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2008 - REPORTS/PICS/VIDS for MIKA@ Terminal 5 in New York City: 02 Feb

Blue Sky

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I also noticed he used the HOLY JOHNNY:mf_popeanim: robes that HOLY JOHNNY:mf_popeanim: from UK gave to their promoters in Doncaster, but UK HOLY JOHNNY:mf_popeanim: is having more made as he is making his comeback. :punk::punk:


Sorry if this has been discussed since Sparkly1 <hi> brought it up, but I thought they were the robes Mika_Fish and Silver.lemons gave Mika after Doncaster. Anyone know who wore them?

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Has this been posted yet?




EDIT: oops, I gave you the wrong video :naughty:


Here's the one I'm talking about:


(Mika telling fans to go on stage)



Feel free to watch the other one too though



hey i took that video :thumb_yello:

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Sorry if this has been discussed since Sparkly1 <hi> brought it up, but I thought they were the robes Mika_Fish and Silver.lemons gave Mika after Doncaster. Anyone know who wore them?


Ruth, I think it must have been a cousin of Mika's, or a friend -- when he left

he went in the car that other family members were in. He was really cute,

really hammed it up on stage. :)



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Hey you guys!


Hey Liam,


I have a couple cute pics with you in them, don't know if you saw them...






Sorry, the second one's a little blurry...


And here's one of you on stage... well, just your side, but you know

who you are here :naughty:





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Neil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy to see your face!!!!!!!!!!!!

You were soooo sweet and funny. I love the video you took!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


haha lucy!!! thanks, you're so amazing!!! I'm so glad i got to meet you!!


here are my youtube videos:




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Hey Liam,


I have a couple cute pics with you in them, don't know if you saw them...






Sorry, the second one's a little blurry...


And here's one of you on stage... well, just your side, but you know

who you are here :naughty:






Oh wow! thank you so much!

My feet are finally thawing for that cold! how are you feeling Deb?

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Hey Liam,


I have a couple cute pics with you in them, don't know if you saw them...






Sorry, the second one's a little blurry...


And here's one of you on stage... well, just your side, but you know

who you are here :naughty:






omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am in the last one this proves to all my friends that i was on stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Okay, I have not even posted a report yet. To be honest, I could not find the words....and I still can't - and now I have come to the conclusion that I never will; so I just have to wing it. My whole experience was undescribable... even now 2 days later, I am still left speechless, dazed and amazed. I can't remember my name or where I was - but I will never forget anything about February 2, 2008.


I was kinda nervous, because I have read things in the past - where people were left feeling unsatisfied and empty after a gig - and I did not want to be disappointed. NOW, I think it is safe to say that those people MUST have just had WAY to high expectations to start with or something. This being my first Mika gig, I really did not know what to expect. All I knew were the things I have heard in the past. I never for a second thought that I would actually get to meet him. So, for me the whole day and experience was SO MUCH more than I ever imagined it would be.


First of all - I would just like to say..... the MFCers in the line up were so AWESOME....it isn't even funny! You guys made 16 hours of waiting feel like a mere hour. Erin, Jackie, Niel and Liam, OMG you guys R-O-C-K!!!!! I cannot imagine being at a gig anywhere else. It was so MUCH F-U-N..... and with that said.... for the ones who think we were CRAZY for getting there at 5:00 AM that is your opinion, and that is fine :naughty: BUT, uuuummm do I regret getting there before the roosters ever thought of turning over? Hell-to-the-no

I had the most indescribable experience of my life. I also made a life-long friend Lucy - I llluuurrvvveee you! :huglove: and Jess, I llluurrvvvee you so much! It was so nice to finally meet you after ALL THESE YEARS we have been talking! :roftl: I froze, I suffered, I was miserable and in pain BUT - I wouldn't change a single thing. In addition I also met some awesome people, that I would LOVE to see again! So you better beleive NEXT time Mika goes to NYC....I will be there!


Everyone already knows about all of the things that happened to us. Meeting Mika's producer and manager and blah blah blah, so I will not bore you.

When Mika came out to meet us.... it was ....was.....was..... there are NO words, let's just put it that way. I have always HEARD this, but until you experience it first hand...you have no clue. When Mika is talking to you - he looks directly into your eyes....almost as if he can see into your very soul. His eyes are so penetrating they burn your heart like a wild fire blazing beyond control. When he speaks to you, it is as if there is no one else to be found for miles upon miles. And somehow those few seconds, feel like an eternity. One that is forever burned in your memory so profoundly never to fade.


