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Hollis and Sarie's Thread of Randomness - Part 2!


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I don't like Hillary, and I don't like Chelsea.


Bill's okay... he seemed nice. I know it's all charm and bullshet and everything, but still. I still want to meet him.


Plus, I had a crush on him when I was little.

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Ohmygosh. Me too!


I think it's kinda funny that he and Hilary are together and they seem like complete opposites.


I know. I think he wears the skirts in the family.


What's the word for that? Pussy-whipped?

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I know. I think he wears the skirts in the family.


What's the word for that? Pussy-whipped?


Yeah, I think.


Hilary definitely wears the pants in the family. I can't stand her, though.







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I know. I hate Hillary. My neighbor wants her to win though, and she asked if I wanted to go along to see Bill tomorrow at one of the universities around here.


I'm sort of excited. I highly doubt it's possible, but I want my picture with him.


Maybe I'll have someone stand in front of him at a distance, then I'll run and leap past in front of his face while he's talking to someone else.


Remember in 'Say Anything...', when Lloyd ran behind Diane while she was pointing to her new car, and his friend snapped the picture?

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Remember in 'Say Anything...', when Lloyd ran behind Diane while she was pointing to her new car, and his friend snapped the picture?


Hahaha, I love that part!



My brothers went and saw Barack talk (I know you don't like him) when he came to South Bend this week. I was going to go but I had a softball game and my brother could only get two tickets. It was at 10 at night and thousands of people still showed up. Our local news aired the whole thing live. He had a lot of good things to say. Then Hilary was here today, but it was a private meeting with GM. I guess they're sweating Indiana's primary because every vote counts in these last primaries.



On another note, back to Bill and Hilary. I always feel like Hilary is like this successful woman and then Bill is like the screw up and Hilary is always trying to get Bill to get his act together. Do you know what I mean?


Even lately with that Bosnia story she lied about. Bill tried to set it straight and then got his facts wrong and then made her look even worse. I can always imagine Hilary shaking her head, going, "Goddammit Bill."

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ROFL. That sounds like a conversation I had the other week.


My church is all mad at my priest because he put out a reminder about tithing or something, and then they post all these anonymous hate letters in the weekly bulletin. And I didn't know this until like... last week when my mom showed me this one REALLY harsh letter, saying that he smoked pot and stuff like that.


And me and my priest are oddly close (not in a pedofile way, just in a "Sarah's such a weirdo, I'll pray for her" kind of way) and I said I was going to go up before Mass this week and hunt down whoever wrote those letters.


Mom said I'd just end up making it worse. Like when I'd bring up the topic of unneccesary spending, and I'd be like "UNNECCESARY SPENDING? Why just last week when he asked me for drinking money, we were talking about UNNECCESARY SPENDING IN THIS CHURCH." or "We were talking about all you gossipers the other day. AND WE AGREED YOU MAKE US SICK."


And he'd just be in the back like "Sarah, stfu."

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I can't see it. :thumbdown:



Edit: Juuuust kidding. It worked this time. It's only $215. Start bidding. haha.


Oh, right. I'll just sell a kidney. It's not like I'm using both of them.

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To be honest, I've been on better retreats.:naughty:

It was really nice, but, a little hard to explain..

There were only about 18 candidates, and about eleven team members.

Half of the candidates already knew the team members, and nobody else knew each other, so it was a little awkward and I felt a little left out.

Other than feeling left out, the activities we did were really nice, but I wasn't in the best state of mind so didn't enjoy it as much as others did.

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I didn't get to Mass this weekend. :tears:

I was going to go last night, but I went with my sister and her husband to the SPCA to pick out a dog for them.:wub2:


Then by the time I got home, I only had half an hour to get ready, and I smelled like dogs hahaha.


So I was going to go this morning, but I didn't have time because I had to leave super early to get to the university to see Bill Clinton.:thumb_yello:

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I didn't get to Mass this weekend. :tears:

I was going to go last night, but I went with my sister and her husband to the SPCA to pick out a dog for them.:wub2:


Then by the time I got home, I only had half an hour to get ready, and I smelled like dogs hahaha.


So I was going to go this morning, but I didn't have time because I had to leave super early to get to the university to see Bill Clinton.:thumb_yello:



How cute! What kind of dog did they get?


Are you serious about the Bill Clinton thing?


Whoa, that's kind of cool!

But are you putting Bill Clinton before God? :naughty:

That was a joke..

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How cute! What kind of dog did they get?


Are you serious about the Bill Clinton thing?


Whoa, that's kind of cool!

But are you putting Bill Clinton before God? :naughty:

That was a joke..


Well I don't think it's very funny...


and now I shall... n-never get home...



(not really, but you know I can't pass up a good AiW quote!)


They got a lab/german shepherd mix. It's only nine months, and it's HUGE. The last owners got rid of it because they said they just didn't have the time for it.


Some of the dogs there about broke my heart. Especially the ones that had "abused/neglected" on their cage papers...

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Well I don't think it's very funny...


and now I shall... n-never get home...



(not really, but you know I can't pass up a good AiW quote!)


They got a lab/german shepherd mix. It's only nine months, and it's HUGE. The last owners got rid of it because they said they just didn't have the time for it.


Some of the dogs there about broke my heart. Especially the ones that had "abused/neglected" on their cage papers...


Jesus forgives.:mf_rosetinted:

hahaha I had a feeling something like that was coming.

And don't worry about it, I missed practically all of January's masses.:thumbdown:


Aww, how cute!

And I know what you mean. That's why I can't go into places like that, I'd want to buy all of them.

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