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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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Ah yes, of course it's all about the music. Sure.


Will anyone wear this?


I mean I can't, my bf will come with me, so.. erm.



Oooooh! I love that tshirt, shame I can't wear it....but someone who has their "Mr" in a different country could...:naughty:


oh, will we have mr violet sky along? I didn't know. :blink: I tried and drag mr avoca along in past but mika wasn't there. :boxed: as per usual :sneaky2:



I am so keen to meet mr violet_sky! Not as keen as I am to meet miss violet_sky of course.....


I will have mr sariflor on tuesday, but the rest of days I'm going solo. Best way if you're an obsessed fan, hahahahaaaaaaa



Oh and btw, cause I missed all the discussions on last night. Avoca: I totally agree with your comments on Mika's appearance.


The jacket was a nice colour but way too small, I find the pants too tight and the whole look has become "predictable"...And don't start me on the granny do!:naughty:


I'm a bit fed up with his gig uniform to be honest, and I so wish that he's just wear the normal gear that he wears in normal life......he looks so nice in jeans and tshirts an normal tops!!


Bring the normal casual YOUNG Mika back I say!:punk: I mean, I love him to bits, but I wish he's change his image to match his own image. If you know what I mean?

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oh, will we have mr violet sky along? I didn't know. :blink: I tried and drag mr avoca along in past but mika wasn't there. :boxed: as per usual :sneaky2:



He's always there when I'm to meet him.....Except for Hammersmith where he obv knew you were coming, so he stood me up:sneaky2: :naughty:

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Oooooh! I love that tshirt, shame I can't wear it....but someone who has their "Mr" in a different country could...:naughty:





I am so keen to meet mr violet_sky! Not as keen as I am to meet miss violet_sky of course.....




I'm a bit fed up with his gig uniform to be honest, and I so wish that he's just wear the normal gear that he wears in normal life......he looks so nice in jeans and tshirts an normal tops!!


Bring the normal casual YOUNG Mika back I say!:punk: I mean, I love him to bits, but I wish he's change his image to match his own image.


If you know what I mean?





...mmh...that he should stop to wear{not only}granny-do?:roftl:

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Mr violet_sky :roftl:

I hope he doesn't lurk and call some London lunatic asylums telling them to wait for all of us at the airport with the nice (tight :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: ) white jackets...


... and collect Sari right at her place, of course :mf_rosetinted:


LOL they could make the real deal on Sunday :mf_rosetinted:

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Well, I have to say the guy is not entirely wrong IMO. :mf_rosetinted:

In fact, I don't think the performance was anywhere near the stuff we get at his gigs. And Miss Ditto just added to it. *shrug*



I think his staged tv performances in general don't measure up to the live ones for his own shows. He's either trying too hard, or not trying hard enough, or both, but whatever it is, what he's not really doing is being himself. He doesn't have his own audience to feed off and win over, and he just doesn't seem as natural. He plays at being commercial-glossy and overplaying it, and it doesn't work.


(Stuff like Glastonbury and even Fete de la Musique is different somehow--maybe because he has a real audience and it's just singing--not putting on a circus show. But things like GMA and Dancing with the Stars and most of his appearances on tv variety programmes? It doesn't compare.)




I will be the sweet apple and say "blah" at the blogger, entertaining though most of it was to read. Although he has a point about Mika's "f*cking falsetto." Not that I don't like the falsetto, and we all know he sings a far greater range than just falsetto, but I too am getting a bit tired of falsetto!Mika being his public image, and him putting out singles that feature it almost exclusively. He knows that it gets grating by itself if not offset by lower tones, which is why half his album is in lower, more melodic register. And we know that it's his gimmick that sets him apart and that acts as his "brand." But seriously. He and his team need to break it up already, or else no wonder some of the general public is getting fed up with it.


I'm really hoping the next album isn't so falsetto-heavy, just so that people would see that he's not a one-trick pony.


I will say I'm confused by the whole "Mika is so smug" thing. I hear it a lot from people who don't like him--that he's apparently "self-satisfied" and such, but I just really really don't see it.


Btw, I do think he's quite capable of self-irony--but not quuuuiiiite so much with fans. At home, by himself? Yes. I interviews, especially if he knows the host/journalist? Yes. With other artists? Oh very much yes.