The hours of waiting in line, went by SO fast. Before we knew it they were putting up the barriers and we knew the time was near. The security guards were SO FUNNY! We were freaking them out SO BAD. They got a kick out of it.... and still don't get it! 'Mika, who is she'? :naughty: Andy said that we were the loudest bunch EVER... and he was eating it up. He filmed us SO MUCH! And we all started singing Mika songs....that was awesome! But, when we started singing.... HEY MIKA you're so fine..... Andy literally STOPPED filming, put the camera down and looked at us and he said.... THAT WAS BLOODY BRILLIANT.... and he put the camera back on.... we sang - OH MIKA WHAT A PITY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, YOU TAKE ME BY THE HEART WHEN YOU TAKE ME BY THE HAND....OH MIKA, YOU'RE SO PRETTY, CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND.....IT'S GUYS LIKE YOU MIKA! And we put so much enphasis on that part....Andy was smiling, and loving every second of it. Now if anyone ever does that at a gig like we did.... well, at least it was our idea! :lmao:


When we FINALLY got inside I was second in, and got exactly where I wanted to be.


.....little bit more, in a moment! :bleh:

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Okay, I have not even posted a report yet. To be honest, I could not find the words....and I still can't - and now I have come to the conclusion that I never will; so I just have to wing it. My whole experience was undescribable... even now 2 days later, I am still left speechless, dazed and amazed. I can't remember my name or where I was - but I will never forget anything about February 2, 2008.


I was kinda nervous, because I have read things in the past - where people were left feeling unsatisfied and empty after a gig - and I did not want to be disappointed. NOW, I think it is safe to say that those people MUST have just had WAY to high expectations to start with or something. This being my first Mika gig, I really did not know what to expect. All I knew were the things I have heard in the past. I never for a second thought that I would actually get to meet him. So, for me the whole day and experience was SO MUCH more than I ever imagined it would be.


First of all - I would just like to say..... the MFCers in the line up were so AWESOME....it isn't even funny! You guys made 16 hours of waiting feel like a mere hour. Erin, Jackie, Niel and Liam, OMG you guys R-O-C-K!!!!! I cannot imagine being at a gig anywhere else. It was so MUCH F-U-N..... and with that said.... for the ones who think we were CRAZY for getting there at 5:00 AM that is your opinion, and that is fine :naughty: BUT, uuuummm do I regret getting there before the roosters ever thought of turning over? Hell-to-the-no

I had the most indescribable experience of my life. I also made a life-long friend Lucy - I llluuurrvvveee you! :huglove: and Jess, I llluurrvvvee you so much! It was so nice to finally meet you after ALL THESE YEARS we have been talking! :roftl: I froze, I suffered, I was miserable and in pain BUT - I wouldn't change a single thing. In addition I also met some awesome people, that I would LOVE to see again! So you better beleive NEXT time Mika goes to NYC....I will be there!


Everyone already knows about all of the things that happened to us. Meeting Mika's producer and manager and blah blah blah, so I will not bore you.

When Mika came out to meet us.... it was ....was.....was..... there are NO words, let's just put it that way. I have always HEARD this, but until you experience it first hand...you have no clue. When Mika is talking to you - he looks directly into your eyes....almost as if he can see into your very soul. His eyes are so penetrating they burn your heart like a wild fire blazing beyond control. When he speaks to you, it is as if there is no one else to be found for miles upon miles. And somehow those few seconds, feel like an eternity. One that is forever burned in your memory so profoundly never to fade.


The hours of waiting in line, went by SO fast. Before we knew it they were putting up the barriers and we knew the time was near. The security guards were SO FUNNY! We were freaking them out SO BAD. They got a kick out of it.... and still don't get it! 'Mika, who is she'? :naughty: Andy said that we were the loudest bunch EVER... and he was eating it up. He filmed us SO MUCH! And we all started singing Mika songs....that was awesome! But, when we started singing.... HEY MIKA you're so fine..... Andy literally STOPPED filming, put the camera down and looked at us and he said.... THAT WAS BLOODY BRILLIANT.... and he put the camera back on.... we sang - OH MIKA WHAT A PITY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, YOU TAKE ME BY THE HEART WHEN YOU TAKE ME BY THE HAND....OH MIKA, YOU'RE SO PRETTY, CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND.....IT'S GUYS LIKE YOU MIKA! And we put so much enphasis on that part....Andy was smiling, and loving every second of it. Now if anyone ever does that at a gig like we did.... well, at least it was our idea! :lmao:


When we FINALLY got inside I was second in, and got exactly where I wanted to be.


