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Peas are good and flies have good eyes


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EVERYBODY KNOWS this pic was photoshop.

I even think Leonard Cohen wants to write a song about this hoax. :mf_rosetinted:


I think it should be the other way round.


Didn't she kill the hamster of one of the Palladium guys? I know I read that some time ago


Maybe she got scared by some bright lights:mf_rosetinted:


Send me a bigger version by PM, my magic spectacles aren't magnifying glasses for L's sake :naughty:


I didn´t need my stalker googles to see the name. Ioana, you have my undying(sp?) respect and devotion.:punk:

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That's right,blame it on me




I'm scared..am I right? I bet I am...


of coarse! and scared? be scared. be very scared. be very very scared. be very very very very very scared.:mf_rosetinted: i was talking about my language dammit! i said something along the lines of



hope you have a cooliosis, sicknasty, great, fantabulous.....(and many other words.) birthday!

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Maybe she got scared by some bright lights:mf_rosetinted:


They tend to do that,especially when u stick flashlights into their eye

I didn´t need my stalker googles to see the name. Ioana, you have my undying(sp?) respect and devotion.:punk:


ah sheet! And I thought it was small enough eusa_wall.gif


Did that earn the respect?

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there was a topic..one not many understood,but there was one,and no,not cherisses breasts :roftl:


i liked that convo though. cherisse is hawt! not as hawt as luke, butcha know....i would hang with cherisse any day...even if she did lock me in my basement and ate my cat.

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There are actually rules on this thread. If you want we'll send you the user's manual, but it's 2657 pages, and in tatooinish...


Jar Jar...you make my heart melt :wub2:


I got to page 2000,but that's irrelevant because I was co-creator so I know it all....all I say! :mf_rosetinted: *fist in air*

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Sorrry for the continuous multiquoting, I'm coming and going.


Aah sheet! And I thought it was small enough eusa_wall.gif


Did that earn the respect?


Yes it did. What can I say, I'm easy.


since when was there a topic? wasnt the topic cherisse's breasts? i mean, are they real? noone knows......:roftl:


There is a topic. Peas and fly eyes, remember? And the peas are feeling left out because hamster is stealing their light.


I've decided... oh, excuse me, EVERYBODY has decided, that discussing a bandmember's breast wasn't an appropriate topic.



What about discussing chicken's breast? Is that harmless?

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Yes it did. What can I say, I'm easy.


I bet it was the light ,but I'll take the credit :naughty:


There is a topic. Peas and fly eyes, remember? And the peas are feeling left out because hamster is stealing their light.

hamsters are nearer to the light...it's natural selection



What about discussing chicken's breast? Is that harmless?


we could...anything to say to the topic? Other than it's good at Burger King

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Jar Jar...you make my heart melt :wub2:


I got to page 2000,but that's irrelevant because I was co-creator so I know it all....all I say! :mf_rosetinted: *fist in air*


oh don't be so hard with me ok? U know I fancy M... :D:mf_lustslow: and L. just a little bit :roftl:

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