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REPORTS/PHOTOS/VIDEOS for Mika in Los Angeles, CA -- Wiltern: 11-02-2008


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WARNING: The following report will be, in fact, so sappy it ought to wipe its nose with a pancake. In fact, it may well be the sappiest post ever made on MFC. You have been warned. :blush-anim-cl:




And then, suddenly, it was time. The lights come up, and there`s Martin right in front of me. He`s shockingly attractive up close, might I add. There`s the band, in behind their instruments - right in front of me. They`re real! This is real. Saranayde made her appearance out of her balloon. And then in a heartbeat, Mika was there in front of me, hitting that glorious opening note of Relax.


It was such a rush. There are no fscking words. For the past year, my life has revolved around this man. Yeah, there`s all the work and family and pets and hobbies that take place in real life - but for the past year, this man from halfway around the world has played a major role in my life. His music is like a balm when I`m stressed - or any other emotion, for that matter. I spend hours on here, studying his photos, reveling in pictures and videos, and rejoicing in new songs. And there he was, not two feet in front of me. I had to keep telling myself over and over that he was real, that this was real. He is, of course, far more beautiful than any pictures or videos would indicate - and that voice! What a treasure.


I was thinking how damn lucky we are - even those who haven`t seen him live as of yet. Of all the millennia in human history, and this beautiful gift of a man is ours - ours! Our lifetimes intersect with his. And he was there, right on stage in front of me. Living, breathing...singing. Ohhhh, singing.


When he first appeared, there was just this overwhelming urge to just pull him close. You see fans reaching toward the stage, despite the huge gap - now I know why. There`s just this overwhelming urge to just grab him, pull him in, to just absorb every iota of what he has to offer. I saw it in Taylor`s (lollipopgirl83)`s eyes - I would bet she felt it, too.


When he announced Big Girl, he did the usual `Are there any big girls in the house tonight` intro, but then he added `How about other girls with the soul of a big girl` - never heard that before. Very cute.


His keyboard was basically right in front of me. Crowd was singing along, made him do that amazing little smile and giggle. I hope that it never, ever, gets old for him. During Any Other World, the purple stage lights were on his hair...beautiful. Those lucky lucky lights, that they should be so fortunate as to dance across the curls of this magnificent creature. :wub2:


Holy Johnny was so great live. Sang every word at the top of my lungs - if he were to glance my way, I was going to make damn sure he knew that I was one of Those Fans - y`know, the ones that dance along the border of stalker-ism. :naughty:


Same with How Much Do You Love Me. That song is mind-blowing live. MFCers were singing every word - he gave our row a lot of eye contact during that song, and a lot of million-kilowatt smiles.


I can`t explain the rush of emotion during this gig. It was like it all built up inside me to the point where I felt I was just going to pop. Like the shere mass of his fabulousness was going to cause the venue to burst open, sending his wonder-ness washing over the world like a technicolour blanket. It was a ridiculous experience - like some no-man`s land between screaming with euphoria and bawling my eyes out. And its funny that I mostly manage to keep up this facade of being a got-it-together twentysomething with my own 9-5, a mortgage, and a couple dogs. But once I stepped in that venue and he stepped on stage, all bets were off. Was it healthy - likely, not so much. But, I couldn`t possibly give a flying fsck - it was pure, incomprehensible euphoria.


When I was turning seven, I was having a birthday party at Chuck E Cheeses (a giant indoor playground that serves pizza and cake, for those who may not know). I distinctly remember being so excited the night before, I was turning somersaults from one end of my bed to the other, thinking of how extraordinary it was going to be.


That is how I felt tonight, standing (bouncing, maybe) there watching him perform. That same, ridiculously happy feeling. Mika made me seven years old again, and I love every second of it.


We got treated to an extra-extended version of Stuck in the Middle - he returned to his keyboard after the sing-along bit, and his mic cord fell out. In a flash, a stage hand was there to replace it, but not before Mika could shrug adorably and motion for us to keep singing.


Happy Ending was out of this world. Always been my favourite live song, but there are just no words. Mika virgins - they are not lying when they say that no YouTube video or DVD can compare. Its amazing. His voice is like what you would get if you took a pure mountain spring and tossed it in a blender with a songbirds melody, a shooting star and a late summer thunderstorm. Who the fsck were these record execs who told him to change - I assume they lack ears.