.....little bit more, in a moment! :bleh:


HOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! didnt read ur post yet but wats up!!!

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I have to say that I feel extremely, extremely thankful for all of this, and everyone- My parents SO MUCH, all the MFCers, Mika, his people... EVERYONE. Graciousness is the overally feeling i've had for the past day or so over all this. :wub2:



Finally, Perez Hilton came out wearing a multi-colored hoodie -- I was so

distracted by him, that I totally missed Katy Perry. :( I started to

make my way over to try to say hi to Perez when I noticed Mika walking

straight toward me -- hmm, Perez or Mika? Yeah, that was a tough choice.

So Mika came and saw Kate and took her DVD and signed it

very quickly, just a big M I think, nothing personalized. Then he took a

quick sidestep to stand in front of me and I gave him a little card I had

for him, and I actually remembered to say my name this time!

And then he shook my hand and looked into my eyes and spoke words that

melt a fangirl's heart: "We've met before. Glasgow."


*thunk* That's the sound of me falling over...which I did inwardly, but

somehow didn't in reality.


I told him yes, and in DC, too, and then I must have

said something else, but I'm not sure what...

and I wanted to say more, but then someone else

was saying Mika Mika Mika and handing him something to sign, and

he went into this very methodical mode. Sidestep, sign, sidestep,

sign, smile, say a few words, all very quick, not much time for small talk really.


But then I remembered that I had something for Luke and Jack had

something for Mikey, and so I asked him, "Mika, isn't the band coming

out?" And he said, "Didn't they already? John! John! Where's the band?

Aren't they coming?" And John came over and said something about

them having already left for Chicago -- which confused me because

as far as I could tell Martin was still sitting in that van across the street

that hadn't moved and someone told me that they'd seen Mikey get into

earlier as well. I guess I can't blame them really -- it was

the third show in as many days, and they were tired, I'm sure... but

STILL... I still haven't met Luke. Sad.


Anyhow, Mika really did take care of everyone, even though, like

the concert itself, it was all very hurried... and then he said goodnight

and ducked into the car waiting for him...


And that was that.


As I reflect on it, I think that overall it was a good experience,

though I do have a few things I wish had gone differently.


I really wish it had been warmer. I was so cold in the queue that it really

ruined the queuing experience for me -- I really didn't feel

like myself then until I got inside and warmed up a bit.


I wish I hadn't given the poster to Vero to take backstage -- I wish

I'd kept it so Mika could have seen it front and center during the show,

then we could have given it to him as a group afterward. Like I said,

the cold addled my thinking!


I wish that I was able to remember everyone's names -- I was so

happy to meet so many of you!


I wish I'd remembered to pay Holly back for sending my ticket. But

don't worry, Holly, I will! Promise!


I wish that the band had come out. :sneaky2: Did anyone get to

talk to them? If so, I guess it must have been

in that half-hour it took us to get out of the venue, and I'm

really sorry that I missed them.


I wish I'd met Perez and Katy.


I wish I could have gotten a new photo with Mika.


But, as I said, overall, I really can't complain. I'm very lucky to

have been to three shows in less than a year and only one of them

in my own town.


Now I just have to live vicariously while the rest of you have your turns...



BTW... has anyone posted any pics of Mika *after* the show --

if so I've missed them, could you direct me, please?




I've got about 5 pics from after the show, and most of them have your hair + Mika in them, so it's almost like a picture of you with him. One of them looks like it was when he was talking to you. One I won't post- It's of me and Mika looking in the background, but it's a really bad picture of him and it'd be mean to post it. He looks like a zombie. I didn't even know my Mom was taking it. It was like, "Turn around! Go!" LOL.


I'll get those up soon. They're prints, so they need to be scanned.


Can't believe I missed Katy, too!



Debbie, do you remember he went out with one of Mika`s aunts and they got in to the same car. Is it possible he is a cousin or his brother maybe?


Don't think it's his brother, but it's possible it's a cousin. Even if I'm not Deb. Lol, sorry to chime in.


I felt like I had a hangover yesterday. Headache all day, tired as hell. I was dehydrated and I had drank some water and had had other liquids and food.


