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2008 - REPORTS/PICS/VIDS for MIKA@ Terminal 5 in New York City: 02 Feb

Blue Sky

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I'm copying and pasting this from my blog on MySpace. :-P


Okay,we were supposed to meet-up at a cafe in New York,and no one showed up exept for Katie and her family.Everybody else was at the venue already.

So we ate then went to the venue.Only like 15 people were there.I saw HollyD and Finkster and met them.Then we waited for other people to show up.

After a while nothing happened,but then Mika came out with his camra man!I asked a dumb question,and then on my way home I thought of one I could've asked him,which I hate when that happens.But Andy faced the camra towards me and he asked me something about Mika on American radio,and I answered.And then he said that I was wearing a skirt.(it's true!!)

Then Andy went in and after the security guards put the barricade up people were still coming.I was right behind Lucy,who was at the front of the barricade.

Then we saw Mika's mum,sister,and family.(i think)

Oh it should be mentioned that like 20 minutes before the doors opened,we went down to the deli to go to the bathroom,because their bathroom wasn't for customers only.Anyway,when we got down there,they were closed and we all had to go.

So then we went inside and I went front row at first.Then we went to the bathroom,and when we came back there were already 4 or 5 rows and I couldn't get my spot back!I went over to my mom and sister and I couldn't see the stage very good,so my mom said she would try to get me to the front.It was working,and then this jerk wouldn't let us thru,but a girl said she'd let me.At that point I already had negetive vibes and I told her it was okay.My mom said to go but I still wouldn't.We just went back to the back.I was really angry and so we tried to go to the lowest deck above and that didn't work.

Then the opening act came on,who I didn't really like.

Then after a while Mika came on and we were very happy.I could see pretty good,but we were pretty far away.He sang Relax,Ring Ring,Any Other World,Big Girl,Love Today,Holy Johnny,How Much Do You Love Me,Billy Brown,My Interpretation,and Lollipop.It was AMAZING!

Then we went outside,which was kinda a relif because it was very warm inside.I said to my mom that I wanted to stay to try to meet one of the musicians.Of corse we were all tired.Part of me wanted to stay and another part wanted to go home.I said if nothing happend by 11:30,(it was 11:00 PM)then we could go home.Of corse like 2 minutes after I said that I said we could just go home.



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Thank you guys. It was seriously better than I ever could have dreamed..I'm still in complete shock myself. It all feels so surreal...


Aww, I felt so bad for all the people who nearly got crushed..


Oh, and I have to say, before seeing the concert with Saranayde joining Mika, I wasn't sure about her and felt like she upstaged him.

I completely changed my mind. She doesn't upstage him at all and is a great asset to the band. She's so beautiful, too!

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i guess i will repost my pics here






the last one is the photo i took from stage! u can see some mfcers in it (if u look hard enough!)

I can see myself in the last pic and I have this face that I am about to cry because he was walking off the stage. :tears:

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here's parts 2 and 3 guys: enjoy! hopefully i got some of you in the stage pictures!






You were the first to go on stage!!!! You were so lucky. At this time I wanted to be skinny so bad!!!

btw, you were very nice!!!!!!!!!1

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jack, i have to admit, i did only skim read your post so please excuse me of my errors, but to me it kinda sounds as if maybe...like...you expect too much of him. I mean, Mika IS a great performer as we've seen from other live shows and TV appearances, and okay, I know everyone can have their own interpretations on shows and stuff, but as far as I can gather everyone else seemed to have a bloody brilliant time apart from you :blink:

and you may not have meant to make it sound like this, but in one paragraph about the "eye contact" it did kinda sound like as if the show was crap just because he gave other people eye contact and not you. i'm not saying that's what you meant, i'm just saying that's what it sounded like. i know you know that you can't expect mika to look at everyone in the front row.


i don't think i have anything else to say. i'm sorry that my first post in here seems a bit on the negative. I'm happy that everyone enjoyed themselves :)

I had the best time of my life except from lollipop. But I won't based my experience just from that performance.

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I only have a few decent ones from the show.


There's my sign on the floor. haha




Forgot to zoom. :naughty: And that's the end of my decent ones of the show, the rest were just..bad. xD But I only took a few photos because I didn't want to miss the show. :)

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