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The Chubby Bunny Family Thread


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Thanks, Ugg well I'm gonna go lay down, I really dont want to but I have to. bye maybe I'll be back later.... and your lucky you met Mika!


Hiya yeah you must rest and drink some honey and lemon (trust me it works)


Mika was soooo sweet! He looked hot (as usual) and was so kind to us all who were waiting for him!

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why would you be dead?! :shocked:


anyway I just came to say Hi, 'cuz I need to go!! tomorrow is my admission test for the university, so I need to study really hard!!!


wish me luck!! loveyaaaa :wub2:


Long story.. Never mind



Good luck! :lovehug:

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why would you be dead?! :shocked:


anyway I just came to say Hi, 'cuz I need to go!! tomorrow is my admission test for the university, so I need to study really hard!!!


wish me luck!! loveyaaaa :wub2:


Good luck sweetie! Hope you are successful and be sure to get a good night's sleep! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx loveyaaaa too!

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omg lucky uuu!! I went to give this admission test :mf_rosetinted: I really have no idea of how I did it, hopefully it'll be ok!! naaaaw I'm pretty worried about it... however I'll be noticed if they accept me 'til april 9 :mf_rosetinted:


and you, how was your day?? :)

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