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MFC Will Be The Official Fan Site For Mika


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Well I am back from trying to throw money away on ebay, unsuccessfully I might add.

Did you by any chance bid on my "instant delivery" $137-being-sold-for-$99 non-refundable V Festival ticket which I got stuck with when Mika cancelled? :newyear:


ohh yes! I remember you're from australia!! here (in Argentina) are the 12:43 pm on thursday, you need sleep! but I think that gonna be a bit difficult right?

I'm talking to you from... the future. Spooky! :old:

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:naughty::naughty: or maybe I'm just a rotten apple (sure smell like one right now) :naughty:

Should we start a "What does Sparkly1 smell like?" thread? It could be a sister-thread to the "What does Mika smell like?" thread and we can all spend our evenings in blissful happiness postulating on the life-altering questions of what you two look like you would smell like in real life. :newyear:

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Did you by any chance bid on my "instant delivery" $137-being-sold-for-$99 non-refundable V Festival ticket which I got stuck with when Mika cancelled? :newyear:




I thought about it...the risk being I would have to reseall for another instant delivery...but another day should do it for yours.


I have decided I want INSTANT DELIVERY MIKA.


Hellooooooooo MIKA!! Are you following our nonsense???

Don't you realise what time it is on our side of the weld?? We need our big girl sleep.:wub2:

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No need, I have several children's books worthf demented ideas.

Would have been extremely disappointed in you if you didn't have something up your sleeve:wink2:


I'm talking to you from... the future. Spooky! :old:


You are truly insane....and I say that with much love and affection for a fellow Aussie:naughty:

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Should we start a "What does Sparkly1 smell like?" thread? It could be a sister-thread to the "What does Mika smell like?" thread and we can all spend our evenings in blissful happiness postulating on the life-altering questions of what you two look like you would smell like in real life. :newyear:


I love that idea! So far we have rotten apples, bleach, washing up liquid and soap! (I think thats all so far) anyone like to add any other aromas to what Sparkly1 smells like???

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:lmao: What a brilliant idea to keep people occupied :naughty:

I hope it won't turn out to be a 'Waiting for Godot' kind of thing ...:naughty:



:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

No, let’s keep our hope up!


Wonders what ASAP really means?



A day?

A week?

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This is so frustrating:sneaky2: I cant beleive i have to go work soon and dont have access to computer. Please Mister M can we have some news in like 10 mins!!!! Pleeeeeeeeaaaaassssse. :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:

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yeah...i'm checking BS...it's too early to bid so high!! :blink:


I knew it was you up there.:naughty: Please note I was only testing the water to see whether I should stay up till 4am to bid, or whether the other bidder was already so high that I could go to bed. It's too high. I don't want anything that badly.


And as you can see, they placed that bid about 4 days ago. I predict 100 pounds. Have fun fighting it out without me!!:mf_rosetinted:

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I say hello... but i got a go... this night I´ll back! ;)

see you!


Nago!!!!!! apurate con el paseo o la salida que ibas a hacer asi no te pierdes las novedades!!



Did you by any chance bid on my "instant delivery" $137-being-sold-for-$99 non-refundable V Festival ticket which I got stuck with when Mika cancelled? :newyear:



I'm talking to you from... the future. Spooky! :old:


:shocked: OMG so spooky!!! hahahaha

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I picked an awesome day to ditch school :blush-anim-cl:


EDIT: Psssssst.... You think Mika is looking at this thread?:shocked:


MIKA, You rock my life! Je T'aime!:wub2:


This is too good to be true, first meeting Johnny Depp (:shocked: It hasn't sunk in yet) and now this thread is reopened *sigh*

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can someone recapt for me? i'm at work and cant read alllllllll the pages.


- are we waiting for someting "official" to come our way?


geeeeeeeeeeezz wish things didn't always happen when i'm at work! ;O)

(darn time zone thing!)

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You are truly insane....and I say that with much love and affection for a fellow Aussie:naughty:

Not just that, a fellow Melburnian. :punk:


You wanna go to the Frankston McDonalds? Meet you there at 4am? Bec might be doing the Drive-Thru graveyard shift. :naughty:

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I knew it was you up there.:naughty: Please note I was only testing the water to see whether I should stay up till 4am to bid, or whether the other bidder was already so high that I could go to bed. It's too high. I don't want anything that badly.


And as you can see, they placed that bid about 4 days ago. I predict 100 pounds. Have fun fighting it out without me!!:mf_rosetinted:

NO!!! it's not me bidding iona!

i'm very well recognizable...just my nickname everywhere...so dull

i was just having a look....:wink2:

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Should we start a "What does Sparkly1 smell like?" thread? It could be a sister-thread to the "What does Mika smell like?" thread and we can all spend our evenings in blissful happiness postulating on the life-altering questions of what you two look like you would smell like in real life. :newyear:

hey I already told you what i smell like today, though not for long cos I r gonna go showerage very soon I cant stand it any longer :naughty:

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b6sg13.jpg mwahahah

That's so... Greta-ish. :naughty:


4am in Frankston?


Sounds like a plan:naughty:

Where's Kelz? Maybe she can join us too. I just hope that Bec really is working tonight otherwise we'll shock a poor Drive-Thru peeps for no reason. :punk:


hey I already told you what i smell like today, though not for long cos I r gonna go showerage very soon I cant stand it any longer :naughty:

No, there's a fine line of philosophical difference: it's about how you look like you will smell not necessarily actually do smell like. That way we can have a never-ending fountain of deep and meaningful hypothetical discussion. :newyear:

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Well I shall love you and leave you, my goal was to reach 3200 and I have now officially passed it.


Babs you can start Part 2 whenever you like. It will make it easier for me to find the anticipated posts in the morning.


Or wait till page 200, you are nearly there anyway.


Goodnight all.:newyear:

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Not just that, a fellow Melburnian. :punk:


You wanna go to the Frankston McDonalds? Meet you there at 4am? Bec might be doing the Drive-Thru graveyard shift. :naughty:

Count me in. I've got nothing better to do. :newyear:


Where's Kelz? Maybe she can join us too. I just hope that Bec really is working tonight otherwise we'll shock a poor Drive-Thru peeps for no reason. :punk:

I'm here. Had to restart. My computer was so excited it poo'd itself.

I bet your laptops turned on now :das:


I can be at Frankston Maccas in, say, about.. 2hours... :thumb_yello:

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