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Is It Possible To Be More Lame Than I Am?


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Okay, last night i get back from the gig, which was wonderful, no regrets and we had rlly awesome seats, by the end i made it to the front row, but sadly didnt make it on stage, their were like hundreds of girls on the stage trying to touch mika. :lmao: im like jeez! anyways, after the gig, the security guard kept screaming at me to go away cuz mika and luke werent coming out, so stupidly i waited on the street. then he screamed at me some more, so i left. i come down here after the gig and find they did come out, and im just so pissed at myself, when mike comes back there is NO way my family will be able to afford to take me there again, i promised luke his vest, and i just feel like a total idiot for not staying, i was just rlly determined, and i should have stayed.

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Folk were ON the stage??????

I am sorry you didn't get to meet them, but if

its any consolation, if security etc were screaming

at me to go away - I would have too!!!


yes, noone could even move! it was crazy! i was so suprised that everyone there was standing up during the whole thing! mika told us to F*cking behave ourselves!lol! :lmao:

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yes, noone could even move! it was crazy! i was so suprised that everyone there was standing up during the whole thing! mika told us to F*cking behave ourselves!lol! :lmao:

ahah that's funny...the previous gigs he was pushing the mob at revolt against rules and guards:naughty:

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Ah sorry you missed him. I heard Jen's story about the mouthy security guards. I don't know why they have to be like that.


In Toronto they just came out and warned everyone if they didn't stay where they were Mika was going to be whisked away in the van immediately. That's usually enough to keep people calm because everyone wants him to stay and talk for a few minutes, which he did.

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I read Jens report about this and really the security are becoming a bit anal in my opinion.

Jen said she waited around with her mum, and later they were told to line up against the wall outside the venue to see Mika. The trick is not to take them at their word, just go walk around away from the doors and keep an eye on what's going on. I think they do it to get rid of the bulk of the crowd so it's easier to manage when the guys do come out.

Is anyone you know going to any of the other shows? Then they could get the vest to Luke for you, I know it's not the same as giving it to him yourself, but at least you know he'll get it.

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Oooh. Dumb security guards suck:thumbdown: Maybe you could give your stuff to another MFCer to give to them for you?


ya, im thinking of that, but it just sucks cuz its like i have already done that, i mean given something to an mfcer to give to mika, now its like i want to give it to him myself, but im over it, ya, it sucks, but it is just once i say im gonna do something, i feel horrible if it doesnt get done. im very OCD, if it is in my schedule it stays there!

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I'm suprised the security didn't throw those ppl outa the gig for crowding the stage, am I over reacting if I think it sounds to be getting out of hand...maybe even dangerous, we had idiots in UK (from another country) who were chasing his car..what is gonna happen next? he is going to definitely get whisked away and it will be the fans fault.

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Okay, last night i get back from the gig, which was wonderful, no regrets and we had rlly awesome seats, by the end i made it to the front row, but sadly didnt make it on stage, their were like hundreds of girls on the stage trying to touch mika. :lmao: im like jeez! anyways, after the gig, the security guard kept screaming at me to go away cuz mika and luke werent coming out, so stupidly i waited on the street. then he screamed at me some more, so i left. i come down here after the gig and find they did come out, and im just so pissed at myself, when mike comes back there is NO way my family will be able to afford to take me there again, i promised luke his vest, and i just feel like a total idiot for not staying, i was just rlly determined, and i should have stayed.


I KNEW IT! uh. those people that worked there were sooo mean! they really didn't have to act like that to us. ugh, i know how you feel! that was my second chance to meet him and i wanted to stay wicked bad but the people i was with kept saying that he wouldn't come out and so they made me leave. ugh! i'm so angry now!

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Sorry for this rant but you guys... it gets even better hahaha.


