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Hollis and Sarie's Thread of Randomness - Part 2!


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Wow. This thread goes so fast I can't keep up. Maybe I should sign on more often. I just got back yesterday from my cousin's wedding in New Orleans, and now I'm back at school after a fantabulous spring break. Ugh, real life is no fun. I'll try to sign on more, though, so I can talk to all you fabulous people.

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could be worse ur mom could have chopped off ur fingers so u wont be able to post on the mfc:naughty:

good thing u dont have to speak while on the mfc:bleh:

:lmfao: That sounds like something i said to someone some time...


"I refuse to buy you a cookie!"


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oooh! ooh! are you going to write about meeeee?


after all, us meeting goes to show you how to be safe on the internet. :naughty:




Sarie had to haul firewood?!




She didn't say she had to write a paper on Mormon perverts, she said she had to write one on internet safety. Why would she write about you?


and yes. My little fingers have splintersssss.

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So Chris and I had to pick a final performance to do for ASL...and we couldn't agree on anything. Now we only have five weeks to get ourselves together, so he said "What's it gonna be, Manda?" I said "I dunno...what do you think?"


He said "Love Shack."


And since we only have five weeks, I agreed. Dear Lord.

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Anyone here? :blink:





*slaps with beaver-tail cap*

Don't even try to upstage my appropriate-icon-power-ness.:mf_rosetinted:

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