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2008 - REPORTS/PICS/VIDS for MIKA@ Terminal 5 in New York City: 02 Feb

Blue Sky

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Oh, I'm sorry guys, I didn't realize it was that unclear.

But what he said to me is that he's in the process of redoing his gallery and there will be a SECTION for fan stuff, and stuff made for him.



Ah, is that his picture gallery in myspace, or on his website?

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Oakie Doakie- Munchkins are supposed to be from the extra dough in the middle of the donuts, so they're little round balls:




Oh, classy folk we are here their just called "Donut Holes" :naughty:


Oh my ****ing God.

Last night was the most amazing night of my life. I cried when I woke up this morning just telling my parents everything.


Oh my god! This is brilliant! I can't wait for the rest! Ahh! What a completely ridiculous time to be in line - but it totally paid off! :mf_rosetinted:

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ok im not gunna read through this whole thread because its going to take to long, but ill post my story here

so that pink sock and rw or what ever her name is on here(she doesnt post much haha) went in at 7 30, me and my other friend met up with them because we took a 9 30 train in, we spent the morning talking to mfcers online in fornt of us and just hanign out. a littler late ron in the day one of the guys from the record company came over and was like so, why are you guys here so early and he kept asking us why and then he was like, well since your here so early were gunna try and get you guys to meet him and then he took someones phone number down.


throughout the day he gave us updates and finally the garage door next to us opened, and its one of mikas managers, asking us if we woudl wanted coffee tea or hot coco the general consensus was hot coco and the closed the door, a little while later Mika came out!!

he came and talked to us in a small group he answered a few of our questions (HE REMEBERED ME AND MY FREINDSSSSSS) and then he had to go back inside. It was during this timethat he told us its fun when people storm the stage and dance with him, but we all have to do it. So of course for the rest of the night we were planning this out.


Finally we get into the venue. It was a mad rush because these stupid anoying people who hadnt waited all day got in before us. and i was standing next to neil an dmy freinds, mika was SO amzing during the show, it was so much fun, all the props and the actors that helped just made is so much fun and incredible.


Then lollipop cam eon, mika sang and then kind of signaled for us to come up on stage so i pulled myself up over the barrier, and Mika grabed my arm/hand and pulled me up on stage and then i danced on stage during lollipop! and it was amazing


then after the show i met midway state and they were really nice and cool


and that is my concert experience in a nutshell.

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ok im not gunna read through this whole thread because its going to take to long, but ill post my story here

so that pink sock and rw or what ever her name is on here(she doesnt post much haha) went in at 7 30, me and my other friend met up with them because we took a 9 30 train in, we spent the morning talking to mfcers online in fornt of us and just hanign out. a littler late ron in the day one of the guys from the record company came over and was like so, why are you guys here so early and he kept asking us why and then he was like, well since your here so early were gunna try and get you guys to meet him and then he took someones phone number down.


throughout the day he gave us updates and finally the garage door next to us opened, and its one of mikas managers, asking us if we woudl wanted coffee tea or hot coco the general consensus was hot coco and the closed the door, a little while later Mika came out!!

he came and talked to us in a small group he answered a few of our questions (HE REMEBERED ME AND MY FREINDSSSSSS) and then he had to go back inside. It was during this timethat he told us its fun when people storm the stage and dance with him, but we all have to do it. So of course for the rest of the night we were planning this out.


Finally we get into the venue. It was a mad rush because these stupid anoying people who hadnt waited all day got in before us. and i was standing next to neil an dmy freinds, mika was SO amzing during the show, it was so much fun, all the props and the actors that helped just made is so much fun and incredible.


Then lollipop cam eon, mika sang and then kind of signaled for us to come up on stage so i pulled myself up over the barrier, and Mika grabed my arm/hand and pulled me up on stage and then i danced on stage during lollipop! and it was amazing


then after the show i met midway state and they were really nice and cool


and that is my concert experience in a nutshell.



Fab report!! Glad you had such a fantastic time, and he pulled you up with him!!! A dream he:wub2:

Who were the folks who jumped the queue and what happened exactly?

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just came back from breakfast... wow reports are coming in!!

ok.. back to page 31!

i have a question... this is the 1st time i belong to a "fan club"

do all fan clubs do this "as it is happening" reports of shows, then post show reports... or are we the only mad ones?

