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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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Okay, Kelzy, you need to cool off. Or maybe you're rubbing your middle 'coz you're hungry with all the food talk. Take a walk. To the bakery. :naughty:

Good idea, I'll go and get myself a Filipino bride,, Oops I mean Chocolate Muffin :das:

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Hard to get here in Japan....


(Why is it called PASSION fruit???)



it's kind of a visual explanation but maybe not the way people could think...it was used toportraye Christ’s passion to people they were trying to convert....


also watermelon is seen by I dont rmember his name as one of the most famous food of angels wich is a big debate, many people thi nk it's not true...and personnaly since kelzy says she eats it i'm now sure it's not the food of angels at all

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:roftl: :roftl: it's the middle of the night here !! :roftl: 3:56am to be precise... and the question "what are you still doing here ? :blink: " is not allowed...

Fine then. What are you wearing?

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Fine then. What are you wearing?


scrubs pants i stole at the hospital and a t-shirt :blink: scrubs pants are the best thing the hospital brought to my life :mf_rosetinted: they're the most comfortable thing on earth :thumb_yello:


i'm off to bed now... 4:41 am is quite nice...

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scrubs pants i stole at the hospital and a t-shirt :blink: scrubs pants are the best thing the hospital brought to my life :mf_rosetinted: they're the most comfortable thing on earth :thumb_yello:


i'm off to bed now... 4:41 am is quite nice...

:naughty: I love hospital blankets. They aren't soft but they keep they heat in in winter:thumb_yello:


Goodnight!! Sweet dreams of some person who shall remain nameless..

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also watermelon is seen by I dont rmember his name as one of the most famous food of angels wich is a big debate, many people thi nk it's not true...and personnaly since kelzy says she eats it i'm now sure it's not the food of angels at all

Another one of your "jokes"?? :roftl:


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I keep seeing weird fruits around the market that I've never seen before :blink:


Its making me tempted to try them, but I don't know what they are



like what?? waht do they look like??...i'd love to try cactus fruits but I dont know where to find them.

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like what?? waht do they look like??...i'd love to try cactus fruits but I dont know where to find them.

I can't describe what they look like at all... only that their at the market, and they don't put the names above them

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No. If it would have been a "joke" I would have put a smiley as you taught me to let you undersatnd that it was. I really think you are not an angel and that you are really mean.

And I think you don't know me and should refrain from insulting people you don't know. I haven't at any point called you a bitch or an asshole. So you should mind your manners..

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No. If it would have been a "joke" I would have put a smiley as you taught me to let you undersatnd that it was. I really think you are not an angel and that you are really mean.


No one around here is an angel. Well, maybe a few. But, the vast majority are not. :blink:


I would hazard a guess that the Aussies are somewhat raw about their lack of Mika...your original post was misinterpreted as being serious, which clearly didn't go over well. As others have said, smileys work well. :thumb_yello:


And I think you don't know me and should refrain from insulting people you don't know. I haven't at any point called you a bitch or an asshole. So you should mind your manners..


Sounds like another personality clash, gals, seasoned with a bit of misunderstanding. Let's refrain from whipping out the boxing gloves, 'kay?


Now, to return the conversation to something frutier...


Star fruit, anyone?



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No one around here is an angel. Well, maybe a few. But, the vast majority are not. :blink:


I would hazard a guess that the Aussies are somewhat raw about their lack of Mika...your original post was misinterpreted as being serious, which clearly didn't go over well. As others have said, smileys work well. :thumb_yello:




Sounds like another personality clash, gals, seasoned with a bit of misunderstanding. Let's refrain from whipping out the boxing gloves, 'kay?

I agree with what you said. :thumb_yello:


Now, to return the conversation to something frutier...


Star fruit, anyone?



Awww I love them!!

and these:




Dipped in sugar!! mmmm

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This is why I'm only for the project if the TP simply has our MFC names on it.


In that case, I see it being a bit of self-deprecating humor on our part about fans' willingness to give him all sorts of ridiculous gifts for his attention.


It may also be read as a bit of a jab at him, but that really wouldn't make sense because as Christine has noted, he and his team are extremely attentive to our wants and needs. And it's not his fault that some countries do not get as much of his attention, it's all a matter of practicality.


