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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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Scut, i think i might have seen the TP in Paddy's market, the market that sells the most rubbish thing in Sydney if it helps to find a place like that in Melbourne... Or maybe it was in Cairns... I'm not sure, but i SO saw it !!


I 've never seen singing koalas though !! i so would have bought that... "Waltzing Matilda..."

I'll try the Queen Victoria Market, an open-air market which sells basically everything you can imagine, next week if the weather cools down enough.


I'm thinking of buying a Waltzing Matilda-singing koala for the hell of it, it's cute and amusing and cheap.

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Who in their right mind travels two hours to uni then two hours from uni for just one lecture then voluntarily walks down the entirety of Elizabeth Street in search for toilet paper despite having done a brutal weights workout the previous day with their personal trainer and can barely sit on their arse let alone move their legs.... all in 39 degree celsius Australian heat?




I'm a masochist. :mf_rosetinted:


I'll try the Queen Victoria Market, an open-air market which sells basically everything you can imagine, next week if the weather cools down enough.


I'm thinking of buying a Waltzing Matilda-singing koala for the hell of it, it's cute and amusing and cheap.

*books you in for therapy*

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Touche!!!!! just for that, im in for you aussies!!:thumb_yello:




I'll try the Queen Victoria Market, an open-air market which sells basically everything you can imagine, next week if the weather cools down enough.


I'm thinking of buying a Waltzing Matilda-singing koala for the hell of it, it's cute and amusing and cheap.


Simple things, huh Scut? :naughty:


I reckon Zoe and I will be checking out QVM at one stage.. .we were also thinking of getting a place within stumbling distance to Crown Casino... :naughty:






OG we're alcos... thern again... they are banning strong alcoholic drinks in all pubs after about 12am...

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A story about the Kind and Fine Wizard and the evil Lord Simon Idolmort: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13486 :mf_rosetinted:


I saw that the other day because I thought perhaps I should actually read some of the threads on this board since I'm a mod. :naughty:


I love the minds on this board. :roftl:


Haven't finished all parts but will definitely get around to it.


On another note, did you steal my signature and use it for your own why-did-Mika-cancel-on-me purposes? :sneaky2:




(These pics were taken on August 10, BTW. The day he was supposed to headline a festival in Quebec but was busy secret gigging in NYC :sneaky2: )

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I saw that the other day because I thought perhaps I should actually read some of the threads on this board since I'm a mod. :naughty:


I love the minds on this board. :roftl:


Haven't finished all parts but will definitely get around to it.


On another note, did you steal my signature and use it for your own why-did-Mika-cancel-on-me purposes? :sneaky2:




(These pics were taken on August 10, BTW. The day he was supposed to headline a festival in Quebec but was busy secret gigging in NYC :sneaky2: )


I stole them .. *hides up Scut's skirt*

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I saw that the other day because I thought perhaps I should actually read some of the threads on this board since I'm a mod. :naughty:


I love the minds on this board. :roftl:


Haven't finished all parts but will definitely get around to it.


On another note, did you steal my signature and use it for your own why-did-Mika-cancel-on-me purposes? :sneaky2:




(These pics were taken on August 10, BTW. The day he was supposed to headline a festival in Quebec but was busy secret gigging in NYC :sneaky2: )

Kelzy made it for me. Yes, I remember where they're from, it was an especially memorable cancellation since it wasn't due to illness but poor scheduling. Do you object to the theft? I would think not since it's being used for why-did-Mika-cancel-on-me purposes not OMFG-I-love-Mika's-handwriting-it's-so-sexc purposes. :mf_rosetinted:



Btw, everyone, please click on the pic and vote. It's for purely selfish reasons: not because we want him to win for his sake, but because if he does win he has less reason to neglect Oz. :fisch:

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I would think not since it's being used for why-did-Mika-cancel-on-me purposes not OMFG-I-love-Mika's-handwriting-it's-so-sexc purposes. :mf_rosetinted:




Btw, everyone, please click on the pic vote. It's for purely selfish reasons: not because we want him to win for his sake, but because if he does win he has less reason to neglect Oz. :fisch:


Hmmm...but if Mika wins and still doesn't show up...things could get really ugly. :boxed:

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Hmmm...but if Mika wins and still doesn't show up...things could get really ugly. :boxed:

The awards are on April 26th which would have been about a fortnight after the V Festival dates so he wouldn't have been here for the award ceremony. Even if he did the festival dates I don't think he would have done a tour at the same time (but if he was planning on doing so it would have been last-minute again) so I think that he put an Aussie tour on the back-burner a long while ago and therefore a win or loss at the awards wouldn't really affect when he will tour Australia. Therefore I'm wasting my time. :mf_rosetinted:

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The awards are on April 26th which would have been about a fortnight after the V Festival dates so he wouldn't have been here for the award ceremony. Even if he did the festival dates I don't think he would have done a tour at the same time (but if he was planning on doing so it would have been last-minute again) so I think that he put an Aussie tour on the back-burner a long while ago and therefore a win or loss at the awards wouldn't really affect when he will tour Australia. Therefore I'm wasting my time. :mf_rosetinted:


Well Mika does seem to be responding rather well to all the loud whinging on the board in other matters...so you could certainly keep that up! :thumb_yello:


And I'll be glad to help out by slipping in snarky comments about my own cancellations to move things along.

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...or maybe print simon cowell everywhere instead


Now that is a brilliant plan! :roftl:


(I love the TP idea, but not-so-subtley suggesting to Mika that we think he's effectively wiping his ass with Australia and/or his fans due to neglect is a little harsh even for me! :blush-anim-cl: )

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Hmmm...but if Mika wins and still doesn't show up...things could get really ugly. :boxed:

In that case I will put a spell on him to turn him into a toad.



