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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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Jack, I guess I kinda can somehow understand you.

And even though you will deny I do believe that expectations play a role in this. It's natural. We always want a little more than we got before, otherwise we would never get anywhere. The first time you went to his concert you got comparably much of his attention and time, but that was months ago, things have changed, maybe he's now more confident as he has seen he actually has a sort of certain fan base in the US and starts taking it for granted, maybe not...yada, yada....

And then I know (or let's say I'm almost sure) that the sort of attention you would like to get from him includes meaningful conversation, at least to a certain extent. And I guess that is something you can hardly get in that environment which is admittedly the only kind of situation we (as fans :bleh: ) have at least a chance of a little superlimited amount of his time and attention. I believe that 90 percent of what he gets to hear before and after his gigs IS fan ga-ga and pretty much the same all the time. I can't blame him for closing up and going into the friendly nodding mode in these situations. And it's still nice of him to do even that IMO and if it is only to allow people like BJM to keep their illusion for a while. I think I'd just disappear via the back exit :naughty:

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Jack, I guess I kinda can somehow understand you.

And even though you will deny I do believe that expectations play a role in this. It's natural. We always want a little more than we got before, otherwise we would never get anywhere. The first time you went to his concert you got comparably much of his attention and time, but that was months ago, things have changed, maybe he's now more confident as he has seen he actually has a sort of certain fan base in the US and starts taking it for granted, maybe not...yada, yada....

And then I know (or let's say I'm almost sure) that the sort of attention you would like to get from him includes meaningful conversation, at least to a certain extent. And I guess that is something you can hardly get in that environment which is admittedly the only kind of situation we (as fans :bleh: ) have at least a chance of a little superlimited amount of his time and attention. I believe that 90 percent of what he gets to hear before and after his gigs IS fan ga-ga and pretty much the same all the time. I can't blame him for closing up and going into the friendly nodding mode in these situations.



Yes, he sure does.

And I think this was what Kata meant by saying, "he couldn’t care less.”



And it's still nice of him to do even that IMO and if it is only to allow people like BJM to keep their illusion for a while. I think I'd just disappear via the back exit :naughty:

Oh, really!

But remember, me my little meeting with him turned out to be quite good after all.

I remember it with a smile, and of course I surprised both him and myself by blurting out that I had actually planned to not meet him at all. Crazy!


Even if I think it’s a good idea to not have too high expectations for these meetings, to be or not to be, or to the concerts in all, it makes me a little sad when I read your thoughts.

But on the other hand, maybe it’s good thing?

I’m grateful that you are willing to share because if the complete adoration, without nuances, was the only thing expressed it would for sure just make me confused and a bit scared.


And yes Babs, I'm coming back to London for all three shows in Feb!

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With me, well, if I can't actually interact with him in a way that would be meaningful, I don't much care about just standing there giggling at him as he makes small-talk.


I feel the same. The small talk stuff was fine for 5 minutes but then I just wanted to get out of there. I was much more interested in talking to Luke and Mikey because we had a reason to talk to them and we had their undivided attention.


Haha! If that's so... well, he already had me going "Mika, where's Mikey? I want to see Mikey! Please tell Mikey come out, Mika! Are you sure he won't be coming out?" and then he'll get the footage of me giving gifts to Andy and explaining what they are.


So he'll like me even less after this. :naughty: "The Girl Who Goes To My Concerts To See Everyone Except Me."


:roftl: That's hilarious. Especially the part about Andy, who only set foot in North America a few days ago. Mika knows you couldn't possibly have some real attachment to him like some of the people in Europe do.


Andy was there too, he was giggling and singing along to "Big Girl"... haha. Also, Andy recognized me in the queue right away when he came out to film Mika, even though I was wearing a mask (I didn't wear one in Philly) and had dyed my hair the night before, and asked me how my classes were and actually listened to what I had to say, etc.


That's why I liked Andy immediately even though I'll be the first to admit that I don't know this guy at all so I can't really judge his character. I just sensed that he was totally down to earth and just so...not Mika.


Just like you're not feeling any chemistry with Mika on stage I know that I wouldn't have any chemistry with Mika in real life (or more accurately in a fan situation). That whole set up requires a directness that I'm not comfortable with because you have such a limited time to get your point across and there's no room for subtlety.


