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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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Is this a place to dislike Mika's outift without risk of offending people? :mf_rosetinted:


Or will that offend someone in here?


well... everyone seems to be gone to bed, sadly, and i'm on my way too...


we are hardly offended here, but wouldn't want to be THE place for all the "dislike comments"... cause we l.i.k.e him too...


the outfit didn't shock me that much... something else did though... already said it... won't repeat :fisch:

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I think i would like the outfit if it wasn't too small.....


Oh and didn't he have a wireless at T4? (is that what its called?)


And I like mika as well... just think his fashion taste is sometimes questionable....


i know :wink2: we all do... but sometimes, things have to be precised :naughty: for people not to see us as just a bunch of complaining rats... so they would come here as "the place where you say bad things about mika"... i would say we just try to be objective... well, more than the rest of the other threads... but i know you know, it wasn't for you...

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i know :wink2: we all do... but sometimes, things have to be precised :naughty: for people not to see us as just a bunch of complaining rats... so they would come here as "the place where you say bad things about mika"... i would say we just try to be objective... well, more than the rest of the other threads... but i know you know, it wasn't for you...

Yes I know... :wink2:



I like objectiveness


And I think t4 was wireless, because it had that big stage thing that went round the audience... and he spent alot of it walking around :blink:

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Yes I know... :wink2:



I like objectiveness


And I think t4 was wireless, because it had that big stage thing that went round the audience... and he spent alot of it walking around :blink:



true it was... but he had a lot of space to move through, there were his big girls and lollipop girls, etc.

on a normal-sized stage, and on tv, wireless just doesn't do it for me... or maybe it was just tonight performance, would be a hurry to go to conclusions after one performance like that wireless...

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true it was... but he had a lot of space to move through, there were his big girls and lollipop girls, etc.

on a normal-sized stage, and on tv, wireless just doesn't do it for me... or maybe it was just tonight performance, would be a hurry to go to conclusions after one performance like that wireless...

I didn't like the wirelessness... on a big stage it works but I'm used to the wire....



*becomes a traditionlist in that aspect*

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I think i would like the outfit if it wasn't too small.....


Oh and didn't he have a wireless at T4? (is that what its called?)


And I like mika as well... just think his fashion taste is sometimes questionable....


Mika went for a pearlised shiny white for his jacket, teamed with a colourful skinny scarf and black trousers. I would have really liked the look if it hadn’t seemed a size too small for him. I first noticed the problem in the sleeves but once you start to look at it more closely, it looks too small lengthwise in general and the shoulders look out of place. Shame because it ruins a fun look.




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this blogger deserves a mention in the Apples thread


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !!! honestly one of the best reviews... :fisch:


(Seriously, it’s not even spontaneous ****tardedness.) What’s odd is that, for a performer of supposedly such great charisma Mika’s stage-set consists of him… walking left. Then bobbing a bit. Then walking right again. Then walking a bit further right. Then walking back again.




Look, for no reason… here’s Beth Ditto!



I mean, could he and Beth have at least done “Fat Bitches, You’re Cool As Well”. That would have at least been on point. And made it look less like two flashes briefly sharing the same pan for a second.

well... no need being vulgar, but... :roftl:


At this point the nation breathes a collective sigh of relief, as somebody apparently realised at the last minute that the most irritating woman and the most incohereant man in the entire country probably couldn’t be trusted to run a 2 hour show by themselves. Yes we’ve got the ENTIRE Osbourne family hosting.



Anyway what follows next is ACTUALLY pop being back on the agenda, because it’s Rihanna doing a collaboration with The Klaxons. And all the music blogs have been very sniffy about this, because apparently they were under the impression that best-selling international artist and phenomenon Rihanna might cede quite a lot of ground to current indie “almost are”s The Klaxons. Because that was totally ever going to happen. But yeah, you sit and gripe, whilst I get a sugar-rush off the GIANT LASER PYRAMID, and the fact that Rihanna was apparently dressed by Awesome, and the fact that The Klaxons have managed to delicately reshape Umbrella into something even better - more moody, more epic, more brooding.



