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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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wow the customized TP are marvellous@yop


violet, i just came here and jumped in and didnt read all that had been said before, what was the reports stuff??


hey i have an idea for the TP, we are a lot here = we have a lot of money,lol= we can have them all@different prints


we can have apples and names and anything else we like and even have one with this idea of mine the SC name printing.


it's really nice because he can use all of them, it's not something he will put in a museum , it's really useful:naughty: and we can give him a lot of them


we could have like six of them or more , each one different, it would be really beautiful and massive and we would put a big ribbon all around,lol

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This is why I'm only for the project if the TP simply has our MFC names on it.


In that case, I see it being a bit of self-deprecating humor on our part about fans' willingness to give him all sorts of ridiculous gifts for his attention.


It may also be read as a bit of a jab at him, but that really wouldn't make sense because as Christine has noted, he and his team are extremely attentive to our wants and needs. And it's not his fault that some countries do not get as much of his attention, it's all a matter of practicality.


So, a silly, cheeky, slightly risque mock-gift? I'm in. A passive-aggressive jab at a man who does not, in fact, owe us anything? Not so much.


Not that I'm saying Aussies should be grateful or happy over the state of things, but bitching Mika out for it as though he "owes" anyone a tour is kinda... not on.





Thanks Jack:thumb_yello:


I've been trying to follow this thread for the past few days, but a horribly mad RL has made it nearly impossible:sneaky2: so I "kind of" followed the main idea (I think:naughty:), and I was quite keen to be a part of the TP project.


I find it very funny, the idea of delivering printed toilet paper......well, it's just funny!!! But I must admit that when I started reading about putting things that I'd class as "political" in it, it just felt wrong to me.


I'm really not saying this to "moralise" anyone or say that it IS wrong, just that I see it as unfair and not right, so I wouldn't want to be a part of that. Now you'll say: "well who cares if you are a part of it":roftl: and you'd be right, but I thought it fair to post what my thoughts on this have been.


Aaaaaaaanyway so I had resigned myself to the idea of NOT participating in the present, much to my despair, but this post today by Jack made me have fresh hopes, as maybe others feel the same way.


Soooo, to cut a long story short(ish), if you decide that the "jokey" print or with our mfc names is the way to go, I'd love to be a part of it.


I hope nobody gets upset by this, I'm not judging how other people feel about stuff or saying how they should feel:wink2: , I'm just explaining how I feel about it!


And now off to RL for a bit again, grrrrrrrrr.....I'm leaving on a week holiday tomorrow and really need to pack.

:punk: See you later!!

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What about the reports?


I feel left out and ignored


about the reports i have 2 things to say :

- it would quite hard to fit reports on TP :blink:

- and you were talking about the bad reports, so i guess it doesn't fit the project anymore, since jack and christine showed it (and i agree with them) it would be quite harsh and unnice to be "in his face" about what he obviously can't do anything about : cancellations, lack of tour in australia, etc.


even if i'm still not keen on the idea of my name on TP he could possibly use :blush-anim-cl: even if it's not my real name... i mean... people still call me like that when they meet me, and i invented this name, and well... it's TP :blink:


i 1st thought you were kidding about putting reports on the TP that's why i didn't react :naughty: tell us what kind of TP do you use to think that printing gigs reports on it could be possible ?? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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about the reports i have 2 things to say :

- it would quite hard to fit reports on TP

- and you were talking about the bad reports, so i guess it doesn't fit the project anymore, since jack and christine showed it (and i agree with them) it would be quite harsh and unnice to be "in his face" about what he obviously can't do anything about : cancellations, lack of tour in australia, etc.


even if i'm still not keen on the idea of my name on TP he could possibly use even if it's not my real name... i mean... people still call me like that when they meet me, and i invented this name, and well... it's TP


i 1st thought you were kidding about putting reports on the TP that's why i didn't react tell us what kind of TP do you use to think that printing gigs reports on it could be possible ??