Love Today was way beyond my expectations. Started with the faux snow, and Mika with an umbrella. Gray Skelly comes over and Mika jumps, as though hes scared. Realizes Gray Skelly is protecting him from the faux snow, and gives him a hug. That moved me to tears. Ridiculous, yeah I know. But, I cry over long distance commercials on TV, so this is a step up. Then he starts into Love Today, and - wow. I may have been mentally willing him to take off his shirt, which he certainly did. The boy is a freaking Adonis. Seriously. Ive said it before, and will say it again - we shall commission a sculptor to make a life-sized sculpture of Mika. We will keep it in Freddiesdoubles front yard, and we will make annual pilgrimages to bow down before it. :blush-anim-cl:


Loved Grace Kelly. Had a Moment. The very first time I heard of Mika was when Grace Kelly came on in a movie theatre as I was waiting to see Spiderman 3. And the Wiltern, being theatre-like, took me back to that moment. It was brilliant.


Lollipop was amazing. The balloons and the confetti cannon and Mika dressed as a wolf (an unzipped wolf, may I add, which nearly fell off during the song). It was just bliss. I was staring at the roof watching all the confetti fall, feeling the people around me - amazing.


All too soon it was over. Grabbed a handful of confetti and stuffed it in my purse. Then began the quest to meet Mika...


I forgot about this thread. All day Monday (in Aus) I remembered, and then yesterday and this morning I forgot, till about an hour ago, so i've been trying to catch up. And if I'd not read it, I would have missed this. Wow! I was laughing and crying and trembling my whole way through it. Thankyou so much for this. One of the most beautiful reports i've ever read, even if it was unashamedly soppy. Ok, going to go back and read the rest of it all now. Thanks again.

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I sorely wish I could even match the stunning reports given by my fellow mfcers but I haven't got a chance. Still, as the Vegas rep and one of the few LOGE audience members I feel I should at least say something.


I want to say, first and foremost, that it was truly amazing meeting every one of you in that line. It was 7 hours of pure joy. It was great to put faces to names and to get a first-hand dose of every brilliant, individual personality. I don't know who I miss more, you lot or Mika. =p The concert would not have been the same without you.


I also have to say that I have been to a couple incredible performances by Mika and they just cannot match what he did last night. Every minute of driving was worth it. And while I may not have been front-row center, the view was stunning. Believe it or not, he looks just as gorgeous from 50 yards away as he does from 50 centimetres. Mind you, they are not quite the same thing but just as lovely either way. Every song was performed perfectly. There is nothing like that feeling you get when you are totally surrounded by Mika-ness. The seating section wasn't quite as lively as the floor audience but they came around at the end. And, being the utter lush that he is, Mika made sure that every one of us in the balcony felt included and had a brilliant time. Frankly the concert was total bliss, for lack of better words. And afterwards was more than I could ask for. As you all must know from the previous far superior reports, we ran the length of the wiltern a couple times in the course of a few minutes desperate to catch Mika before the night was through. Luckily we made it back to the right side just as the line was being formed. We were stuck behind likely the most wretched woman you will encounter at a Mika concert. She was rude and just horribly tactless while we waited for our one tiny moment of nirvana but was hardly worth noticing as we heard security say Mika would be out in some minutes. He finally showed, freshly showered and just as sweet as ever. MFC was near the front of the line so it wasn't long before my time was up. I had glorious images in my mind of chatting him up, getting my pic with his arms around me, and being off feeling certain of the connection that was made. Needless to say, reality is not quite so kind. lol That is quite alright, though, as I did get that hug I've been waiting for. It was just... beyond words. He smelled glorious and was so soft and sweet. Mika is just indescribably wonderful.


I'm already itching to see him again while last night is still fresh in my head. Alas, I could not stay away from Vegas another night. I'll miss him and his LICM tour but am ready for whatever comes next.


Much love to you all,



Thanks for your report!! The pictures (and singing on YouTube) were

really good!! Glad you had a great time!!! :thumb_yello:

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So we wander out of the venue in a bit of a daze. Well, I shouldn't say "wander" - we were kind of being shooed out by security. Get out into the lobby, find a washroom - nature calls, after all. We then went and chatted with Midway State - Nathan is a really sweet guy, and he took the time to talk to us and handed out posters. Milled around for a few minutes, then went to see if we could figure out where Mika would be coming out. The way the Wiltern is oriented, there are two possible places the artist could come out, separated by a parking garage. You can vaguely see the opposite spot from the other. We were on the side where our Friendly Neighborhood Security Guard Timothy had said before the gig that would be the spot Mika would come out. We saw Cherisse come out the opposite side, so we booked it over there. The crowd of people was massive.


