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Clare's Chill out Zone Part Four


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It's addictive isn't it? :naughty:

First thing I do when I wake up is turn on my pc, to have a quick look at new posts (maybe some new and nice pics:naughty: ). Then I get dressed up and while having breakfast, I start reading the new posts. That takes whole day. And before I go to bed, I HAVE to have another look:blink:

But it's not an addiction:roftl:

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First thing I do when I wake up is turn on my pc, to have a quick look at new posts (maybe some new and nice pics:naughty: ). Then I get dressed up and while having breakfast, I start reading the new posts. That takes whole day. And before I go to bed, I HAVE to have another look:blink:

But it's not an addiction:roftl:


Cause not..... :naughty: Well I normally spent most my time on here as soon as I get back from school. And most of the day at weekends :naughty:

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Cause not..... :naughty: Well I normally spent most my time on here as soon as I get back from school. And most of the day at weekends :naughty:


At weekends I'm not able to come here. Then I'm with my boyfriend and he doesn't like the fact that I can stay behind my pc whole day.....He doesn't know about MFC, think that's better:naughty:

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At weekends I'm not able to come here. Then I'm with my boyfriend and he doesn't like the fact that I can stay behind my pc whole day.....He doesn't know about MFC, think that's better:naughty:


Same with most of my friends/family :roftl:

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I'm great thanks! Roll on the weekend!




Yes, just one more!


woo, I have 2 more years but i cant believe that my first year is already nearly over, it hsa gone so so fast!!


It is going well thanks.


Though the guy I work with doesn't like Mika!!! Grrrrrr!!


yeah only one house mate out of 7 likes Mika so I know what its like!


I am so GLAD I am over mine now!!!!! Makes life ALOT easier!!!! Now, I can watch Live in Cartoon Moiton and not CRY! :lmao:

....I am having a 'Neck Lift' :yay:


wow,good luck! yeah i hope i dont get that bad PMD cos i have been through it before in November when I went to my first Mika gig, plus I am thinking of going to Amsterdam gig in July, woo!!

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woo, I have 2 more years but i cant believe that my first year is already nearly over, it hsa gone so so fast!!




yeah only one house mate out of 7 likes Mika so I know what its like!




wow,good luck! yeah i hope i dont get that bad PMD cos i have been through it before in November when I went to my first Mika gig, plus I am thinking of going to Amsterdam gig in July, woo!!


It is most annoying isn't it?

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wow,good luck! yeah i hope i dont get that bad PMD cos i have been through it before in November when I went to my first Mika gig, plus I am thinking of going to Amsterdam gig in July, woo!!


Thank you :huglove:

OMG - I wish I could go SO bad!!!! I do not want to have to wait FOREVER for Mika to come back to the U.S. I wish I was not so far away from everyone :tears:

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