So, a silly, cheeky, slightly risque mock-gift? I'm in. A passive-aggressive jab at a man who does not, in fact, owe us anything? Not so much.


Not that I'm saying Aussies should be grateful or happy over the state of things, but bitching Mika out for it as though he "owes" anyone a tour is kinda... not on.



As I said to Christine, I don't think he'd even get the symbolism of Aussie toilet paper, especially since we're thinking of sending it along with our petition and our jokey junk (photoshops etc.) where it could easily be taken as just another silly item. The metaphor is more for us, for our own amusement. But if he's clever enough to get the "we feel neglected" message then even better, it is a bit of "bitching him out" but I really doubt he'd take offence since it's such a silly joke, it's hard to take seriously - if we really wanted to make a serious dig or insult then there are better ways than that.


I have to disagree with you on whether he "owes' us anything or not. I do happen to believe that he owes us a tour because he said very publicly and very specifically on a radio program that he will tour Australia, New Zealand and Asia. If he hadn't said that then I wouldn't think that he's obliged at all to tour Australia; many artists have never toured here and while we're disappointed by it we don't feel that they're obliged to. At the end of the day he could still never tour here and we could do nothing about it but I doubt that as a professional he would make an explicit promise and then not deliver without a good reason.


The jokes and whining are merely our way of venting and expressing our disappointment. I don't actually believe that they'll affect his and his management's decision of when he'll tour Autralia because that's based purely on logistics and costs and scheduling. I don't believe that he's intentionally neglected Australia, but nevertheless I'm disappointed by it and that's why I vent.


I'm still for the Aussie TP idea, unless all of the other Aussies disagree with me then I won't send it. As for the other TP's, I'm not sure how he would take the one with our names on it; I hope that he has a really great sense of humour because otherwise he might interpret it as creepy. The apple toilet paper has less creepy-factor and continues the ongoing Apple theme. But I'm for them both, it'll give us a good laugh if anything. :bleh:



That's brilliant. :roftl: Who made it?


scrubs pants i stole at the hospital and a t-shirt :blink: scrubs pants are the best thing the hospital brought to my life :mf_rosetinted: they're the most comfortable thing on earth :thumb_yello:

Oh, I looove scrubs, they're so comfortable. But I find that I have one problem with them: 'cause I'm so short and they come in generic sizes the legs are always too long for me and if I don't keep on folding them I trip on them. But other than that they're perfect. :wub2:

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As for the fruit discussion, I adore all forms of berries: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries... all of them, they're delicious. And cherries. Just add some ice cream, whipped cream or yoghurt to some berries or cherries and I'm in heaven. :wub2: Apples, however, are the most convenient fruit: ou can just pop one out any time as a snack. I love them when they're crispy, if they're a soft texture then I don't even bother. My favourite types are a sweet Golden Delicious or a sour Granny Smith or a sweet-sour combination Pink Lady. An apple pie cooked with sour Granny Smiths is brilliant in winter especially. The other fruits I eat the most are bananas and oranges (but I have to pick off the white fibre stuff first, it has no taste and just gets in between by teeth). I also love pineapple, especially when combined with coconut. I like watermelon but I'm not into other forms of melon - I can eat them but I'd prefer not to. The same goes for pears.


As for veggies, I love them all except from zuchini, capsicum (except from when grilled), eggplant (except from when in Baba Ghanoush), artichoke, brocolli and sweet potato. Pumpkin I can eat but unless it's a pumpkin soup with sour cream I don't like it coo much. Corn I love, both boiled or BBQ'ed. When it comes to tomatoes, I love them whole when raw but if they're cooked there have to be ZERO traces of its skin or seeds otherwise they make me gag. I adore olives, mushrooms and spinach, they're brilliant. I like cucumber and leafy greens too but they tend to be a bit tasteless so they need a nice dressing. Gherkins, though, don't - they're nice and tangy on their own. I like most preserves, including pickled mushrooms and pickled onions too.


