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MIKA in St. Paul paper


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Mika got a mention in the St. Paul Pioneer Press here in Minnesota. Nothing new, but they basically spend the whole time pointing out that he's famous everywhere in the world except the USA - which isn't necessarily true, but really no one's heard of him here in MN...





4 days!!! :punk:

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Mika got a mention in the St. Paul Pioneer Press here in Minnesota. Nothing new, but they basically spend the whole time pointing out that he's famous everywhere in the world except the USA - which isn't necessary true, but really no one's heard of him here in MN...





4 days!!! :punk:


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Mika got a mention in the St. Paul Pioneer Press here in Minnesota. Nothing new, but they basically spend the whole time pointing out that he's famous everywhere in the world except the USA - which isn't necessarily true, but really no one's heard of him here in MN...





4 days!!! :punk:

That's good though. It's publicity. People who've never heard of him, might check him out, thinking "If this guy has sold all these albums, he must have something going for him. I must take a web-walk over to YouTube and type in Mika."

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