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The Australian Thread: Part Eight

Rainbow Sky

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I no have her address is why I gets losted..


I love yous too Kelzy. Also, I not know you alots but is ok my face calls you Kelzypoos? :mf_lustslow::blush-anim-cl::wink2::wub2:

You could call me sh!tlips and I'd still love you :mf_lustslow:

You come and stay with me.. and bring those leopard print pants.:wub2:

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Hello soangels! We meets before Australia Post loses me in post shop!


My face no arrive to Scut Monkeys but it ok! :blush-anim-cl:




We had a grand ol' time when you stayed here, though your wild partying ways left my house in a mess Raffs :sneaky2::naughty:


How was your world tour in trying to find Scut's house


I be post-whores but it ok!


My face go now. I see you laters!


:wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


Bye Raffa

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Sometimes I think I should be blonde, for some of the things I say.


Part 2 is up!


Your not the only one


*Shakes head and threateningly points a Shoe at you*



Wooooooo.. I just read it!!!


*Surrenders to shoe and says that I'm JJL*


Oh sorry nvm, is unrelated.


We can only hope






Haha, yeah I went through a major room upheaval at the beginning of the holidays to try to make it "clutter free", and get rid of all the stupid pointless ornaments and crap that were presents, and that was the only reason I was keeping them. Still am yet to remove the creepy framed pictures of dolls that I have covering my walls. Seriously, covering them, there's like twenty - so I need to think of something different to put in the frames or I'll have a hole-y wall


Yeah, fabulous non-pay TV for me too :bleh:


Growing up ... who needs it?








Yay yay. Eurgh, these threads are moving too fast, I only just posted my response to part one, and some how I'm 5 pages behind in there since I started the reply


*hands lollipop and give plasic bags for room cleaning* Threads don't like me much either


Hello... My face welcomes here?


Ahhh, so this is the reason everyone started talking... A very belated hello to you Raffa


Hello for yous!



This admirers is you?



Oh! DC! My face no see you long time. Thanksyou for return my leopardskin bottom pants..


I don't want to know :mf_rosetinted:







Heya Soa


*falls off chair laughing*


*records it and posts on youtube*


*slaps you*




Totally. DC is a bigger admirer though.

He has a picture of you hanging in this room. Huge, huge admirer.




No! No! Do tell!


Like this?





I'm in love with the falling off the chair...ness





I saw that post...got a bit identity mad, Raffa?


:shocked:You have her address?!?!

You can come stay with me!! I have big fridge!!


My fridge *shifty eyes*


I be post-whores but it ok!


My face go now. I see you laters!






You could call me sh!tlips and I'd still love you

You come and stay with me.. and bring those leopard print pants.


Once again, no comment :mf_rosetinted:

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Ah if only I could have one in real life

The back of my thighs are all inflamed and itchy...:boxed:


And Kelz... as long as your patting the non - inflamed areas of my skin at the moment :wink2::naughty:

:blink:Ooops.. Sorry Bec..


Courtesy of A. Clay and some obsessive picture spamming she did in the Vancouver thread I deliver this pic of Mika at Jay Leno..




Captions.. Anyone?? :naughty:

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:blink:Ooops.. Sorry Bec..


Courtesy of A. Clay and some obsessive picture spamming she did in the Vancouver thread I deliver this pic of Mika at Jay Leno..




Captions.. Anyone?? :naughty:




Nice pic... his smile sort of looks wary, like his expecting it to eat him or something

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Ah if only I could have one in real life

The back of my thighs are all inflamed and itchy...:boxed:


And Kelz... as long as your patting the non - inflamed areas of my skin at the moment :wink2::naughty:


Allergies SUCK. I have hayfever and it occasionally makes me want to commit homicide.


Yeah ER, what bec said! :naughty:





I'm to say I didn't try them on.. MsnSlap5.gif



Yeah, well your word doesn't count if there were witnesses...*laughs at photos* :fisch:

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Allergies SUCK. I have hayfever and it occasionally makes me want to commit homicide.





I have days like that with my hayfever/cat allergy.... especially the days when the medication just doesn't want to work.


But its the contact dermititis allergies that make me want to commit homicide more....or subsitute anothers skin for my own

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JJL: No reactions that I know of.. From Lollipop Monkey's report I read that he is travelling back to London now.. Hopefully on his next 10 days off he spends some time sitting at home on his butt.. scanning Myspace.. and he sees our comments and does something positive about it..

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wooo!! yay Teegs!!!!



Wow!! I want to know what he writes back!!


Let's do it!!!!!!!!


Everyday around the same time.. or a time Mika and Management might be on..

We are all officially now on MikaSpy Invade and Tempt duty.. If you notice his Myspace page has just been logged into, eg a bulletin/blog or random stalking then inform everyone and get grovelling


I'd like to know what Martin writes back too...


