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What part of shut your face don't you understand? :naughty::roftl: Is it the shut part? Or the face part? Or are you unsure of who I am referring to? :mf_rosetinted:

HA! Ur getting weaker! :roftl: :roftl:




HAHA hit her with your trunk :roftl:


she has a trunk? I knew there was a perv lying in her! :roftl:

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HA! Ur getting weaker! :roftl:




she has a trunk? I knew there was a perv lying in her! :roftl:


Look who's talking :roftl:


Don't you know it :das:


Oh...ok :thumb_yello:


Don't worry, I don't really care that much. :bleh: Though I've got no connection with the elephant, none what so ever. :thumb_yello:

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Look who's talking :roftl:


Don't you know it :das:




Don't worry, I don't really care that much. :bleh: Though I've got no connection with the elephant, none what so ever. :thumb_yello:


u wish you'd be an elephant now :mf_rosetinted:


I'm just being my usual evil self ,testing patience :roftl:



i kno u wanna kno,and I'm priding myself with how amazing it is (it really is,I swear!:roftl: )

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u wish you'd be an elephant now :mf_rosetinted:


I'm just being my usual evil self ,testing patience :roftl:



i kno u wanna kno,and I'm priding myself with how amazing it is (it really is,I swear!:roftl: )


oooo look who's back! :roftl: where were U :P:blink: I felt so lonely :mf_rosetinted::roftl:

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I had to get my after-training nap :lol3:


like a baby...like a baby...:roftl: I'm watching American Dad...gosh he's so stupid :roftl: yesterday i watched Simpsons and thought they're boring....


I wanna M... xD :naughty: I'm bored with life... :thumbdown: dunno what to do with myself... got to go out:mf_rosetinted:

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like a baby...like a baby...:roftl: I'm watching American Dad...gosh he's so stupid :roftl: yesterday i watched Simpsons and thought they're boring....


I wanna M... xD :naughty: I'm bored with life... :thumbdown: dunno what to do with myself... got to go out:mf_rosetinted:





My swimming kinda screwes me up

Get back from training,am done for the day,need sleep :roftl:




I can't watch the Simpsons anymore..it's sad,but I dun get a kick out of 'em ever since Stewie

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Stewie rocks! two days ago I watched ep where Stewie and Brian went out and travel Europe xD lol when they get to Munich was the best part!! LOL

Brian: "and what about history between 1939- 1945?"

Guide: "nothin' everybody went on vacation' xD

Brian: "but Germany attack Poland"

Guide: "no we don't they were tease us, they started it" xD LOL

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Stewie rocks! two days ago I watched ep where Stewie and Brian went out and travel Europe xD lol when they get to Munich was the best part!! LOL

Brian: "and what about history between 1939- 1945?"

Guide: "nothin' everybody went on vacation' xD

Brian: "but Germany attack Poland"

Guide: "no we don't they were tease us, they started it" xD LOL


:roftl: :roftl:


Brian's intellect never ceases to amaze me,such a cultivated dog :mf_rosetinted:

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Just to help out there

G filesii5.th.jpg


Sadly, I still don't know who it is.But I'm not into muscular guys anyway.


C odditiescalvinharris.jpg

:mf_lustslow:Well hello there! Now you are talkin'!


LMAO natmika! love the siggie! :

Thanks Avoca, but it's not my siggie.I don't know how to put one.:tears:


I am sore,nice and sore


Swimming is the greatest sport one can chose .Tho not all have chosen it...football people...pfft


The thing with swimming is that it leaves you tired and hungry afterwards.Reminds me of something else...



Humphree....I'm very close to revealing what had to be sent...I'm a maniac

Make me shut up


Reveal...reveal away:hypo: :hypo: :hypo:


You know, If you don't want to go public, there's always lemon chiffon.

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hahaha Hank will learn from U :wink2: just seat still watch and wait

oh so I'm on to smth :das:



The thing with swimming is that it leaves you tired and hungry afterwards.Reminds me of something else...


Reveal...reveal away:hypo: :hypo:


You know, If you don't want to go public, there's always lemon chiffon.


Trust me,swimming cannot be compared to it :lol3:

Yes,you are somewhat fulfilled after finishing a 4km training...but it ain't the same :mf_rosetinted:


I cannot reveal,I took an oath ...I must pull thru! It's close,I can do it!

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u wish you'd be an elephant now


I'm just being my usual evil self ,testing patience



i kno u wanna kno,and I'm priding myself with how amazing it is (it really is,I swear! )


yaya :roftl:


(great word, covers most bases, just like our dear :das: )


:Reveal...reveal away:hypo: :hypo: :hypo:


don't encourage her dammit! :roftl:


I cannot reveal,I took an oath ...I must pull thru! It's close,I can do it!


Keep practising the mantra :mf_rosetinted:

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innit :mf_rosetinted:



(clear enough for ya? :roftl: )

não ,diga-o outra vez :roftl: :roftl:

U have no idea how hard it is to keep it to myself


Not for me :mf_rosetinted:


she just won't give in,she doesn't wanna know what collector item she will receive



But,do u remember when I showed u smth and told u it was a surprise for someone?

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não ,diga-o outra vez :roftl: :roftl:

U have no idea how hard it is to keep it to myself




she just won't give in,she doesn't wanna know what collector item she will receive



But,do u remember when I showed u smth and told u it was a surprise for someone?


No I don't remember. Show me again. I'm Niki's second identity:mf_rosetinted:

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