And I wasn't even disappointed that he didn't give a hoot what I had to say, I just pointed it out as a fact - he really didn't :mf_rosetinted:


I've always known Mika doesn't give a flying f*ck what I have to say which is why I don't try to speak to him and why I don't feel I need to censor my posts on MFC to suit him.


If everyone would deal with that reality there would be a lot less angst around here about everything from whether he's going to be available after the shows to what is acceptable content on MFC.


Maybe in the time that he has, he can only interact with the people saying what he expects to hear, or acting how he expect them to act?

Anything else he just doesn't have much time for?

I remember when Kata had a pop at him at SH, he was flummoxed by all accounts. He certainly didn't expect to hear what she had to say.


He gets flummoxed in any situation he is not prepared for. People get upset over questions about his sexuality but I think he's quite comfortable with that because he knows how to handle it. I thought he was going to get up and walk out however when that Norwegian interviewer kept pressing him about the Boyzone song situation because he was so ill prepared to answer his questions.


The fact that Mika is so prepared in 99% of situations is one of those things I admire about him because he's so good at it, but I really don't like it at the same time. I wish he'd just cut loose sometimes and speak his mind instead of worry about his image at all times.

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Jack, I guess I kinda can somehow understand you.

And even though you will deny I do believe that expectations play a role in this. It's natural. We always want a little more than we got before, otherwise we would never get anywhere. The first time you went to his concert you got comparably much of his attention and time, but that was months ago, things have changed, maybe he's now more confident as he has seen he actually has a sort of certain fan base in the US and starts taking it for granted, maybe not...yada, yada....


But I didn't like the CONCERT, not anything else. I didn't even want to stay to see him after. I nearly left, and then when he came out I only went up to ask where Mikey was. Honestly, this has nothing to do with it.


I didn't like the concert in DC either. I've said I didn't enjoy it much. Meeting him after made up for it but it doesn't change the fact that of the three concerts of his I went to, I only really really liked the Philly one.


Much more than the DC one, and he talked to me more in DC.



Again: I want his attention during the show. Not after. Not before. I want him to interact with the audience more. During the show. I want him to not rush through songs and to emote to the audience rather than singing at them. During the show.



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:roftl: That's hilarious. Especially the part about Andy, who only set foot in North America a few days ago. Mika knows you couldn't possibly have some real attachment to him like some of the people in Europe do.


Pffft! We talked for like 20 minutes in Philly! That's plenty enough for an attachment, especially since I stopped him as he was crossing the room and thought I'd just say a brief hello, but he stood by and chatted until security started closing the place down.


The present was mostly a joke though, it wasn't an "I love you so much, Andy" thing. It just popped into my head to do it, and it hardly took much of my time.


Just like you're not feeling any chemistry with Mika on stage I know that I wouldn't have any chemistry with Mika in real life (or more accurately in a fan situation).


Same. I think that's very true for me.


I've always known Mika doesn't give a flying f*ck what I have to say which is why I don't try to speak to him and why I don't feel I need to censor my posts on MFC to suit him.


Eh. Just because I don't have chemistry with him doesn't mean I don't still care about what gets posted about him. I still don't want people to say things about him that I consider invasive, disrespectful, rude, etc. Not because I'm a blind fan, but just because he's a person. Plus I do still like him. I wasn't gonna be his best friend anyway.


The fact that Mika is so prepared in 99% of situations is one of those things I admire about him because he's so good at it, but I really don't like it at the same time. I wish he'd just cut loose sometimes and speak his mind instead of worry about his image at all times.


Indeed. But it really is part of why I admire him so much.



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Again: I want his attention during the show. Not after. Not before. I want him to interact with the audience more. During the show. I want him to not rush through songs and to emote to the audience rather than singing at them. During the show.


This, I think, is a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Although I understand when you say that if he's only doing it for 1 out of 3 shows (which is probably being generous, especially when you factor in all the cancellations), it's not good enough.


I think I'm willing to cut him a bit more slack because what I experienced was so extraordinary that if I'm going to dismiss him, I may as well forget about seeing any artist live. The only performances I've seen in 25 years of concert going that compare are from Bono and Michael Hutchence.


And I think I'm being fairly objective about that and it's not just some silly fangirl idolization of Mika that has warped my perspective, because I wouldn't have ranked the other 2 Mika shows I saw even as high as my top 10.


