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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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Toronto was half the size of NY and I thought he decided against any contact with the crowd because the audience was too crazy and we would have all been crushed. But it sounds like that's exactly what happened in NY when he started pulling people on stage.


Maybe it was just because he wasn't feeling well in Toronto since I'm sure he had a second Relax on the setlist but he didn't do it. He told the LG's sister he thought he ate something bad and there was that issue with his blocked toilet so I guess it was for the best. :naughty:

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Toronto was half the size of NY and I thought he decided against any contact with the crowd because the audience was too crazy and we would have all been crushed. But it sounds like that's exactly what happened in NY when he started pulling people on stage.


Maybe it was just because he wasn't feeling well in Toronto since I'm sure he had a second Relax on the setlist but he didn't do it. He told the LG's sister he thought he ate something bad and there was that issue with his blocked toilet so I guess it was for the best. :naughty:


Too much information! :blink:

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Toronto was half the size of NY and I thought he decided against any contact with the crowd because the audience was too crazy and we would have all been crushed. But it sounds like that's exactly what happened in NY when he started pulling people on stage.


Maybe it was just because he wasn't feeling well in Toronto since I'm sure he had a second Relax on the setlist but he didn't do it. He told the LG's sister he thought he ate something bad and there was that issue with his blocked toilet so I guess it was for the best. :naughty:


:blink: :blink: thanks for the not so damn mikagasmic picture I got out of this :mf_rosetinted:

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Hey Sari, have you seen the Fiat 500 launc vid? Not much Mika, bad quality, but I see us. :naughty:


No! Which one? I want to see us!!!


It seems that we do get extra points for all those things, but they amount to be penalized for it, not rewarded.


Not that I'm looking for rewards. If Mika gets up on stage and sings his ass off like he did on Tuesday I couldn't ask for more. But I don't understand the inequity that sees fans actually treated like crap by security in some towns and Mika whisked off without a by-your-leave and then in other cities fans are given VIP treatment and Mika's undivided attention.


I chose to go to London because I thought since it was his hometown and his last dates on the tour it would be something special and yet it seems like the opposite. Maybe it's just because it's hard to shake the bad vibe from the cancellations so I'm just feeling cynical, but I just can't imagine anything special coming out of the London gigs at this point. I hope I'm wrong.


I also hope you're wrong Christine. I really do.

As everyone says, I go to the gigs to see him sing, and to see a great show, but I'm happy to admit that I also love meeting him and having a little chat.

I know it may sound silly, but I'm just being honest by saying that I like it, and I do try and make it happen when I'm there.

Just lately things haven't worked out that well!! I did think that toronto was a good time, but then he left:boxed:. Of course this doesn't mean that the night lost any of its appeal, as the show was INCREDIBLE and by far the best I've seen of him, but still, having a bit of direct contact with him afterwards (or before) would have been the icing on the cake.



yes, sure ! i said (or i think so) LOOK innoncent and young... if the one who got chosen and who is 38 looks like an innocent girl, then go for it ! i'm just surprised in that interest in parading in a pink dress acting like a little girl at that age... i might understand the compulsive application, but well... i don't understand the choice (cause i've never seen her) and the real interest in it at 38... but that's just me !!


and Suzy !! stop imagining me in that outfit i get shivers down my spine... :mf_rosetinted:


You know, after I applied, I actually felt quite stupid about it, cause I could totally imagine how silly I'd feel on stage dressed and acting like that....but hey, I was ready to do anything to get on stage with Mika! hahaha!!!



Oh lord, I don't think I ever wanted to prance around on stage in an LG outfit, it's just the hideous price you have to pay to get up on stage with Mika and the band. I would rather get pulled out of the audience in my normal clothes for sure.


I don't think it matters if the LG looks young and innocent or whatever because it's just a silly thing onstage, but I did feel an attack of conscience after applying. I think it should go to someone younger just because it would be much more of a thrill for them than it would be for me.