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It's so great that he is stil wearing it! :wub2:

Maybe if someone at a future show (if he is still wearign them) could tell him?



Yes, please! if anybody sees him could you tell him thanks from me and that i'm so glad that he likes them and is wearing them!?:wink2::wub2::roftl:

oh, and that he's supposed to make a wish when they fall off.:)

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Good Morning/Good Afternoon Everyone!!!!


I came back from the NYC gig at 2AM. I was extremely tired to write my report. It was the best time of my life. Every time I remember, I start crying!!! :tears: MIKA is the most amazing human being that I have never met in my entire life. I love that man!!!

I arrived at the venue at 5AM and met HOllyD, Alex and Jess(finkster) We were the very first MCFers there!!! Thank God it wasn't that cold but HOllyD was without a coat which I admired her so much for doing that. Jackie and her friends arrived around 7AM. We all clicked so well. It was so much fun. They were all very nice and fun to be around. We actually spent almost 14 hours together, plus thew show and the after show. I LOVE YOU ALL Around 9am I love MIKA arrived and her friend too. She is so tiny, cute and very sweet. Best group so far!!!. The day was unbelievable. I felt so blessed for seeing MIKA a second time!!!!!! Myself and Jess wanted to make sure we were making the line in the right place, by the way, that venue only had a small sign with the name and MIKA's name was not mention at all. Jess and me went to the side door and banged on the door a couple of times. We finally got a man to open the door and we asked him if were in the right place and he responded yes.

Jess and myself went back to the line but then we noticed that the front of the venue had two garage doors and we did not know which one had the main entrance. And guess what....................we decided to go back again to see if we could talk to guy again. We banged on the door one more time and the same guy open the door. We asked him which garage door was the main entrance but he was struggling telling us. I decided to ask him if we could go inside and check it out. He did not hesitate and let us in!!!! Jess and myself were the first one to see the venue!!!!!!!!! yayyyyy. But we did not show our excitement( I guess we tried not to :)) we just kept saying "thank you so much; you're so sweet." We finally got the answer and we were standing in the right place. As we were going back. A tall white man walked in and gave us a funny look like if he was wondering what in the hell are these two girls doing here. We said good morning and kept walking.....I hope we did not get that man in trouble!!!


The day was going great. We even order pizza to be delivered at the venue. One of Jackie's friend (sorry I do not remember his name but he was wearing this adorable purple skinny pants which btw looked amazing!!) placed the order. We were very nice to each other. Every time someone needed to use the restrooms; the other would hold our spot. When Jess and myself decided to go to the bathroom, we we get a call from someone in line that MIKA was arriving. I use the bathroom so quick and ran back to the venue. We found out the Alex spoke with the man who produced MIKA's album and he told her that he was going to try to get the group to meet MIKA. !!!!!!

To make the report short, around 3pm John comes out with another lady and asked us what time did we arrive to the venue and we all said 5am. He asked Alex and Holly if they were the one from Florida and of course they responded yes. By this time, Alex was already speaking with jeri ( I hope that's the way you write his name). John asked us if we needed anything; like water, coffee or anything at all. He said, I am not taking orders but something that would pleased you all. We all said hot chocolate. I honestly believe he was playing with us.!!! Around 2o minutes later one of the garage doors opened and is John again and the main door remained open. (this is the hardest part for me to write 'cause I start crying again). In two seconds, MIKA comes out and we all were so surprised that he did!!!!!!!!!!!!

MIKA looked amazing I was speechless once again. I was checking MIKA out from head to toes in a polite way tough. But I pulled myself together and said the first thing that pop into my head: OH MIKA I...............like your shoes he said thank you while touching his hair. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I then noticed his bracelets and said "I love your bracelets; where did you get them from? He just said I got them from a fun and was about to tell me from him but we got interrupted by another fan full of questions for him. I didn't mind at all, we all wanted to say hello to him!!! I was just standing there so close to him and so far at the same time. I wanted to grab his arm and tell him how much he has changed my life but I couldn't. For me, MIKA is untouchable. He is just time amazing man that has my fully respect and I did not want to crossed that line.

The other girls have great report as well, but I want you all to read from them.




second part later.

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I still have to finish telling the other half to the greatest day of my life,

but Perez Hilton and Katy Perry were there!

