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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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For anyone that cares, my friend has just left and brought the paper I mentioned earlier. I thought she would never go!

Anyway the article is about our Mika!


What do you mean "about him going"? Is he supposedly planning a trip?


No it didn't say holiday, it said about him finding inspiration for album #2 there, you know, like the Beatles did.


:roftl: This reminds me of that story about him trying to broker peace in the Middle East with Amy Winehouse. Is this some Asian version of the Mirror?

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What do you mean "about him going"? Is he supposedly planning a trip?




:roftl: This reminds me of that story about him trying to broker peace in the Middle East with Amy Winehouse. Is this some Asian version of the Mirror?


Well, I don't know, I'm not that up on Asian newspapers, but Shob says it's pretty well respected, not a tabloid. It's a UK based Indian paper.

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Aaaah...assumptions and coming to rushed conclusions...The reason why I mentioned Radiohead was that they are having a gig in the same place in Amsterdam as Mika, just 7 days before:




Hence why I said that if radiohead sold 15.000 tix, I didn't think Mika would sell the same amount.


But while we're on the subject, I don't agree with what you said.

I don't think that that one should compare them, and therefore mentioning tem in the same sentence is a non-issue.

Radiohead are what they are, and Mika is a new comer, so he is what he is. It's not about who's bigger or better or anything, so I really don't see the problem by mentioning them together.

Hell, even if they were equally experienced and famous, they'd still be miles apart due to their styles, so it would be an inaccurate comparison!


I don't see why it would detract from Radiohead to mention Mika in the same sentence, or affect things in any way...It's not about how big each of them are:wink2:.


I'm too tired right now so I hope that my explanation makes sense and that I manage to put my point across the way I mean it...


Oh, I was talking about ticket sales: Radiohead, who have more than a decade long established fan base and is so popular that they could allow their fans to decide how much they each wanted to pay for their most recent album, is currently out of Mika's league. That's not to say that he won't reach the same level in the future, and that's not to say that I'm comparing their music either: they're like apples and bananas, one can't compare their work. (But to speak of my personal opinion for the moment: if I had to choose between buying a Radiohead CD or a Mika CD or seeing Radiohead in concert vs Mika in concert I'd choose Radiohead. But that's just my preference.)

Wow! An article from an Indian magazine. So he finally reached global fame. Now he only has to tour Oz to make his career perfect :newyear:

*kicks back and relaxes because she doesn't need to make her own whiny jokes anymore, everyone does it for her* :naughty:


For anyone that cares, my friend has just left and brought the paper I mentioned earlier. I thought she would never go!

Anyway the article is about our Mika!

About him going to India for inspiration for the second album and getting into Hinduism! :boxed:


I hate it when he is away from London, I don't go anywhere where I would bump into him, but just like to know he is near, now India! :sneaky2: And for how long???


I'd transcribe it, but I can't be bothered. :naughty:


Well, I don't know, I'm not that up on Asian newspapers, but Shob says it's pretty well respected, not a tabloid. It's a UK based Indian paper.

Oh, I'm very interested now. If he cancelled his Aussie dates just to do yoga in India he'll have some very pissed off (albeit impotent) fans on his hands. :sneaky2:

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About him going to India for inspiration for the second album and getting into Hinduism! :boxed:


Ah, Mika!:naughty:

It’s unbelivable!:lmao:


Well he’d better bring his lap top then to keep connected with the world (the MFC) now when we are getting official and all…:naughty:


Do they celebrate Aprils fool in India?:cool:

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Ah, Mika!:naughty:

It’s unbelivable!:lmao:


Well he’d better bring his lap top then to keep connected with the world (the MFC) now when we are getting official and all…:naughty:


Do they celebrate Aprils fool in India?:cool:


Well I have no idea, but FD said that Jerry and Mika were discussing the post that was to be made last week, so presumably it's done now and Jerry is just going to post it, Mika doesn't have to be here in London for him to do that. I suppose he wanted to get it sorted before he went?

I'll scan this for you, then.

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He's going to India now? I think he just wants to get away from the MFC...


Are we to expect Hindi traditional influence on the next album or what? Bollywood disco?


I agree with Yop, seems like a covert vacation more than anything else! :naughty: The Aussies will be annoyed.


Though of course he could theoretically write songs anywhere, no reason why he can't sight-see and go somewhere he wants to go to at the same time...


