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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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I find it hard to imagine us getting anything special at all...and it wouldn't bother me much if it wasn't for the fact that others do...I've been to gigs where we were practically noone in the queue, but we weren't exactly offered donuts or invited in for soundchecks...I've been to gigs where we were loads in the queue but we weren't exactly bla bla...he seemed to sign things everywhere else, but not the UK gigs I went to :blink: he seems to have asked people on stage and all that stuff everywhere else, but not the gigs I went to :blink: And no I don't want to be on stage, but I'd actually like to see my fellow MFCers as lollipop girls...and not just on video :boxed:


Same for me. Mostly because I've been to the same gigs as you.:naughty:

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Hmmm...I got fabulous meet ups, autographs, photo ops, etc at my first 2 gigs. Then sometime after I started posting on the Apples thread....

...all privileges left. Think he's reading this thread.... :mf_rosetinted:

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I know I sound really jealous when I write things like that, but I'm more just wondering what the reason is...i mean if we're gonna be official and get priviliges and bla bla, will it then be for everyone, or will it be as geographically "unfair" as it is now? I can't really get that excited over special treatment for the MFC if it only happens the hell away from me and I still have a sort of bad taste in my mouth from the last time he did a New York stunt and the whole "MFC get in first and get free t-shirts" bla bla, which seemed to calm people here down after the cancellations. I got cancelled that day and I believe the canadians in here did as well, how am I supposed to be happy that MFC gets special treatment in effing New York on such a day? :blink: If that's what we get more of now we're official then it's ust not very helpful for me :blink:

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yes, sure ! i said (or i think so) LOOK innoncent and young... if the one who got chosen and who is 38 looks like an innocent girl, then go for it ! i'm just surprised in that interest in parading in a pink dress acting like a little girl at that age... i might understand the compulsive application, but well... i don't understand the choice (cause i've never seen her) and the real interest in it at 38... but that's just me !!


Oh lord, I don't think I ever wanted to prance around on stage in an LG outfit, it's just the hideous price you have to pay to get up on stage with Mika and the band. I would rather get pulled out of the audience in my normal clothes for sure.


I don't think it matters if the LG looks young and innocent or whatever because it's just a silly thing onstage, but I did feel an attack of conscience after applying. I think it should go to someone younger just because it would be much more of a thrill for them than it would be for me.


I got to do a lot of cool things when I was a teenager and it's so much more exciting when you're young and experiencing things for the first time. I think the LGs should be young girls and not cynical old bitches just for that reason.

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i don't understand why you're angry and bitter... what are you going to a gig for ?? hypothetic privileges or performance ??? imo, i don't care at all about him being nice in ny, and fans being treated like sh*t somewhere else, since he's not the one treating them like sh*t, it's all about security people... and of course, ny is special and he HAS to be uber-nice to "conquer the us"...


anyway, i don't expect either hope any of those treatments in london, as they won't happen, and that's not what i'm going to the gigs for... i just hope he sings, and pretty well if possible...


as for the crowd on stage, the situation is so different !! it depends on the number of people in the venue !!! you can't expect him to do that for exemple in montreal... or even in london, since the crowd is going to be bigger than ny. and these sorts of things are kinda not planned, or i'm a bit naive...


but i'm certain that the official thing will go into people's head and that they'll start expecting things instead of just living the thing... and that's too bad... and that was already the case without the "official" status... they were litterally EXPECTING meets and greets and were disappointed if it wasn't happening... and that's sad !

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I'm angry and bitter because I can't afford to go to London! I'm probably gonna do it anyway though, which means I'm gonna be in debt for months and I think he should be ubernice to me just for that!

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I know I sound really jealous when I write things like that, but I'm more just wondering what the reason is...


No, I understand where you're coming from because I feel the same way. I don't care about meeting Mika or much else that goes on off stage, but other people do and I don't like the inequity because it generates a lot of ill will around here. Even if you're the one getting the special treatment it's still uncomfortable because other people are jealous and want to moan about it when you feel like celebrating.


Like I shouldn't have to feel guilty about seeing a mind-blowingly amazing concert because other countries have fallen to the bottom of Mika's priority list. The LGs shouldn't be made to feel guilty because he didn't choose fans to be LGs in Norway or whatever.

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I'm angry and bitter because I can't afford to go to London! I'm probably gonna do it anyway though, which means I'm gonna be in debt for months and I think he should be ubernice to me just for that!


:naughty: not sure it would be a good idea :wink2:


Since when do we have to give reasons for being angry and bitter?

I seem to remember a certain gig last May when you weren't too pleased yourself. :naughty:

Here, have a lemon.


yes, but i had reasons, cause i was persuing him at that time :naughty: and i wanted him to know who i was in REAL since he was the stalker knowing me without meeting me :mf_rosetinted: and it was funny at that time... but it's getting... weird... i mean i was angry but more for fun than really angry, cause the whole situation was ridiculous, and i was kinda angray at myself more than at him, saying i was angry at him... anyway...

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No, I understand where you're coming from because I feel the same way. I don't care about meeting Mika or much else that goes on off stage, but other people do and I don't like the inequity because it generates a lot of ill will around here. Even if you're the one getting the special treatment it's still uncomfortable because other people are jealous and want to moan about it when you feel like celebrating.