I must say that those, well they weren't exactly called security now that I think about it, they were just called "event staff" but close enough, were pretty scary/annoying/rude. The Orpheum was on a dead in road so there was no way to go but out and they kind of just formed a line and started kicking everyone out. We got to the street and stood there because that's what everyone was doing and they were blocking the entrance of the road and then tried to kick us off of the road. My thoughts, "I'm sorry but uh I've never been kicked off of a road before?" :bored:


One of the "event staff" convinced a group of girls in front of me that Mika wouldn't come out to the outside of the theatre and get on the bus he'd go out the back way and get into a limo (she got the limo idea because I saw an suv limo ride by.) She asked the girls, "when he came out on stage did he enter from the front or the back?" One of the girls said, "the back" and she was all "see there you go." They thanked her and left. I just stood there staring because uh.... I've read a lot of gig reviews and he either leaves on a bus or an suv... not a limo. :blink:


After that a security guard that was in front of me called out to his friend, another staff member, and joked around saying, "break out the tear gas!" He said it twice.Haahaa not funny to joke about sir. :sneaky2:


It rained and the whole line of staff went running inside. More people left and we just stood there. A police car had come, drove down the road a little bit and then left. No one was moving so I walked back down the road to the theatre and stood there wondering if I could spot someone to ask if they could pass my stuff on so I could leave until this big guy came out and yelled at me and whoever was brave enough to follow me to tell me to get back. Yeah you guys pretty much heard the rest of that story.


I kind of have mixed feelings about the "security" that night. I mean, for one thing I wanted to do as I was told to back away because I did NOT want the band to hear that there were fans out there that would NOT go away and have them be disappointed in us. Yeah, I actually thought about that when standing there in the rain. I just didn't want to be a disappointment to anyone because I'd feel really badly about that. On the other hand NONE of us were being rough or anything. We were just standing there wondering if anyone would come out. I can see why they got us to back off in the first place because pretty much the WHOLE theatre was out there after the show so that weeded out TONS of people, but after that the rain weeded out some more and it was just the hardcore fans left... the ones that weren't made of sugar and wouldn't melt in the rain. :mf_rosetinted:


They did change their tone before Mika came out but it was still strict... which shocked me but didn't shock me at the same time... hard to explain. It just shocked me with the tone of voice they were giving us... if you want people to form a line and obey you you don't bloody raise your voice at them, but on the other hand it got us to form a line... I just felt like I was guilty of a crime and was being forced up against the wall awaiting interrogation. I seriously at one point thought one of them was going to be holding a flashlight and was going to shine it in our faces. :bored: I don't think ANYONE stepped out of that line when he came out until after he had passed and was out of sight. We pretty much all had our backs touching the wall. I think we were too terrified. They did say no pictures or autographs and one of the staff was going to start hassling me because I had my camera out (had it out the WHOLE time) and I just looked up and said, "It's OFF." I did sort of happen to uh turn it on and put my hand over it and video tape for a few seconds of what was going on. You can hear me say hi to him and it just wasn't a natural "hi" at all. I sounded so stupid and nervous/stressed at that point. Yeah, so before I went on saying about worrying about being a disappointment to the band and I go and try to tape a few seconds I'm sorry but security pretty much got to me at that point but inside I was scared to even have my camera on. That took balls of steel and I must sound like a huge hypocrite... my bad. It felt like a little sweet victory though because of what security had put us through for over an hour. I showed my mom the video today in the bus station and she started laughing because she didn't know I did that and didn't know how I managed to get away with it. I know... such a bad fan, a rule breaker... don't bother slapping me on the wrist because I was already slapped enough on the wrist for standing out on the street.


I kind of wish security would make up their minds though. I talked to Mikaholic earlier tonight and when we were talking about what happened she said that she had her CD out because she really wanted it signed and security told her to put it away. When she met him she gave him a sweatshirt and he surprised her and gave her a hug and then security grabbed her bag and threw her to the side. Wtf? So her friend was behind her and had to finish showing him the sweatshirt. I was more at the back of the line and when I got there he was doing signings just not photos and gave me a hug after signing my photo and then singing my dvd because the sharpie was dying he already knew I had his autograph because of the photo I thought it would be cool to have a photo signed of him singing my CD but he didn't want to give up until the sharpie wrote which at that point I wouldn't have cared if it died because I got to meet him and that was good enough for me. After the hug I wasn't grabbed or thrown though like Mikaholic was. I know things have been going insane over at the UK gigs, like the banging on the cars but everyone that was left in the end were standing there so calmly hardly talking standing under the awning trying to not get even more soaked. I would think security would weed out as many as they can and keep watch of the crowd to gauge how they act... like if they think they're going to cause problems then be strict, if they're all standing there high on life and tired tell them what's going to happen and let 'em be don't scare/hassle them anymore.


