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Luke(Lukas) Birthday Project!


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Hey, sry it may be the first time i'm posting on this thread... Ioana, i'm actually working on my thing... ok sorry guys i'm writing on german now... I weiss noch nicht wenn es fertig sein wird, aber sehr bald (während dieser Woche). Ich werde dir bescheid hier sagen! :wink2:

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in amsterdam,me one and only gig this year *insert dramatic music*


Well,it's the nearest and I hear the Dutch territories are jolly :naughty:


I've never been to the Low Countries, I should have gone there to get something to dull the pain of my existance......


Have you ever been to London Ioana? Did you come in December or Feb?

Any plans to come again?

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I've never been to the Low Countries, I should have gone there to get something to dull the pain of my existance......


Have you ever been to London Ioana? Did you come in December or Feb?

Any plans to come again?


it's my first time there too,I'll aim for the red color


I haven't actually,UK is one of the target countries,may get there this summer if all goes well


I'm actually glad I didn't come In December...pretty pretty cancellations,but I'm even happier I didn't come in Feb,I'm not the queuing type


Just hope it won't rain in Amsterdam...

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It seems like everybody is going to that gig! I wih my parents would bring me places other than another state in the US. The u.s. is just so....to use a mika word....'dull' i wanna go to one of those beaches i hear about in europe wear ppl wear no clothes :lmao: :lmao:

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haha, i am guessing you have never read/ heard of the short story '7th grade' see, i have typed it up 'luke style'



“I ain’t making a face, ese. This is my face.” Luke said his face had changed during the summer. He had read a GQ magazine that his older brother had borrowed from the Book Mobile and noticed that the male models all had the same look on their faces. They would stand, one arm around a beautiful woman, and scowl. They would sit at the pool, their rippled stomachs dark with shadow, and scowl. They would sit at dinner tables, cool drinks in their hands, and scowl,

“I think it works,” Luke said. He scowled and let his upper lip quiver. His teeth showed along with the ferocity of his soul. “Cherisse walked by a while ago and looked at me,” he said.

Martin didn’t say anything, though he thought his friend looked pretty strange. They talked about recent movies, baseball, their parents, and the horrors of having to play for Mika in order to buy their fall clothes. Playing for Mika was a hot, sweaty job.

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