I also want a scan. Does it say he's actually taking up study of Hinduism? :boxed:



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Well I have no idea, but FD said that Jerry and Mika were discussing the post that was to be made last week, so presumably it's done now and Jerry is just going to post it, Mika doesn't have to be here in London for him to do that. I suppose he wanted to get it sorted before he went?

I'll scan this for you, then.


What? So he's actually in India right now? :blink:

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Hahah, well Bishi and PW have fallings-out sometimes, being as they're on-again, off-again exes.


Whoa Babs, that's weird this is the first that we hear of Mika going to India. And he's already there, according to the paper? You should totally post it in news.


Man, we get a bunch of actual Mika news happening, and of course it's right before/on April 1st. Geez.



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Hahah, well Bishi and PW have fallings-out sometimes, being as they're on-again, off-again exes.


:shocked: I don't know what's more shocking, that these two are exes or that Mika is taking up yogic flying...WTF? :naughty:


Has anyone seen this story reported somewhere else?

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OMG. India? I'm starting yoga too on Thursday. Like Bendy Mika, I can also put my foot over my head (ok -I'll stop bragging now...:naughty: )

And yogic flying? Is that anything like what he had to do for the Happy Ending video? :roftl:

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OMG. India? I'm starting yoga too on Thursday. Like Bendy Mika, I can also put my foot over my hend (ok -I'll stop bragging now...:naughty: )

And yogic flying? Is that anything like what he had to do for the Happy Ending video? :roftl:


No, you don't get chafing with yogic flying. :naughty:


Sorry Scut, I tried to resize a couple of times and it kept coming out the same. :sneaky2:

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I feel really mean now, making that girl come around my house to bring that article. :blush-anim-cl:

Never mind, I'll make her a cup of tea!


Has anyone noticed, we have around 2800 posts, but a huge number of views 16000 or something? Who is sneaking here to read? :sneaky2:


*raises hand*

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I feel really mean now, making that girl come around my house to bring that article. :blush-anim-cl:

Never mind, I'll make her a cup of tea!


Has anyone noticed, we have around 2800 posts, but a huge number of views 16000 or something? Who is sneaking here to read? :sneaky2:


Everyone wants a piece of the Apples... eating-60.gif

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OK, I know I haven't been part of this conversation, but I found this yesterday through a Google alert and thought I'd share:







That is just beautiful :tears::naughty:



Don't worry Pip, we still have plenty of posts to go!


For anyone that cares, my friend has just left and brought the paper I mentioned earlier. I thought she would never go!

Anyway the article is about our Mika!

About him going to India for inspiration for the second album and getting into Hinduism! :boxed:


I hate it when he is away from London, I don't go anywhere where I would bump into him, but just like to know he is near, now India! :sneaky2: And for how long???


I'd transcribe it, but I can't be bothered. :naughty:


Yay for MALE Bollywood Mika!

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I feel really mean now, making that girl come around my house to bring that article.

Never mind, I'll make her a cup of tea!


Has anyone noticed, we have around 2800 posts, but a huge number of views 16000 or something? Who is sneaking here to read?


Me!!! I don't get to post very often these days but I do make sure I keep up on what my fav. Mika fans, or non fans:mf_rosetinted: are doing!


The girls are always very beautiful, but the guys, well........:cool:


Haha...that's kinda true


Ha, it's kind of the same in most music videos though, isn't it?


India has a number of stunning male actors though.






They're all too muscular to be my type, but I like Hrithik, he's very sweet.




80s-style, hahah.




I do love Hrithik, but Shahruk will always have my heart!:wub2:


mmmh... yummy... he played in kabhie kushi khabie gham, didn't he ? i think so...


Yes he was!!!!!!! With Shahruk, and Kajol! She's my fav. actress!



He's going to India now? I think he just wants to get away from the MFC...


Are we to expect Hindi traditional influence on the next album or what? Bollywood disco?


I agree with Yop, seems like a covert vacation more than anything else! The Aussies will be annoyed.


Though of course he could theoretically write songs anywhere, no reason why he can't sight-see and go somewhere he wants to go to at the same time...


I also want a scan. Does it say he's actually taking up study of Hinduism? :boxed:




Being completely biast that I think that's the coolest thing in the world!!! I would love Indian touch to his songs or just song!


Sorry I'm gett so excited guys, but it's always exciting when I see Indian anything! You gotta be proud of your roots!

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