I have to say, there was more than a little animosity at this point. I was surrounded by people who were referring to HMDYLM as "that new song", and Saranayde as "that girl he sang with". It's prolly a bit stupid to feel as though knowing every minute detail about Mika and spending hours on MFC makes me somehow entitled - but that's exactly how I felt, especially when I overheard people talking about the kind of basic Mika facts that MFCers could spout off in their sleep - and being totally wrong. I turned around during Happy Ending, and most of the people on the balcony level were just sitting there, staring ahead like they were attending a seminar on tax preparation or something. I wanted to be like, don't you FEEL this? Are you utterly on some kind of different plane of existence? But, I digress.


Andrew stayed on the first side, with strict instructions to call me if anything happened over there. Well, the security people began rearranging the barricades, so we booked it back over there (sprinting through the parking garage we were now all too familiar with, and then over a small fence).


Got in line where they were directing us, about seven or eight people from the front. I have to hand it to the Wiltern security people - they organized a ridiculously large amount of people very well. Had the crowd control not been so effective and seamless, I doubt Mika would have been able to stop. A wrinkle did occur after Mika came out, when some asshat started smashing bottles off the top of the parking structure. That startled poor Mika, which made him jump and distracted him when Andrew was taking his turn to speak to him. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.


The gig had ended at about 10:30, and by midnight there was still no Mika. A bunch of gals nearly got ran over sprinting across the street to catch Perez, who had come strolling out.


The chick in line next to me was a total bag. She was probably late thirties, so certainly old enough to not be a snot. She kept elbowing me and muttering about the crowd, about how we were all too young to be out past bedtime, and she snapped at Taylor for who knows what. Probably the only real downside to the entire night. The security gal nearest us was stern but friendly - chatted with her some (she's done this for decades, favorite venue is in Memphis) and was conveniently close enough to hear the chatter about Mika's impending arrival on her walkie-talkie thinger.


And then his stretch SUV limo thing pulled up, and out he came. He had to have been freshly showered. He was radiant. No posed pictures, but candids were okay, and he would sign things. That smile. There's nothing like it. Mika's whole quote about not meeting your idols is complete bullsh*t when he's the idol in question. He was very friendly, and listened to everyone who came up to him. Vanessa (findingmywords) was in front of me, and he recongnized her from the front row - aww!


Then it was my turn. I had, of course, my copy of the A Year In Cartoon Motion book with me - hardcover. I opened it to the strategically included blank page at the front, and he was like "Oh yeah! You guys sent someone from Montreal - no, Toronto Canada to give one of these to me!" I explained that we would have given him a hard cover version, but there were timing issues with printing. He said, and I quote, "Oh really? Because I would LOVE to have a hard cover". So I touched his hand (!) and promised to get him a hard cover copy. At that point, he could have asked for my first through third born and all appendages below my knees, and I would have been more than happy to oblige. :wub2:


He signed my book, and then I asked for a hug. He smelled like soap and deodorant and spice and fabulousness, and he felt just so...real. Andrew almost got a picture of me hugging him, but the stupid camera is laggy and missed it. He got a great one of Mika talking to me about the book, though - I might print off like an 8 x 10 or something. I'll try to post them tomorrow - I'm not sure where Andrew hid the memory card reader, and he's out like a light, as I would be too if I were remotely sane.


I watched the rest of the MFC go through the line, watching Mika interact with them. We chatted with Andy for a bit, who has a very thick (but strangely adorable!) accent. He's taller than I would have thought, but kinda cute. Doesn't seem so sure about the crowds yet, though - we need to break him in.


We hung around with Fmbm for a few more minutes, until her sister came to get her. By that time Mika had left, and the last I checked the line was shrinking - bless his heart, I think he got to everyone in that massive (100 - 200 people) line up.


Andrew and I went to Denny's, but I couldn't eat. It was just so overwhelming, especially since I just said my goodbyes to all these wonderful new fast friends. It pains me to think I spent hours in line with these gals, and it will be who knows how long before I see them again. The fact that we all clicked so well is just another example of the magic that seems to surround Mika, and everything he touches.