As for meat, I hate it all except from minced meat, lean red meat (e.g. steak or skewered kebabs) and lean chicken breast, basically cleaned and picked until there are no traces of anything but the meat. Fish too, I only like tuna, salmon and trout and with the bones and brown bits and skin etc. all removed. Shellfish I like crab and lobster but that's about it.


When it comes to junk food, though, especially high-sugar and high-fat carbohydrate-based foods (e.g. lollies, chocolate, cakes, crisps, fries, etc.) I'm a sucker for. And cheeses, I love a good cheese. Damn bad things for tasting so good.


...and that's quite enough self-centred food discussion from me. :bleh:

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As for the fruit discussion, I adore all forms of berries: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries... all of them, they're delicious. And cherries. Just add some ice cream, whipped cream or yoghurt to some berries or cherries and I'm in heaven. :wub2: Apples, however, are the most convenient fruit: ou can just pop one out any time as a snack. I love them when they're crispy, if they're a soft texture then I don't even bother. My favourite types are a sweet Golden Delicious or a sour Granny Smith or a sweet-sour combination Pink Lady. An apple pie cooked with sour Granny Smiths is brilliant in winter especially. The other fruits I eat the most are bananas and oranges (but I have to pick off the white fibre stuff first, it has no taste and just gets in between by teeth). I also love pineapple, especially when combined with coconut. I like watermelon but I'm not into other forms of melon - I can eat them but I'd prefer not to. The same goes for pears.


As for veggies, I love them all except from zuchini, capsicum (except from when grilled), eggplant (except from when in Baba Ghanoush), artichoke, brocolli and sweet potato. Pumpkin I can eat but unless it's a pumpkin soup with sour cream I don't like it coo much. Corn I love. When it comes to tomatoes, I love them whole when raw but if they're cooked there have to be ZERO traces of its skin or seeds otherwise they make me gag. I adore olives, mushrooms and spinach, they're brilliant. I like cucumber and leafy greens too but they tend to be a bit tasteless so they need a nice dressing. Gherkins, though, don't - they're nice and tangy on their own. I like most preserves, including pickled mushrooms and pickled onions too.


As for meat, I hate it all except from minced meat, lean red meat (e.g. steak or skewered kebabs) and lean chicken breast, basically cleaned and picked until there are no traces of anything but the meat. Fish too, I only like tuna, salmon and trout and with the bones and brown bits and skin etc. all removed. Shellfish I like crab and lobster but that's about it.


When it comes to junk food, though, especially high-sugar and high-fat carbohydrate-based foods (e.g. lollies, chocolate, cakes, crisps, fries, etc.) I'm a sucker for. And cheeses, I love a good cheese. Damn bad things for tasting so good.


...and that's quite enough self-centred food discussion from me. :bleh:




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But if he's clever enough to get the "we feel neglected" message then even better, it is a bit of "bitching him out" but I really doubt he'd take offence since it's such a silly joke, it's hard to take seriously - if we really wanted to make a serious dig or insult then there are better ways than that.


I think he's smart enough to figure it out if you send him toilet paper with Australian locales on it in combination with the petition. The petition I'm all for (and I signed it!) because I know you guys have been waiting for a tour and trying to show Mika and management that there is demand is an entirely appropriate way of lobbying them.


Guilt-tripping him? Not so much. Fans already make demands of him for all sorts of things, and with festivals especially, that's in the past and he's more than aware that it lead to disappointments, etc. I just think it's petty to bring it up now.


Plus since when has someone making you feel bad about something gotten you all excited to do it?


I have to disagree with you on whether he "owes' us anything or not. I do happen to believe that he owes us a tour because he said very publicly and very specifically on a radio program that he will tour Australia, New Zealand and Asia. If he hadn't said that then I wouldn't think that he's obliged at all to tour Australia


Well, he still has time, doesn't he? Although, he's promised many things publicly that never came to fruition--circumstances change, after all, and some things that were floated as a possibility at one moment become less possible the next.


I certainly hope he tours Australia soon, and I think encouraging him to do so as well as generally reminding him about the existence of a fan base in Australia is a good idea, but I don't think whining AT him for something that may have been out of his control is useful at all.


I don't believe that he's intentionally neglected Australia, but nevertheless I'm disappointed by it and that's why I vent.