Eh. Just because I don't have chemistry with him doesn't mean I don't still care about what gets posted about him. I still don't want people to say things about him that I consider invasive, disrespectful, rude, etc. Not because I'm a blind fan, but just because he's a person. Plus I do still like him. I wasn't gonna be his best friend anyway.


I wasn't referring to self-censorship on invasive or disrespectful matters. More the kind of thing we are discussing now which some people would view as harsh criticism or not fawning-fanlike enough for Mika's fan club.


Or even more trivial nonsense like whether I like his pink velvet jacket and his granny curls or not.

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This, I think, is a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Although I understand when you say that if he's only doing it for 1 out of 3 shows (which is probably being generous, especially when you factor in all the cancellations), it's not good enough.


I think I'm willing to cut him a bit more slack because what I experienced was so extraordinary that if I'm going to dismiss him, I may as well forget about seeing any artist live. The only performances I've seen in 25 years of concert going that compare are from Bono and Michael Hutchence.


Oh, but you see I am that picky when it comes to seeing people live. At least when it's over $25. Under $20, I'll go and I'll be pretty low key in what I expect. When it gets to be over $25 though, AND I travel and stand in line for hours, yes I do want it to be spectacular.


You see, Mika's one of like... 3 people I'd do that for. So.


And I'm not putting a moratorium on going to his shows yet! Just on putting that much time and effort into them. Like I said, I'll go to his next show, I'll just stay in the back close to the bar. I'm making the best of it here--if he won't give me the interaction I want when I'm front and center, I'll be further back and enjoy myself in a relaxed manner. That way the fun I'll have will be more based on enjoying the music (he always delivers the songs perfectly if not personably) and dancing, and less on trying to find a moment of connection with him.




P.S. By the way, every so often I want to reiterate that though he won't give me what I want, I'm still very impressed with Mika and what he does for his fans. The fact that we can count on him to come out and say hi after pretty much every show, and sometimes even beforehand; the fact that he's never less than polite even if he's sometimes a bit stand-offish but usually very friendly, and the fact that he makes an effort to remember us and our gifts and names and so on--I'm still very aware that all of that is far more than he's obligated to do.

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Sorry to interrupt guys... but I just wanted to say I see where you're going, and I hope that any benefits we get goes to eeryone...



You need to check out some Aussie threads and all the moaning in the LG Canada thread about how he didn't chose LGs in Europe. Other MFCers get far more upset about these things than I do, which is why I'm concerned about the impact it's going to have.


Well, I must admit the moaning about Mika cancelling has died down a bit, but we like to bring it up occasionally...


I think our issue is that some people (esp those who have seen Mika a few times) think we should be grateful that we get to see pictures and videos of other concerts... It doesn't worry me as much cause I've seen him, but only 8 Mikamites out of 51 have seen him live... if anything it would be nice for the others to experience what we (the ones wo have been) have...


What exactly was said about the LGs? I have no idea what you're talking about (esp since I avoid the gig threads purposely)


yes, the aussies are quite angry, and i get why... especially since there is no "true" reason for these cancellations... except that they are festivals outside the uk :naughty: and that they never had a proper tour... but it will come, sooner or later... maybe later :biggrin2:


Very good chance it will be later...


I think I remember Christine saying that someone said there was going to be a proper tour in Canada after the album...


The way we're going, other MFCers (like Artsy and Freddie) will have been here before Mika comes back...


Guess I'm the inverse of BJM. :bleh: I talk to him and get to meet him and get to be at the front-center of the audience and still feel he doesn't connect with me at all, and she stands to the side and doesn't say a word to him and feels like they're soulmates and he's beaming love into her eyes the entire time.






Somehow, I can imagine that happening...

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Oh, but you see I am that picky when it comes to seeing people live. At least when it's over $25. Under $20, I'll go and I'll be pretty low key in what I expect. When it gets to be over $25 though, AND I travel and stand in line for hours, yes I do want it to be spectacular.


You see, Mika's one of like... 3 people I'd do that for. So.


That's what I meant when I said if I was going to give up on Mika I would just give up on seeing anyone live. Because if I was going to live by your rule then Mika would be 1 of only 1 I'd do that for. Michael Hutchence is dead and I haven't seen Bono in 15 years so I don't even know if he's still got it.


I'm still in shock over a friend of mine telling me yesterday that she would be willing to line up to get to the front to see Mika if she had the chance. A week ago she wouldn't have given Mika the time of day unless he was doing a Freddie Mercury impersonation and she viewed the idea of standing up even during a concert as a ridiculous imposition. (We went to see Michael Buble last week and she never got out of her seat.)