I got to do a lot of cool things when I was a teenager and it's so much more exciting when you're young and experiencing things for the first time. I think the LGs should be young girls and not cynical old bitches just for that reason.


Who are you calling a bitch exactly?:naughty: And why does this thing allow us to post the word???

bitch bitch bitch bitch

Hmmmmmm...how odd!



Sorry. :naughty:


Apparently he was running around backstage shouting about the toilet so I'm assuming he wasn't the culprit.


I don't buy that:roftl: . I think he was.

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*raises hand*


I have a question.

I have read through the last few pages of the brandnew apple home as well as a fair part of the now famous NY donut-stage-dragging thread plus the (now old) news about the official or soon-to-be-official status of this forum.

I've read about expected freebies and unfair or perceived as unfair treatment of fans in different countries or fans and MFC fans but still don't see where it all comes together.


In NY, did they ask people if they were from MFC before they gave out the hot chocolate (*bleugh, BTW*) and thus created the impression that there's a benefit from signing up here (and did they make people prove that they have an MFC account, like: 'tell me your id and you'll have that donut' :naughty:)?

Or was it just a simple and spontaneous act of kindness and sympathy with the poor creatures who had spent half the night in front of the venue? Or (as we know how legal 'issues' tend to be carried to extremes in the US at times - just think of hot coffee at McDo :fisch:) were they just afraid of being sued for making poor fans freeze to death in the queue? :mf_rosetinted:

Not at all that I thought starting the queue at 5 am should be something that needs to be rewarded :doh:


So what does that have to do with cancellations in Europe taken place last year? :blink:


Same with the stage dragging thing and the Lollipop girls choice. About the LG they're just killing two flies with one stroke. Fans get a bit extra excitement and they save a little money as no agencies need to be charged and paid.

Actually I don't see a reason why this shouldn't be done in Europe but as it has not been done so far I reckon that there are some but that is really nothing to rack my brains about as being a LG is not exactly the dream of my sleepless nights. I'm happy for everyone who wished to do this and finally got to do it, however. I don't really care if they're 13 or 58, I only know it's not for me, not now and less than ever when I'm 58.


The pulling people on stage, I'm sure it was a one-off as it obviously turned out to be way too dangerous as the crowd went mad and was up to trample people down in the best hooligan manner. And that can't be what they were aiming for. I wouldn't exactly look at that as a privilege, neither being the one dragged on stage (and I SO don't care by whom), nor one of the poor creatures threatened by the mob down in the audience.


I don't think this all can seriously be linked to that new *official* status (I never signed up for).


*confused* :boxed: ... but maybe I'm just thick...

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I don't think this all can seriously be linked to that new *official* status (I never signed up for).


*confused* :boxed: ... but maybe I'm just thick...


It doesn't have anything to do with the official status. We're just talking about how people feel slighted and even jealous when some fans get things that others don't.


Since it's already happening I think it could be problematic when it's done in a more pre-meditated way and not, like you say, just a spontaneous act of kindness because Jerry felt sorry for a few people standing outside since 5 am.


If there are freebies or other benefits granted to MFC how are they going to be distributed equitably so that you don't get hard feelings among everyone else? Even something that could theoretically benefit thousands of people all over the world like access to presale tickets, is going to be far more beneficial to North Americans who are attending seated concerts than Europeans who aren't.


For example Suzy and I would end up with front row tickets and would arrive at 9 pm after skipping the opening act, checking our coats, using the toilet and grabbing a drink. You, on the other hand would be stuck in a queue from the early morning and still not have guaranteed front row because you'd have to make a mad dash for it and hope for the best after standing around for 12 hours. Not to mention the next 3 hours of torture suffering through some bad opening acts, pushing, shoving, holding your coat and your bladder, etc.


I am not complaining and will take whatever benefits are coming my way, especially if it involves premium seated tickets. But I know how people are and I anticipate a lot of whinging and moaning when some people end up with more benefits than others. And it is inevitable that some MFCers are going to reap more benefits because there are countries that Mika never or rarely plays, so they can't possibly enjoy the same benefits as someone living in NY or London.

