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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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Oh and I get to keep my appartment :yay: Just have to pay some legal fees, so still unsure about London, but things look much brighter now :arf2:


EXCELLENT !!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: something good today !!


I don't know...maybe an hour or two? She's no Mika, but I definitely don't want to be at the back because if you're not close enough to see her face it's not going to be very good. Her voice is lovely but it's not strong and she can get drowned out by the music.


I can meet up with you whenever you're done in Camden.


ok, i have to check again the time, i think it's something like 18h30, but i'm not sure... i gave my address in france, they still haven't sent anything saying they weren't able to deliver overseas, so maybe i'll get the tickets here, maybe a few days before, they'll say i have to get them at the venue... we could meet there 1h30 before it starts, so it's just in the middle of what you propose lol ! would you like to come to camden anyway ? it's an open event, everyone is welcome :naughty:



well, i have things to do outside now... brrrrr... see you all later !

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if i have to pay for a membership, i will leave. i know this sounds kind of cheap of me, but i have other things i need to use my money for (college and an apartment next year). i will continue to be a fan and support mika, but just not on a fan club if there is a fee. i know there are a lot of other fan clubs that have membership fees, but honestly, i just think it is unfair.


same here...going to start living on my own and working next year and paying for the end of my studies, so it's hard...I'll still suport him but oh well


BNL has a tier system in their fanclub that is based on tenure to deal with the fact that members who've been around for 10 years have paid a lot of money for the privilege even though the fanclub is now free and anyone can jump on the bandwagon for presale tickets. The long term fans get right of first refusal on presale tickets and whatever is left over is then sold to people in the next tier, etc.


It doesn't have to be that complicated with MFC because it's only a year old and no one has paid for membership, but there could be some division between pre and post-official fanclub status to reward the people who've made MFC what it is rather than jumping on the bandwagon to get perks.


I don't think status should be based on posts however, because that will just lead to quantity over quality and there's already enough of that.


I agree with that...:thumb_yello:

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@Kata: I'm glad you got good news :thumb_yello:


IF and WHEN some of the perks and changes happen with becoming official, I wonder what you Apples feel about the following:


- paying for membership

- access to VIP sections

- backstage passes

- photo and autograph opportunities

- pre-sale tickets

- exclusive gigs

- carrying membership cards


I think I already know what most of your responses are going to be like. :mf_rosetinted:


I wouldn't pay a fee to be a member of the official fan club to the label or whatever commercially oriented organisation that will run it. :no: I'd rather take the money (whatever amount it might be if so) and put it right into the Mikster's pocket (which might, admittedly, give a very wrong image of my intentions, so I'd probably leave that) I won't pay for the decision and the privilege to support somebody, I'd rather spend the money on gig and plane tickets as this is a money-for-value exchange I consider quite reasonable and satisfactory.


The VIP section access: depends on where that section is. I don't care if Katy Perry or Perez Hilton hang out there, so the VIP section is not anything I'd particularly aim at - a guaranteed front spot in the pit would be something I could do with, though :wink2:


Backstage passes: Nothing I'd go for. I don't like the thought of standing in the way - or worse: the embarrassment of official or semi-official organised meet-and-greet actions.


Photo and autograph opportunities: Difficult as I already got smth signed by him, so I won't cry my eyes out if that will remain the sole item with the orignal Mikster's 'x'es. I wouldn't ask for a pic with him anyway. But generally I think it'd be a nice treat for fanclub members.


pre-sales tickets: why not?


Exclusive gigs: Not sure about this one and the extent to which those will still be so exclusive, once they are announced :naughty: An announcement like that might help the new official fan club to acquire another few thousand new fans, though, so I don't think the idea is far-fetched. Competition for the best spots will remain the same and thus I don't think there'd be much of a difference to the 'normal', boring gigs :roftl: (makes me think of the biscuit scene in love actually)


Carrying Membership cards? :boxed: Why?

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A lot of you have expressed that you would not pay for membership.

I agree that it is not fair for younger fans who might not be able to afford it or have their parents agree to pay for it either. Is it any different however, that some of us more "grown-up" fans can afford to travel to other countries,

and purchase Mika gear (Yearbooks, different LICM versions, DVD, buttons, flashing hearts, etc)? There were plenty of things I wanted to do before I was of age to be able to do it either, even if my longing for it was deeper than some older, more financially endowed grown-up. And as many of you have already commented - nothing in life is really ever fair.