Like I shouldn't have to feel guilty about seeing a mind-blowingly amazing concert because other countries have fallen to the bottom of Mika's priority list. The LGs shouldn't be made to feel guilty because he didn't choose fans to be LGs in Norway or whatever.


the ill will come here regularly without any reasons... it's just the circle of life :naughty: :naughty: and it doesn't seem to create ill will except from what i'm reading here... but i haven't read other threads, so maybe i'm missing something...

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:naughty: not sure it would be a good idea :wink2:




yes, but i had reasons, cause i was persuing him at that time :naughty: and i wanted him to know who i was in REAL since he was the stalker knowing me without meeting me :mf_rosetinted: and it was funny at that time... but it's getting... weird... i mean i was angry but more for fun than really angry, cause the whole situation was ridiculous, and i was kinda angray at myself more than at him, saying i was angry at him... anyway...



*backs slowly away*

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the ill will come here regularly without any reasons... it's just the circle of life :naughty: :naughty: and it doesn't seem to create ill will except from what i'm reading here... but i haven't read other threads, so maybe i'm missing something...


Maybe we are the only ones that talk openly about it. I think there's a lot of PM ing and MSN ing going on.

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but i'm certain that the official thing will go into people's head and that they'll start expecting things instead of just living the thing... and that's too bad... and that was already the case without the "official" status... they were litterally EXPECTING meets and greets and were disappointed if it wasn't happening... and that's sad !


Well that's what really brought this whole thing up, not the hot chocolate and donuts. There has already been talk of freebies, etc. so I can see where this thing is going.


I wanted MFC to be official because it's only a matter of time before Mika instituted an official fan club, so it may as well be us. But it's still going to open up a huge can of worms.


They believe it's going to make everyone happy and feel special to get perks but since there's no way to make it equitable I think it's going to have the opposite effect.


The special acoustic gig in NY was a case in point. Like Kata said it was done to appease fans because of the cancellations but all it did was piss off people in Canada and Denmark because they were the victims of the cancellations, not anyone in NY. In fact Canada was cancelled specifically because he was supposed to be too sick to play a gig after his GMA appearance in the morning.


Personally I wasn't bothered by that situation, but Mika has 13 year old fans in Montreal who'd never seen him before and it was extremely upsetting for them. The private gig was just twisting the knife in an already painful situation.


Absolutely. He should organise something quite different for cynical old bitches. :mf_rosetinted:


I think he has. It's called standing in a queue from 9 am!

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yes, certainly... and don't be afraid of me, i can't do anything to you before the end of february, and i'll be way too drunk drinking all the vodka redbulls i can afford to do anything to you :naughty: :naughty:


i'm just waiting to see if jack has something more to tell about that gig and her feelings... if not, then yeah... welcome to the club !

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Maybe we are the only ones that talk openly about it. I think there's a lot of PM ing and MSN ing going on.


Yes you're right. Someone who has never posted in this thread before and probably never will sent me a PM last night to say she agreed with me and wanted to voice her disappointment with what she sees as unfair treatment.

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the ill will come here regularly without any reasons... it's just the circle of life :naughty: :naughty: and it doesn't seem to create ill will except from what i'm reading here... but i haven't read other threads, so maybe i'm missing something...


You need to check out some Aussie threads and all the moaning in the LG Canada thread about how he didn't chose LGs in Europe. Other MFCers get far more upset about these things than I do, which is why I'm concerned about the impact it's going to have.

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You need to check out some Aussie threads and all the moaning in the LG Canada thread about how he didn't chose LGs in Europe. Other MFCers get far more upset about these things than I do, which is why I'm concerned about the impact it's going to have.


yes, the aussies are quite angry, and i get why... especially since there is no "true" reason for these cancellations... except that they are festivals outside the uk :naughty: and that they never had a proper tour... but it will come, sooner or later... maybe later :biggrin2:


but about all the fuss with the LGs, well... i read the things about how bad they didn't do that in europe, but it's PAST ! and the tour in us is in much more smaller venues than all they did in europe last tour ! except maybe in denmark :lmao:

and no, i don't think they will do it in london... expect for the only reason to please fans...

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yes, the aussies are quite angry, and i get why... especially since there is no "true" reason for these cancellations... except that they are festivals outside the uk :naughty: and that they never had a proper tour... but it will come, sooner or later... maybe later :biggrin2:


but about all the fuss with the LGs, well... i read the things about how bad they didn't do that in europe, but it's PAST ! and the tour in us is in much more smaller venues than all they did in europe last tour ! except maybe in denmark :lmao:

and no, i don't think they will do it in london... expect for the only reason to please fans...


I don't know that the size of the venue has anything to do with it, some of the UK venues were quite small. Brixton and Hammersmith at 5000 are the largest, but Doncaster for instance was 1500 or something. Some of the US ones are bigger than that.

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I don't know that the size of the venue has anything to do with it, some of the UK venues were quite small. Brixton and Hammersmith at 5000 are the largest, but Doncaster for instance was 1500 or something. Some of the US ones are bigger than that.


well... whatever... i don't have the true explaination obviously, but maybe because it doesn't affect me more than that...






notice the change from "i don't care" to "it doesn't affect me" :mf_rosetinted:

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Does this mean you do care then? But control the effect it has on you?:mf_rosetinted:


noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :thumbdown: :thumbdown: that don't impress me much :mf_rosetinted: (quoted shania twain)


i was told "i don't care" is soooooooooo last year... so we have to renew ourselves...

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