I got to meet perez but katy just walked into the van, i didn't realize it was her at first. Just to clear up that it wasn't a rumor, they were both there.:thumb_yello:

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ok im not gunna read through this whole thread because its going to take to long, but ill post my story here

so that pink sock and rw or what ever her name is on here(she doesnt post much haha) went in at 7 30, me and my other friend met up with them because we took a 9 30 train in, we spent the morning talking to mfcers online in fornt of us and just hanign out. a littler late ron in the day one of the guys from the record company came over and was like so, why are you guys here so early and he kept asking us why and then he was like, well since your here so early were gunna try and get you guys to meet him and then he took someones phone number down.


throughout the day he gave us updates and finally the garage door next to us opened, and its one of mikas managers, asking us if we woudl wanted coffee tea or hot coco the general consensus was hot coco and the closed the door, a little while later Mika came out!!

he came and talked to us in a small group he answered a few of our questions (HE REMEBERED ME AND MY FREINDSSSSSS) and then he had to go back inside. It was during this timethat he told us its fun when people storm the stage and dance with him, but we all have to do it. So of course for the rest of the night we were planning this out.


Finally we get into the venue. It was a mad rush because these stupid anoying people who hadnt waited all day got in before us. and i was standing next to neil an dmy freinds, mika was SO amzing during the show, it was so much fun, all the props and the actors that helped just made is so much fun and incredible.


Then lollipop cam eon, mika sang and then kind of signaled for us to come up on stage so i pulled myself up over the barrier, and Mika grabed my arm/hand and pulled me up on stage and then i danced on stage during lollipop! and it was amazing


then after the show i met midway state and they were really nice and cool


and that is my concert experience in a nutshell.

I saw you!!!! That was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OH MIKA I...............like your shoes he said thank you while touching his hair. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I then noticed his bracelets and said "I love your bracelets; where did you get them from? He just said I got them from a fun


yay! Thats me!!!! :wub2::roftl:

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Fab report!! Glad you had such a fantastic time, and he pulled you up with him!!! A dream he:wub2:

Who were the folks who jumped the queue and what happened exactly?


a lot of people in the front got over, but it was really really hard, the barriar was so high! and after a while the security was getting harsh, but he told us before the show to do it, so when he gave the okay, everyone started to do it!

He grabbed my friend Neil first before everyone, and then everyone started going, and he grabbed my hand to pull me over, it was the best time I've ever had.

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Good Morning/Good Afternoon Everyone!!!!


I came back from the NYC gig at 2AM. I was extremely tired to write my report. It was the best time of my life. Every time I remember, I start crying!!! :tears: MIKA is the most amazing human being that I have never met in my entire life. I love that man!!!

I arrived at the venue at 5AM and met HOllyD, Alex and Jess(finkster) We were the very first MCFers there!!! Thank God it wasn't that cold but HOllyD was without a coat which I admired her so much for doing that. Jackie and her friends arrived around 7AM. We all clicked so well. It was so much fun. They were all very nice and fun to be around. We actually spent almost 14 hours together, plus thew show and the after show. I LOVE YOU ALL Around 9am I love MIKA arrived and her friend too. She is so tiny, cute and very sweet. Best group so far!!!. The day was unbelievable. I felt so blessed for seeing MIKA a second time!!!!!! Myself and Jess wanted to make sure we were making the line in the right place, by the way, that venue only had a small sign with the name and MIKA's name was not mention at all. Jess and me went to the side door and banged on the door a couple of times. We finally got a man to open the door and we asked him if were in the right place and he responded yes.

Jess and myself went back to the line but then we noticed that the front of the venue had two garage doors and we did not know which one had the main entrance. And guess what....................we decided to go back again to see if we could talk to guy again. We banged on the door one more time and the same guy open the door. We asked him which garage door was the main entrance but he was struggling telling us. I decided to ask him if we could go inside and check it out. He did not hesitate and let us in!!!! Jess and myself were the first one to see the venue!!!!!!!!! yayyyyy. But we did not show our excitement( I guess we tried not to :)) we just kept saying "thank you so much; you're so sweet." We finally got the answer and we were standing in the right place. As we were going back. A tall white man walked in and gave us a funny look like if he was wondering what in the hell are these two girls doing here. We said good morning and kept walking.....I hope we did not get that man in trouble!!!