I felt that way today, not really until about 11 PM last night. Odd. Tea, tea, tea! Chamomile, to be exact. :naughty: Anyway, Feel better!




You Must Have Had a Good Time if You Find Confetti in Your Underwear


Yes, when I got back to the hotel last night and went to the bathroom (FINALLY, after hours of waiting!), I had pink, blue, white and yellow

rectangular paper strips in my undies. How did that happen? Well... who

knows? It was, as they say, a Mika Miracle!


:roftl: We left a bunch in the cab as we hopped out... Which I'm sure was appreciated.


Those photos I mentioned are on the way. Except that one. :fisch:

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OMG...My friend used to be married to, Toni Basil, the lady who sang that song. I sing it with MIKA in it all the time. It drives my friend nuts. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that. LMAO!!! He told her that I changed the song. LMAO!! I think we should remake it to say...MIKA!!! LMAO!! That was Brilliant and well done. I'm proud of my Partner in Crime. Right on. :thumb_yello:


He filmed us SO MUCH! And we all started singing Mika songs....that was awesome! But, when we started singing.... HEY MIKA you're so fine..... Andy literally STOPPED filming, put the camera down and looked at us and he said.... THAT WAS BLOODY BRILLIANT.... and he put the camera back on.... we sang - OH MIKA WHAT A PITY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, YOU TAKE ME BY THE HEART WHEN YOU TAKE ME BY THE HAND....OH MIKA, YOU'RE SO PRETTY, CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND.....IT'S GUYS LIKE YOU MIKA! And we put so much enphasis on that part....Andy was smiling, and loving every second of it. Now if anyone ever does that at a gig like we did.... well, at least it was our idea! :lmao:


When we FINALLY got inside I was second in, and got exactly where I wanted to be.


.....little bit more, in a moment! :bleh:

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OMG...My friend used to be married to, Toni Basil, the lady who sang that song. I sing it with MIKA in it all the time. It drives my friend nuts. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that. LMAO!!! He told her that I changed the song. LMAO!! I think we should remake it to say...MIKA!!! LMAO!! That was Brilliant and well done. I'm proud of my Partner in Crime. Right on. :thumb_yello:


which song?

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....so, we are inside and READY!!!! Midway State was SO much better than I anticipated! They totally rocked! They were awesome live and SO passionate! I so would buy their album. And they were the sweetest guys ever... behind Mika, of course!


The whole time that Midway State was on my feet were HURTING beyond belief!!!! I could almost hardly STAND the pain. But, LIKE MAGIC - I swear to you.... as soon as Mika came out...I felt NO PAIN WHAT-So-EVER!!! And that whole time before, i thought I was not gonna be able to enjoy Mika to the fullest, simply due to the pain. I heard that music and NEVER once thought of the pain again!


The show was like NOTHING I have EVER seen on video or youtube before. It was magnetic and literally indescribable. It was SO surreal. Like living in a dream. I did NOT want to wake up.... UNTIL Lollipop came on. You know it is a shame that one of the things you look forward to the MOST is one of the WORST most TERRIFYING experinces of your entire life! I literally have NEVER been THAT afraid of death in my life!~..... and believe me... I WISH that I was over exaggerating... but I am NOT. For a time, I literally thought that I was going to die, right there in Terminal 5. I had to push as hard as I could to keep from being crushed by the barricades....I could NOT breathe, and I do not remember a damn thing about Lollipop.... I was too busy fighting for my life. I am suprised there were no fights, because I had to elbow and hit people just to keep them off me....they were trying to jump on us to get onto the stage. I was helping the security push them back...and needless to say I was NOT being nice about it. I probably gave some people bruises all my own.... well, they should not have been jumping on me, right!


I was SO mad and disappointed! Mika did not even say... Thanks for coming, Good night, kiss my arse..... nothing..... it was JUST over, that probably explains WHY everyone was left standing there so confused... like THAT can't be it..... IT WAS GOD AWFUL. Worst thing that EVER happened to me.


...............YET, once it was over for me, it was over. And that BAD experience DID not ruin everything that I had just went through ......... it was still the most amazing day of my life, and will remain. I just try not to think about Lollipop. I do not even want to hear the song, right now.


Mika told us to invade the stage..... BUT once we got in and saw the barrier.... we were like OKAY there is NO way anyone can get on the stage.... and everyone was okay with that! We had enough sense to KNOW it was NOT a good idea! But, once Mika pulled Niel on stage...... THAT WAS IT!~


For the ones that GOT on stage.... I am SO happy for you.... you had a great experience... ALOT of my peeps were up there! But for those of us that did not jump on the stage.....


