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The Oldlings Thread (Part 10)


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is there anyone here that is going to the shows @ end of February

that I can mail this banner from Chicago to? (It's not that big)

and do you think you have a good chance of giving it to him?

Or should I wait and see if there will be an official MFC address to send things to?

thanks, Leona

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popping in again...and I'm soooo ready for the weekend! We have been working to the bone trying to get caught up at work..and we are almost there!! So things are finally slowing down a bit. I will be glad when this is over and we are finally back on some kind of track!


I'm guessing Char is having the time of her life right now in SLC!!!! Patiently waiting for the report.....well, semi-patiently.:wink2: :wink2:

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No - its almost half ten here, so when I finish on here

it will be bed for me - ALONE!!!!! :naughty:




Julian Clary? :wink2::naughty:




Hi Clare :thumb_yello:


Don't mind a bit of Julian Wendi!!!!:naughty:


Hello everone. Nocturnal Kath here!:shocked: However......very interesting to be here in the middle of the night this time as I am reading Debs amazing live reports from Charlie!!:shocked:

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and Marianne - I joined before my 13 yr old daughter - although we are both in the big girls video - with my 9 yr old boy!!


NO WAY!!!! :shocked: that is soooo cool!!!! LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY! haha so you got to meet mika too!?!?!? i watched the video but i didn't know what person you were! hahaha

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Good morning Oldlings!

How are you all this morning, those that didn't stay up 'til crazy'o clock reading reports from the awesome acoustic show in SLC *coughKath,Babscough*LOL!

I was up at 8.30 and spent over an hour reading 22 pages, Debs and Charlottes conversation throughout the show, well not so much a conversation more like Deb getting a live stream and passing on the details, has to make that thread the thread of the year so far. Outstanding!

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Good morning Oldlings!

How are you all this morning, those that didn't stay up 'til crazy'o clock reading reports from the awesome acoustic show in SLC *coughKath,Babscough*LOL!

I was up at 8.30 and spent over an hour reading 22 pages, Debs and Charlottes conversation throughout the show, well not so much a conversation more like Deb getting a live stream and passing on the details, has to make that thread the thread of the year so far. Outstanding!


Hi Rose - I noticed the Oldling nutters up till all hours!!!

I woke this morning - and first thought was "WHAT HAPPENED IN

SLC" so shot out of bed and got laptop!!! Great reading through

the thread - especially as I was not waiting for someone to post - it

was all there!!! :roftl:

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Hi Rose - I noticed the Oldling nutters up till all hours!!!

I woke this morning - and first thought was "WHAT HAPPENED IN

SLC" so shot out of bed and got laptop!!! Great reading through

the thread - especially as I was not waiting for someone to post - it

was all there!!! :roftl:

I have to confess Wendi, I was trying to stay awake to get the reports as they came in, but by 2.15am, I fell asleep, must have been tireder than I thought, heh heh.

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I have to confess Wendi, I was trying to stay awake to get the reports as they came in, but by 2.15am, I fell asleep, must have been tireder than I thought, heh heh.


I had been on for quite a few hours - so decided bed was the

best option!! I knew the reports of the gig would not be in till

early this morning - but if I had known about Deb's running

commentary I would probably have tried to stay awake!! Silly

Oldling me!!!! :blush-anim-cl:

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Hi Rose - I noticed the Oldling nutters up till all hours!!!

I woke this morning - and first thought was "WHAT HAPPENED IN

SLC" so shot out of bed and got laptop!!! Great reading through

the thread - especially as I was not waiting for someone to post - it

was all there!!! :roftl:


I'd love to read all this but have no time :thumbdown:

Can you give a brief summary anyone if anything great happened !

Thanks :thumb_yello: Got to go and take Neil and Lewis off to the station, they are off to visit his sister. Nice quiet weekend for me, Lester (woof) and Ben!:thumb_yello:

Must show you the Mika birthday card Ben made me, will post later xx:wink2:

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Hi there - I have read through it - but retained little other than

it was a great show. Charlotte got taken to do back ups for

Lollipop, but it didn't happen!! :( They must have borrowed instruments as theirs did not arrive on time - so they did an accoustic show - which was brilliant!!!There were no posed pictures

after but Mika signed things and gave out hugs.

The stage had lights etc to make it look good. The crowd was

about 1000, but not full - but there was still a lot of pushing

going on!!! I will have left out loads - but you can catch up

when you have more time!!!!


AMP - you and me both - just saved that one to my favourites.


