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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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We knew you'd see the light someday.




Yop. :roftl:


:sneaky2: ... and now you. :naughty:


When do you think you will start regretting? Next Tuesday? :mf_rosetinted:


should I be scared..? :blink: see title above avie *coughs* :das::mf_rosetinted:




amen to the apples mantra. *sings* "we have got to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard....." .fisch:

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Jack I think it's hilarious that you of all people are being demonized for criticizing Mika publicly.


Since Suzy has been rather absent and Jack has graduated to full apple status, I guess Avoca and I will have to step up as the resident Mika lovers. (That's a sign of some desperate times for the poor boy :naughty:).


Haeschen I can't wait to see pics of your new kitty. The more cat people around here the better. :biggrin2:

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should I be scared..? :blink: see title above avie *coughs* :das::mf_rosetinted:


amen to the apples mantra. *sings* "we have got to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard....." .fisch:


Your avi pic is stuck in the middle of loading for me and now shows only the upper part including eyes. :hypo:

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If I spot Mika going in the back way (fnarr, fnarr) at Hammersmith, I will alert you by calling "Christine! The Wiz! Over here." And no-one else will understand! Not even the wiz himself! I would dearly like to get my sig pic signed by the wiz .

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Jack I think it's hilarious that you of all people are being demonized for criticizing Mika publicly.


Since Suzy has been rather absent and Jack has graduated to full apple status, I guess Avoca and I will have to step up as the resident Mika lovers. (That's a sign of some desperate times for the poor boy :naughty:).


Haeschen I can't wait to see pics of your new kitty. The more cat people around here the better. :biggrin2:


amen to the cat people thingie :punk:


resident mika lovers... hmmm.. I'm in an averagely enthusiastic mika moment. I have passed some really low mika moments and a few moments when I was high on mika (this is my mika graph).


talk to me after london, if he IS there, I may be disgustingly and outrageously "in love" (esp. if he's as adorable as in oct.). :wub2::sneaky2:


babs, I trust on ya calling me too (even if I'm nto gorgeous :naughty: ) if the wiz magically appear. :blush-anim-cl:

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Gosh, bab, you are resentful :naughty:


she sure is :naughty:


amen to the cat people thingie :punk:


resident mika lovers... hmmm.. I'm in an averagely enthusiastic mika moment. I have passed some really low mika moments and a few moments when I was high on mika (this is my mika graph).


talk to me after london, if he IS there, I may be disgustingly and outrageously "in love" (esp. if he's as adorable as in oct.). :wub2:


babs, I trust on ya calling me too (even if I'm nto gorgeous) if the wiz magically appear. :blush-anim-cl:


he won't appear :wink2: no expectations, no disappointments...


No seriously though, what is it all about? Wait, should I mind my own business?


about some translation tool that a russian member whose name i forgot... that translated what she wanted to say into something quite funny... apparently... can't say more, not into the K and F thing though...


Just want to say that I'm also happy to see the thread alive again, I just don't have the energy to participate tonight


read, dear, read !

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Gosh, bab, you are resentful :blink::naughty:


I am implacably resentful. :naughty:

I just can't let it lie.

amen to the cat people thingie

resident mika lovers... hmmm.. I'm in an averagely enthusiastic mika moment. I have passed some really low mika moments and a few moments when I was high on mika (this is my mika graph).


talk to me after london, if he IS there, I may be disgustingly and outrageously "in love" (esp. if he's as adorable as in oct.). :wub2::sneaky2:


babs, I trust on ya calling me too (even if I'm nto gorgeous :naughty: ) if the wiz magically appear. :blush-anim-cl:



Of course - you'd understand anyway.


nicka, basically, I read a post in Lena's thread (you know the Russian girl who uses a translator) and she said in a post, speaking of Mika " you the kind and fine wizard" which made me laugh a lot. I told Christine, Suzy and Kata and Christine kindly (and finely) made our nice signatures. Suzy also put some nice wizard hats on some other pictures. I will try to find the link.

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about some translation tool that a russian member whose name i forgot... that translated what she wanted to say into something quite funny... apparently... can't say more, not into the K and F thing though...

Ohhh.... :roftl: Haha, thanks for sharing (:


nicka, basically, I read a post in Lena's thread (you know the Russian girl who uses a translator) and she said in a post, speaking of Mika " you the kind and fine wizard" which made me laugh a lot. I told Christine, Suzy and Kata and Christine kindly (and finely) made our nice signatures. Suzy also put some nice wizard hats on some other pictures. I will try to find the link.

Hmm I have no idea who she is actually ... Should I? That's funny! :lmao: I wonder what she really meant!

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