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Do you think Mika would rather have a familly instead of his career?

mika- I love you

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What I dislike about Madonna is that she's not particularly talented



Even though he is not so obvious, the fact that he is not entirely spontaneous can't come as that much of a surprise to you can it?


Have you watched his interviews and performances? He's done the trash can thing 50 times already. How can it possibly come from just being caught up in the moment? Obviously it is planned in advance.


as ia said 7899000 times before madonna is not the genius , people around her are and we dont even know about her natural voice and when we hear it t's just so fake, it never comes from her guts just like when she plays at being an actress...but as someone i love said she is such a talented musician (:roftl: )...no really...


yes it comes as a total surprise for me really... as i said i'm not used to people like this...plus people here think i'm a provocative and a manipulator but i told you the truth I'm very naive, i'm totally unprepared for people who act this way on stage and same thing in life...


i dont know what the trash can is...but i suppose it's something funny he does all the time, but this is different to me I can take it as a good joke he makes all the time to make people laugh...so it's ok with me, it's just the stage attitude, it sux...and i really didnt have a clue about it honestly

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Yes that interview was what I was specifically referring to. People get upset when he is asked about his sexuality but I think he is fairly comfortable with those questions. He has been preparing for them since before he started giving interviews and is now an expert at deflecting such questions.


But when someone asks him if he's banging his lollipop girls or whether he thinks Boyzone is too cheesy to record his music he goes into a bit of a panic because it's so unexpected.


I think that's all down to his personality and it's not because he's trying to con people. I just wish he'd cut loose a bit and stop worrying about making himself vulnerable to the unexpected.


:naughty: did someones ask him that or did you invent it as a hypothetical example *hope it's the former:naughty: *...??


omg it's so late here I have to sleep...


But, yes. I'd like to see a slightly looser Mika but don't know if we ever will. Actually it's part of his charm for me though. There is something inherently intelligent and impressive about creative control freaks which I'm attracted to, so in some ways if he loosened up, he'd be less special, for me.

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This thread is SO interesting!!!!!!!!:shocked: I would sit here and read every bit of it, but its late and I really shouldn't..:naughty:

But about the first thread, all I can say is......

I think ALOT of teenage girls (me included) find themselves literally in love with Mika. It's that overwhelming completely obsessed faze. I don't think I've got to a state yet where I feel like Mika is my soulmate or anything even like that. I'm simply an obsessed dreaming fan, but I can certainly control myself.

I could go a while without Mika in my head, but then I feel like I'm missing something, and have to listen to him again...

sorry, I'm just rambling on...this thread is cool though.:thumb_yello:

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yes it comes as a total surprise for me really... as i said i'm not used to people like this...plus people here think i'm a provocative and a manipulator but i told you the truth I'm very naive, i'm totally unprepared for people who act this way on stage and same thing in life...


Who are these artists and what makes you think that they're any different from Mika if you weren't aware of what Mika was doing? I guarantee if you saw Mika on stage you wouldn't jump to the conclusion that he's as plastic as Madonna.


Even when he's being repetitive it still comes across as genuine. There is a moment when he gets the audience to sing along to Any Other World and he gets so giddy when they join in that he can barely contain himself.


I can't get inside Mika's head and find out whether that reaction is legitimate or not, so I accept it for what it appears to be. That's what I meant when I said that it doesn't matter if it's real or not because it feels real.


:naughty: did someones ask him that or did you invent it as a hypothetical example *hope it's the former:naughty: *...??


Oh yeah someone asked him that but he actually recovers very quickly. He must have been reading MFC that day because he says "I respect my lollipop girls". :roftl:



It's actually a very interesting interview.

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Who are these artists and what makes you think that they're any different from Mika if you weren't aware of what Mika was doing? I guarantee if you saw Mika on stage you wouldn't jump to the conclusion that he's as plastic as Madonna.


Even when he's being repetitive it still comes across as genuine. There is a moment when he gets the audience to sing along to Any Other World and he gets so giddy when they join in that he can barely contain himself.


I can't get inside Mika's head and find out whether that reaction is legitimate or not, so I accept it for what it appears to be. That's what I meant when I said that it doesn't matter if it's real or not because it feels real.