But with fans, he's still a bit on-guard, trying to be Super!Mika, keeping up his image, remaining on cue, trying still just a bit too hard sometimes. He isn't as comfortable with self-irony then. But that's true of most artists. You don't want to see your fans taking the mickey, not when you've gone to all these lengths to construct a very specific image to preset to them for their pleasure and entertainment. It's a bit like having all your work be thrown back in your face "no thanks!" Andy can be more self-ironic because he doesn't have anything invested in it.




P.S. I miss his old clothes too, though. I never was all that partial to the costume jackets, even though I love costumery in general. It was fun seeing him wear what was basically his real wardrobe, although of course he's always dressed flashier on stage than on the street.

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But with fans, he's still a bit on-guard, trying to be Super!Mika, keeping up his image, remaining on cue, trying still just a bit too hard sometimes. He isn't as comfortable with self-irony then. But that's true of most artists. You don't want to see your fans taking the mickey, not when you've gone to all these lengths to construct a very specific image to preset to them for their pleasure and entertainment. It's a bit like having all your work be thrown back in your face "no thanks!" Andy can be more self-ironic because he doesn't have anything invested in it.




P.S. I miss his old clothes too, though. I never was all that partial to the costume jackets, even though I love costumery in general. It was fun seeing him wear what was basically his real wardrobe, although of course he's always dressed flashier on stage than on the street.


that's what i was implying with the "MIKA suit"... but you say it better than me...


and i miss the old clothes too, the simple ones... never been too enthousiastic about the whole jacket changes and so... i think it's putting too much in presentation and so the performance is loosing a tiny bit... not that it's not pleasant to the eyes, but i would prefer a very good performance with just 2 clothes : basic ones and animal one or ringmaster one for the finale... anyway...


and yes, his tv performances are nothing like his own gigs in front of a totally in love audience... we could imagine the contrary : him being "lazy" in front of his audience cause they're all in his pocket and trying very hard on tv cause the people watching don't know/love him, but the fact is that he's obviously not comfortable on tv... unless he's being interviewed and playing teasing the journalist... so to say leading the game...

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Only 6 minutes left on the meter so making it fast:


Babs - awesome

Scut Monkey - glad you're back

Mika's costumes - wish he'd stick with his hot casual US look most of the time, at least lengthen those jackets and lose the granny curls. I'm going to carry a water bottle around with me in London and spritz him if I see those curls. :thumbdown:

Taking the piss - yeah Mika doesn't like that we see through his perfectly constructed image facade. Too bad! Personally I think it makes me a better fan. I like him in spite of his flaws not because I'm deluded enough to think he doesn't have any. He needs to loosen up in that department as much as with the curls.

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I mean I can't, my bf will come with me, so.. erm. :mf_rosetinted:


oh, will we have mr violet sky along? I didn't know. :blink: I tried and drag mr avoca along in past but mika wasn't there. :boxed: as per usual :sneaky2:


Oh, that's nice that we will meet Mr. violet_sky. I tried to drag Mr. haeschen along with me again but like Mr. avoca he said something like "Mika will be ill anyway. Why should I travel that far?"

How true :mf_rosetinted: !

Only about 3 days to go before we meet. EXCITED!!!

@ avoca: I guess I'll arrive at the airport at about half past 2. Then I have to travel to the city and to the hostel. Then I'll go straight to the venue. I hope I'll make it until 4 or half past 4.

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He's always there when I'm to meet him.....Except for Hammersmith where he obv knew you were coming, so he stood me up:sneaky2:




I'm back, after a month of unofficial leave. *insert collective sarcastic eye-roll here*


hi, scut! how is it going?


Only 6 minutes left on the meter so making it fast:


Babs - awesome

Scut Monkey - glad you're back

Mika's costumes - wish he'd stick with his hot casual US look most of the time, at least lengthen those jackets and lose the granny curls. I'm going to carry a water bottle around with me in London and spritz him if I see those curls. :thumbdown:

Taking the piss - yeah Mika doesn't like that we see through his perfectly constructed image facade. Too bad! Personally I think it makes me a better fan. I like him in spite of his flaws not because I'm deluded enough to think he doesn't have any. He needs to loosen up in that department as much as with the curls.


agrees with christine's plan (together with her she's planning a secret -not so secret- encounter with the wiz, in order to ruffle his hair and make it look at natural as possible)


Oh, that's nice that we will meet Mr. violet_sky. I tried to drag Mr. haeschen along with me again but like Mr. avoca he said something like "Mika will be ill anyway. Why should I travel that far?"