She said seeing Mika live was like some sort of endorphin rush and she'd tolerate all that standing around and freezing her ass off to experience it again and would have given anything to have been up front with us.


The fact that I had a similar reaction is amazing enough to me, but coming from a person who didn't get within 20 feet of Mika and refers to Relax as "that song with the flying couches" is just unbelievable.


Mika possesses something truly extraordinary when it comes to connecting with an audience that I have rarely witnessed in my life. If it's somewhat hit or miss at this point I think it's understandable because he's only been performing for a year.


Anyway we'll have to get together over Patrick Wolf, although he seems to give better shows in Toronto too. :wink2:


Hey Yop...how long are we queuing up for Kate Nash?

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I think our issue is that some people (esp those who have seen Mika a few times) think we should be grateful that we get to see pictures and videos of other concerts... It doesn't worry me as much cause I've seen him, but only 8 Mikamites out of 51 have seen him live... if anything it would be nice for the others to experience what we (the ones wo have been) have...


I know I've seen Mika three times but up until a few days ago Canada was very much in the same boat as Australia between the early small shows and the cancellations. You just have to hang in there.


2007 was a strange year for Mika and realistically he is not going to be touring any one country more than once every year or two in the future so it's something all of us are going to have to learn to live with, not just Australians.


What exactly was said about the LGs? I have no idea what you're talking about (esp since I avoid the gig threads purposely)


Mika's management sent out a MySpace bulletin looking for LGs for the Canadian shows and a few people decided to moan about how they never picked fans to be LGs in their country.


I think people have a right to bitch about these things, but it would be nice if they didn't do it in gig threads where people are talking about how much they enjoyed the concert or in that MySpace thread where people are celebrating the prospect of becoming a lollipop girl. People shouldn't be made to feel guilty for boasting about how much they enjoyed a show or whatever. That's what these threads are for.


Very good chance it will be later... I think I remember Christine saying that someone said there was going to be a proper tour in Canada after the album...


No, no, I don't think he meant the Canadian tour would take place right after he produced an album. Just that when he toured Canada to support the album he would do a more extensive tour than the current three dates. I expect that could be anywhere between 12 and 24 months from now.


I think he would almost certainly do a European tour before he came to North America again. He should really try to stagger the release dates to that effect if he can get away with it so he's not running back and forth across the Atlantic trying to support the album everywhere at once.


You may find him doing some Asian and Australian dates before the album is released. He's not going to lay down tracks in March and the album will be on the shelves in April. There may be some time between recording the album and the Paris gig/summer festivals, with an album released in the autumn.

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I know I've seen Mika three times but up until a few days ago Canada was very much in the same boat as Australia between the early small shows and the cancellations. You just have to hang in there.


*hangs in and holds on tight for the ride*

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Oh, really!

But remember, me my little meeting with him turned out to be quite good after all.

I remember it with a smile, and of course I surprised both him and myself by blurting out that I had actually planned to not meet him at all. Crazy!


Even if I think it’s a good idea to not have too high expectations for these meetings, to be or not to be, or to the concerts in all, it makes me a little sad when I read your thoughts.

But on the other hand, maybe it’s good thing?

I’m grateful that you are willing to share because if the complete adoration, without nuances, was the only thing expressed it would for sure just make me confused and a bit scared.


Oh, it was not meant to and shouldn't make you sad, sienna. :blink:

In fact I did enjoy the two Mika gigs I attended so far beyond measure, really!

And I still remember that just standing there in his presence after the Munich gig made me feel like the sun had just turned up in the middle of the night. I could even give him something he kept looking at for a while and even commented it as 'fantastic'+giggle. That was more than I could hope for. Yet this is probably a procedure he went through hundreds of times so far and thus it has become a bit of a routine. Which is normal.

Plus, now it's been a while and the endorphine rush can't last forever, sadly. Maybe it just needs to be refreshed (soon :naughty: ) and I will be the same all over again. Most probably this will happen. :wink2:

I'm just a little worried these days about the very different situation in London. Unlike in Germany back in autumn a big part of the people there will be fans and die hard fans, not just people willing to have a glance at that new guy everybody's talking about lately. Competition for the good spots will be so tough and I'm not doing very good in queues and much worse in crowds to be honest. Sure I want to see him close up, sure I want the eye contact and all (not being dragged on stage, though, that would make me feel like Saranayde with a guitar), I'm just not so sure about how much I am willing to pay (as in time and effort) so that it'll still be a real benefit in the end.

