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Hollis and Sarie's Thread of Randomness - Part 2!


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Suzy said it was almost all MFCers. :( That makes it worse. I hope this doesn't reflect badly on the MFC in the whole....because we are going to be official soon and we don't need to start on the wrong foot.


I know...how cool of Mika, right?


Let's just kill them.


Wait, that's a "death threat", and people aren't too keen on those.




emotionally abuse them.:thumb_yello:

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LOL aww...Sarie...that was adorable. What is that song??


Lmao some old Patience & Prudence song I heard on my Mp3 player tonight in my room. I forgot I had it.:naughty:

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I'll probably have to take them again.


It wasn't a hard test, but it lasted 5 freaking hours.


I commend anyone who gets a perfect score on that test. Not because they're smart but because they can sit there for that long and actually focus the whole time! :naughty:


We took it in the cafeteria, and we had four proctors who all sat up in the front corner of the room. We were seated in alphabetical order (naturally) so I was toward the front/middle, and I swear the people in the back were cheating. All I could hear was talking and the proctors only walked around in the front. I just thought it was kinda funny how serious they are about it, yet it could have been so easy (for some people) to cheat.

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Aww. Want some brownies?


I just got online for the first time since like... 5 today. My mom's a nurse, and one of her coworkers wants me to babysit her three kids.


I had to scream "Don't choke the puppy", "Don't hurt the puppy", or "leave the puppy's face alone." about 600 times. Then the one little boy cries if he doesn't get his way. I mean... if he loses ONE game of tic-tac-toe, he's on the floor in tears.


The other boy was cool. He's like... 10, and they think he's depressed. I don't think he is... I just think he's not as hyper as the other two.


I'm getting my tubes tied on Tuesday.

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Oh wow. Love how you threw that in at the end.


Don't you have endometriosis or whatever? Or did I imagine that you told me that?


Good luck. Is that the right thing to say?

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Oh wow. Love how you threw that in at the end.


Don't you have endometriosis or whatever? Or did I imagine that you told me that?


Good luck. Is that the right thing to say?

Nawww, you didn't imagine that. But it's not a sure thing whether I'll have kids or not. They say alot of women with it don't, but I know alot of older ladies who have endometriosis, and kids.


My cousin got a perfect score when he took the ACT. I've never heard of anyone doing that....although I know my sister was two points away to a perfect score.


Let me guess; your family is one of those that played Mozart to you kids when inutero?

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