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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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no, il fatto è che a volte ho dei momenti di follia...anche in italiano non avrebbe avuto molto senso:sweatdrop:


..have fun with translators!:naughty:




"no, the fact is that to times I have of the moments of madness... also in Italian would not have had much sense"


(That's from Babel Fish. I haven't studied Italian in 12 years so I couldn't do it myself. :naughty:)

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Maybe he has the power of mind-control and can convince people to travel long and far to see him, then induce in them memory loss so they'll come back again and again.



Jepp, that must be the answer!


..have fun with translators!:naughty:




I’m too lazy!:bleh:




"no, the fact is that to times I have of the moments of madness... also in Italian would not have had much sense"


(That's from Babel Fish. I haven't studied Italian in 12 years so I couldn't do it myself. :naughty:)


Thank you SM!:thumb_yello::bleh:


Okay Greta, better stick to English then!

And to the pictures of course. Maybe it's a blessing to this forum the fact that both you and I are a little limited when it comes to language. :naughty:

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I’m too lazy!:bleh:




Okay Greta, better stick to English then!

And to the pictures of course. Maybe it's a blessing to this forum the fact that both you and I are a little limited when it comes to language. :naughty:

oh, don't say that! Your written english is perfect!:punk:..and I've always catched what you wanted to express

I've to exercise my patience a bit:roftl:

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Haha, oh nooo, they fully believed in and observed those rules. I asked them a question about a subset of niddah rules and something about why they did not apply to semen... sadly, I forget what. It was a good question! It had something to do with the Talmudic interpretation of the role of death in the formation of niddah guidelines. I was a lot more up on my obscure Jewish lore at the time, though.


I do not speak Hebrew and have never been to Israel though. I am currently not very fond of Israel as a country, so do not have all that much desire to visit. I did consider going on one of those Heritage trips that pay your way, but that seemed duplicitous, since I'm pretty sure everyone else there would be "Yay Israel!"


It is well that the Wilde thread died, I spend too much time posting here as it is! :roftl:


It doesn`t surprise me that they connect the nida rules with death. All those religous rules are so women-hating, unbelievable.. These men consider evil anything that is different from them, they are scared of the unknown that might actually overwhelm them. Instead of worshiping it they demonise it, idiots. The same patern is in all the religions, not only in (ortodox) judaism.


Have you heard about the rule that girls and boys over the age of 3 (!) cannot be left alone in one room because they might do some "sinful acts". Now who is the pervert?


I know what you mean about Israel, but your journey there doesn`t have to be a political statement. Even if you are an atheist, agnostic or pagan that bloody holy land has some genius loci that you will be charmed by it. Or you will hate it, but you won`t be able to stay indiferent, it`s so strong. Though rather irrational. My holy places in Israel are not Bethlehem or Nazareth but The Jerusalem Cinemateque, the Nocturno cafe, Sacher park.. and the desert, I love desert. The Judean desert landscape around Jerusalem.. I`m nostalgic.

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I expect a gig report tomorrow. :fisch:



Well, it would have been a better ending to the day if someone pretended not to have a webcam...:naughty:


We ate at a Thai restaurant, and zoots14 joined us which was a pleasant surprise! It was awesome finally getting to talk to her face-to-face! (The more MFCers the merrier!) We laughed, and talked non-stop Mika and MFC for 5 hours! I ate chicken pad thai and a flaming banana in rum sauce for dessert. Mmmm...


Thanks for the reminder :naughty:

Hey, no probs. That's what Apples are for...

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5 hours of MIKA sounds like my kinda parrrrrrty!:wink2:


One day Blue Sky...we're gonna be face-to-face too! Mika in Australia will be an awesome celebration when (not "if") it happens. I definitely expect you to be there.:wub2:

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One day Blue Sky...we're gonna be face-to-face too! Mika in Australia will be an awesome celebration when (not "if") it happens. I definitely expect you to be there.:wub2:

That it shall be *is excited at prospect*


I'm looking forward to when (not if) it happens

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Well, it would have been a better ending to the day if someone pretended not to have a webcam...:naughty:


We ate at a Thai restaurant, and zoots14 joined us which was a pleasant surprise! It was awesome finally getting to talk to her face-to-face! (The more MFCers the merrier!) We laughed, and talked non-stop Mika and MFC for 5 hours! I ate chicken pad thai and a flaming banana in rum sauce for dessert. Mmmm...

You call that a report? Not by MFC standards. I expect you to detail every time Christine looked at you from across the table and in one second communicated to you her undying love. :mf_rosetinted:


One day Blue Sky...we're gonna be face-to-face too! Mika in Australia will be an awesome celebration when (not "if") it happens. I definitely expect you to be there.:wub2:

We'd love to have you all here. :punk:


(You might want to start saving up for the trip from now, though. :naughty:)

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Did you and CMF and Christine decide you are defo going to Oz when Mika does?? I will move hell and high water to be there, I tell you. I just WISH we would get plenty of warning so I can plan my family's activities around the gig dates.


Got my priorities straight haven't I?? Mika first, family second....:wink2:

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oh, don't say that! Your written english is perfect!:punk:..and I've always catched what you wanted to express

I've to exercise my patience a bit:roftl:


We are lucky the accent doesn`t show in writing (-:

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