Gosh... this would make for a wonderful video game. Dodge the security to accomplish your goal. Seriously, I can see it now... the security come out and tackle you down like how football players tackle each other. :thumb_yello: I could honestly see that playing in my head after I met Luke. I'm surprised security didn't pop out from a door way or from behind the trash and take me down because heaven forbid I was actually having a conversation... *gasp*


Anyway, if you read my rant, props to you. Sorry for that but I really have mixed feelings about it. In the end I just didn't want anyone from the band to be disappointed in me for being one of the ones sticking around. I've NEVER had a security run in like that before. At the last Boston gig there was a group of us outside, I almost didn't stay but decided to. They told us to form a line up against the wall, we did, but as soon as Mika came out everyone crowded around him and I stood in the back.


Okay, last night i get back from the gig, which was wonderful, no regrets and we had rlly awesome seats, by the end i made it to the front row, but sadly didnt make it on stage, their were like hundreds of girls on the stage trying to touch mika. :lmao: im like jeez! anyways, after the gig, the security guard kept screaming at me to go away cuz mika and luke werent coming out, so stupidly i waited on the street. then he screamed at me some more, so i left. i come down here after the gig and find they did come out, and im just so pissed at myself, when mike comes back there is NO way my family will be able to afford to take me there again, i promised luke his vest, and i just feel like a total idiot for not staying, i was just rlly determined, and i should have stayed.


Wow, never mind my last PM. I asked if you had gotten someone to pass on your stuff because I didn't see this thread until now. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to meet Mika or Luke and pass on your gifts.

I wish you had stayed. I had Titty trying to convince me to stay because she was positive that Mika would come out. I pretty much almost walked away quite a few times but she kept on saying that he WOULD come out she was sure of it. So even though in my rant it sounded like I wasn't going to go anywhere I kept on debating if I should just leave or not.


Is there anyone at all that you know say around the LA/San Fran gig? That would give you time to mail out the stuff. I'd start asking around.


Ah sorry you missed him. I heard Jen's story about the mouthy security guards. I don't know why they have to be like that.


In Toronto they just came out and warned everyone if they didn't stay where they were Mika was going to be whisked away in the van immediately. That's usually enough to keep people calm because everyone wants him to stay and talk for a few minutes, which he did.


I really believe that after they weeded everyone out but our group of 20 or so people if they had spoken to us like that things would have been the same. Everyone was pretty calm.

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Jen, I read the whole bloody thing!


That was terrible... there's no need for 'security' to treat people like that, esp if they're doing what they're told...


Rude buggers..


Wow, that was a lot. I really shouldn't write so early in the morning without sleep.


But yeah... the whole thing was like three different games being played at once... Red Rover (minus the running through peoples arms,) Tag (basically just the chasing us out part,) and hide-n-seek. Hmm maybe there was a little Capture the Flag mixed in there although we didn't steal anything. Maybe I should just call the game Crossing Enemy Lines. Ya know, since that road seemed forbidden to be on. :wink2:


I remember one security guard saying that he wanted us to all leave so that they could all go home early so that he could go to bed and still get paid while in bed. Yeah buddy, wouldn't we all like a job where we get paid while doing stuff like that? Sorry... Mika fans are going to make you work for that money and give ya some exercise along the way too. :mf_rosetinted::thumb_yello:

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Okay, last night i get back from the gig, which was wonderful, no regrets and we had rlly awesome seats, by the end i made it to the front row, but sadly didnt make it on stage, their were like hundreds of girls on the stage trying to touch mika. :lmao: im like jeez! anyways, after the gig, the security guard kept screaming at me to go away cuz mika and luke werent coming out, so stupidly i waited on the street. then he screamed at me some more, so i left. i come down here after the gig and find they did come out, and im just so pissed at myself, when mike comes back there is NO way my family will be able to afford to take me there again, i promised luke his vest, and i just feel like a total idiot for not staying, i was just rlly determined, and i should have stayed.