When I was standing in line waiting for the signing, I was vaguely aware of my sore feet, a bit of a chill, and thirst. Once I got back to the hotel, though, I noticed the dime-sized blisters on my feet - sorry Mika, I'm retiring the purple sequined ballet flats for tomorrow. It's as though when I was in his presence, I was only very slightly conscious of anything physical. In a pinch, operating rooms could bring him in instead of giving the patient anaesthetic. :biggrin2:


Walking back to the hotel, there was confetti streaming all the way up the block back to our hotel. It's as though my previous thought about the venue not being able to contain his amazing-ness and bursting open, sending technicolor awesomeness flowing all over the world was right on the money.


I couldn't have asked for a better first gig. And in 4 hours, I need to be at LAX to catch our flight to San Francisco to do it all over again. I have no idea if anything can possibly match this - there truly are not words.


I'm going to catch a few hours of sleep now - if there's a wireless internet connection near the Warfield in San Fran, you may all enjoy real-time updates again tomorrow. :punk:




Wow a second time! God I'm so glad I found the MFC. You had me gritting my teeth over those poor people (bless them Father, for they know not what they say) who were practically Mika ignorant and laughing out loud for real at a multitude of other things. And cheering about the year book!!!! YAY!!!!! I can't believe that he even remembered where Suzy came from! Amazing! I hope your SF experience lives up to this one. And even if it doesn't just give us all the details anyway. That's what we crave.

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I love how the reports span the whole gamut of emotions. Make me laugh, make me cry make me have goosebumps make me deliriously happy but most of all make me endlessly and "passionately thankful" that Mika is on this earth.

Isn't that what Mana said?


And I love how normal MIKA is after, getting Charlotte to help him with the CD signing, after a gig where he is burning up the stage and leaving fans totally on fire.:wub2:

You want to tear him to pieces and devour his every pore during the show, but after the show you have to swap into demure respectful fan mode.:blush-anim-cl:

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I sorely wish I could even match the stunning reports given by my fellow mfcers but I haven't got a chance. Still, as the Vegas rep and one of the few LOGE audience members I feel I should at least say something.


I want to say, first and foremost, that it was truly amazing meeting every one of you in that line. It was 7 hours of pure joy. It was great to put faces to names and to get a first-hand dose of every brilliant, individual personality. I don't know who I miss more, you lot or Mika. =p The concert would not have been the same without you.


I also have to say that I have been to a couple incredible performances by Mika and they just cannot match what he did last night. Every minute of driving was worth it. And while I may not have been front-row center, the view was stunning. Believe it or not, he looks just as gorgeous from 50 yards away as he does from 50 centimetres. Mind you, they are not quite the same thing but just as lovely either way. Every song was performed perfectly. There is nothing like that feeling you get when you are totally surrounded by Mika-ness. The seating section wasn't quite as lively as the floor audience but they came around at the end. And, being the utter lush that he is, Mika made sure that every one of us in the balcony felt included and had a brilliant time. Frankly the concert was total bliss, for lack of better words. And afterwards was more than I could ask for. As you all must know from the previous far superior reports, we ran the length of the wiltern a couple times in the course of a few minutes desperate to catch Mika before the night was through. Luckily we made it back to the right side just as the line was being formed. We were stuck behind likely the most wretched woman you will encounter at a Mika concert. She was rude and just horribly tactless while we waited for our one tiny moment of nirvana but was hardly worth noticing as we heard security say Mika would be out in some minutes. He finally showed, freshly showered and just as sweet as ever. MFC was near the front of the line so it wasn't long before my time was up. I had glorious images in my mind of chatting him up, getting my pic with his arms around me, and being off feeling certain of the connection that was made. Needless to say, reality is not quite so kind. lol That is quite alright, though, as I did get that hug I've been waiting for. It was just... beyond words. He smelled glorious and was so soft and sweet. Mika is just indescribably wonderful.


I'm already itching to see him again while last night is still fresh in my head. Alas, I could not stay away from Vegas another night. I'll miss him and his LICM tour but am ready for whatever comes next.


Much love to you all,


I love you Shontih!!!! :huglove::das:

it was so nice to meet you!!!!! :wub2:

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don't worry lucy. we'll touch the hell out of him next time!!!!


that sounds weird......BUT WE WILL!!!

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I'm already itching to see him again while last night is still fresh in my head. Alas, I could not stay away from Vegas another night. I'll miss him and his LICM tour but am ready for whatever comes next.



