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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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It was just something on MFC we saw and thought was funny.

Lena, the Russian girl, can't speak english, so she uses a translator.

She has a thread where she finds all of the special days of the year, like saint's days etc, and then says something Mika related about them.

The kind and fine wizard came from this post.


And I am glad to congratulate darling MIKA on this holiday! Because owing to its music the huge quantity of people was united and has made friends. All of us different also we belong to different people, different creeds, at us various outlooks on life... But one in us will be constant and is significant is a love to darling MIKA. Both respect and the kind attitude each other. Thanks, darling MIKA! Your songs learn me to kindness, learn to be pleased lives, have learned to have fun and to not hide the feelings and emotions. My soul again is opened, how at the child! And I am not afraid to seem ridiculous... You the kind and fine wizard!


Just made me laugh and the joke went on from there.

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It was just something on MFC we saw and thought was funny.

Lena, the Russian girl, can't speak english, so she uses a translator.

She has a thread where she finds all of the special days of the year, like saint's days etc, and then says something Mika related about them.

The kind and fine wizard came from this post.


And I am glad to congratulate darling MIKA on this holiday! Because owing to its music the huge quantity of people was united and has made friends. All of us different also we belong to different people, different creeds, at us various outlooks on life... But one in us will be constant and is significant is a love to darling MIKA. Both respect and the kind attitude each other. Thanks, darling MIKA! Your songs learn me to kindness, learn to be pleased lives, have learned to have fun and to not hide the feelings and emotions. My soul again is opened, how at the child! And I am not afraid to seem ridiculous... You the kind and fine wizard!


Just made me laugh and the joke went on from there.


:roftl: Thanks :flowers2:

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I feel stupid right now :lmfao: :

It's 3:24 for me and I know the time changes today but during the last hour I kept on saying to myself "I thought it was earlier" and "It's weird, it's late but I'm not tired". I just realised that time had already changed on my computer :blush-anim-cl:

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I started stalking the stalkers a few weeks ago and I found some interesting old threads.. It becomes addictive.. A few of us Aussies spent 2 or 3 nights on MSN only talking about what the guests were doing.

Yeah, that was interesting actually. They dug up a lot of old threads I wouldn't have read otherwise. :naughty:


Christine - can those spiders gather info from the members profiles -

i.e. email addys etc?

They can and do. I used to have my email address on my MFC profile but I removed it because I was being stalked but Google still has it indexed so it can still be found through a search. :boxed:


I've talked to admin and the other mods about making the member profiles visible to members only. They're working on it now and will get it changed as soon as it's possible.

That's a great idea. At least future members will be safer. But for current members if it's already indexed it's already too late.


I vote for the 'Kind and Fine' apple thread. I'm afraid donuts mean nothing at all to me.

Could someone explain the donut reference? Did I miss something? :blink:


I like donuts.

I've never had the privilege of loving a cat.

I like "Fine and Kind" too.


The Fine & Kind Apples Enjoy Donuts. That's my suggestion.

How about: The Kind & Fine Apples Enjoy Cat Donuts?


That should scare some away. :newyear:


"Donuts" and "cats" (referring to a specific synonym) are phallic symbols. One can argue that an "apple" is too.

I refrained from writing a very naughty post.


Sometimes I can excercise self-control.

Donuts phallic symbols? I thought for something to be phallic it had to be...erm...how to put this...shaped in a long, circular way?

You know, cucumber style

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I think you got the wrong term, Suze.



That's a better example, Suze.


Urban dictionary gave a definition of "donut" that might not make our new thread title appropriate.

Perhaps my suggestion of "Kind & Fine Apples Enjoy Eating Donuts" is not such a good idea... well...- I shouldn't speak for all of us.

I hadn't even though of that. :roftl:


I'm looking for inspiration. It could take awhile. I need to go out to get something to eat and turn off my electricity for an hour. Terribly inconvenient at times like these.

Try going to see some weird visual theatre. Then hit the London club scene. :newyear:

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Yeah, that was interesting actually. They dug up a lot of old threads I wouldn't have read otherwise.

Pink Pony Riders part 2.. :roftl:

They can and do. I used to have my email address on my MFC profile but I removed it because I was being stalked but Google still has it indexed so it can still be found through a search. :boxed:

And you're not even safe from your friends stalking you:naughty:

Could someone explain the donut reference? Did I miss something? :blink:

John gave out donuts and hot chocolate in the queues.. that's what I think of.. But I'm not a thespian..