And I'm in... will be on everyday spamming his page with "Come to Oz" messages...


Speaking of which... :naughty:


Check out the bottom comment (which should be a Mikamite's comment)




i've been thinking about this... If he does Brisbane/Gold Coast, I could go visit my MIL, if he does Sydney, I can go visit friends there, if he does Melbourne I can go visit my best friend and if he does Perth, I can visit my folks. If i actually had enough money for all the airfares and tickets, I really could stalk him around the country cos my accomodation would be sorted. *sigh* i'm starting to get excited despite myself.




Dream tour, here we come!!!


Yay! It's a start. But I always forget to reply to things if I don't do it immediately


Yay! Do iiiiiit! Come visit me and Jolene and join in the "Mika, come to Perth" grovelling


Tis a start... just gotta wait for him to answer...


How about we start with the "Mika, come to Australia" grovelling...


Oh dear, I wouldn't be able to, A) too young, so therefore the only concert I could get to would be one in Brissy (Good friend lives there) and Sydney (aunt and uncle) and B) My parents arent about to pay


But... but... if you pay for it (and it's not for over 18s) then you could totally go!


Well, I've been doing it for two days now and that's what I've been trying to do. I didn't want to spam him with some teen fangirl "o mika i luv u, cum to oz!!!" crap, but tried to comment on something relevant to what's been going on with the tour or that i've read on the mfc and tacked on a thought about a tour of Australia to the end.


Ok. so we have a plan. I like having a plan. makes me feel all "A team-ish".


Go on... you know you want to... be a good little fangirl and put in a message




Actually the chances of seeing Jolene would be quite high as she and my parents live in the same suburb. But reality tells me that I'll probably only make it Sydney if I make it to any...




Oh, Ju-Ju. I forget that not everyone's an oldling like me. Maybe you could start saving now towards the idea of him maybe doing Bris. Besides, if he doesn't actually make it here this year, then you've just got extra time to save!


Oooh good... maybe you should make a trip to see the parentals... and just happen to drop in on Jols while you're at it... :fisch:


It's verra likely Mika won't be around till the second half of the year... so start saving girlies! And DC... :naughty:


:crybaby: I hope I win the lotto or something, then we could all follow Mika around Australia ... and hey, why not the world while we're at it?

*drifts off into daydream*




Woah, have you seen his profile, like ... every third comment at least is someone (not even mikamites) urgeing Mika to come to Australia, yay! I have now added one. Uergh, don't look at it, it is not very good at all. Hopefully I become more literate/creative as our quest goes on


That's exactly what the dream tour is OkD... some of us plan to stalk *cough* ahem... follow Mika around Australia... I'm not quite rich enough to do it overseas though...


haha, i posted in one of the other threads that i was prepared to do research into the whole PMD thing and that anybody who wished to give me a grant could start with maybe $100,000. With that kind of money, you could all be part of my experiments, I mean the bigger the sample size the more reliable the research right? We could all follow Mika around the world


OMG... great idea!!! That works verra nicely indeed...


If you win lotto we all go on the dream tour..

I'll spam Mika now too




Someone buy a sh!tload of lotto tickets!


we probably do have lurkers just waiting for news of a tour before they join up.. we have said that once he announces it we will get a load of new aussie members.. they should join...(if reading this) because we need more ammo




Kelz, we're not exactly fighting a war here...


Yes, yes!



Uergh, can we (and the lurkers) make an agreement to never post anything like this


I hope so... cause we're much better than that...


Oh, I lost all my mq's


How are we all this fine afternoon?


I saw everyone's comment on myspace- fingers crossed someone will get the message soon and organise M a trip down under.


Anyone got anything exciting going on in their lives? I am renovating my bathroom, not really exciting but I will be so happy when it is finished!


Oh, and the Brit Awards will be shown on Channel V on 13 March




I don't have pay... maybe some nice soul could tape it for us???


Heya, I'm Good.. slightly in a ball-busting mood..

How are you?!?!


So whose balls are you busting today? :naughty::das:


Hello... My face welcomes here?




Hello for yous!





This admirers is you?





Oh! DC! My face no see you long time. Thanksyou for return my leopardskin bottom pants..


OG... do I need to see that in my head?




Oh for all Aussies and the others not Aussies but come heres.. I have Corn Chips.. My face brings them with shimmys for all yous of you!


Go for it Raffa!!!


Ooops.. Sorry Bec..


Courtesy of A. Clay and some obsessive picture spamming she did in the Vancouver thread I deliver this pic of Mika at Jay Leno..




Captions.. Anyone??


Okies... I'll have a go...


""Ooooh... snakeskin boots!"

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