How true :mf_rosetinted: !

Only about 3 days to go before we meet. EXCITED!!!

@ avoca: I guess I'll arrive at the airport at about half past 2. Then I have to travel to the city and to the hostel. Then I'll go straight to the venue. I hope I'll make it until 4 or half past 4.


jolly good, see ya at hammersmith then.


tell, mr haeschen mr avoca gives him high five :mf_rosetinted:



my personal final note: I dare to object I actually like the scene gear, it's part of the game, at least till this album and this tour's on. it doesn't have to be necessary pushed all the way to the circus side all the times, but on stage it's all right.


his formal occasions look instead, is often not matching my tastes (and many's, it seems..) esp. on the hairdo side. normally his jackets (when they are the right size for him :naughty: ) are ecccentric but they do look good on him, though I started liking his pants less and less, ever since he's been wearing dark shining ones: they are a bit kitsch.


mika's obviously his own taste, stretched to the extent or not. I recall now the scan of him and his sister pic on a mag. there's smt that's not created there. I think the grammy look (and hairdo) is a VERY good compromise between his personal style and what really fits him excellently.

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Taking the piss - yeah Mika doesn't like that we see through his perfectly constructed image facade. Too bad! Personally I think it makes me a better fan. I like him in spite of his flaws not because I'm deluded enough to think he doesn't have any. He needs to loosen up in that department as much as with the curls.


It's not just about flaws or seeing through a facade--it's that I'm not sure he wants fans to be acting so familiarly cavalier with him. Not that he's stuck up or something, but, he doesn't know us and we don't know him. And sad as it may be, we cannot interact with him on an equal footing the way even journalists can: we're always the fans. And so he made this Mika-image that he's putting on for us, and I think it just makes him feel like we're pushing his boundaries when we try to get beyond that. :emot-sad:


Avoca, I'm with you on liking the stage sets. I don't even mind the show clothes so much, but I really do miss the old style.



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meaning? the braces..? :blink:


tell ya, the braces were cute, and sexy in a way, I knew him with the braces, and I'm affectionated to them, but I don't really miss them :wink2: whilst I REALLY like many of his jackets (in the right size:mf_rosetinted: )


I was just browsing pics now, and thinking of how good he looked here..


(do not kill me for posting pics of mika here, in the apples sanctuary.. oh the sacrilege.. :shocked::blush-anim-cl: )



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meaning? the braces..? :blink:


tell ya, the braces were cute, and sexy in a way, I knew him with the braces, and I'm affectionated to them, but I don't really miss them :wink2: whilst I REALLY like many of his jackets (in the right size:mf_rosetinted: )


I was just browsing pics now, and thinking of how good he looked here..


(do not kill me for posting pics of mika here, in the apples sanctuary.. oh the sacrilege.. :shocked::blush-anim-cl: )




Nope, not the braces by themselves, but exactly--like what he's wearing there. That's stuff from his own wardrobe, his own clothes. At the time, he'd wear them around the house or around town, though maybe not quite like that. I miss that.



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i do miss the "casual look" of the beginning... but i like some of the jackets he wears on stage too (not all of them, but some are really good)...


actually, i don't know, i never thought about his looks :blink: and i don't really care what he looks like as long as he gives us something, and i think even if his jacket had been the right size at the brits, he wouldn't have given something i would have appreciated...

he just really need to work on tv performances cause his "lack of presence on stage" (not said in a mean way at all but the whole jumping around thing) doesn't work...

i don't have anything to say about the live performances for proper gigs, i guess... wow, what a premiere ! :naughty:

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Nope, not the braces by themselves, but exactly--like what he's wearing there. That's stuff from his own wardrobe, his own clothes. At the time, he'd wear them around the house or around town, though maybe not quite like that. I miss that.




the colourful skinny jeans were also stage clothes, he'd never walk around like that :wink2:

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agrees with jack (gosh, we agree with each other a lot lately: that's spooky.. :shocked::naughty::mf_rosetinted: ). he looked natural and cute there, on the pic I posted. that's what I thought about when I read your post before mine, jack.


and ya admitted every so often he looks cute too, yop :mf_rosetinted: we spotted ya, though I do believe you don't run around thinking about his looks :naughty: that's to say you don't care but avoiding the usual mantra :insane:


I though think, aside the stage and formal outfit, the constructed image and the give the media and fans what they expect, he's also growing up a little and what he may fit and like 6 months ago, now doesn't interest him so much anymore.

