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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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blah blah blah, didn't quite read what was said since last time i posted, cause i'm in a rush not willing to spend all my money on internet in london, but :


- cherisse is cool :wub2:


- apples are cool people :mf_rosetinted: obvious... shouldn't spend my time saying that...


- and it's actually sunny in london since i arrived :blink: :blink: :blink:


- thanks rani for the link !!! i'll tell you on sunday...


- that's all folks...

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Hey! Apples! Come back here and give us the unique apple spin on the gig reports!!


Not to mention gossip and meet-up info!


By the way, I'm really sorry you had the crappy experience with people showing up late and taking front row places without waiting. :thumbdown: (Although it makes sense that of Mika wanted to include Holy Johnny in his stage show, he'd want him up front.) However, the thing with people saying that they have trouble walking or standing even while wearing high heels and whatnot, and getting front row because of it? That's really not cool. :sneaky2:


Especially since front row isn't even a good place for anyone with a disability! There's tons of pushing there, and no place to move or breathe, and you still have to stand up all night just like in any other place. If anything, people who have trouble standing up should either be placed towards the back, where they can have an easy access to the exit of they start to feel unwell, or else the venue can place them in the VIP section where they can sit down.


But in any case, people with disability have a right to expect venue accommodations that allow them to be comfortable, but a disability does not mean a right to the first row.





But it is good to be able to lean against a barrier, however, I usually queue for the priviledge.

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well, i'm afraid so, Bab...


here is the same report i posted for brixton academy 26th :


actually, it was such a funny gig and exciting one, but nothing to see with mika, so don't read if you wanna hear about him...


- yelle was the support, i like her so it was quite warming me up... and ANDY was singing every single french word ot her top song !! dancing his head off to her... the security guy came to him to tell him off LOL he was in the gap between the stage and the barrier...

there is a video of andy dancing his head off to YELLE, AS (french girl) will post it here (if not done yet) she said


- Iceman is back, took a picture of him


- mickey gave his middle finger to andy filming from the gap between the barriers and the stage for quite a long time


- the chords came on stage for happy ending but at the last time mika decided to do how much do you love me... so they had nothing to do there anymore... saranayde was ABSOLOUTELY not ready, she wasn't even on stage when he started, the 4 chords decided they would stay there since they were already there and started doing a hell of a choregraphy dancing at the back in front of luke keyboard :roftl: , saranayde arrived half naked her microphone not ready and her ear thing not quite in her ear, she was dying laughing, trying to sing at the same time she was finding the ear thing, putting it in her ear, arranging her dress and everything :roftl: ...


- the chords finally stayed on stage for 3 songs doing nothing else but their choregraphy, hilarious !! and finally, the song they were supposed to play on arrived...


- hmmm... what else... oh yeah !! i finally ended up on stage whereas the song had been over for about 2 minutes, not quite knowing what to dom and ran straight to the back of the stage directly to cherisse and did the ;ost stupid thing in my life which i'm sure quite freaked her out (even if she recognized me and welcomed me)... but honestly, i would have freaked me out :roftl: i think i passed right in front of mika when was heading to her...

i must have been looking like a very gracious elephant going over the barrier then kata lifted me up on stage, but still, i was still the gracious elephant i was 2 seconds earlier... oh yeah ! that means kata got on stage too :naughty: the security guy stopped christinem but she was on her way... maybe he thought 2 apples on stage was waaaaaaaay enough :mf_rosetinted:


- martin slapped saranayde's ass during one of the songs, i think it was big girls...


- apparently, mika messed up the words of stuck in the middle, but i didn't noticed, i was in my own little world not listening to him, singing out loud, watching what the hell would happen next on stage :naughty:


- this gig was such a mess it was hilarious !

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You may have a long wait , love. :mf_rosetinted:

I could say the same for the Aussies. :mf_rosetinted:



I apologise if I'm whining insufferably again but now that the final reports are rolling in from the end of his 17-month tour I'm feeling bitter again about not having even a single tour yet and the canceled festival. :sneaky2:

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I could say the same for the Aussies. :mf_rosetinted:



I apologise if I'm whining insufferably again but now that the final reports are rolling in from the end of his 17-month tour I'm feeling bitter again about not having even a single tour yet and the canceled festival. :sneaky2:


Go right ahead and be bitter and twisted. It really bugs me on this forum sometimes, it can seem like you are only allowed to say good things either about Mika or your experiences of him or his gigs.

