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Hollis and Sarie's Thread of Randomness - Part 2!


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Aww, how cute!

And I know what you mean. That's why I can't go into places like that, I'd want to buy all of them.


Yea. Two of them in particular broke my heart.

One was brought in by the police, because it was an abuse/neglect case, and the entire time it just kept walking in circles in it's cage. You could tap on the fence, or call it's name, or any of that stuff, and it would just keep walking in circles.


Then the other one was about 4 years old, but it looked like a lab puppy. Anyway, it was lying under it's little cot thing, with just part of it's head and one paw sticking out. And it wasn't all excited like the other ones. Then two girls came in to walk him, and when the opened the cage, it snarled at them. And the one girl said "LET ME OUT, I won't even try." all sad. Then it just disappeared entirely under it's little cot.

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Demetri Martin is on Comedy Central right now. *sigh*



(thought I'd announce that)





dammit. I was doing dishes.

I had to get my blood type identified today, and my finger still hurts. :(


Aww, why did you have to get it identified?


I've had so much freaking bloodwork, I'm basically completely over my fear of needles. But I still don't know what bloodtype I am yet.:blink: Probably O+

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dammit. I was doing dishes.



Aww, why did you have to get it identified?


I've had so much freaking bloodwork, I'm basically completely over my fear of needles. But I still don't know what bloodtype I am yet.:blink: Probably O+

No frecking clue.

it was required at this stupid Health Expo we had at school.


I'm A+.

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No frecking clue.

it was required at this stupid Health Expo we had at school.


I'm A+.


Weird. You're the first type A I've ever met.:cheerful_h4h:

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I'm O-.

And I'm excited about the Pope being here! :D


Me too!

(about the Pope thing)


I got into a fight with it about my dad tonight though, because he wouldn't let me use the DVR so my mom could watch it later.:sneaky2:

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Weird. You're the first type A I've ever met.:cheerful_h4h:


I'm honored. :bleh:


Me too!

(about the Pope thing)


I got into a fight with it about my dad tonight though, because he wouldn't let me use the DVR so my mom could watch it later.:sneaky2:


i'm not so excited because of the pope..xD

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Was the concert fun, Hollis??


I'm getting pretty sick and tired of you saying something really nice after I say something really sarcastic.:sneaky2:


THESE ARE MY HERE PARTS. *spits chewing tobacco*


justkidding. I just don't know what else to say, considering I'm leaving in a few minutes and thought I'd check the forums super quickly.

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Oh, not a whole lot is new with me. Had a really busy week and am trying to get lots done this weekend, so that next week will go by smoothly.


Chris' and my four year anniversary is on Monday, so I have been trying to think of something nice to get for him. Haven't thought of anything yet! LOL


How about you? :)

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Oh, not a whole lot is new with me. Had a really busy week and am trying to get lots done this weekend, so that next week will go by smoothly.


Chris' and my four year anniversary is on Monday, so I have been trying to think of something nice to get for him. Haven't thought of anything yet! LOL


How about you? :)


Aww, that literally made me go "Aww" and clap. xD I'm such a dork.

Choosing gifts has to be tough.


Nothing really new here. Pretty much same old, same old. hah

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Same 'ole six and seven as my grandmother would say...lol ;)


Yeah, after all this time, you'd think I would have plenty of ideas. Nope, so not true. I find it harder with each year. :-S


How are your classes going? You still have a while yet before school is out, yeah?

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Same 'ole six and seven as my grandmother would say...lol ;)


Yeah, after all this time, you'd think I would have plenty of ideas. Nope, so not true. I find it harder with each year. :-S


How are your classes going? You still have a while yet before school is out, yeah?


I could imagine! haha Especially since you've said he's the type of person who already has everything, right?


They're going pretty well. We just started the final marking period, pretty exciting but at the same time, a little frightening!

Yup, I get out June 20th. I can't believe how quick this year has gone by!

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Yeah, he does have everything. And usually when I ask him what he wants he says an xbox 360. :-S ....which he knows he won't get from me! LOL


Yeah, finals are just around the corner.... I don't know about you, but I can't wait to actually be done. I will still have to work until June 6th, but at least I won't have to go to class.


...I'm just dreaming of summertime, I guess... :)

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Yeah, he does have everything. And usually when I ask him what he wants he says an xbox 360. :-S ....which he knows he won't get from me! LOL


Yeah, finals are just around the corner.... I don't know about you, but I can't wait to actually be done. I will still have to work until June 6th, but at least I won't have to go to class.


...I'm just dreaming of summertime, I guess... :)

Hahaha Well I want to hear all the cute details about your anniversary. :) What are you two doing?


Ooh, I know. I can't wait for summer vacation, but at the same time, I can wait for senior year.:naughty:

I'm loving this Spring weather! Can you believe it, it was 80 degrees here yesterday!

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