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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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Aww...thanks Scut! Closetmikafan had a fruitflan cake waiting for me when I got home from the exam. He also gave me a "candy apple" red, iPod shuffle that's easier for me to use when I work out....



Awesome! What a great hubby!

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Aww...thanks Scut! Closetmikafan had a fruitflan cake waiting for me when I got home from the exam. He also gave me a "candy apple" red, iPod shuffle that's easier for me to use when I work out....


Where can I find me one of those? Canada? :fisch:


(Not the fruitflan cake or iPod, but someone who'd do that. :mf_rosetinted: )

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Are we doing festivals too? If so count in V Festival in Melbourne, Sydney and Queensland...



An excellent plan. While you're at it, BS, make sure to cancel your next trip to Oz and make no indication of when you'll be back. :thumb_yello:



I blame Mika Aussie cancellation boredom for all of my actions.


You know, if he hadn't cancelled it would be less than three weeks until we'd see him at V Festival. I'd have reached fangurl levels of excitation by now. Instead we're plotting to send him toilet paper. :mf_rosetinted:



Be careful, you wouldn't want him to get "chaffed" now would you?



I could print my V festival tickets ONTO the toilet paper seeing as they come in a handy pdf format, making it next to impossible to have anyone on ebay trust me enough to BUY the THREE V festival tix I have...one each of Sydney, GC and Melbourne. (Lucky me, now I qualify for THREE cancelled gigs)



Suzy, your husband is the TRUE candy apple. We'll get him to deliver the toliet paper in the plastic bag to Mika.:mf_rosetinted:

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Either a doggy or even more extreme - my daughter prays every night for a baby sister! :blink:







Sooo, what are you waiting for?:naughty:


If there’s one thing I could go back in life and do differently it would be to have more children (I have two, so beloved!):wub2:


Time fly’s m’ladies and soon it’s too late!:wink2:

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Sooo, what are you waiting for?:naughty:


If there’s one thing I could go back in life and do differently it would be to have more children (I have two, so beloved!):wub2:


Time fly’s m’ladies and soon it’s too late!:wink2:


I have my three, I have helped Japan's zero population problem.

Suzy once famously wrote that her baby factory was closed. I am sure she would be glad for me to announce that again for her here:mf_rosetinted:

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I could print my V festival tickets ONTO the toilet paper seeing as they come in a handy pdf format, making it next to impossible to have anyone on ebay trust me enough to BUY the THREE V festival tix I have...one each of Sydney, GC and Melbourne. (Lucky me, now I qualify for THREE cancelled gigs)

He managed to cancel three gigs on you in one graceful swoop, what a talented young man. :thumb_yello:


I love the V Festival ticket toilet roll idea. I can print my ticket too, and maybe we can add our receipts as well so he can know how much we lost. :wub2:

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If there’s one thing I could go back in life and do differently it would be to have more children (I have two, so beloved!):wub2:

Two is company but three's a crowd. :bleh:


(Yes I'm a middle child and no I didn't pray every night to have a little sister. :fisch:)

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The thing is, if you got pdf tix, your name is on them too...so we would be sure he knew not only how much money we lost but who lost it, and we can get all the other Aussie pdf ticketholders and put them all on the toilet paper too, and then we will request that John reimburses us, much as he did for the donuts in London.


Then Mika might think momentarily next time, before dealing such a heavy financial blow to his non-fans in pissy far-off little penal colonies.:sneaky2:

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Then Mika might think momentarily next time, before dealing such a heavy financial blow to his non-fans in pissy far-off little penal colonies.

Precisely. It's the people in far-off places who don't like him but buy non-refundable festival tickets to see him in other countries or other states despite his poor festival track record that he should be most afraid of. :mf_rosetinted:

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Do rescheduled gigs count as canceled?


My gig to canceled gig ratio is 0:1.


Hmmm...if rescheduled gigs don't count then I'm at 1:1.


Should a so-called afterparty trauma be for or against? I mean it really should have be cancelled but it wasn't. What does that mean? :blink:

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Hmmm...if rescheduled gigs don't count then I'm at 1:1.


