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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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I've been stuck in here for a year now :blink:


Yeah that’s true and I bet you’ve had a good time.:wink2:

You’re still here aren’t you?:naughty:



I've been here (officially) for a year now too. :mf_rosetinted:





One month to go for me!

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I found this on mikasounds forum.



was looking at some pictures on a forum and I found this. It shocked me. There are so many reason to love Mika: he's a very very preety man, he has an incredible voice, a great personality, he's a good song writer, and other things...how can someone love Mika for what he has in his pants. That's just sick!




"having curly hair is a big adventure, you never know what it will look like the next day"



Funny, that someone would go to the trouble of making a picture like this, funny that someone would be outraged about it and funny that the person who posted is from Romania, but seems to have borrowed Avoca's signature - maybe they think Mika said it?


And just for the record - I don't love Mika for what he has in his pants. My love really does exist. :mf_rosetinted:

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I found this on mikasounds forum.



was looking at some pictures on a forum and I found this. It shocked me. There are so many reason to love Mika: he's a very very preety man, he has an incredible voice, a great personality, he's a good song writer, and other things...how can someone love Mika for what he has in his pants. That's just sick!




"having curly hair is a big adventure, you never know what it will look like the next day"



Funny, that someone would go to the trouble of making a picture like this, funny that someone would be outraged about it and funny that the person who posted is from Romania, but seems to have borrowed Avoca's signature - maybe they think Mika said it?


And just for the record - I don't love Mika for what he has in his pants. My love really does exist. :mf_rosetinted:



:naughty: :naughty: *coughshypocritcoughs* :naughty::mf_rosetinted:

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LMAO, oh my siggie's been taken :roftl::naughty: I didn't even know... teeeeheeee... and it's not even a mika's quote :roftl: :roftl:


thx for sharing, babs. I agree. I'm not interested at all in his pants.

I don't have to browse them (sorry for being direct, but it's true, so much for being hypocrit). I am interested in his face, shoulders, back, legs :wub2: , hair (on HEAD) and more. not gonna list it all, it's sickening enough as it's now.


not caring about his butt as well, case most of all, I cannot see it.


the fact i love the man's personality, character, voice, music goes without saying. otherwise I'd have not been to 9 gigs in less than 1 year (either that he was there too, or not :yay:).

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:lmao: :lmao: Oh Bab, that is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.


I'm kind of partial to Mika's ass myself, but it's more a case of I think it's cute when he shakes it in front of me. I don't really want to crop out dozens of pictures to make a collage. :naughty:


Oh Avoca, sorry I've been too lazy to answer your PM. Your magazine is still packed in my suitcase and coming to London.

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Hey Christine, not long now, less than a week?

Will you have a mobile in London? I only had Suzy's

Where is Suzy anyway?


I guess Suzy is busy with RL these days. :tears:


I've got a mobile and am hoping it will work in the UK because Sariflor couldn't get hers to work in Canada. I'm going to call my mobile company and see if I can sort it out this week.


I'll PM everyone soon to exchange numbers. Jennie and Laura should have some idea where I am if we have trouble getting hold of each other.

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I found this on mikasounds forum.



was looking at some pictures on a forum and I found this. It shocked me. There are so many reason to love Mika: he's a very very preety man, he has an incredible voice, a great personality, he's a good song writer, and other things...how can someone love Mika for what he has in his pants. That's just sick!




"having curly hair is a big adventure, you never know what it will look like the next day"



Funny, that someone would go to the trouble of making a picture like this, funny that someone would be outraged about it and funny that the person who posted is from Romania, but seems to have borrowed Avoca's signature - maybe they think Mika said it?


And just for the record - I don't love Mika for what he has in his pants. My love really does exist. :mf_rosetinted:




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Is it safe to come in here?

Will anyone take offence at anything I say, even if I am trying to make a joke.

Are you going to patronise me?


Seeing as you aren't answering, I will talk to myself, no harm done there, then.


Where is H? She's not on here so much. I miss EnFa, and I know vally has a life now. What about Satu? I miss her too. Will Wictor ever come back?


Here's a couple of videos to remind you of the good old days.





http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wky5H1xC6-I (gotta be the one with the badgers)

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Is it safe to come in here?

Will anyone take offence at anything I say, even if I am trying to make a joke.

Are you going to patronise me?


Seeing as you aren't answering, I will talk to myself, no harm done there, then.


Where is H? She's not on here so much. I miss EnFa, and I know vally has a life now. What about Satu? I miss her too. Will Wictor ever come back?


Here's a couple of videos to remind you of the good old days.





http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wky5H1xC6-I (gotta be the one with the badgers)



Home Sweet Home :mf_rosetinted:

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Nice videos Bab. :thumb_yello:


What happened with EnFa? Is she coming back?


I'm getting the distinct impression that what's brought on this latest round of vague lectures is some younglings sniping at one another. Maybe it's insensitive of me but I can't really take that seriously and wish the whole board wouldn't get dragged into it by making some generic thread that is effectively directed at everyone on MFC.


Someone has even implied in PM that I am responsible for people leaving the board and if this is just a bunch of teenagers acting like teenagers then please leave me out of it.

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Nice videos Bab. :thumb_yello:


What happened with EnFa? Is she coming back?


I'm getting the distinct impression that what's brought on this latest round of vague lectures is some younglings sniping at one another. Maybe it's insensitive of me but I can't really take that seriously and wish the whole board wouldn't get dragged into it by making some generic thread that is effectively directed at everyone on MFC.


Someone has even implied in PM that I am responsible for people leaving the board and if this is just a bunch of teenagers acting like teenagers then please leave me out of it.


I don't know about EnFa, I spoke to her on myspace a week or so ago but we didn't talk about this, maybe time to find out.

Not only is it a generic thread, but a bloody generic threat, at least that's how I feel about it.

I'm not saying I have never said anything sarcastic (far from it) or sniped at anyone, but I have had my share back too.

I think that this is like real life. If someone is upsetting you, you need to deal with it. We have mods to help with this as not everyone is capable of doing so.

I don't know why I'm talking about this in here really.

It's just the one place that I hope I can ramble on in my own half-assed way and not be lectured or patronised by people half my age.

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Someone has even implied in PM that I am responsible for people leaving the board and if this is just a bunch of teenagers acting like teenagers then please leave me out of it.


OH YES YOU ARE !!! Don't act innocent, meanie !! :sneaky2:


Leaving because of Christine!? :lmao: Now I have to fåckin laugh :lmfao:


That picture scared me Babs :shocked: Where did Yuppymunch go?


:yay: EnFa !!!

We just need to find Yuppy now... Vally having a real life, and Haeschen popping up from time to time... Yuppy is still alive, but doesn't reply my messages :tears:

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Leaving because of Christine!? :lmao: Now I have to fåckin laugh :lmfao:


That picture scared me Babs :shocked: Where did Yuppymunch go?


The crotch collage as Christine calls it? :naughty: And I found it on mikasounds too!

I haven't spoken to Yup, I think she's off Mika!

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The crotch collage as Christine calls it? :naughty: And I found it on mikasounds too!

I haven't spoken to Yup, I think she's off Mika!


Yeah. I looked at Mikasounds too for it. Haha! They disgust me a little (I better use some smileys, wouldn't like people to be offended and burn my flag, and make 100+ fires across the country.. Stupid *******************) :wink2: We would never post stuff like that.


Hmm. I've been keeping an eye on you people. I know you all would like to know why I haven been here for a while?





That is also why Im not going to post in a looooooooong time after tonight. Im still lurking *cough* very very often *cough*.

I really just have ti fix a couple of things.

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