Hawww...don't be harsh on yourself..it isnt your fault..its all because of that idiot security guard.

If I were you..I would've cried when I found out that they really did show up later...that must've been a terrible feeling..

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One of the "event staff" convinced a group of girls in front of me that Mika wouldn't come out to the outside of the theatre and get on the bus he'd go out the back way and get into a limo (she got the limo idea because I saw an suv limo ride by.) She asked the girls, "when he came out on stage did he enter from the front or the back?" One of the girls said, "the back" and she was all "see there you go." They thanked her and left. I just stood there staring because uh.... I've read a lot of gig reviews and he either leaves on a bus or an suv... not a limo. :blink:



that was me! that was me who was talking to that lieing woman! ugh. we were going to stay there, but it started pouring and my parents said that we should leave. (i recognized you too! haha i would have said hi but i didn't think you knew who i was.) and she was saying that "when your a huge star like him, you don't go out the front anymore. you go out the back to the huge limos and to the huge hotels." and i was like "bullcrap!" but i didn't want that scary old man to yell at me. there was no need for them to be so rude to us.


(and i totally am a hard-core fan! :thumb_yello: it's just that my parents aren't too hard-core, so it's not my fault i had to leave)

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i was close to crying, but thast would be selfish because my parents broke their bank account to take me and i should be thankful that i went.


:sad: At least you got to enjoy the show, the event staff inside were very friendly... although that might be because they get to see a great show. :wink2:


that was me! that was me who was talking to that lieing woman! ugh. we were going to stay there, but it started pouring and my parents said that we should leave. (i recognized you too! haha i would have said hi but i didn't think you knew who i was.) and she was saying that "when your a huge star like him, you don't go out the front anymore. you go out the back to the huge limos and to the huge hotels." and i was like "bullcrap!" but i didn't want that scary old man to yell at me. there was no need for them to be so rude to us.


(and i totally am a hard-core fan! :thumb_yello: it's just that my parents aren't too hard-core, so it's not my fault i had to leave)


I was wondering if I posted that part if someone would come out and say it was them! You could have said hi to me silly we talked before about the Boston gig in one of the threads, I can't remember which one haha. I think it was the Mikagasmic one.


I cannot believe she lied to you guys like that! I just stood there listening the whole conversation. I didn't want to jump in and say it wasn't true because they were already really harsh to us I didn't want to add fuel to the fire and get burned even more. Okay so whew, I'm SO GLAD you guys didn't buy that load of bull and it was the rain that made you leave. After your group left I felt bad because I thought that you girls believed it and I knew it was true. I mean sure someday maybe he'll leave in a limo but it hasn't happened yet and if there's TWO tour busses out front that tells you something. I remember she was trying to explain that they've been there ALL DAY and there was no sign of Mika. Okay, so two random tour busses decide, "hey this looks like a nice place to park all day" and not even be associated with the band. Riiiight.


I was talking to my mom about that after while waiting there and we couldn't figure out where a back exit would be because we pretty much walked all the way around the place to and from our hotel. There's shops all around it and by the theatre doors you have the walk-way that takes you straight to I believe Washington street. I'm sure there's a back exit somewhere in case of a fire but it's probably through those shops or some back alley.


I kind of wish I had taken my time after the gig. We were still inside waiting for most people to clear out before bothering to leave but we were starting to get kicked out of there, which was okay because it wasn't as crowded by that point. I was afraid the guy behind me was going to hassle me but I don't think he did because he could tell we were grabbing our stuff. Then I should have gone down and looked and the merchandise again and should have gone to the bathroom that way I could have bypassed all of the screaming and yelling from the line of staff pushing everyone to the end of the road that is until the group that came out after that got shoved to the road too.


I also think I know what scary guy you're talking about, I think he was the one that screamed at me too for just standing there trying to catch someone associated with the band that way I could pass on my stuff and get the hell away from their yelling. Yell at us when we're being totally and completely out of control or if it's dangerous because I KNOW they're there for his, and the band members safety but don't yell at us when we're standing there as calm as a crowd can be wishing we weren't getting soaked. Just tell us what's-what or what to do so we can at least see him and have it be safe for everyone. No need for yelling. :thumbdown:

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I was wondering if I posted that part if someone would come out and say it was them! You could have said hi to me silly we talked before about the Boston gig in one of the threads, I can't remember which one haha. I think it was the Mikagasmic one.