On the other hand, I am not so self-righteous to exclude myself from any opportunity that I can afford. Time is money. If I was paid the same rate I am in my current employment for the hours I have spent waiting in a queue for a Mika gig, it would be monetarily worth more than year's membership in an Official Fan Club.


Just some of thoughts being thunk aloud at the moment. Or maybe just trying to rationalize and justify my potential actions. :naughty:


Edit - I just feel the need to qualify this post by mentioning that I am in no way "filthy rich" or believe that I am a spoiled brat or feel entitled - I have sacrificed other luxuries in life to be able to afford to be Mikafied.

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I deleted my previous post because I said "never" to something I would probably end up doing anyway if I had to. But the thing about paying for membership really would annoy me. Depends on how it's done though, but I tend to compare unknown things to things I already know and I'm being frequently bombarded on myspace with rubbish from an official fanclub I have chosen no longer to be a member of after it became a pile of commercial poo and I can see how it's just getting worse and worse. All the good things have been taken over by the "pay for membership and get this bla bla" adverts, completely pissing on the people who can't afford to be a member (or on those of us who simply don't wanna support the bull, but still wanna support the band) - I'd really hate to see the place we have built up to something very unique turn into that kind of **** :boxed:

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Oh, BTW, Kata - I'm so happy that you get to keep your apartment. :thumb_yello: I know its old news (several hours old now) but I was (still am) at work and there are limited opportunities to sneak on...


Yay for you!

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Hehe thanks, sometimes it seems you guys really care :wub2:


Happy to hear about the apartment trouble being solved!:thumb_yello:


Why shouldn’t we care? And especially after meeting you in real life.

It must be a relief for you that your daughter can stay in her school, I know how vulnerable one is when you have a child to take care of.:thumb_yello:

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Hehe thanks, sometimes it seems you guys really care :wub2:


we do care !!! :blink: where would you post from if you didn't have an appartment anymore ? :mf_rosetinted:


by the way guys, i'm starting mastering my new hyper-complicated camera so be afraid... very afraid :naughty:


and now, you're probably wondering what i am doing up, posting at 3:47am... well, i went to bed at 8:30pm yesterday because of a headache... and here i am, not able to sleep anymore, having to go to work in a few hours... weird... probably will try again going back to bed...

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IF and WHEN some of the perks and changes happen with becoming official, I wonder what you Apples feel about the following:


- paying for membership

- access to VIP sections

- backstage passes

- photo and autograph opportunities

- pre-sale tickets

- exclusive gigs

- carrying membership cards


I think I already know what most of your responses are going to be like. :mf_rosetinted:



I'm not an apple, but I feel like answering anyway. :naughty:


Paying for membership: I don't really know. It honestly depends on the price, and whether we have to pay for it monthly or yearly. I would love to, but I don't think I would be able to.... And having to pay for special privileges seems a bit unfair to me.



--- I'm going to answer these assuming we don't have to pay for them---


Access to VIP sections: It depends where the sections are! I don't care if its a VIP section and its all the way at the other end of the theater way up high with the pigeons, I'd rather queue on line like everyone else and get a good seat. I don't care if I get to sip soda next to Mika's mom or sister or something.


Backstage Passes: It depends. If it's to a gig or something, no thanks.. maybe a festival that would be cool, but I seriously doubt it.


Photo and Autograph Opportunities: That would be pretty cool! I wouldn't mind that actually, I'd love to have Mika's autograph on my wall.


Pre-Sale Tickets: I think that's a great idea, especially if the show is at a seated venue, like the Bell Centre again. I wasn't able to buy tickets during the pre-sale that GEG had, but I still managed to get good seats because I bought tickets the minute they were on sale to the public. Some people might not be available to do that, since tickets usually go on sale at noon, people might be at school or at work, but at least a pre-sale lasts a few days... I think?


Exclusive Gigs: Great idea, but IMO, highly unrealistic. I doubt everyone on the forum would be able to attend the exclusive shows, because I'm guessing they will most likely be in London or something. Unless they are all over the world, then sure, why not?