Oh yeah someone asked him that but he actually recovers very quickly. He must have been reading MFC that day because he says "I respect my lollipop girls". :roftl:



It's actually a very interesting interview.

That is a really good interview. I like that they ask unexpected questions...we get to see a more unprepared Mika:naughty:

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Who are these artists and what makes you think that they're any different from Mika if you weren't aware of what Mika was doing? I guarantee if you saw Mika on stage you wouldn't jump to the conclusion that he's as plastic as Madonna.








hey i didnt jump into anything...it's everything you said, i was surprised because i actually saw him (and yes doing the drum thing) and i thought it was just completly spontaneous and found it great absolutely not fake...


what makes me think they are different from Mika, well simple as a kiss, i just dont simply "think".... i dont know mika /i know them....i have only seen him once and didnt talk to him after the gig because i was busy taking pictures of some people with balloons plus i'm not interested to stare at someone with bodyguards around and just shut up...i dont see the point... i'm used to see other artists more than once and usually discuss with people who hang around the bar after the gigs...that' s totally different with mika...

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Mika is only 24. I know a lot of young men these days, are fathers by the time they are out of their teens, but Mika is wiser than that. There is plenty of time for him to have a family. He could be in his thirties when that happens and he'd still have time, and when he IS ready for children, he'll be a great Daddy, because he will have waited until the time is right.


Look, I have to say, it worries me when young girls put their lives on hold, because they want to meet a popstar they have come to love, but don't really know. In my day, it was Elvis Presley, or John Lennon or Paul McCartney. Of course, those stars eventually found someone to marry, but it meant that millions more girls were heartbroken. :mf_rosetinted:


It's not good to be that obsessed with a pop star. Yes, you could be the one he chooses, but it's more likely you will not be. Make sure you live your life. Enjoy Mika and his music, but leave room in your life for friends, and go out on dates with boys who are available.


I have a wonderful, ordinary husband. If Mika walked in my house, he'd get a cup of tea and a hot meal I'd care for him like a mother would, but I wouldn't cheat on my husband with Mika, because, with my husband, I have my life and our memories. You can have the same thing. So please, keep your options open :thumb_yello:


you know ive been feeling the same way about Mika for a long time. And I've never felt like this about any other musical artist or really anyone in general, but Marilyn is right. It's exceedingly hard to stop yourself from feeling something that to you feels so true and so right, yet in the back of our minds we all know it's a preposterous idea and emotion. I too find myself in class thinking about Mika and at work, and trying to sleep, and sometimes I want to sit and cry about it too, but I know it's ridiculous and I try and stop myself. You and I, and Mika all have so much life left to live and worrying about a potential life with someone you don't even know yet does sound silly when you put it that way. But love always comes to those who wait in the end, and maybe it will be Mika and maybe it wont, but when you find it, the most important thing is that you will be happy.

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Okay, I have to say something about this. When I was 14, I had fantasies about meeting the lead singer of Survivor. Yes, I'm aging myself here. I was going to meet him, become good friends with him and know him for the rest of my life. Seems far-fetched, huh?


In 1988, when I turned 18, Survivor did a NYE bash in Memphis, TN and I finally got to meet him. I said, "Mr. Jamison, I love your Music. Can I have your autograph?" Later that night, I was interviewed on television. Mr. Jamison happened to be taping it that night.


One year later, I went to another show of his. While at the show, someone came up to me and said, "OMG, you are Charlotte. Jimi would love to see you. Come back stage with me." I about fell over.


Well, I get backstage and Jimi comes up to me, gives me a big hug and says, "I have you on film." Well, the rest is History. I have been friends with him for 20 years and he actually just Texted me. So, your fantasies can come true. Although, I can honestly say that you have to be prepared for the "REAL" person. Because he is not the "fantasy." He is real. We have "REAL" fights. LMAO!! And, we truely care for each other...hmm..another text from him. LMAO! He must know I'm talking about him. brb-- need to text back.


I love him to death now! But, he would have been very dissapointing if I didn't see him as a real person.


So, if you can see them as real people, they will appreiciate it and love you for it.