I cannot believe she lied to you guys like that! I just stood there listening the whole conversation. I didn't want to jump in and say it wasn't true because they were already really harsh to us I didn't want to add fuel to the fire and get burned even more. Okay so whew, I'm SO GLAD you guys didn't buy that load of bull and it was the rain that made you leave. After your group left I felt bad because I thought that you girls believed it and I knew it was true. I mean sure someday maybe he'll leave in a limo but it hasn't happened yet and if there's TWO tour busses out front that tells you something. I remember she was trying to explain that they've been there ALL DAY and there was no sign of Mika. Okay, so two random tour busses decide, "hey this looks like a nice place to park all day" and not even be associated with the band. Riiiight.


I was talking to my mom about that after while waiting there and we couldn't figure out where a back exit would be because we pretty much walked all the way around the place to and from our hotel. There's shops all around it and by the theatre doors you have the walk-way that takes you straight to I believe Washington street. I'm sure there's a back exit somewhere in case of a fire but it's probably through those shops or some back alley.


I kind of wish I had taken my time after the gig. We were still inside waiting for most people to clear out before bothering to leave but we were starting to get kicked out of there, which was okay because it wasn't as crowded by that point. I was afraid the guy behind me was going to hassle me but I don't think he did because he could tell we were grabbing our stuff. Then I should have gone down and looked and the merchandise again and should have gone to the bathroom that way I could have bypassed all of the screaming and yelling from the line of staff pushing everyone to the end of the road that is until the group that came out after that got shoved to the road too.


I also think I know what scary guy you're talking about, I think he was the one that screamed at me too for just standing there trying to catch someone associated with the band that way I could pass on my stuff and get the hell away from their yelling. Yell at us when we're being totally and completely out of control or if it's dangerous because I KNOW they're there for his, and the band members safety but don't yell at us when we're standing there as calm as a crowd can be wishing we weren't getting soaked. Just tell us what's-what or what to do so we can at least see him and have it be safe for everyone. No need for yelling. :thumbdown:


yeah, i knew she was lieing through her teeth, she's wasn't even looking me in the eyes when she was talking to me. and i know that mika doesn't leave his fans out there, he's not like that at all.


oh! i saw mikaholic too! but i didn't recongnize her. hahaha but she recongnized me.


yeah, when we drove past the orpheum we went down the street that was on the left of it and i looked down the alley and there was nothing there. and i was like I KNEW IT! and i got wicked angry.


but next time he comes, nothing will stop me!

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yeah, i knew she was lieing through her teeth, she's wasn't even looking me in the eyes when she was talking to me. and i know that mika doesn't leave his fans out there, he's not like that at all.


oh! i saw mikaholic too! but i didn't recongnize her. hahaha but she recongnized me.


yeah, when we drove past the orpheum we went down the street that was on the left of it and i looked down the alley and there was nothing there. and i was like I KNEW IT! and i got wicked angry.


but next time he comes, nothing will stop me!


Yeah, from what I've read so far he hasn't taken a back exit to escape us. He'll generally come out, stay for a few minutes and leave which I think is truly wonderful because he has the option not to. Who knows if it'll continue when he gets even bigger but it's really nice now while it lasts.


Mikaholic saw me but didn't say hi. *hmpf* :sneaky2: Maybe next time there can be a small MFC meet up or something.


Okay I thought there was an alley around the Orpheum. I remembered looking down it as we passed but I didn't know if it lead to the theatre or not because I got so turned around on those streets that I couldn't remember the way back to the hotel after the gig. :naughty:


We'll have to get invisibility cloak or something like in Harry Potter that way we can just tuck ourselves away in a corner and not get yelled at by security. Although, maybe if he does end up coming back to Boston someday and if it's some place different maybe security won't be as harsh. I wouldn't mind if he played at the Orpheum again because I LOVED how it was seated so there was no pushing and shoving or waiting in the cold freezing rain, but I'm not ready to deal with the staff there again any time soon. :mf_rosetinted:

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