Carrying Membership Cards: ?? What do those do?

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I'm surprised so many of you would apparently turn down backstage passes! :blink: I wouldn't... would be nice to see the band without having to wait for Mr. M to vacate the area first... (not naive to think that any fanclub backstage passes would mean Mika himself would have any time for us. :naughty: )


Also, given that I've decided to stop queuing at Mika gigs and that I don't want to be in the front, I'll take the VIP seats if no one else will! :roftl:


-- Jack

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I know I've seen Mika three times but up until a few days ago Canada was very much in the same boat as Australia between the early small shows and the cancellations. You just have to hang in there.


2007 was a strange year for Mika and realistically he is not going to be touring any one country more than once every year or two in the future so it's something all of us are going to have to learn to live with, not just Australians.


That's very true... would be nice to get a tour this year... as long as it's not in June or July... besides the fact that it'll be too cold, I might be going to England then...

*waits for proper tour announcement with an extra exclusive verandah gig*


Mika's management sent out a MySpace bulletin looking for LGs for the Canadian shows and a few people decided to moan about how they never picked fans to be LGs in their country.


I think people have a right to bitch about these things, but it would be nice if they didn't do it in gig threads where people are talking about how much they enjoyed the concert or in that MySpace thread where people are celebrating the prospect of becoming a lollipop girl. People shouldn't be made to feel guilty for boasting about how much they enjoyed a show or whatever. That's what these threads are for.


Wow... some people are being quite selfish then... maybe he'll be doing it from now on... I personally believe that I should be a lollipop girl in Oz after I got injured at the last concert and should be compensated...


I'll take a guess and say it was people in Europe that whinged...


They should let the people who got the chance enjoy it, and bitch about it elsewhere...


No, no, I don't think he meant the Canadian tour would take place right after he produced an album. Just that when he toured Canada to support the album he would do a more extensive tour than the current three dates. I expect that could be anywhere between 12 and 24 months from now.


I think he would almost certainly do a European tour before he came to North America again. He should really try to stagger the release dates to that effect if he can get away with it so he's not running back and forth across the Atlantic trying to support the album everywhere at once.


You may find him doing some Asian and Australian dates before the album is released. He's not going to lay down tracks in March and the album will be on the shelves in April. There may be some time between recording the album and the Paris gig/summer festivals, with an album released in the autumn.


Ooooh... well that was 3rd hand info so it's bound to be a little mixed up..


But staggering the dates would actually make sense... can't have that happening, can we??? :naughty:


Well, if he does, it would be good if it wasn't in June/July... I could hold out till November or after... it's more the not knowing that's killing us... esp since the stadium gig was announced...


IF and WHEN some of the perks and changes happen with becoming official, I wonder what you Apples feel about the following:


- paying for membership

- access to VIP sections

- backstage passes

- photo and autograph opportunities

- pre-sale tickets

- exclusive gigs

- carrying membership cards


I think I already know what most of your responses are going to be like. :mf_rosetinted:


Well, I have a few things to say...


backstage passes: who needs them when Jerry invites you backstage? :mf_rosetinted:


Photo and autograph opps: again, who needs them when you accost Mika at the backstage door before the concert? :mf_rosetinted:


Pre-sale tix: We got them without the help of a fan club...


Exclusive gigs: Well, it's unlikely to affect me... unless Mika plans on doing a gig on happikali's verandah and only Mikamites are invited...


Membership cards: as long as the cards are nice and pretty I could live with it... :naughty:



*fades into background*

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I'm surprised so many of you would apparently turn down backstage passes! :blink: I wouldn't... would be nice to see the band without having to wait for Mr. M to vacate the area first... (not naive to think that any fanclub bakstage passes would mean Mika himself would have any time for us. :naughty: )


Also, given that I've decided to stop queuing at Mika gigs and that I don't want to be in the front, I'll take the VIP seats if no one else will! :roftl:


-- Jack


as you said, i'll extend it to : backstage passes are quite a trap : they usually have no time for people coming backstage if it's before the show... and after, well, they're exhausted... i wouldn't turn them down if proposed, but i wouldn't pay and be a member of the "official whatever" for that if it implies to pay for them :wink2: it all depends on how things are presented... i'm quite "worried" about that official thing as i expressed before, and i want to know what it implies and leads to before being uber-happy about it :thumb_yello:

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I'm surprised so many of you would apparently turn down backstage passes! :blink:


Yeah I wouldn't turn down backstage passes either although I've been trying to figure out WTF is going on backstage at these concerts because I don't understand why the LGs get forced out because Mika is meeting VIPs or whatever. I don't see what the big deal is as long as no one is trying to hassle him while he's busy.