Try going to see some weird visual theatre. Then hit the London club scene. :newyear:

:roftl:Don't forget your bodyguard :thumb_yello:


read as 'Male Companion'

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:roftl: You've certainly got a wild imagination.

*nods* Yep.... and I just get overly weird after work.


When you find it, can I borrow it? Then all I have to find is "motivation". I was doing some self-reflecting today and I realized I've been a lazy a$$ for months.


If you ever find motivation, maybe I could borrow some? I need to write an essay today

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and you're not even safe from your friends stalking you:naughty:

I know, you stalkers. Now I know how Mika feels. :tears:



It feels so hard to be a rich kid who's tall and skinny and has great hair and a successful career and a supportive family. Oh, and stalked... but that's a minor detail. :newyear:


John gave out donuts and hot chocolate in the queues.. that's what I think of.. But I'm not a thespian...

Ah, I see. And the donuts were so good that they want to incorporate it in their name? :blink:

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I know, you stalkers. Now I know how Mika feels. :tears:

It feels so hard to be a rich kid who's tall and skinny and has great hair and a successful career and a supportive family. Oh, and stalked... but that's a minor detail. :newyear:

If you didn't exude so much charisma then you wouldn't be faced with this problem. Perhaps you should try being less-appealing and more revolting. Try talking about flatulence or belching occasionally. Better yet, post a photo of your feet. That should keep the stalkers at arms-length.


btw, I applied to be your "body guard". That should make you feel safer :yay:

Ah, I see. And the donuts were so good that they want to incorporate it in their name? :blink:

I'm not sure who mentioned Donuts first.. Maybe it was just me when I mentioned new thread title.. IDK :naughty:


But, I like the pic of the Bapple Denial (banana apple) I posted

So I like The Bappleman: Incognito and Innuendo (part 4) as a thread title.

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If you didn't exude so much charisma then you wouldn't be faced with this problem. Perhaps you should try being less-appealing and more revolting. Try talking about flatulence or belching occasionally. Better yet, post a photo of your feet. That should keep the stalkers at arms-length.


btw, I applied to be your "body guard". That should make you feel safer :yay:

Pray, why would I hire one of my stalkers to be my bodyguard? :mf_rosetinted:

I'm not sure who mentioned Donuts first.. Maybe it was just me when I mentioned new thread title.. IDK :naughty:


But, I like the pic of the Bapple Denial (banana apple) I posted

So I like The Bappleman: Incognito and Innuendo (part 4) as a thread title.

I like The Kind & Fine Apples Enjoy Cat Donuts 'cause it's creepier. :newyear:

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Pray, why would I hire one of my stalkers to be my bodyguard? :mf_rosetinted:

Because it's best to keep your friends close, but your enemies closer :yay:

I like The Kind & Fine Apples Enjoy Cat Donuts 'cause it's creepier. :newyear:

It is Creepy & Perverted. I like that.

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But, I like the pic of the Bapple Denial (banana apple) I posted

So I like The Bappleman: Incognito and Innuendo (part 4) as a thread title. [/color][/color]


I like that, we could have Kind and Fine next time !

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The Kind & Fine Apples Enjoy Cat Donuts

The Kind & Fine Bappleman: Incognito & Innuendo (part 4)


We have to chose between those two?


And how long can be our title?

because it could be : The Kind & Fine Apples and Bappleman Enjoy Cat Donuts : Incognito & Innuendo PART 4

or is this too much? :naughty:

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The Kind & Fine Apples Enjoy Cat Donuts

The Kind & Fine Bappleman: Incognito & Innuendo (part 4)


We have to chose between those two?


And how long can be our title?

because it could be : The Kind & Fine Apples and Bappleman Enjoy Cat Donuts : Incognito & Innuendo PART 4

or is this too much? :naughty:

That's a very colourful post you made :naughty:

It would only be for up to 3000 posts until part 5 was needed.

Does anyone know if there is a thread title character limit?

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And your point is??

I thought no one had a clue about what The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (Part 3) meant anyway! :naughty:


No more than Pink Pony Riders or Return of the Penguins.


We will have to start preparing the next one to be even more incomprehensible.

Or maybe something simple!


Eat Fruit with The Appleman?


Yeah, I say really simple next time.

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And your point is??

I thought no one had a clue about what The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (Part 3) meant anyway! :naughty:


it was just because it was part 3 and the return of the jedi is star wars episode 3... that's it ! :blink: spontaneous and nonsense :naughty:


When I didn't know what were the Apples and saw the title I assume that :wink2:

But it's funny having a title nobody understands, not even us :roftl:

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