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I was reading your posts about mika's performances being repetitive and stuff (ex:trash can drumming).. and I was kind of asking myself... You wouldn't be surprised if you went to a musical, or brodway show, or whatever a 1000 times and it would still be the same.. I think it is the same thing for a concert. Why should they make it any different from city to city? When they prepare a show, it can be very risky to come unprepared and start improvising on stage. Lots of things has to be taken in consideration such as the lights, sounds, etc..and many people are working backstage trying to make sure everything goes alright. Everything must be planned by the minute..

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Okay, I have to say something about this. When I was 14, I had fantasies about meeting the lead singer of Survivor. Yes, I'm aging myself here. I was going to meet him, become good friends with him and know him for the rest of my life. Seems far-fetched, huh?


In 1988, when I turned 18, Survivor did a NYE bash in Memphis, TN and I finally got to meet him. I said, "Mr. Jamison, I love your Music. Can I have your autograph?" Later that night, I was interviewed on television. Mr. Jamison happened to be taping it that night.


One year later, I went to another show of his. While at the show, someone came up to me and said, "OMG, you are Charlotte. Jimi would love to see you. Come back stage with me." I about fell over.


Well, I get backstage and Jimi comes up to me, gives me a big hug and says, "I have you on film." Well, the rest is History. I have been friends with him for 20 years and he actually just Texted me. So, your fantasies can come true. Although, I can honestly say that you have to be prepared for the "REAL" person. Because he is not the "fantasy." He is real. We have "REAL" fights. LMAO!! And, we truely care for each other...hmm..another text from him. LMAO! He must know I'm talking about him. brb-- need to text back.


I love him to death now! But, he would have been very dissapointing if I didn't see him as a real person.


So, if you can see them as real people, they will appreiciate it and love you for it.




wow, that's amazing. but the odds of that happening are quite slim for most people.

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One year later, I went to another show of his. While at the show, someone came up to me and said, "OMG, you are Charlotte. Jimi would love to see you. Come back stage with me."





Look at you woman! who wouldn't like to see you?? you look so happy and beautiful!Thanx 4 sharing your story...(and what is Kashinga??)


@chinka, most of people have in their heart someone they might never be with, that's why the whole debate here was wrong, what difference does it make if this person is mika or anyone else, thank you for sharing your story ;)

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When they prepare a show, it can be very risky to come unprepared and start improvising on stage. Lots of things has to be taken in consideration such as the lights, sounds, etc..and many people are working backstage trying to make sure everything goes alright. Everything must be planned by the minute..


Personally I like it that everything related to the performances is planned, and even that I know exactly what's going to happen. I suppose it could spoil the fun but for me it heightens the anticipation.


Mika coming out on stage for the first time is very exciting and all of that. But nothing is more thrilling than those first couple of low key lines of Relax because you know that in a few seconds the lights will come up and he will come rushing towards you to kick off more than an hour of one of the greatest concert experiences you could ever hope to have.


I think where the improvisation would be useful is in his audience banter. He was a lot more relaxed a year ago and although he did say something to the Toronto audience that was a repeat of things he was saying at other concerts around the same time, for the most part he really was just chatting with us.


His banter last week was very scripted and I think it doesn't connect with people in the same way, even for those who haven't heard it a dozen times already. By far the greatest moment was when Stuck in the Middle came to a grinding halt with "I've got the f*cking hiccups. I can't believe it." It was the only real thing he said all night and everyone loved it.


He really needs to find a way to get back to that and not view the audience banter as other parts of the show that need to be well thought out and rehearsed. He has no trouble making small talk with fans after the show, there's no reason he can't do it on stage as well.


wow, that's amazing. but the odds of that happening are quite slim for most people.


I think it's more than just a poor odds thing and you have to take Mika's personality and history into account.


It's just my opinion but I think if you were able to get to know Mika it would have to be through mutual friends or professionally, not as a fan. He has also singled out fans to meet them but as far as I know he doesn't text any of them!

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It's that overwhelming completely obsessed faze. I don't think I've got to a state yet where I feel like Mika is my soulmate or anything even like that. I'm simply an obsessed dreaming fan, but I can certainly control myself.


Well you are fine, then...


I think it is a normal and healthy and necessary part of growing up, to be obsessed with someone unattainable and I don't think you can say you've truly been through adolescence until you've experienced this.


I'm sure that most young people can separate real life from fantasy though, just as one can (and must, in order to stay sane!!) when one is older.