Shontih! I've missed you! :huglove:


So glad you got to go to LA -- and even happier that you had a chance

for a delicious hug afterward! Was nice to see your smiling face

amongst the pics, as well! :)


Thanks for writing!



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Around 11:30pm, Alison escorted us to a private room to wait for Mika. In this room, there were 2 couches, water and sodas set up for us and oh, yes...a restroom. YAY!!


I actually thought that we were going to be meeting him cattle-call style so I was so shocked when we found out that it was a private meeting. Andy came in the room about 10 minutes earlier and was just having fun with us. He interviewed Kathleen and I took a pic of him interviewing her and he said with a huge smile, "Hey, behave!". I said, "No! I'm only taken your pic because you always have that annoying camera on me. Crap, then he turns the camera on me. LMAO!! His smile is to die for. I think I have an ANDY crush. Yep, it happened. :wub2:


So, Andy then interviewed Kathleen's adorable nephews and they were so nervous! OMG...so fun to watch them shake.


Then, I could hear Mika walking our way! I looked at Kathleen and said, "Here he comes." He walked right in behind me and I could feel the breeze as he walked around me to get to Kathleen. He gave her a big hug and then turned to me and said, "Awe, Salt Lake City" and gave me the biggest hug. Awe, he smelled so good and his hug was so tight. Andy, then said, "She was in Glasgow too." and Mika said, "I know...but Salt Lake was recent." You know, I don't think I've still ever told them my name. I'm such a dork. :doh: Although in Glasgow Mika said my name...so, I'm not sure. LOL


So, Kathleen and Mika got in a lengthy conversation. Since it wasn't mine, I won't repeat it here. Sorry, however, Mika did look at me and say, "Well, how did Salt Lake City compare with tonight?" I said, "There's no comparison. Tonight, we got the big, theatrical production and Friday night, we got the all natural, lets sit down and play a gig. Salt Lake was so intimate and fun that I don't know if anything could compare. He smiled and said, "Yes...that was fun. So, did you like that more than the Big show?" I said, No, "It was different..one that I'm glad I got to witness because you'll probably never do it again." He then said, "Well, Glasgow was different too...huh?" I said, "Yeah, it was..didn't have half the stuff that you did tonight. Wow, I've been to three totally different shows.....sure couldn't accuse you of not putting on a different show!" He then said, "Ugh, you went to the ony shows where there weren't Big Girls and now, I can't make my point." I said, "What's your point?" Andy was filming the whole thing and then, I said, "Hey, when did this turn into an interview. Shouldn't I be the one asking questions?" :naughty:


Then.....PEREZ walks in and interrupts our flow just when Mika was going to tell me his point. But, that's okay...Mika told him and us that he was going to be on the Tonight Show this week and to watch for it." Perez hugged Mika and on his way out, he pointed at me and sang, "Doo da da dee da dee doo."


Then, Mika was handed about 15 CDs to sign and Mika said, "Can you help me? Make an assembly line and take out the covers and hand to me?" We obliged and he quickly signed them all. While he sat on the couch, he talked to us some more and then, Yasmine came to get him. They spoke in French/English but, I could tell that he needed to get going.


Since it was just us in the room, I felt like it was okay to be taking pictures. If anyone else had been in there, I wouldn't have. He was so cute and on with everything. On his way out, He did a "Swoosh" with his hands like in that black and white video of his and says, with a giggle and smile, "Stop with the pics." I giggled and said, "Great, I stopped taking pictures when you started doing something cute." He gave me that great laugh of us and hugged me bye. Then, that was it.


There was more...I'm sure but I can't think of it all right now. As I remember, I'll add.


So, on our way out, I saw John and he stopped me and took my hand and said, "Nice to see you again." I said, "Nice to see you too." He really is a very NICE person. And, when he smiles, he just looks like a Teddy Bear.


:jawdrop: Oh gosh. Quick. Someone knock me over with a feather. That is amazing. Wow again!

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I love how the reports span the whole gamut of emotions. Make me laugh, make me cry make me have goosebumps make me deliriously happy but most of all make me endlessly and "passionately thankful" that Mika is on this earth.

Isn't that what Mana said?


And I love how normal MIKA is after, getting Charlotte to help him with the CD signing, after a gig where he is burning up the stage and leaving fans totally on fire.:wub2:

You want to tear him to pieces and devour his every pore during the show, but after the show you have to swap into demure respectful fan mode.:blush-anim-cl:


You crack me up BS!


i forgot about this gig! :shocked:


Hey, that was me two hours ago. You have to read the whole thing it is soo worth it.


