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The Chubby Bunny Family Thread


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was it stormy? here it was, in the night from friday to saturday (haha, emma the storm)


No, I don't think so.. But for some reason I couldn't get my self into sleep. And then I was dreaming about my ex-boyfriend and an other guy in my class.. It was so wierd. O____o

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OMG!! lucky u!! I wish I can see him at least once :naughty:


next time you see him, tell him that his chubby bunny family in mexico is waiting for him :blush-anim-cl:


just kidding, how was it?? :mf_lustslow:


Don't worry I will tell him LOL! Awww it was lovely and he looked absolutely stunning! He signed my songbook and I gave him a letter!

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one time i dreamed that he kissed me :wub2::mf_lustslow:


lucky u!! don't kill me plz, but yesterday I dreamed that Mika died :mf_rosetinted: yes I hated it so bad!! I was almost crying when I woke up, I dreamed that we all mfc and chubby bunny family were in England throwing him flowers, etc... it was very sad :( and it happened yesterday!!


Don't worry I will tell him LOL! Awww it was lovely and he looked absolutely stunning! He signed my songbook and I gave him a letter!


OMG!!! you're so luckyyyy!! plz next time tell him that I exist!! and that I adore him!!! :mf_lustslow:


how are you my beautiful family?? :wub2:

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