Adele & Mika with Fearne Cotton backstage. Adele first pwns Fearne’s stupid questions (”Has winning this sunk in yet?” “Erm… I found out I’d won in December”)



OMG! Here comes Beyo… Here comes Kelly Rowland!


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Heather from Eastenders (aka Beth Ditto And Her One Song) comes out to present Best British Male to… not Mika.



You’re a crap Dr Who and you need to dress your age starting yesterday) is on to announce Best International Female. So that’s Kylie winning that then, because goodness knows they’ve not stopped publicly sniffing each others anuses since she somehow managed to make a crap part in a crap Dr Who Christmas Special even more crap than it must have been on the page. Which you’d think would be hard, goven that Russell T Davies blatantly just wrote “KYLIEEEEEEEEEEEE!” across the script in his own jizz.


Yeah Kylie totally wins. Apparently all the girls in the audience should be jealous because she gets to be near Davi… BORED NOW! RIHANNA WAS ROBBED!

this guy should be paid to write ! :roftl:


(using the pre-prepared script about The X Factor which she reads haltingly from a teleprompter…)



Leona Lewis still has a great voice and the charisma of a novelty door-stop



Kate comes up and gives the sort of speech you’d expect an awkward 18 year old to give. Thanknig all the record execs because that’s what people do, and takcing on some half-hearted stuff that she read in The Independent about how “female is not a genre yeah?” She’s nice. I like her. And apparently, according to gross stupid voice-over lady, she’s “such a pretty girl”.


Which, as we all know, is the important thing here.


(It’s been a long time since a performance hasn’t it? Not that I’m complaining)




And yup, it’s The Foo Fighters album that nobody (not even Foo Fighters fan) really cared about




Which was such a shocknig and truthful indictment of how useless the Brits are (seriously, someone’s acceptance speech was just “yeah… I don’t really give a ****”) that I almost applaud




Finally it’s time for another performance. And it’s a medley, with Mark Ronson playing guitar and me going all gooey. What do we start off with? It’s Adele! Singing Coldplay! It’s Quite Nice! What’s Next? It’s…some guy! Singing The Smiths! It’s As Rubbish As It Was When It Was A Single! What’s next! It’s Amy Winehouse! Singing The Zutons! It’s… Really Been Overplayed To Death By This Point! But At Least She’s Not Dead! Amy finishes off by asking everyone to give much love to Balek who is currently still incarcerated. Everyone goes YAY!




Fearne Cotton with Kate Nash, who has just won her first (and almost certainly last!) Brit Award. Fearne doesn’t care, because she’s note Take That! Here’s an ad break!



Apparently Sir Ian is here to see Mika. God, you know, whilst I am glad for Sir Ian McKellan did a lot of work for the gay community and anybody who campaigned against Section 28 is an official hero of mine, but I’m so glad that not all of us have to do that crap any more you know? Constantly name-checking any other gay in radius and telling everyone in a coded fashion that we’d like to **** them, as some sort of process of norm-setting.


Of course Mika might not be gay. His sexuality is officially the most fascinating eingima sin…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



But I kind of love as a person everyone who’s won an award and how they’ve carried themselves apart from Mika,

God !! what did he do to him ?!!! :naughty:


The public should not be allowed to vote if the result is Take That and Mika winning stuff. I am officially not kidding. Boo democracy! Anyway the voice-over lady of stupidity informs us that Leona totally almost won this. How fascinating. Jason Orange is still really sweet. Mark Owen still looks really terminally ill.


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this blogger deserves a mention in the Apples thread:naughty::mf_rosetinted:



Well, I have to say the guy is not entirely wrong IMO. :mf_rosetinted:

In fact, I don't think the performance was anywhere near the stuff we get at his gigs. And Miss Ditto just added to it. *shrug*

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Mika went for a pearlised shiny white for his jacket, teamed with a colourful skinny scarf and black trousers. I would have really liked the look if it hadn’t seemed a size too small for him. I first noticed the problem in the sleeves but once you start to look at it more closely, it looks too small lengthwise in general and the shoulders look out of place. Shame because it ruins a fun look.





great minds think alike. :mf_rosetinted: after the heaven look at grammy, the mighty fall at brits :boxed:


Slytherin! Harry Potter! Bachelor thesis! Term paper! I have to leave now.

