a tiny bit of the picture of the last few days but not enough.


I have to ask.... Are there people on here who actually like Hamish and Andy?


Now onto my big thankyou...... THANKYOU TEGAN!!!!! The DVD arrived in the post yesterday (addressed to Chickadee, how cute, I didn't realise I'd forgotten to tell you my name! :doh:) I sat down and watched it all the way through and it was brilliant!! I'd seen some of the footage before but a lot of it was new. I PML over the Rove interview even though I've seen it before. I kept seeing you lot in the Live Lounge footage from inside and..... I didn't realise you guys got interviewed in the queue outside!! I'm sitting here screaming out "OMG, that's Jolene, oh look, Happikali, aaahhh, that's Soangel, hey, it's Nico" etc etc. I'm sure my kids thought I was nuts. And the fact that inside Mika then repeated all the places you were from and giggled about it being a geography lesson for the cities of Australia (or whatever it was he said). I'm just curious as to the order that those things happened in... Your queue interviews would have been before the gig, but later than in the arvo when you all met him. Did you all tell him in the arvo where you were from or would he have seen the footage from the queue and if so, when did he see it, or did someone just give him a rundown of the places.... And I loved the Andrew G interview. I must admit the footage from the concert itself surprised me. You guys seemed into it, but it looked a fairly quiet and sedate crowd on the whole. I think I was expecting a bit more excitement to come across from them. Maybe they were just doing an Elliot Goblet? Anyway, a huge thankyou again for taking the time to do all that and for posting it to me. It was a lovely thing to have arrive on Valentine's Day!


No... I don't like Hamish and Andy... most radio people are arseholes anyway... one reason I don't listen to the radio (besides the fact they play crap music)


No probs! Well seeing as it got there for Valentine's day, it's your V day pressie! (got there quick, I sent it on Tuesday)


So... the order... we met Mika around 5 ish... we went back to the line and waited a while... the camera guy said he was recordng stuff for MTV and that Mika would watch it to make sure the camera guy actually interviewed people... that's how he would know... he only said the cities from where our group was from... and notice how he didn't say Brissie (the woman saying she flew all the way from Brisbane... meh... we had Perth!)


The interview was after about 6:30... maybe 7... there were other questions he asked... like why do you like Mika (I stole DCs suggestion and said I loved his hair)... then did the "Where are you from?" q...


Jols and Pamram did tell him where they were from... but the others didn't... I didn't cause he'd be "WTF?!" if I said Orange...


It was fairly sedate... we were behind the photographers for the first 3 songs, then people were starting to shove a bit when they moved the barrier out of the way... the worst bitwas the people sitting on the stairs who wouldn't move when you walked past... and the moron who wasn't going to let us back to our place after we went to the loo...


Ok, so on Monday night, I told Mika to go to Australia...I thought you all knew that, but I guess not. He signed my songbook and I said "Mika, seriously...go to Australia. They're losing hope." He wasn't able to answer, but did give me a brief smile.


Just so it's officially out there. *nods*




*huggles Artsy*


Least there was a smile... not that we can hold him to a smile...


Hi everyone!


I am officially in a band with perhaps the most talented guitarist, drummer and singer at school. How exciting!






We did crash didn't we. I remember watching tv at one stage, and then waking up on the bean bag an hour or so later. Comfy bean bag though



*giggles at teegs brother*


I just got off work. We had 3 school classes come in.... so busy, and then around 2 so quiet.


And now I plan to sit and do nothing


Doesn't he look like a dork???


They were comfy beanbags... apparently they have a couch... which was prob picked up off the side of the road by the housemate's family... so Kate says...


Hello again everyone!





Good work! If everyone keeps hassling him we might get somewhere (or scare him off forever!!)




How cool- keep us updated on how it all goes!




Oh, garlic bread- yum!


We wanted to go out for dinner tonight (just the 2 of us, it's been ages!) but couldn't get a babysitter. Bugger. Now we are all hungry with plans and no food...........


I'm thinking if we keep harassing him, he'll come to shut us up...


I reckon seeing as we're the official fan club, Freddie should use his new found powers and get him to do a tour!

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Have a great time!!!! I want some sms live feed!!!!! :punk:


You didn't get sms live feed due to minimal credit! Although I did send u one after the show! And I had a freakin awesome time! PJ was amazing! :punk:



... there were other questions he asked... like why do you like Mika (I stole DCs suggestion and said I loved his hair)...



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Supre's jeans - so not extra long! Definate ankle-showing-length.


Turquoise 3/4's - now in my possesion.


Went to see Lawrence Leung and Bedroom Philosopher today, walked into city to get dinner, stumbled upon Bob Evans performance we knew nothing about. Fantastic evening. Took train at night (midnight, no less) for the first time - full of scary drunkards who had been at some form of sporting match.


He had just sang the "Walk away!" part and was walking his fingers.


Almost a week in Cali, maybe Meeks likes it here?

You know he wanted to soak up the sun as much as he could before travelling up to the canadian freeze-out.


Oh yeah, I see it now. I was looking at it upside down, and thinking his fingers were bending back impossibly far.


If it's sun he wants, there's plenty over this way for him :naughty:


Doesn't he!


My brother is Nathan... I'm pretty sure there's only one Nathan on that page...


Hee hee

And he has Harry Potter next to him (going by a pseudonym, though)


:glasses3:OG, MFC has 3 smoking smileys..


The middle one is so not smoking. I have inpsected it closely and come to the conclusion he is smiling to one side, and his teeth are sparkling.


I have to ask.... Are there people on here who actually like Hamish and Andy? God, they are imbecilic!


Blasphemer! :shocked:

They are comedic geniuses!

I was in tears today as they discussed whether or not back-hitting helps with water-choking (for the record, it does, as confirmed by a paramedic, contrary to the advice of a wilderness first aid certificate holder).


Ok, so on Monday night, I told Mika to go to Australia...I thought you all knew that, but I guess not. He signed my songbook and I said "Mika, seriously...go to Australia. They're losing hope." He wasn't able to answer, but did give me a brief smile.


Just so it's officially out there. *nods*


Hey! I didn't know that! :wub2: You are fantastically brilliant! What do you mean by "he wasn't able to answer"?


Hi everyone!


I am officially in a band with perhaps the most talented guitarist, drummer and singer at school. How exciting!


Woot! Yay! That is fantastic!


*couldn't find anything good to eat* *has glass of water instead*


Lol! I am currently also using water as a food substitute :naughty:


I just got off work. We had 3 school classes come in.... so busy, and then around 2 so quiet.


School classes ... but ... wait, where do you work? :blink:


Jols and Pamram did tell him where they were from... but the others didn't... I didn't cause he'd be "WTF?!" if I said Orange...


Lol! I was watching this last night (following the links from Kelzy's video), and you sooo did say it! I totally remember lol-ing at it "I'm from Orange!" :roftl:

... unless you are talking about a different video. But all the same, it was still humorous : )

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Hey! I didn't know that! :wub2: You are fantastically brilliant! What do you mean by "he wasn't able to answer"?


There was some asshole that threw two glass bottles from the roof of the parking structure at him, and they didn't hit him, but they hit the sidewalk just a couple of feet away, so his manager and the venue security were very on edge and telling everyone to hurry up and move along. He couldn't answer because a security guard was tugging me away and John was aiming him towards the next person in line.:thumbdown:

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