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Are some of you here going to Paris the 4th? You sure know how to have fun! I'd really like to meet you all! :wink2:


Hahaha, oh how I wish I could follow Mika on tour everywhere..

Liam, I'm adding a bunch of pictures to my facebook, you're in quite a bit with zip zap zop and everything.

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Okay, I have not even posted a report yet. To be honest, I could not find the words....and I still can't - and now I have come to the conclusion that I never will; so I just have to wing it. My whole experience was undescribable... even now 2 days later, I am still left speechless, dazed and amazed. I can't remember my name or where I was - but I will never forget anything about February 2, 2008.


I was kinda nervous, because I have read things in the past - where people were left feeling unsatisfied and empty after a gig - and I did not want to be disappointed. NOW, I think it is safe to say that those people MUST have just had WAY to high expectations to start with or something. This being my first Mika gig, I really did not know what to expect. All I knew were the things I have heard in the past. I never for a second thought that I would actually get to meet him. So, for me the whole day and experience was SO MUCH more than I ever imagined it would be.


First of all - I would just like to say..... the MFCers in the line up were so AWESOME....it isn't even funny! You guys made 16 hours of waiting feel like a mere hour. Erin, Jackie, Niel and Liam, OMG you guys R-O-C-K!!!!! I cannot imagine being at a gig anywhere else. It was so MUCH F-U-N..... and with that said.... for the ones who think we were CRAZY for getting there at 5:00 AM that is your opinion, and that is fine :naughty: BUT, uuuummm do I regret getting there before the roosters ever thought of turning over? Hell-to-the-no

I had the most indescribable experience of my life. I also made a life-long friend Lucy - I llluuurrvvveee you! :huglove: and Jess, I llluurrvvvee you so much! It was so nice to finally meet you after ALL THESE YEARS we have been talking! :roftl: I froze, I suffered, I was miserable and in pain BUT - I wouldn't change a single thing. In addition I also met some awesome people, that I would LOVE to see again! So you better beleive NEXT time Mika goes to NYC....I will be there!


Everyone already knows about all of the things that happened to us. Meeting Mika's producer and manager and blah blah blah, so I will not bore you.

When Mika came out to meet us.... it was ....was.....was..... there are NO words, let's just put it that way. I have always HEARD this, but until you experience it first hand...you have no clue. When Mika is talking to you - he looks directly into your eyes....almost as if he can see into your very soul. His eyes are so penetrating they burn your heart like a wild fire blazing beyond control. When he speaks to you, it is as if there is no one else to be found for miles upon miles. And somehow those few seconds, feel like an eternity. One that is forever burned in your memory so profoundly never to fade.


The hours of waiting in line, went by SO fast. Before we knew it they were putting up the barriers and we knew the time was near. The security guards were SO FUNNY! We were freaking them out SO BAD. They got a kick out of it.... and still don't get it! 'Mika, who is she'? :naughty: Andy said that we were the loudest bunch EVER... and he was eating it up. He filmed us SO MUCH! And we all started singing Mika songs....that was awesome! But, when we started singing.... HEY MIKA you're so fine..... Andy literally STOPPED filming, put the camera down and looked at us and he said.... THAT WAS BLOODY BRILLIANT.... and he put the camera back on.... we sang - OH MIKA WHAT A PITY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, YOU TAKE ME BY THE HEART WHEN YOU TAKE ME BY THE HAND....OH MIKA, YOU'RE SO PRETTY, CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND.....IT'S GUYS LIKE YOU MIKA! And we put so much enphasis on that part....Andy was smiling, and loving every second of it. Now if anyone ever does that at a gig like we did.... well, at least it was our idea! :lmao:


When we FINALLY got inside I was second in, and got exactly where I wanted to be.


.....little bit more, in a moment! :bleh:


OMG it sounds all so amazing, this is making me so excited about London! I loved how Andy kept filming you and especially enjoyed the rendition of 'Oh Mika you're so pretty....' I wish I was there, that would have been so cool! I am so glad u had a great time Holly!!! :wink2:

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Holly, you didn't tell me people were trying to climb on you!
I can't believe that!

I did get on stage and it was one of the highlights of my night, but knowing how much pain all of you were in doesn't make it all that worth it..I hope if he wants people to come up on stage, from now on he picks them out beforehand.

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