I know you have a good reason to whine, but you don't always need to have a good reason IMO, you do need to let it out though.

Like I said, too much sugar on here sometimes.

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Kata - just be lucky that you're in the forum, so many others have never even gotten the chance to register. :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


...and Jack was told to "shut -up" yesterday :blink: so we might not see her for awhile.

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Awww...Scut. :huglove: Whine here all you want....besides the Aussie thread, you'll get all the happy people telling you that you should just be happy that he made it to your country last year, even if you didn't see him.

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Awww...Scut. :huglove: Whine here all you want....besides the Aussie thread, you'll get all the happy people telling you that you should just be happy that he made it to your country last year, even if you didn't see him.


Yeah, are they on something, or what? :sneaky2:

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Kata - just be lucky that you're in the forum, so many others have never even gotten the chance to register. :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


...and Jack was told to "shut -up" yesterday :blink: so we might not see her for awhile.


True true, I am truly lucky :mf_rosetinted: Arrrrrrrrrrf those comments about the afterparty just completely **** me up :badmood: Seriously, it's like saying "do consider yourself lucky that you got the opportunity to go to a fancy restaurant and watch other people stuff themselves with your favourite food" :mf_rosetinted: "Do consider yourself lucky that you were invited to your birthday party and had the chance to see someone else open your present" :yay:

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Well as you know I got the chance for a real apple style rant in person. Don't feel like rehashing it on the forum especially since I'll just be labelled a sh*t disturber and it will create more problems for everyone, especially me.


I miss you all. :tears:


Kata, where did you end up?

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Well as you know I got the chance for a real apple style rant in person. Don't feel like rehashing it on the forum especially since I'll just be labelled a sh*t disturber and it will create more problems for everyone, especially me.


I miss you all. :tears:


Kata, where did you end up?


I'm still in London :naughty: Hanging out with Cynthia (who is asleep at the moment :bleh:)...might wanna try to book a flight home though :roftl:

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True true, I am truly lucky :mf_rosetinted: Arrrrrrrrrrf those comments about the afterparty just completely **** me up :badmood: Seriously, it's like saying "do consider yourself lucky that you got the opportunity to go to a fancy restaurant and watch other people stuff themselves with your favourite food" :mf_rosetinted: "Do consider yourself lucky that you were invited to your birthday party and had the chance to see someone else open your present" :yay:

Do consider yourself lucky that someone gets to eat your chocolate in front of you while you're watching, because hey, at least you can see the chocolate? :mf_rosetinted:


(That was one I've heard and used alot)


*steps back into the lurking shadows after presenting an old, overused analogy*

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Well as you know I got the chance for a real apple style rant in person. Don't feel like rehashing it on the forum especially since I'll just be labelled a sh*t disturber and it will create more problems for everyone, especially me.


I miss you all. :tears:


Kata, where did you end up?


I don't know that I do know you had an apple style rant in person??

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Kata - just be lucky that you're in the forum, so many others have never even gotten the chance to register. :mf_rosetinted::naughty:

And those who have the internet but have never gotten the chance to register should be happy because there are others who don't have the internet. And those who have computers but not the internet should be happy because there are others who don't have computers. And those who have electricity but not a computer should be happy because there are others who don't even have electricity... I could go on. :mf_rosetinted:


Maybe I'm trivialising the matter but even as a person who wasn't there, who in fact hasn't even been to a gig let alone an after-party, I still don't appreciate the "be happy that you were even there comments". It's not about being satisfied with being there or not: if just being there was all that was promised it would be fine. It was the fact that people were promised a meet-and-greet where everyone would get a chance to socialise and that didn't happen. Naturally when someone is promise something and they don't receive it they will be disappointed no matter how 'lucky' they were to have the alternative.

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