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well, that's normal evolution, we can't expect him to stay the same for ever and ever ! he was first cute to catch up our attention, then now he's a "fashion icon" having his own style or whatever with the jackets and so on, and what's coming next !

the show is evolving too : the first one were just about pants and jeans then animal costumes, then now for this tour, we have the 2 or 3 changes then the animal costumes...


for the next album, he'll be fully "grown up" talking about style, who knows what he'll bring to us, and the animal costumes will (imo) be taken out of the show... just cause it won't watch the second album mood/universe... and people will complain and complain again "where's mika ???" because they don't like changes, especially when they're not the ones responsible for those changes... he's like "their little thing/brother/boyfriend" and sometimes, they give the impression not to like when he doesn't do what they WANT him to do... first the sara story "who needs a backing voice here, what is she doing ?" then now, nobody can say A WORD about sara being too "in your face" cause she's part of the band"... they were crying over Lorna and LGs missing, and now, they've had the LGs back... but for how long ?


they have to digest every changes... it takes time... but they finally accept them, sooner or later, because it's mika...


i'm certainly going way further than just the clothes suject, but i don't think i'm very far from the truth saying all that...

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haha. great minds think alike,that's what i immediately referred it to when i read your post. :naughty: and I agree.


except on one thing: I think the evolution IS programmed and we understood well how driven and focused he's on his career, but it's also a part of his "ageing". as young and colourful as he stil is (and his soul is bit more colourful than the average usual, that's NOT made up), he's also changing his tastes like all persons do. it's good ol' heraclitus (πάντα ῥει: basically everything changes, nothing stays the same)

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this blogger deserves a mention in the Apples thread:naughty::mf_rosetinted:


Oh I should know by now that this is the place to look for the good links :yay: **** that was hilarious, I've been laughing for 15 minutes now :lmao:


can't really catch up on anything else tonight, you'll have to fill me in later :boxed: I'm off to London tomorrow and I probably won't be online before, so see you there :mf_rosetinted:

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haha. great minds think alike,that's what i immediately referred it to when i read your post. :naughty: and I agree.


except on one thing: I think the evolution IS programmed and we understood well how driven and focused he's on his career, but it's also a part of his "ageing". as young and colourful as he stil is (and his soul is bit more colourful than the average usual, that's NOT made up), he's also changing his tastes like all persons do. it's good ol' heraclitus (πάντα ῥει: basically everything changes, nothing stays the same)


never said the evolution wasn't planned :wink2: some of us know it's planned, but just don't know what to expect, some (a great part) just keep on being surprised, disappointed, sad then totally up for it when something new comes up :wink2:

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Oh I should know by now that this is the place to look for the good links :yay: **** that was hilarious, I've been laughing for 15 minutes now :lmao:


can't really catch up on anything else tonight, you'll have to fill me in later :boxed: I'm off to London tomorrow and I probably won't be online before, so see you there :mf_rosetinted:


hilarious, wasn't it !!! i should marry this guy, and he should be paid to write such things :lmao:

anyway, have a good flight and see you on monday ! :thumb_yello::mf_rosetinted:

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Only 6 minutes left on the meter so making it fast:


Babs - awesome

Scut Monkey - glad you're back

Mika's costumes - wish he'd stick with his hot casual US look most of the time, at least lengthen those jackets and lose the granny curls. I'm going to carry a water bottle around with me in London and spritz him if I see those curls. :thumbdown:

Taking the piss - yeah Mika doesn't like that we see through his perfectly constructed image facade. Too bad! Personally I think it makes me a better fan. I like him in spite of his flaws not because I'm deluded enough to think he doesn't have any. He needs to loosen up in that department as much as with the curls.



Totally agree Christine! Well said. And the granny do.....:blink: I'll never get that.

the colourful skinny jeans were also stage clothes, he'd never walk around like that :wink2:


Yes,I totally agree. He'd wear the skintight pants on stage and then the loose ones off stage.

I just think that he looks really nice in his normal (though not so normal) clothes, like when he went to the Fiat thing, or so, and there's no need to get so "done up" and so artificially smart, if it makes any sense.

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