I'm not even sure (again) if I will wait after the show as there is already - how many did you say? 70+ people from MFC alone who will try this and I wouldn't say much more than something in the lines of 'you were fantastic' if I got a chance and I don't know if it still has much of a meaning if you heard that 50000 times before.


But knowing myself I will probably throw all those concerns into the bin after the first gig and wait patiently until he turns up outside :naughty:


But I didn't like the CONCERT, not anything else. I didn't even want to stay to see him after. I nearly left, and then when he came out I only went up to ask where Mikey was. Honestly, this has nothing to do with it.


I didn't like the concert in DC either. I've said I didn't enjoy it much. Meeting him after made up for it but it doesn't change the fact that of the three concerts of his I went to, I only really really liked the Philly one.


Much more than the DC one, and he talked to me more in DC.



Again: I want his attention during the show. Not after. Not before. I want him to interact with the audience more. During the show. I want him to not rush through songs and to emote to the audience rather than singing at them. During the show.




Still expectations - about the concert then.

DC was not as good as you had hoped it would be so Philly had to be at least a tad better - and it was, obviously. Sadly, instead of another climax, you got a bit of a downer there, maybe also due to lack of somethig you had hoped for at the front spot but didn't get. Or maybe it's the law of diminishing marginal utility?

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Mika possesses something truly extraordinary when it comes to connecting with an audience that I have rarely witnessed in my life. If it's somewhat hit or miss at this point I think it's understandable because he's only been performing for a year.


Mmmm... I'd agree, but not for me. For me it seems to be mostly miss. And like I say, I'm not even blaming him for it 'cause I see it "hit" with everyone else. Meanwhile I go to see PW without thinking much of him and stand there the entire time unable to take my eyes off him and thinking "I love you." People simply have different wavelengths, and apparently I'm not on Mika's (or he's not on mine.)


Still expectations - about the concert then.

DC was not as good as you had hoped it would be so Philly had to be at least a tad better - and it was, obviously. Sadly, instead of another climax, you got a bit of a downer there, maybe also due to lack of somethig you had hoped for at the front spot but didn't get. Or maybe it's the law of diminishing marginal utility?


Well, if I'm going to consider myself his fan, I think I'm justified in NOT expecting all his concerts to suck just so I'll be pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed.


I actually expected that NY might not be as great as Philly--I hoped it would be, but Philly really did feel like something special.


I didn't expect for him to basically treat NY as a quick chore he had to get through (a chore he put lots of energy into, but very little soul). I wasn't the only one who had this reaction, although I may be the one most harsh about it. DCdeb even said that she felt like if he thought he could have skipped a few songs, he would have, and that was the feeling I had exactly.


It was all more annoying for me of course because I was coming from Philly, so I'd just had an example of what he could do when he was really going all out.



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IF and WHEN some of the perks and changes happen with becoming official, I wonder what you Apples feel about the following:


- paying for membership

- access to VIP sections

- backstage passes

- photo and autograph opportunities

- pre-sale tickets

- exclusive gigs

- carrying membership cards


I think I already know what most of your responses are going to be like. :mf_rosetinted:

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- paying for membership


HELL NO no no. I really really really hate this about official fanclubs. It's so tremendously unfair to anyone who doesn't have a lot of disposable income and who may be saving what they do have up to see Mika live. It's also unfair because it will have to be a set fee, but say, 20 pounds is a very different amount in England, the US and Romania.


Fanclubs should be about rewarding people for loyalty and dedication, not money.


Also, what about when Mika starts doing mostly seated shows (with the up-front tickets obviously costing more)? A young fan who does not have much money may decide to not pay for membership, but rather to save up as much as they can to get good seats--only to find out that thanks to the fanclub pre-sale, all the good seats have already been bought up.


Seriously unfair.


I do realize that if membership remains free some people may join right before shows just to get the benefits, so maybe we could have a system where you have to have a set number of posts to get certain perks, or it could be scaled on a length-of-time-as-a-member system: anything that measures your enthusiasm for and dedication to Mika rather than your wallet.