When I worked for a record company I was always hanging out backstage or at meet 'n greets and private parties. Yeah I knew all these record company people, but I was only 17 years old and it's not like I had an important job. I find it weird that they use fans to be performers and then toss them out on the street to stand around with everyone else waiting for autographs. Like because they happen to be fans they are of a different class than some record company exec's niece or something.


I would have expected someone like Vero would be treated as a member of Mika's crew by this point...at least she should be after doing three shows for them at no charge.


I would want to go backstage to go backstage, not to get shunted off in some fan corner for 15 minutes and then tossed back out on the street again while they have a real party with all the so-called VIPs.


I'll take a guess and say it was people in Europe that whinged...


Yeah. Some people in NY and LA were wondering why he wasn't doing it in their cities which is understandable, but the European concerts are in the past so I don't see why they feel the need to whinge about it now.


Ooooh... well that was 3rd hand info so it's bound to be a little mixed up..


Well even the first hand info isn't very reliable. It's pretty obvious Mika has no control or even knowledge of his schedule that far in advance. I'm sure him doing an extensive tour in Canada is going to be predicated not only album sales in Canada, but what's going on in the rest of the world too.


I don't expect him to tour here in a few months though, that's for sure.

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We'll bloody well whinge if we want to!

Everone else does.


FYI I have observed Amercan whinging on this subject.


Oh yeah no one likes to whinge more than I do, I just think there's a time and place for it. If I'm excited about the concert I just went to or the prospect of going on stage with Mika I don't want people in the thread bringing me down with their crying and bitching that Mika doesn't come to their town or didn't chose them to go on stage. Do it somewhere else.


That's why I moved the donuts/hot chocolate discussion and even expanding on Jack's criticisms of the NY show in here. They're having a good time reliving their concert experience in the gig thread. It's not their fault that Mika gave a better performance in Philly or that John doesn't serve hot chocolate to people in the queue at Brixton.

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Hey, I thought we were having a good time bitching about donuts and hot chocolate in here. At least no one is having conniptions over it. I can't imagine the drama and trauma if I started banging on about it in the NY gig thread.

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Hey, I thought we were having a good time bitching about donuts and hot chocolate in here. At least no one is having conniptions over it. I can't imagine the drama and trauma if I started banging on about it in the NY gig thread.


I like the action. All gigs sound the same. :naughty:

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I like the action. All gigs sound the same. :naughty:


Yeah I don't mind watching the action, but I'd better not find myself in the middle of it or I'll regret it!


I noticed people who wouldn't normally get defensive getting their backs up with some of Jack's criticisms. Since I wasn't even at the gig I sure don't want to be the one stirring the pot.


We can start bitching in the Hammersmith thread if our hot chocolate and donuts aren't there by 9 am.

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Hey, I didn't really consider my complaints about the show whinging per se!


It would be whinging if I complained about something like him not using Big Girls from the queue like before, or that he didn't... I don't know, wear any of our crap on-stage or something. I do think that he delivered a sub-par performance, even if it WAS energetic and on-key and everything, and that's a valid observation to make in that thread--even if everyone else loved it.


It wasn't just that Philly was better, it was that I feel he seriously short-shifted NY with barreling through the songs like that. When I'm not having as good a time as I hoped and I STILL find that the set is half-over before I even realize it, that's not just me.



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Yeah I don't mind watching the action, but I'd better not find myself in the middle of it or I'll regret it!


I noticed people who wouldn't normally get defensive getting their backs up with some of Jack's criticisms. Since I wasn't even at the gig I sure don't want to be the one stirring the pot.


We can start bitching in the Hammersmith thread if our hot chocolate and donuts aren't there by 9 am.


Light touch paper, stand well back. :mf_rosetinted:


But don't get burned!:boxed:

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