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It doesn't have anything to do with the official status. We're just talking about how people feel slighted and even jealous when some fans get things that others don't.


Since it's already happening I think it could be problematic when it's done in a more pre-meditated way and not, like you say, just a spontaneous act of kindness because Jerry felt sorry for a few people standing outside since 5 am.


If there are freebies or other benefits granted to MFC how are they going to be distributed equitably so that you don't get hard feelings among everyone else? Even something that could theoretically benefit thousands of people all over the world like access to presale tickets, is going to be far more beneficial to North Americans who are attending seated concerts than Europeans who aren't.


For example Suzy and I would end up with front row tickets and would arrive at 9 pm after skipping the opening act, checking our coats, using the toilet and grabbing a drink. You, on the other hand would be stuck in a queue from the early morning and still not have guaranteed front row because you'd have to make a mad dash for it and hope for the best after standing around for 12 hours. Not to mention the next 3 hours of torture suffering through some bad opening acts, pushing, shoving, holding your coat and your bladder, etc.


I am not complaining and will take whatever benefits are coming my way, especially if it involves premium seated tickets. But I know how people are and I anticipate a lot of whinging and moaning when some people end up with more benefits than others. And it is inevitable that some MFCers are going to reap more benefits because there are countries that Mika never or rarely plays, so they can't possibly enjoy the same benefits as someone living in NY or London.


You bet that I wouldn't complain either if I had the possiblity to make it to the front in a more convenient way than the one you described so aptly for the current situation in European venues :naughty: I don't think anybody actually getting such an opportunity would raise scruples making use of it.

I've been thinking quite a bit about cost vs. benefit of a full day queueing in London (or maybe even two) while this is a city I have never visited before and which I for sure don't intend to leave just having seen Mika for a total of 3 hours or so. (In no way do I want to belittle the great opportunity of meeting all the lovely MFC people, but necessarily in a queue/crowd out in the cold only...?! You get the point...) In that context an opportunity like having a guaranteed front spot in spite of arriving late would come in very handy indeed :naughty:

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:lmao: Kata, what happened?

This is probably not intended but everytime I see your sig it makes me LOL. I just want to hand you a very colorful umbrella...:wink2:


Thanks, but I don't really need it :badmood: save it for someone who is gonna queue in London :boxed:

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(In no way do I want to belittle the great opportunity of meeting all the lovely MFC people, but necessarily in a queue/crowd out in the cold only...?! You get the point...)


That's the reason the cancellations were partly a blessing in disguise. It's nice to say hi to everyone in the queue and you can have a lot of fun with the half dozen or so people around you. But it's not exactly a party. Most people are competing for the front row, they're uncomfortable and there are certainly more enjoyable ways to spend your time.


I'm glad I got to socialize with everyone properly in London, kicking back over some drinks and "queuing" for Palladium by sitting in the bar downstairs instead of being flooded out by a drainpipe on the pavement in Brixton.


I really don't know if I want to waste 3 entire days and nights just waiting for Mika to appear for 1 hour when there are other things to do in London.

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So you won't? Not at all? Not even Hammersmith? Or are you still undecided?


Gonna depend on my financial situation...I'll probably know next week...but it looks quite impossible :boxed:

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Gonna depend on my financial situation...I'll probably know next week...but it looks quite impossible :boxed:


Oh well, you know that of course, but London probably will be there for a while and Mika - he's just 24, so he'll be around for another while, too (and you don't want to see him anyway) and I? Well,... but we will meet one day :bleh:

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Oh well, you know that of course, but London probably will be there for a while and Mika - he's just 24, so he'll be around for another while, too (and you don't want to see him anyway) and I? Well,... but we will meet one day :bleh:


Yeh I know, just would like one last gig with Palladium as support and all :blush-anim-cl:

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