- access to VIP sections

- backstage passes

- photo and autograph opportunities


Cool and all, but most of us would want to be in the pit and not the VIP section anyway. But it's nice.


- pre-sale tickets


That's the norm for fanclubs, but if membership is paid... well, see above.


- exclusive gigs


This would be the one really cool thing. And I think it would be a justifiable perk.


Don't really care either way about the membership cards.



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Great ideas on that Jack -I agree on a lot of what you outlined.

See! This is why I posted those "presumptions" - which I want to emphasize is just that - presumptions. We are too early in the game to have any idea what this "Official" status is going to bring.

But we are also in a position to take advantage of being early in the game to make sure we have some idea of what we want. (If we are offered the opportunity to provide suggestions).

There's nothing like entering into a new situation and being handed a list of changes and options without having any time to consider how they might impact you.

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IF and WHEN some of the perks and changes happen with becoming official, I wonder what you Apples feel about the following:


- paying for membership

- access to VIP sections

- backstage passes

- photo and autograph opportunities

- pre-sale tickets

- exclusive gigs

- carrying membership cards


I think I already know what most of your responses are going to be like. :mf_rosetinted:


i don't think i would give a hook about any of those things since i won't be going to any other arena gigs, and it looks like that's what he's going to do in europe from now on... then i wouldn't benefit any of those, hence i don't care, but in a nice way : i couldn't be "pro" or "against" something i'm not concerned about...


except maybe those "exclusive gigs" you're talking about but i doubt it even happens, since we would need like 3 mika to cope with the whole planning they would set...


and hell no, i'm not gonna pay anything to read such nonsense...


christine, i don't know about kate nash... what time do you think we should be there ? i was planning to go to camden market that day with giulietta and maybe greta... i'd have to go back to the flat and drop my camera before going... what do you suggest, it will be my 1st non-mika gig :blush-anim-cl:

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IF and WHEN some of the perks and changes happen with becoming official, I wonder what you Apples feel about the following:


- paying for membership

- access to VIP sections

- backstage passes

- photo and autograph opportunities

- pre-sale tickets

- exclusive gigs

- carrying membership cards


I think I already know what most of your responses are going to be like. :mf_rosetinted:


if i have to pay for a membership, i will leave. i know this sounds kind of cheap of me, but i have other things i need to use my money for (college and an apartment next year). i will continue to be a fan and support mika, but just not on a fan club if there is a fee. i know there are a lot of other fan clubs that have membership fees, but honestly, i just think it is unfair.

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IF and WHEN some of the perks and changes happen with becoming official, I wonder what you Apples feel about the following:


- paying for membership

- access to VIP sections

- backstage passes

- photo and autograph opportunities

- pre-sale tickets

- exclusive gigs

- carrying membership cards


I think I already know what most of your responses are going to be like. :mf_rosetinted:


I'm sure you do. I have no problems with any of it but then I am nearly always out of step in this thread recently.

An life isn't fair anyway. If what was on offer was the above, yes I would pay.

In fact it may be cheaper than donating to this site.....

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I do realize that if membership remains free some people may join right before shows just to get the benefits, so maybe we could have a system where you have to have a set number of posts to get certain perks, or it could be scaled on a length-of-time-as-a-member system: anything that measures your enthusiasm for and dedication to Mika rather than your wallet.


BNL has a tier system in their fanclub that is based on tenure to deal with the fact that members who've been around for 10 years have paid a lot of money for the privilege even though the fanclub is now free and anyone can jump on the bandwagon for presale tickets. The long term fans get right of first refusal on presale tickets and whatever is left over is then sold to people in the next tier, etc.


It doesn't have to be that complicated with MFC because it's only a year old and no one has paid for membership, but there could be some division between pre and post-official fanclub status to reward the people who've made MFC what it is rather than jumping on the bandwagon to get perks.


I don't think status should be based on posts however, because that will just lead to quantity over quality and there's already enough of that.


christine, i don't know about kate nash... what time do you think we should be there ? i was planning to go to camden market that day with giulietta and maybe greta... i'd have to go back to the flat and drop my camera before going... what do you suggest, it will be my 1st non-mika gig :blush-anim-cl:


I don't know...maybe an hour or two? She's no Mika, but I definitely don't want to be at the back because if you're not close enough to see her face it's not going to be very good. Her voice is lovely but it's not strong and she can get drowned out by the music.


I can meet up with you whenever you're done in Camden.

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