Generalising, and not wishing to sound sexist, it seems that boys and men seem to be able to compartmentalise their feelings more easily. It can be harder for girls, and women, though I don't know why that is...but there is hope, as you learn how to separate fantasy from reality as you mature, but believe me you still have fantasies!! Once you accept that's all they will ever be, it really is fine!


Take it from a married 38 year old who knows :wink2:


It's just my opinion but I think if you were able to get to know Mika it would have to be through mutual friends or professionally, not as a fan. He has also singled out fans to meet them but as far as I know he doesn't text any of them!


True, he has always maintained he is highly suspicious of people and doesn't let people into his inner circle very easily.


I also think he is consciously careful in the way he is seen to treat fans. It wouldn't surprise me if he's had a pep talk from someone - management, family, or whoever - about keeping a distance from fans and not encouraging anyone in particular. He does need to maintain a certain detachment, I feel, this early in his career. Nobody should take it personally if they feel he is dismissive, just as no-one should read too much into any imagined favouritism:wink2: :mf_rosetinted:


But when he looks into your eyes when he speaks to you OMG I KNOW HE LOVES ME AND ONLY ME:wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


Lol, I'm joking. But give over with the eye contact thing Mika, seriously:naughty:

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But when he looks into your eyes when he speaks to you OMG I KNOW HE LOVES ME AND ONLY ME:wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


Lol, I'm joking. But give over with the eye contact thing Mika, seriously:naughty:


I don't know how Suzy gave him that speech about the yearbook because he was looking at her so intently it was even freaking me out. When she mentioned my name he looked in my direction and I just waved and giggled like a 12-year-old because I was kinda star struck at that moment.


I think I'm kind of over that now, but I still think it would be difficult to have an intelligent conversation when he's looking right at you.

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He always does it and I just dont understand why! I mean..he even does it alot during his gigs. Like during his gig here in Dubai, I was at the first row and there was this part where I shouted "Mika, I love you!" and then he looked right at me, right into my eyes, and sang the first bit of the second verse of "Relax" to me. Like...looking right at me and singing for about...5 seconds! (I know it isnt much but trust me..it felt like 5 hours....really!!!!)

And I nearly died....I nearly passed out!!!

I guess he likes the eye-contact thing.

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I don't know how Suzy gave him that speech about the yearbook because he was looking at her so intently it was even freaking me out. When she mentioned my name he looked in my direction and I just waved and giggled like a 12-year-old because I was kinda star struck at that moment.


I think I'm kind of over that now, but I still think it would be difficult to have an intelligent conversation when he's looking right at you.


I know! I was standing behind you and I was exactly the same haha. the eye-contact thing does make you feel 'special' when you're speaking, but then afterwards you remember that he's like that with everyone and doesn't mean anything.


I'm getting slightly more used to him now. At Brixton when he was speaking to us I wasn't anywhere near as 'star-struck' as I was back in May for example. Doesn't mean I was any less excited to see him or anything at all, I was just more prepared and knew what it was like to be around him etc.

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I don't know how Suzy gave him that speech about the yearbook because he was looking at her so intently it was even freaking me out. When she mentioned my name he looked in my direction and I just waved and giggled like a 12-year-old because I was kinda star struck at that moment.


I think I'm kind of over that now, but I still think it would be difficult to have an intelligent conversation when he's looking right at you.


:roftl: How is it that even though I've never met you or Suzy, I can actually see this scene so clearly in my mind's eye (ok it helps that I've seen photos of you I suppose). And it's a funny scene. Especially the giggling part, lol.


I would most definitely not be able to have anything approaching an intelligent conversation with him, if he was 'looking at me intently' for any length of time.. I'd just be worrying what shade of puce my face was. 2 seconds of eye contact was enough for me thanks.


I guess he likes the eye contact thing


It's good manners to have eye contact when speaking, and it's a sign of confidence and someone who is at ease socially isn't it? It can give out mixed messages though, too. I'm sure he doesn't realise this (or maybe he does, the little minx:naughty: )

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I'm getting slightly more used to him now. At Brixton when he was speaking to us I wasn't anywhere near as 'star-struck' as I was back in May for example. Doesn't mean I was any less excited to see him or anything at all, I was just more prepared and knew what it was like to be around him etc.