Should a so-called afterparty trauma be for or against? I mean it really should have be cancelled but it wasn't. What does that mean? :blink:

I think that the original gig should count as canceled then the one it was rescheduled to should count as a gig.


If all you saw was the top of Mika's head then the "after so-called party" shouldn't count as a gig. I'd add it to the canceled side as you were promised something that you didn't get which is the same as being canceled on.


But you know, even 1:1 is pretty bad.

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I think that the original gig should count as canceled then the one it was rescheduled to should count as a gig.


If all you saw was the top of Mika's head then the "after so-called party" shouldn't count as a gig. I'd add it to the canceled side as you were promised something that you didn't get which is the same as being canceled on.


But you know, even 1:1 is pretty bad.


:boxed: OMG my head is hurting. I'll give you the breakdown and you can work it out.


Toronto, March 07 - performed

Quebec, Aug 07 - cancelled

Toronto, Aug 07 - cancelled

London, Dec 07 - performed

London, Dec 07 - cancelled x 2

Toronto, Jan 08 - performed

London, Feb 08 - performed x 3

Afterparty - Mika's speech :thumb_yello:, champagne :thumb_yello:, Luke's hot brother :thumb_yello:, Mika fans :thumbdown:, meeting Mika :thumbdown:

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So my ration of gigs/cancellations is 2:3


PLUS just in case my own traumatic after-party experience gets forgotten in the thrill of the current debacle....Mika didn't even come to the after party I got the ticket for. I stood and looked at OTHER STARS' HAIR for 2 hours.:mf_rosetinted:

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:boxed: OMG my head is hurting. I'll give you the breakdown and you can work it out.


Toronto, March 07 - performed

Quebec, Aug 07 - cancelled

Toronto, Aug 07 - cancelled

London, Dec 07 - performed

London, Dec 07 - cancelled x 2

Toronto, Jan 08 - performed

London, Feb 08 - performed x 3

Afterparty - Mika's speech :thumb_yello:, champagne :thumb_yello:, Luke's hot brother :thumb_yello:, Mika fans :thumbdown:, meeting Mika :thumbdown:

I calculated it and both excluding and including the after so-called party your ratio is 3:2.

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I blame Mika Aussie cancellation boredom for all of my actions.


You know, if he hadn't cancelled it would be less than three weeks until we'd see him at V Festival. I'd have reached fangurl levels of excitation by now. Instead we're plotting to send him toilet paper. :mf_rosetinted:

Same. If Mika hadn't canceled V Festival, I'd have

* Purchased the BG single.

* Have created an outfit from scratch to wear to the festivals

* Said somewhere on the MFC by now: "ZOMG!!!11 Only 3 weeks until Mika:wub2:"

* followed by this comment in 4 weeks time: "When I met Mika :mf_lustslow: I felt a connection! :blush-anim-cl:"


Instead, I sit here and create things like what's in your siggy.

I think that the original gig should count as canceled then the one it was rescheduled to should count as a gig.


If all you saw was the top of Mika's head then the "after so-called party" shouldn't count as a gig. I'd add it to the canceled side as you were promised something that you didn't get which is the same as being canceled on.


But you know, even 1:1 is pretty bad.

The Gig was extra special, was it not? Because it was the last. Perhaps that's a 1.5

But the rescheduled factor would be a 1.

And the "After so-called party" could be a .5




Even again, but now everything is taken into account.

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:shocked: That's a whole lotta Mika.


Can one see the same show a dozen times and not get tired of it at all? :blink:


Well that's with me being selective. I've deliberately missed him in my hometown several times because I don't want to see the same thing too many times and risk getting complacent. We're just lucky over here that we get to see him so many times that missing one or two concerts a few miles down the road isn't much of an issue.

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PLUS just in case my own traumatic after-party experience gets forgotten in the thrill of the current debacle....Mika didn't even come to the after party I got the ticket for. I stood and looked at OTHER STARS' HAIR for 2 hours.:mf_rosetinted:

I can't imagine the drama if Mika hadn't shown up to the London after so-called party. :mf_rosetinted:


Actually, there'd have been no drama: no Mika = nothing to fight over = a good time had by all. :bleh:

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