Avoca, I think I need your phone number again for Monday. I just hope that my flight will be on time.

Sleep well all of you.


pm'ing ya. have ya got a clue on what time you'll arrive in hammersmith?




now, out of joking (perhaps so tired, perhaps I have used my daily dose of sarcasm all throughout the day with some dumbasses at work), I am not able to joke on it. I got paranoid when i read the the thread freddie posted about mika having bronchitis. I mean, I thought this time we were on the safe side.. I seriously don't know what to think... :tears: sorry, a softy moment. even slytherins have a heart :mf_rosetinted::boxed:

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And nobody’s made a total tit of themselves, despite the entire show being built up solely for this to happen, when they hired two non-presenters, got everyone tanked up on booze, got a notedly unreliable drug addict to perform twice and basically begged everyone to make a tit of themselves at some point PLEASE. So Vic Reeves duly obliges by being drunk and incoherent and rambly, and due to give out the night’s biggest award. Of course Sharon ****ing LEAPS at the chance to make the whole shambles look worse than it does, by snatching the envelope out of his hand, screechnig like a banshee, and generally acting like entire building fell down.




Anyway Arctic Monkeys win, and the whole affair descends into chaos. The best part is how Sharon forgets her mic is on, and ****ing SPITS “Who the **** are these pissheds? What have they come dressed as?”.



No wait, the BEST part is stupid ****ing voice-over woman saying the following gem of a line “My source tells me that Take That were only a few votes away from winning this award. Next year it could all be different. OR COULD IT?!”. Seriously, parse out every ounce of stupidity from that utter bilge of a sentence.


No WAIT! The best part is how Alex Turner sneers at the Brit School, pretending he was a graduate (at which the Brit School Students cheer, despite the fact that he wasn’t, because seriously it’s like Pavlov at this point)



Maybe it’s just that I’m determined to like all the winners (except Mika)

We gotta find out what mika did to him !!!! :lmao:


And so, the most conservative Brits ceremony I’ve ever seen (of the award winners, only Kate Nash and The Arctic Monkeys are anything approaching taking music in a forward direction. And The Arctic Monkeys already won these exact awards only last year) ends up giving a Lifetime Achievement Award to Sir Paul McCartney. It’s presented by Kylie Minogue, which is so right, because if there’s anyone whose sound has clearly been influenced by The Beatles it’s seriously Kylie Minogue.


He does that lame “Dance Tonight” song, “Live And Let Die”, and “Hey Judye Judey Judey Judey Jude”. I turn over to watch Owen get shot in the face on Torchwood.


And even he doesn’t stay dead.

:roftl: :roftl:


i wanna marry this guy :mf_rosetinted:

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now, out of joking (perhaps so tired, perhaps I have used my daily dose of sarcasm all throughout the day with some dumbasses at work), I am not able to joke on it. I got paranoid when i read the the thread freddie posted about mika having bronchitis. I mean, I thought this time we were on the safe side.. I seriously don't know what to think... :tears: sorry, a softy moment. even slytherins have a heart :mf_rosetinted::boxed:


i know what you mean, but i think he should just need to REST (for real)... and stop creating resistance of bacterias using antibiotics like paracetamol :boxed:

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now, out of joking (perhaps so tired, perhaps I have used my daily dose of sarcasm all throughout the day with some dumbasses at work), I am not able to joke on it. I got paranoid when i read the the thread freddie posted about mika having bronchitis. I mean, I thought this time we were on the safe side.. I seriously don't know what to think... :tears: sorry, a softy moment. even slytherins have a heart :mf_rosetinted::boxed:


Pff! You won't get your cancellation this time, Missy! :thumbdown::sneaky2:

He who must not be named will show and .... mwahahahh, wave his magic wand - kindly of course. And fine. :mf_rosetinted:

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i know what you mean, but i think he should just need to REST (for real)... and stop creating resistance of bacterias using antibiotics like paracetamol :boxed:


Pff! You won't get your cancellation this time, Missy! :thumbdown::sneaky2:

He who must not be named will show and .... mwahahahh, wave his magic wand - kindly of course. And fine. :mf_rosetinted:

I'm really thinkin'of anticipate my London landing for fasten the mikster @ bed:cool:

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