Yeah when he came out in Toronto it was a lot more casual than Suzy having a camera and a couple of dozen eyes trained on her while she gave a speech to Mika. But I think having any man look at you with that kind of intensity is going to be a bit nerve wracking. Whether it's Mika or some other hot guy. :naughty:


I enjoy it when he's on stage though. On the one hand you know he's looking straight at you and acknowledging but you still feel as if you're somewhat anonymous in the crowd. I was a bit surprised when someone posted a picture they took from on stage in NY because you could see the people in the front so clearly under the bright lights. And then I thought OMG Mika could really see me singing and waving that wand around like a mentalcase. :shocked::roftl:

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:roftl: How is it that even though I've never met you or Suzy, I can actually see this scene so clearly in my mind's eye (ok it helps that I've seen photos of you I suppose). And it's a funny scene. Especially the giggling part, lol.


I would most definitely not be able to have anything approaching an intelligent conversation with him, if he was 'looking at me intently' for any length of time.. I'd just be worrying what shade of puce my face was. 2 seconds of eye contact was enough for me thanks.




It's good manners to have eye contact when speaking, and it's a sign of confidence and someone who is at ease socially isn't it? It can give out mixed messages though, too. I'm sure he doesn't realise this (or maybe he does, the little minx:naughty: )


Being Mika...he might realise it and like it!!! :bleh:

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:roftl: How is it that even though I've never met you or Suzy, I can actually see this scene so clearly in my mind's eye (ok it helps that I've seen photos of you I suppose). And it's a funny scene. Especially the giggling part, lol.


Didn't you see the video? (Thanks so much to Sivan for catching me right at the moment of my foolish reaction. :sneaky2::naughty:)




Unfortunately you can't see Mika's face that clearly but it is burned into my memory forever. He didn't even stop for 60 seconds but it seemed like he was looking at Suzy for 10 minutes.

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I used to work with this Belgian guy who I never really looked at twice until I realised that he 'did a Mika' and always stared into your eyes when he spoke to you. Not just to me, but to everyone. Then I started to notice what beautiful green eyes he had, and ended up developing quite a crush on him. :blush-anim-cl::naughty:


So if the man has exceptionally beautiful eyes to start with, it makes it so much worse!!!:naughty:

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You should turn your view at this into a positive way. It's a good thing to be in love, to have someone that you love that high, to be that obsessed with and have so high respect for. Don't be depressed. If you didn't had Mika, how'd that be? If he is the light in your life, you should be happy for it. I've experienced the same thing with a boy from my school and I talked to my psychologist about it, she said what I should turn my view at it, and I got a lot better.


I hope it gets better for you. :huglove:

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Yes, it is very slim; however, very possible. I remember people telling me to shut-up and that it would never happen and then, it did! It happened and I didn't even really try. But, like I said, HE'S much different in person than his songs or his stage presence. It was hard for me at first to accept that and now, when he calls, I'm like, "Yeah, what do you want?" :naughty: But, I still find myself a little star struck when he's performing. He's amazing. It's when he comes off stage, that he's VERY REAL!! LOL


I guess what I'm trying to say is that they all have their stage presence and then, there is the REAL them. I remember Mika saying in an interview once that if you knew him you might not like him. I think it's because he knows he's not the same person off stage. And, many are dissapointed by that.


BTW, Jimi's doing a U.K tour coming up. So, if any of y'all like 80's music, go see him. You'll love him. Some U.K singer is opening for him. I can't think of her name right now though.


wow, that's amazing. but the odds of that happening are quite slim for most people.


Awe, that is so sweet of you to say. :wub2: As far as Kachinga, who the heck knows. :naughty: There is a Kachinga Indian tribe here in California and I giggle everytime their add comes on t.v.


Look at you woman! who wouldn't like to see you?? you look so happy and beautiful!Thanx 4 sharing your story...(and what is Kashinga??)


@chinka, most of people have in their heart someone they might never be with, that's why the whole debate here was wrong, what difference does it make if this person is mika or anyone else, thank you for sharing your story ;)

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@chinka, most of people have in their heart someone they might never be with, that's why the whole debate here was wrong, what difference does it make if this person is mika or anyone else, thank you for sharing your story ;)


I think that was for me haha. but no problem. But really, love who you love and be loved in return. Really rather cheesy but it's true.

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