Well, it's venting so long as it's just whining on the forum, and that I never say boo about. When you guys decide to send him a package not simply lobbying for him to come, but also complaining and enumerating your grievances, it stops being venting and starts being guilt-tripping and demanding, imo.


About the tomato: it couldn't really have been Eve's apple, because tomatoes do not grow on trees. Also, the fact that it's called "apple of love" in Latin is interesting, but can't be counted as a factor, because:


1. the Old Testament was not written in Latin


2. It is not actually specified that Eve ate an "apple." The word actually used in the Old Testament means simply "fruit," not "apple." But because "apple" was used as kind of a catch-all word for basic fruits (as you see yourself with that whole apple-of-ground, apple-of-love, etc) it was translated as "apple" into the Latin, upon which most other modern translations have been based.


Wikipedia: "One of the problems identifying apples in religion, mythology and folktales is that the word "apple" was used as a generic term for all (foreign) fruit, other than berries but including nuts, as late as the 17th C. CE."


3. One possibility that scholars have brought up is that the fruit Eve ate was actually a pomegranate. A pomegranate has great mythical significance in other traditions, and exists as both a fruit of power and a fruit of damnation in Greek myths. It was also associated with fertility in Egypt. But really, that's no more or less proven than that it was an apple, although portraying it as an apple may have been itself an attempt by later readers to inject Greek mythology into the bible.



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And Scut just made me drool all over my keyboard with her talk of fruits and ice cream.. :bleh:


I need a slave. *cough* I mean Boyfriend.

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I think he's smart enough to figure it out if you send him toilet paper with Australian locales on it in combination with the petition. The petition I'm all for (and I signed it!) because I know you guys have been waiting for a tour and trying to show Mika and management that there is demand is an entirely appropriate way of lobbying them.


Guilt-tripping him? Not so much. Fans already make demands of him for all sorts of things, and with festivals especially, that's in the past and he's more than aware that it lead to disappointments, etc. I just think it's petty to bring it up now.


Plus since when has someone making you feel bad about something gotten you all excited to do it?

So basically you don't approve of the guilt-tripping aspect of it. Fair enough.


In the end I don't really believe that guilt-tripping him nor even a petition will have a real impact on when he'll tour Australia. When it comes to touring somewhere as far as Australia it all comes down to logistics, cost and booking/scheduling and no amount of fan pressure can really change that (unless someone has an example where it has? I, for one, have never seen one). Maybe I'm being pessimistic, who knows I might be wrong and he or his management might take a petition for example seriously and work harder at organising an Australian tour, but from past experience it's unlikely to happen.


But I'm still for the petition in the off-chance that it'll help and I'm for the jokey junk because it's creative and fun.


Well, he still has time, doesn't he? Although, he's promised many things publicly that never came to fruition--circumstances change, after all, and some things that were floated as a possibility at one moment become less possible the next.

Hence why I said as a professional he wouldn't go back on his word unless he has a good reason.

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I need a slave. *cough* I mean Boyfriend.

Some buy/bake a fruitflan cake after an exam and some send a fruit basket. But other than that they're not very useful. :mf_rosetinted:




Yes, I'm a tad bitter once again. Because no matter how much they may say that they've changed you can always trust them to be insensitive.

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Some buy/bake a fruitflan cake after an exam and some send a fruit basket. But other than that they're not very useful. :mf_rosetinted:




Yes, I'm a tad bitter once again. Because no matter how much they may say that they've changed you can always trust them to be insensitive.



*hugs* And you expected this might happen. Unfortunately Leopards never change their spots

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Some buy/bake a fruitflan cake after an exam and some send a fruit basket. But other than that they're not very useful. :mf_rosetinted:




Yes, I'm a tad bitter once again. Because no matter how much they may say that they've changed you can always trust them to be insensitive.





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*hugs* And you expected this might happen. Unfortunately Leopards never change their spots

Nice smilie. :lmao:




They can change some, but not all.






Great song. :thumb_yello:


I love that song



Another offering.. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=md4u8Zlfw4Q :naughty:

I remember that song. :naughty:




I'm not angry this time, though, just annoyed.

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