Am off now - have to go and see b/f - and not even showered yet!!

Laters xxxx

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Good morning Oldlings!

How are you all this morning, those that didn't stay up 'til crazy'o clock reading reports from the awesome acoustic show in SLC *coughKath,Babscough*LOL!

I was up at 8.30 and spent over an hour reading 22 pages, Debs and Charlottes conversation throughout the show, well not so much a conversation more like Deb getting a live stream and passing on the details, has to make that thread the thread of the year so far. Outstanding!


Crazy o clock!! I like it!:naughty:


:wub2: HIYA ALL !!!!!

Last night ... (as I have posted) .... I realised it had been WAY TOO LONG since posting here ....... & I'm soooooo happy to come home to my fellow oldlings .... :huglove:


Welcome back!!:thumb_yello:



Wendi..that is a very good summary! It sounds as though it was an awesome night!:shocked: Can't wait to read Charlies report.


OK must go...just HAD to come on to see if there were any pics from last night!:naughty:


Hope everyone is having a good Saturday. Hope to be back on later :wub2:

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Good morning almost afternoon Oldlings! Can't really stay long today -- hubby is finally back from California and we have lots of RL stuff to catch up on, plus we've been invited to a dinner party tonight that I have to bring dessert for! :eek:


Just popping in quickly to say hi!


Good morning Oldlings!

How are you all this morning, those that didn't stay up 'til crazy'o clock reading reports from the awesome acoustic show in SLC *coughKath,Babscough*LOL!

I was up at 8.30 and spent over an hour reading 22 pages, Debs and Charlottes conversation throughout the show, well not so much a conversation more like Deb getting a live stream and passing on the details, has to make that thread the thread of the year so far. Outstanding!


I have to say that I am so grateful to Charlotte for being so generous --

hearing the show via her phone was the next best thing to being

there! And I'm so thrilled that I was able to report in real time to

everyone who was online at the time -- there's just nothing like

that, is there? I feel so lucky! :biggrin2:


Hey oldies!


Wow that gig in SLC sounds amazing. I'd give my left shin to have been there!


Left shin, eh? Interesting body part to sacrifice! :naughty:


It really was something special -- as I posted in that thread, it's

awesome that something that could have been such a negative

was turned into a super-positive! Charlotte said that Mika spent the

day scrounging up instruments and stuff for the set -- that the

record company really wanted him to cancel the show and he

said, "No f***ing way!" She also said that when he offered everyone

their money back, everyone said, "No f***ing way!" too! She said

when Andy interviewed her before the show,

he asked her what she thought about Mika doing

the acoustic gig -- was she disappointed not to see the "real" show?

Ha. As if. :wink2:


I can't wait until she gets back and shares her full story and photos and

videos. I remember how wonderful her Glasgow pics were! :wub2:



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Left shin, eh? Interesting body part to sacrifice! :naughty:


It really was something special -- as I posted in that thread, it's

awesome that something that could have been such a negative

was turned into a super-positive! Charlotte said that Mika spent the

day scrounging up instruments and stuff for the set -- that the

record company really wanted him to cancel the show and he

said, "No f***ing way!" She also said that when he offered everyone

their money back, everyone said, "No f***ing way!" too! She said

when Andy interviewed her before the show,

he asked her what she thought about Mika doing

the acoustic gig -- was she disappointed not to see the "real" show?

Ha. As if. :wink2:


I can't wait until she gets back and shares her full story and photos and

videos. I remember how wonderful her Glasgow pics were! :wub2:




Well, one's got to pick something..


I can't wait for the pics either!

It's so cool that they didn't cancel but gave the audience a special treat instead! Judging from the few pics that are in the review thread, the stage looked amazing.


Anyway, enjoy your day deb! Maybe we'll see you popping back on later. :naughty:

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Hi there - I have read through it - but retained little other than

it was a great show. Charlotte got taken to do back ups for

Lollipop, but it didn't happen!! :( They must have borrowed instruments as theirs did not arrive on time - so they did an accoustic show - which was brilliant!!!There were no posed pictures

after but Mika signed things and gave out hugs.

The stage had lights etc to make it look good. The crowd was

about 1000, but not full - but there was still a lot of pushing

going on!!! I will have left out loads - but you can catch up

when you have more time!!!!


AMP - you and me both - just saved that one to my favourites.


Am off now - have to go and see b/f - and not even showered yet!!

Laters xxxx


Thanks Wendi xxxx:blush-anim-cl: :huglove:

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