You're right, of course :wink2: Besides the 'problem' of having rather long text stuff printed on the rolls, which most probably wouldn't work out in a visually satisfying way (even if there was a company willing to do it, which I doubt either) I was just throwing it in again because I was around and had nothing better to say :roftl: (yes, it happens)


Thanks Jack


I've been trying to follow this thread for the past few days, but a horribly mad RL has made it nearly impossible:sneaky2: so I "kind of" followed the main idea (I think), and I was quite keen to be a part of the TP project.


I find it very funny, the idea of delivering printed toilet paper......well, it's just funny!!! But I must admit that when I started reading about putting things that I'd class as "political" in it, it just felt wrong to me.


I'm really not saying this to "moralise" anyone or say that it IS wrong, just that I see it as unfair and not right, so I wouldn't want to be a part of that. Now you'll say: "well who cares if you are a part of it" and you'd be right, but I thought it fair to post what my thoughts on this have been.


Aaaaaaaanyway so I had resigned myself to the idea of NOT participating in the present, much to my despair, but this post today by Jack made me have fresh hopes, as maybe others feel the same way.


Soooo, to cut a long story short(ish), if you decide that the "jokey" print or with our mfc names is the way to go, I'd love to be a part of it.


I hope nobody gets upset by this, I'm not judging how other people feel about stuff or saying how they should feel:wink2: , I'm just explaining how I feel about it!


And now off to RL for a bit again, grrrrrrrrr.....I'm leaving on a week holiday tomorrow and really need to pack.

See you later!!


Have a fantastic holiday! :huglove:

I agree with what you said :wink2:, still I'd find the names funny even though there is a small but existing risk remaining when it comes to the question how it would be perceived...


Let's talk about something else.

Like fruit.


I had a banana, raspberries and grapes today :wub2:

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Why cherry tomato is not a fruit?


"The question "The tomato: is it a fruit, or is it a vegetable?" found its way into the United States Supreme Court in 1893. The court ruled unanimously in Nix v. Hedden, 1893, that a tomato is correctly identified as, and thus taxed as, a vegetable, for the purposes of the 1883 Tariff Act on imported produce. However, the court did acknowledge that botanically speaking, a tomato is a fruit." and "A cherry tomato is a smaller garden variety of tomato."

from Wikipedia, it's a fruit then :mf_rosetinted:

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"The question "The tomato: is it a fruit, or is it a vegetable?" found its way into the United States Supreme Court in 1893. The court ruled unanimously in Nix v. Hedden, 1893, that a tomato is correctly identified as, and thus taxed as, a vegetable, for the purposes of the 1883 Tariff Act on imported produce. However, the court did acknowledge that botanically speaking, a tomato is a fruit." and "A cherry tomato is a smaller garden variety of tomato."

from Wikipedia, it's a fruit then :mf_rosetinted:


I can't believe that made its way to court!

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"The question "The tomato: is it a fruit, or is it a vegetable?" found its way into the United States Supreme Court in 1893. The court ruled unanimously in Nix v. Hedden, 1893, that a tomato is correctly identified as, and thus taxed as, a vegetable, for the purposes of the 1883 Tariff Act on imported produce. However, the court did acknowledge that botanically speaking, a tomato is a fruit." and "A cherry tomato is a smaller garden variety of tomato."

from Wikipedia, it's a fruit then :mf_rosetinted:


Cool! But don`t deny that it is a rather filosophical question: "fruit or vegetable? that is the question."

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Hello Apples and fruits of all shapes and sizes :biggrin2:


Hi Jemma !! :yay:


I can't believe that made its way to court!


Cool, huh ? :mf_rosetinted: We're important, us, fruits... and vegetables.. whatever... (yeah, i can't believe it either... and while that, people die...)


And for the TP is it serious now? :blink:


it IS serious... we just have a problem with WHAT to put on it... which is usually not a problem with TP... GROSS...

oh... and it's not like we're gonna see him in a minute...

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