And that's a Toad PURSE - not Wallet.

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Well Mika does seem to be responding rather well to all the loud whinging on the board in other matters...so you could certainly keep that up! :thumb_yello:


And I'll be glad to help out by slipping in snarky comments about my own cancellations to move things along.

Really? Whinging on what matters has he responded to?


I've been whining about his cancellations/neglect of Oz all over the board at every opportunity I get. In fact even the Appleman thread has been invaded by Aussies: me, Soangel, Kelzy, Nico_Collard. :fisch: But it's natural that this is where we come to bitch without being told "be forever grateful for the last-minute one-off show he did 9 months ago in another state that you couldn't afford to fly to". :mf_rosetinted:

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Really? Whinging on what matters has he responded to?


I've been whining about his cancellations/neglect of Oz all over the board at every opportunity I get. In fact even the Appleman thread has been invaded by Aussies: me, Soangel, Kelzy, Nico_Collard. :fisch: But it's natural that this is where we come to bitch without being told "be forever grateful for the last-minute one-off show he did in another state that you couldn't afford to fly to". :mf_rosetinted:

Don't forget.... that we have to be forever grateful that we can log on here and see pictures and recordings of what we're missing :mf_rosetinted:

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Now that is a brilliant plan! :roftl:


(I love the TP idea, but not-so-subtley suggesting to Mika that we think he's effectively wiping his ass with Australia and/or his fans due to neglect is a little harsh even for me! :blush-anim-cl: )




yeah you know i didnt knowanything about that...but it looks really serious for everyone and stuff, for someone like me who is just a fan who didnt know about that I just saw the TP idea like " the fans are making fun of their own selves" and it was just a great metaphore regarding the place of the fans in the music business, like "we know what we are supposed to be" but still we know that not everything is black or white and we care for you and we joke about it with you...i still like the idea but maybe(surely,lol) he would take more pleasure to use a TP with SC written on it

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(I love the TP idea, but not-so-subtley suggesting to Mika that we think he's effectively wiping his ass with Australia and/or his fans due to neglect is a little harsh even for me! :blush-anim-cl: )

Really? I was wondering the opposite, if he'll get the metaphor or think it's just crazy fans sending him crazy Aussie and/or MFC paraphernalia for attention.

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Really? Whinging on what matters has he responded to?


He dropped that Billy Brown story like a hot potato. But not without making a big production about how he was never going to tell it again.


Saranayde has noticeably moved to the background in all but the Missionary Man number.


Donuts and hot chocolate in London (although that required some onsite maneuvering as well as snarky comments on MFC).


He made sure to tell us all explicitly that he doesn't throw out any of his gifts and has rented storage space to hold everything and don't think he doesn't appreciate the gifts. I found that a rather odd thing to announce unless he knows people were saying last December we should stop with all the gift giving or he's going to have to throw most of it out...how much crap could he possibly keep in his flat, blah, blah, blah.


These could all be coincidences...but the whinging seems to be effective in any case!


(But seriously, a call from Freddie and Jerry was onto the issues with the doors opening at Brixton within minutes, saying it was unacceptable. I think they're a lot less dismissive of what fans want/need than it may appear sometimes.)


Really? I was wondering the opposite, if he'll get the metaphor or think it's just crazy fans sending him crazy Aussie and/or MFC paraphernalia for attention.


If you sent it bundled with a bunch of other Aussie stuff then I'm sure he wouldn't read anything into it. Unless he happens to still be reading his favourite thread on MFC...:fisch:

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This is why I'm only for the project if the TP simply has our MFC names on it.


In that case, I see it being a bit of self-deprecating humor on our part about fans' willingness to give him all sorts of ridiculous gifts for his attention.


It may also be read as a bit of a jab at him, but that really wouldn't make sense because as Christine has noted, he and his team are extremely attentive to our wants and needs. And it's not his fault that some countries do not get as much of his attention, it's all a matter of practicality.


So, a silly, cheeky, slightly risque mock-gift? I'm in. A passive-aggressive jab at a man who does not, in fact, owe us anything? Not so much.


Not that I'm saying Aussies should be grateful or happy over the state of things, but bitching Mika out for it as though he "owes" anyone a tour is kinda... not on.



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Not that I'm saying Aussies should be grateful or happy over the state of things, but bitching Mika out for it as though he "owes" anyone a tour is kinda... not on.



Jack .... I absolutely agree with you on this point !!! :thumb_yello::wub2:

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let's not think too much ok? i think it's a good idea and we should be more practical and do it. I dont have any idea where we cant get our names printed on some TP, but maybe it's been discussed before. so now maybe we should make a list with our names, people who want to be in/on.


I start:


Pam Travers

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Really? I was wondering the opposite, if he'll get the metaphor or think it's just crazy fans sending him crazy Aussie and/or MFC paraphernalia for attention.


I think he would get the metaphor too but I wonder about his reaction, if he'd take it seriously

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oh no... you're starting being mean... :thumbdown::naughty: and don't forget i volunteered to deliver the project, and he knows my face a bit too well by now, i don't need this :mf_rosetinted:


do we need new ideas for the printing ?

- apples

- aussie places

- scandinavian places

- festivals (werchter, big chill, roskilde, nibe 07, V festival OZ 08...)

- plastic bags


apple support...


and yes, i would like to think that it's a real project :blink:


customized plastic bags : http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=268362028


customized toilet paper : http://www.printedtp.com/





do we change that to :


- apples

- plastic bags

- names


apple support...


customized plastic bags : http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=268362028


customized toilet paper : http://www.printedtp.com/



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