I wanted to thank everybody for their pics and reports, not just the people I quoted. There are so many little details that different people pick up on and it's good to hear from many different people. I loved the pics of the MFC'ers queuing, thankyou for putting the names on them artsy. And the youtube clip of you all singing had me laughing too. This tour is nearly at an end but it has been so worth it just to be along for the journey with the rest of you!


Three cheers for the MFC! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!!!!


And now I'd better get off here, before I become any more overcome with emotion. Heck, I might even embarass myself:blush-anim-cl:

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Hello alls!

Can you believe that at this time yesterday we were beginning to just queue up for the show? :blink:

So, yeah, I was planning to write a report, but after seeing Mana's I feel a little intimidated....



No no write!.... please!.... we love hearing every minute detail from every person's perspective. Think of us all on the other side of the world, devouring every word.


...that is the second time I have used "devour" in relation to Mika today...what is wrong with me...:blink:

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OK...so how do I describe the past 48 hours? My feelings seem almost impossible to put into words...


My adventure started when Artsy came down to get me on Sunday afternoon. Her dad, me and her arrived in LA around 3:00 and we stayed at the Ramada Inn, just a few blocks from the Wiltern...coincedentally the same hotel Mana and Andrew stayed at, but we didn't know until much later...:naughty:


We went and inspected the venue for awhile and freaked over seeing Mika's name on the marquee. After posing for some picture under his name and getting some odd stares, we continued walking down Wilshire Blvd for awhile and decided to get some dinner at a Korean restaurant. The food was great (and spicy) and the hilarious attempts of us to try to use chopsticks prompted the waiter to bring us some forks.:blush-anim-cl:


We went back to the hotel and posted in the Wiltern thread while watching the Grammy's and unfortunately not even seeing Mika...but in 24 hours, we'd be seeing him...for real...


We woke up, eager and incredibly excited at 8:00 to get ready for the concert. After all necessary preparations were done, we headed down to Denny's at 10:30. Being the first ones there, we hung around and waited. When Mana and Andrew walked in, we knew it had to be one of us due to Mana's adorable purple dress. Mana being the sweetie she is, distributed our rosettes and badges and let us look at her yearbook. Eventually, Nono, Vanessa and Beatrice joined us for one fast breakfast and then, it was time...


We joined up with the loverly Sivan, Shontih, Summer and Summer's sister *feels horrible for not remembering her name* at the gates of the Wiltern. Being prepared, they had chairs and blankets all set up for them and we began the wait...


It truly is amazing how fast the time did fly by. In the process of our waiting, we found the tour bus and Timothy, the security guy, involved us in conversations as we filtered in and out of the area. While there, we were able to meet Mika's manager, John, and shake his hand (getting it full of our fresh neon paint courtesy of Vanessa....little did we know that our face paint would soon be infamous...in our eyes at least...:naughty: ) We also got to chat with Luke and Sara for awhile. We talked about the SLC gig and how lovely the LA weather was. At one point, Luke hopped the fence to come see the rest of us in the queue, then decided he didn't have time...


While in line, we involved ourselves in rousing games of cards, silly string fights (Arts, Vanessa and I ran down the line spraying all the poor other Mika fans at one point...then took the liberty of spraying each other...), singing along to Mika with and without accompaniment, and making a sign, which ended up to be fruitless, for we couldn't bring it in...


I think the gravity of it all actually hit me at around 6:30, when we began to get our wristbands and everything. I did not sit down until we were waiting for Mika afterwards. That's five hours on my feet. The pain in my legs, feet, and back was all worth it and I would do it a million times more...


So finally, it was 7 O'Clock and I grabbed Artsy's hand and in we went....not truly knowing what bliss and joy would come to us in the following hours...

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Hi!! :huglove:

me too haha

I'm suffering from major post mika depression :tears:



How inadequate it truly is to just talk on here...


Today was such a drag compared to yesterday...


:emot-sad: Aren't we all. It is so hard to match that high.



God, I miss you guys....

Agreed 100%.


...:tears: i know!!

and when you're there it just feels like all the bad things in the world are gone as long as he's there...

I feel so safe and warm and indescribably happy around him :tears: like nothing can go wrong or be sad or boring as long as he's there, and with the mfcers there :tears:



*blinks tears out of eyes*


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