The day was going great. We even order pizza to be delivered at the venue. One of Jackie's friend (sorry I do not remember his name but he was wearing this adorable purple skinny pants which btw looked amazing!!) placed the order. We were very nice to each other. Every time someone needed to use the restrooms; the other would hold our spot. When Jess and myself decided to go to the bathroom, we we get a call from someone in line that MIKA was arriving. I use the bathroom so quick and ran back to the venue. We found out the Alex spoke with the man who produced MIKA's album and he told her that he was going to try to get the group to meet MIKA. !!!!!!

To make the report short, around 3pm John comes out with another lady and asked us what time did we arrive to the venue and we all said 5am. He asked Alex and Holly if they were the one from Florida and of course they responded yes. By this time, Alex was already speaking with jeri ( I hope that's the way you write his name). John asked us if we needed anything; like water, coffee or anything at all. He said, I am not taking orders but something that would pleased you all. We all said hot chocolate. I honestly believe he was playing with us.!!! Around 2o minutes later one of the garage doors opened and is John again and the main door remained open. (this is the hardest part for me to write 'cause I start crying again). In two seconds, MIKA comes out and we all were so surprised that he did!!!!!!!!!!!!

MIKA looked amazing I was speechless once again. I was checking MIKA out from head to toes in a polite way tough. But I pulled myself together and said the first thing that pop into my head: OH MIKA I...............like your shoes he said thank you while touching his hair. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I then noticed his bracelets and said "I love your bracelets; where did you get them from? He just said I got them from a fun and was about to tell me from him but we got interrupted by another fan full of questions for him. I didn't mind at all, we all wanted to say hello to him!!! I was just standing there so close to him and so far at the same time. I wanted to grab his arm and tell him how much he has changed my life but I couldn't. For me, MIKA is untouchable. He is just time amazing man that has my fully respect and I did not want to crossed that line.The other girls have great report as well, but I want you all to read from them.




second part later.


thanks lucy...i loved this sentence so much! :wub2: :wub2:

all your reports sound brilliant...a real amazing night, full of new fabulous surprises!

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Jackie and her friends arrived around 7AM. We all clicked so well. It was so much fun. They were all very nice and fun to be around. We actually spent almost 14 hours together, plus thew show and the after show. I LOVE YOU ALL Around 9am I love MIKA arrived and her friend too. She is so tiny, cute and very sweet. Best group so far!!!. The day was unbelievable.


I love you guys too!! You all made those 14 hours go by so fast!!

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OMG i am having post mika depression!!!!!!! not joking i see a picture of him and i start crying!! i am crying at this moment! :tears::crybaby: hahaha who else is having post mika depression???


I AM!!!!!! i get this way every single dayyy...

my friends just laugh cuz they don't realize how AMAZINGG mika is to me....

and now i seriously cn't stop especially since i missed yesterday's concert

AND my computer is slow so i cn't really read everything right away!!!!!

i MUST see 1 or 2 or 3 or all of the next shows b4 the tour ends....

if i don't i'll go into a state of MAJOR DEPRESSION....

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We found out the Alex spoke with the man who produced MIKA's album and he told her that he was going to try to get the group to meet MIKA. !!!!!!


wait a second... the prducer ? greg wells ? or anyone else ??


I still have to finish telling the other half to the greatest day of my life,

but Perez Hilton and Katy Perry were there!

I got to meet perez but katy just walked into the van, i didn't realize it was her at first. Just to clear up that it wasn't a rumor, they were both there.:thumb_yello:


and yes, katy perry is in ny at the moment, wouldn't be surprised she was there :thumb_yello:

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omg!!! x____x


i was on stage with mika at the end of lollipop. i'm still in shock.

[oh, i'm new on the fanclub, rafael, from brazil, nice to meet you all]


the concert was amazing, my first mika gig ever. he talked to me before the show, in the middle of the afternoon when he came out to talk to the people in the front of terminal five. and grabbed my hand twice during the concert. x__x still can't believe it. lol.


as soon as i get back to brazil i'll put my pics and videos on the internet. if anyone have any video or pictures of lollipop, with us on stage, pleeeease contact me: rafadip@hotmail.com , for msn and e-mail.


.............it was so worth it.

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OMG i am having post mika depression!!!!!!! not joking i see a picture of him and i start crying!! i am crying at this moment! :tears::crybaby: hahaha who else is having post mika depression???


I know exactly what you mean!!!!!!!! I can't stop crying either!!!!!!!!. The night was amazing and tiny you!!. I saw you on stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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